Cheapest price for the SNES mini. Costco doesn't do pre-orders so it's sold on a first come first served basis.
Good chance to grab one if you have not pre-ordered yet.
Approx 125 units as of time of posting
Cheapest price for the SNES mini. Costco doesn't do pre-orders so it's sold on a first come first served basis.
Good chance to grab one if you have not pre-ordered yet.
Approx 125 units as of time of posting
How many left as of post? That shelf looks empty.
Approx 125 units as of time of posting
Were Costco limiting the number of units per person?
Asking for a Ute-driving friend…
Your "friend" might be a little disappointed if he was expecting to get rich off these.
They don't appear to be as scarce as the NES mini and Nintendo announced that they would continue production of these and NES mini into 2018.
Which Sydney store? There's currently three in NSW; Auburn, Crossroads & Marsden Park
Still plenty at Marsden Park. Went there today.
there are bucketloads of these everywhere. Better price now.
Picked up two at North Lakes. They claimed to have a few hundred in stock, already had sold 50 by the time I got there at 11:00am
Anybody checked Melbourne at Docklands?
Bought 2 fr auburn Costco limit 6 per person
Why 6 though….That like asking scalpers to purchase…
not sure but im just providing the info here thats all cheers
I guess because Costco is all about BULK purchases…
I think scalpers are starting to get the idea by now that there is no profit to be made on these as supply is readily available and they will be produced for a relatively long time.
Should I claim on 28degrees? Paid 119.95 each on 2 units
If you bought from Costco, then probably worth a go.
I don't think they would approve, it's $10 per item not in total… Discount is only $6 from what you wrote
Only 50 were sold from the Costco store I went and they checked they still have 100+ left so far. Was at crossroad (Casula) 5.30pm today.
Seems like there's no shortage of these around. Perhaps the 'bargains' consisting of these selling at RRP can stop now?
Ringwood (VIC) sold out their 150 allocation. But, apparently Moorabbin (VIC) sold just 1 of theirs
Called to ask if they could hold one for me, couldn't/wouldn't, but had over 120 when I called around 4pm
Yes even the people that bought the NES mini's at an inflated price are crazy since Nintendo are going to continue their "limited" run for probably another 10 million more units.
According to reviews on YouTube, they are very good clones. Every the controllers are meant to be of good quality not like the $4 controllers on ebay.
Was thinking to buy it and use the case for a raspberry pi
I remember reading something about not being able to save files a while back, but not sure if it was this model/problems has been solved.
RRP is not a bargain.
You'll find that this is actually $6 under the cost of the RRP.
I saw some asian shoppers stocking up on the SNES and baby formula at Costco…
Well ain't that racist.
I asked them what they were buying so many for and they said for sale to friends overseas. I think everyone knows the stereotypival dagou shopper and they arent caucasian.
Haha, it's not dagou, it's daigou.
Most people 'stock up' at Costco, it's kinda the point of shopping there.
Yeah I need to stock up on SNES minis just in case they all die. ;)
Their trolleys are great for trolley surfing, you can fit the whole family in those :D
are you feeling retro like me and don't know what daigou means, read this article from SMH. WTF easy $9.6 million pocketed.
Gumtree is absolutely flooded with these currently.
I dont like this stock availabilty which impacts my resell prices
Tinkered a little with SNES on the retropie but I think i liked classical NES more with Mario Bros. Too bad they cant emulate N64 very well on the RPi3 hardware.
Sending back some love to OzB: Lidcombe store has 2 items which they can't locate. Casula store said they had 55 about an hour ago. Drove all the way and picked one up! Plenty here.
Unfortunately, now my trolley is full, I've been stuck in this maze for years, I'm dehydrated, I've forgotten who I am or why I even came here in the first place… I hope my sacrifice will be of benefit to others…
I hope it backfires for anyone who has attempted to stock up on these. Nintendo has said they will continue production of the SNES in AU/NZ on their official twitter feed till 2018 and the same thing with the NES classic.
Anyone else not pleased with the graphics on the mini SNES?
Especially star fox , Mario kart and sf2. I changed display to crt on sf2 and noticed a massive inprovement
Considering these games are emulated and not remastered, the graphics aren't going to be mind blowing like current consoles or PC games…
I didn't say mind blowing graphics, the graphics are not the same as the original SNES.
You can't compare a 16bit console to current pc games. I think you totally misunderstood what I'm saying
I think the problem is your comparing current-gen PC games to a 20 year-old system.
Your in the same boat as laproblematique.
The mini SNES graphics are not the same as the ORIGINAL SNES, is it getting through? Nothing to do with current games, I'm talking the SAME SYSTEM!!!¡¡
It's the TV and video output that's the issue. The games were designed for CRTs which had a natural 'fuzziness' to the image, which helps their appearance. Many games were designed with the fuzziness in mind and now when they're displayed perfectly on LCDs it looks a little odd.
Nice reply, all the other clowns on here didn't understand what I was trying to say.
Games are not only fuzzy,I notice star fox the ships wings are good for a moment then grey blocks appear, also Mario kart when accelerating the player head is very fuzzy (real annoying to look at) surprisingly on my friends tv Mario kart play fine. I think it may be due to the refresh rate on lcd,200hz.
Still I think Nintendo should of done something about it since the new SNES has hdmi output and will be played on a new tv not crt
Well, they kind of did. They added the three options (crt filter, normal, and pixel perfect). So that's something.
But there's little you can do really. LCDs reproduce perfectly what the game is, but you can't reproduce that CRT look which the designers would have used in development. So what we're seeing is not what the designers originally intended.
It's a weird problem to have honestly. I don't think there's any good solution.
People have thought about this for a long while and I've never heard of a good solution.
Haven't played star fox yet so I haven't noticed any grey blocks, but I played mario kart a lot and didn't notice any issues on my (low refresh rate) lcd tv.
I picked one up today from Costco Marsden Park. Nice one.
now, does anyone know what cable extension do I need to buy for the controllers as the stock cable is way too short. Nobody sits 1.5m from TV these days as they are all large !
would this do the job ?…
would this do the job ?
They had 100+ at Moorabbin Costco this afternoon. They are not on display but ask a staff member who will write out a ticket and you collect at service desk. $113.99.
Eb games at townhall right below KGV received a stack of them today apparently the guy said all the stores should have them restocked before this weekend
Me and my mate had tried calling Moorabbin, Docklands and Ringwood today and they are all sold out. Plus they said it was a once off order and won't be bringing in anymore.
Sydney store ?