• expired

Ultimate Ears U700 Delivered Anywhere in Australia $109 from Logitechshop


Ultimate ears U700 Delivered anywhere in oz for $109


Type: In-ear
Frequency response: 10Hz–16.5 kHz
Impedance: 40 Ohms, 1 kHz
Sensitivity: 113 dB SPL/mW at 1kHz
Weight: 0.41 ounces (11.6 grams)
Noise isolation: 26 dB

Cable length: 46 inches (116.8 cm)
Input connector: 1/8 inch (3.5 mm), gold plated

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closed Comments

  • Cool!
    More posts coming?

    • +1

  • Nice, great deal

  • +2

    I put + good deal, but just dont get how come an earphone can be that expensive.
    I mean its still earphone not headphone.isnthe sound quality really different from say iphone earphone?
    Also,for me (read: my ear)dont feel comfy wearing earphone

    • +7

      isnthe sound quality really different from say iphone earphone?
      ANYTHING is better than the iPhone earphones as long as they're not from the reject shop. Once you listen to a cheap pair of real sennheisers you'll think your iPhone earphones priced $39 at are crap.

      I don't get why people would spend over $80+ at the very max for a pair of in-ears..
      But whatever.
      I'm enjoying my $20 sennheiser earphones.. yay for strong aussie dollar!
      I just can't justify the cost for a pair of earphones at $109
      Good deal, but no thanks from me. I'm not strapped for cash.

      • +7

        If you have tried Triple drivers (Westone 3 etc.) you would understand the quality difference. But this ain't triple driver so it's hard to say.

        EDIT: Actually I just realised this is a dual driver earphone. Definitly the cheapest duals I've ever seen.

        • Do you know how many drivers the CX300s are? I can't seem to find any info on them.
          I have an equivalent pair of sennheisers [20 bucks ones] marketted under a different name but is almost the same [Same in specs, only difference is the plug, same earphone type, will post them as a deal after hsc finishes with pics]
          I haven't tried triple drivers, the most premium earphones I have tried are sennheiser CX500s, and the earphones I have currently I am pretty happy with them.

          I'm not really willing to spend over $60+ on earphones, so I would have never tried anything for studio purposes, haha

      • There's a hugeee difference with more expensive IEMs. Of course, it's all subjective - not everyone will think the difference is worth it. I haven't heard a cheap (under $200) pair of IEMs that sound great… they sound pretty good, but not great.

    • +3

      Such a naive question.

      Man why do people wanna drive Mercedes or BMWs?
      As far as I know, Toyota and Honda cars offer similar car performance.

      With earphones, there is more difference in performance than cars.
      You pay for the luxury in Mercedes or BMWs.

      Same applies here. You pay for the better sound quality.

      I'm using Westone 2 at the moment which would cost about $350~$400 in Aus.
      If anybody imports them

      You wouldn't wanna use cheapo ones.

      BTW +1 here for such a good deal. If I didn't get my Westone 2 I would buy a pair of these.
      In fact, I would still buy them. They are very very nice earphones. Especially at this price.

      But since Logitech took over Ultimate Ears
      No repair service after the warranty! (12 months)

      • You can get Westone 2 imported for about AU$250-260 with the current exchange rate.

        Just… so hard to choose Westone 2 or UE 700……

        • Yeah i got mine for AU$260
          cuz the seller sold it for US$220 inc. free international postage

    • What shocks me is that Apple, which prides itself on being a "premium" brand, can include such an incredibly poor sounding earphone with their ipod/iphone.

      • +2

        You do realize, a huge part of Apple is just hype… many, many people don't buy ipods because they're good, they buy them because they're an apple product. All my ipods have had average quality audio - for sooo many generations, Apple has NO idea how to implement an EQ. Audio files distort when you turn them on. For such a popular device whose purpose of existence is to play music, a faulty EQ is absolutely stupid. People certainly don't buy ipods for audio quality.

        • +2

          the audiophile would ask, why do you want the equaliser on… music is intended to be listened original.

          ipod touch actually has the lowest of almost all measured mp3 player noise and THD. ever since gen1. so i dont agree with you that ipods have average audio. they're stellar.

          i dont use equaliser and i never will when using a decent set of headphones.

          • @kimmik: I don't use them.. I used someone else's iPod Nano with my sennheisers thinking it sounded a bit weird [because it was on EQ r&b], turned the EQ off, and pure bliss goes into my ears =]
            Apple EQ does jack all except stuff up the song!

          • @kimmik: the audio enthusiast would answer - because equalisers can be used to make up for deficiencies in the earphone.

            'music is intended to be listened original' - yes, but earphones are not perfectly linear. That is why there is a difference between a $15 Philips pair and a $400 Westone. Using the equaliser helps to make up for some difference. Different songs would benefit from different presets, or sometimes not at all.

            THD and background noise are only one aspect of the subjective beast called "good sound". Depending on your earphone impedance, you can encounter a bass rolloff problem or background hiss problem - just google "ipod impedance hiss" and "ipod bass rolloff". They also change their audio chipsets and final output circuitry like changing clothes, so if one generation is particularly good, the next generation won't necessarily follow.

            Have you tried many other players apart from iPods? A Sony, Zune, Cowon, iRiver?

            I've tried a whole bunch of IEMs, the only one that sounds excellent with no EQ is a rather pricey pair of UEs. I use those without EQ because they're really accurate, so they sound great without eq correction.

            Music is meant to be enjoyed. Accuracy doesn't necessarily equate to enjoyment - some people enjoy a bit more kick to their music. With a good EQ, you can add more kick to a song without muddying up the lows.

            • @eug: Fair enough good points raised. I will point out a few things.

              I remember bass rolloff bein an old issue when the output till used capacitor coupling, so low imp drivers had poor bass. But as far as i know all new ipods are dc coupled output so no such issue anymore

              Background hiss is amp noise. Shuffles are worst of all ipods in all specs but still good nonetheless. Touches and iphones have some of the lowest ever measured.

              Zune? Far inferior than ipod on noise and thd measurement. However i doubt anyone can tell when blind tested with music.

              Other qualities to amp quality.. Like cross talk and imd. Well thats getting rather finicky, i think most are good enough in these respects. Thd and noise and flat freq resp will always be the top factors.

              Regarding equaliser compensating for drivers, it can improve deficient midrange for example, but i find the lost stereo soundstage is not worth getting a flat response. Equaliser often mucks up the phases at best, introduces distortion at worst eg probably on most pmps. I tend to live happily with the headphone sound knowing that any attempts at correcting it is probably going to do more harm than good

              • +1

                @kimmik: with regards to EQ, that's where the subjectiveness comes in, and why a proper working EQ is important. The ipod is the only music player I've ever used which clips the signal. That's the most terrible implementation I've ever seen.

                You might be happy with listening to flatter music, and that's perfectly fine. It doesn't mean everyone else should enjoy flat music too, though. Some types of music simply requires a heavier bottom end for it to be enjoyable. Sometimes more bottom end with a slightly messier lower-mid will be more enjoyable than listening to a bassy song with what sounds like a 200Hz HPF (imagine a night club without subwoofers). You'll miss out on the oomph of the kick, the tones on the bass guitars, the built-up presence on any synths, etc. I work with live PA a lot - you can easily kill the atmosphere by not building up the right presence with proper EQing.

                My philosophy on EQ usage is - if it sounds better to you, use it.

        • I'm not claiming that the ipod is the best pmp on the market. But Apple do pride themselves on being a premium brand. If Sony can include better than 50cent earphones with their mp3 walkmans, you'd think Apple could spend more than 50cents on their earphones.

          • +1

            @bigheadache: what for … the majority of their target market would have absolutely no idea what good sound is meant to sound like. They just want an apple product because they're marketed well, or they just want to look cool.

            Those who do know what good sound is meant to be like, buy their own IEMs. :)

            • @eug: That's a pretty silly argument. Premium brand cars are usually never driven fast, yet premium car manufacturer's still put good name tyres on them. Using your argument, BMW 3 series should just roll with bob Jane T Mart specials since real car enthusiasts would buy a better car and better tyres and BMW 3 series owners are only posers.

              It seems incongruous that Apple should include 50cent earphones when they consider themselves a premium brand. As I said, if Sony can spend a bit more than 50cents on standard earphones, then Apple should have no excuse. The stock earphones on my Cowon weren't great but they are better than the ipod ones. Hell, even the $30 SoundMagic PL30 earphones I got with my sflo2 are 1000 times better than the Apple earphones.

              • +1

                @bigheadache: Luxury cars and music players are two very different things.

                The average car enthusiast will easily notice that the tyres aren't Continentals, they're Kumhos. It'll also cost the car enthusiast $1,600 to replace the tyres. And for a $90,000 purchase, everything had better be top-notch.

                The average iPod buyer who buys it to look cool will have absolutely no idea that the earphones suck. Just take a look at how many people are using the stock earphones - they're happy with them because they either don't know how much better sound can be, can't tell the difference, or really couldn't be stuffed - maybe they just want people to see that they're "cool" because they have white ipod earphones.

                Sure, Apple should provide better earphones. But if their target market are clueless, and those in-the-know wouldn't use the stock buds anyway, they might as well save maybe $50 million by paying 50c less on the buds.

                1) Spend an extra $50 million to appease 1% of ipod buyers who won't use the better buds anyway
                2) Make an extra $50 million profit, everyone will still buy ipods regardless of their sound quality.

                • @eug: Its exactly the same thing. A $50k BMW 320i does 0-100 in 10+ secs and still comes with W rated tyres. It's not going to need tyres rated for 270kph. It's not a sports car for enthusiasts, rather its for people who buy cars based on brand… exactly the kind of people you claim ipod owners are. BMW saw fit to stick decent tyres on because they're a premium brand and a set of Bob Jane T Marts specials would be inappropriate for a premium brand, even if 99% of 320i owners are happy just to drive anything with the bmw propeller on the front and don't care about the tyres. Apple, which also claims to be a premium brand, should likewise spend more than 50c on earphones if they want to continue to be known as a premium brand.

                  • +1

                    @bigheadache: The clincher is this:

                    With their cheapo earphones, are Apple still considered a premium brand amongst the general public?

                    Yes. And as long as they can get away with it, they'll continue to make that extra $50 million profit instead of supply better earphones that few people would notice.

                    • @eug: It's all about their established branding. Their headphones aren't as bad as reject shop earphones, but they're nowhere near the quality of decent headphones either.

      • +2

        the oem apple earphones are actually quite good if you wear them correctly. but ppl seem to leave them loosely in the ear, well DUH the audio will be crap if there are huge airgaps between the bud and the ear canal.

        they're good in being easily worn and very comfy, but good audio only if you wear them tightly.

        • Regardless of how you wear them, the specs on them show that they are overpriced in comparison to other earphones in the same price range.

          • @heatseeker424: buying headphones on paper is the last thing anyone should do………………..

            i try to be aware of my biases. i've used normal apple headphones for a long time before switching to proper headphones/sennheiser earbuds etc. in fact with that much time with apple earphones i can very confidently say that they're quite good when worn tightly.

            but would i use them normally? no. there are ones out there that are even better.

            does that make the apple ones bad? no. they're good for what they're worth.

            • +1

              @kimmik: I think the issue here would be, it's rather difficult to wear the stock buds tightly - they'll either hurt or loosen themselves. It's like saying my dealextreme cordless mouse works great - if i use it within 3 inches of the receiver. :)

    • +2

      Have you actually tried decent IEMs? They're so different it's hard to explain how good the good ones are.

  • +7

    Wow $109 for UE700!!! That’s super cheap, I'm thinking of getting a 2nd pair as a spare at this price, I love it that much!! Last time LGS had it for $135 if I correctly recalled, but for this new price it’s a definite GRAB!

    Couple this with the Comply Foam ear tip and the quality and clarity of your music will be at the next level. I actually prefer this earphone to my full size headphone because the sound quality is just as good if not better, with the extra portability and comfort.

    • just went to US official UE web site, the price has drop from US$199 -> US$149. Not sure if this is permanent price or just a special price.
    • +3

      your comments are quite informative. How come it get a neg feedback?

      • +1

        Suspect the comment above his might be related to the neg vote :)

  • I'm waiting for UE triple.FI 10vi. Come on, bargaincrypt. Throw out some deals of them.

    • +1

    • cough * g27 * cough *
  • +1

    Another impulse purchase thanks to OzBargain. Good price but found they were selling these for 70 USD back in July but they're still $300 AUD @ Apple store heh. They've been out for a while too, anyone familiar with the product cycle of headphones?

    • Good sound stays good :)

  • Damn get these or Westone 2???? Why did fluidtek have to drop th price on these when I just made my mind up to buy Westone 2….

    • If only Westone2 is having this price. :(

      • Yeah if only…
        Mmmm to spend $109 or to spend $250 and get W2 shipped from america….

        • I've got a set of Westone UM2, and my wife has the UM1. Both are outstanding, but I prefer the UM2, although there's not a lot in it.

          How good they are/how much they're worth pretty much comes down to your ears.

    • I have Westone 2. As you know, Westone earphones are very strong and very comfortable.

      If you don't take a good care of your earphones, my advice buy two pairs of these LOL
      cuz you can't get them fixed after the warranty expires.

      Logitech took over Ultimate Ears
      and they don't fix earphones out of warranty =S

      BTW Westone 2 is all rounder earphones
      UM2 is bass heavy

  • -2

    $109 for a set of earphones? Sheesh, what happened to a pair of sony's or phillips for 15?

    • If you appreciate good sound, try a decent pair of earphones and you'll notice a HUGE improvement.

    • Man it's just like saying $1000 for a Gucci bag?
      I'll settle with Fossil for $150

      It's just like that mate

  • +1

    Good deal, but I'll stick with my RE-ZEROs :P

  • +3

    These are good.
    I got them last time from these guys for $135.
    It's worth $135. (Definitely not worth $300 from Apple.)

    • ­my bad replied to wrong person

  • G15, G19, G510, G500 and G700 specials please

  • Oh logitechshop, why won't you reply to your warranty email? It's impossible to contact you.

    • actually last time i had problems with contacting warantty from logitech shop and i found out that fluidtek is the same with logitech shop and i contacted them for warantty with no problem

    • +1

      Two weeks ago my MX Revolution mouse has some problem with the scroll wheel and I sent 3 email to logitechshop for warranty but never got a reply. So I call up logitech (http://www.logitech.com/en-au/contact) and they have the best service I had ever experience. The rep was very friendly and they said they will take care of the warranty after I told them I had no reply from logitechshop.

    • -2

      Thats is strange . usually all warranty emails are replied to within 24 to 48 hours . also please note that you can log into your account and request an automatic rma authorisation. Anyhow if your email was missed somhow , please email your enquiry again .

  • Just bought one, thanks for the bargain.

  • "Shipping Address must match be verified by Paypal", what does this mean? I can't finish the payment.

    • Log in to paypal, and look next to status and it should say if your account is verified or not.

      • My bad, haven't used paypal for awhile.
        But why do they only accept paypal?

  • I've had a pair of Shure E2C for years for in ear monitoring. Anyone know if the U700 would be a good replacement in terms of quality and fit?

    • absolutely a huge step from shure e2c

      • Up or down?

        • ofcourse up :)

  • +1

    I bet these produce fantastic sound and this is an awesome deal, but $109 is still so much money just for sound of this calibre lol

    • +2

      ??? i bought from them before and actually it took a bit long to post item but quite good service

      • +6

        thank you for your comment , we do take 10 working days as clearly stated in our checkout . but we make sure that you get what you ordered and try to help as much as we can .

        • -5

          Enough talk mate. Just send back the money. Good bye.

          • +3

            @[Deactivated]: it looks like like you dont realise either that you have been refunded 2 hours before the send the money comment .

    • +3

      I have just looked into this comment , apparently your item was awiting shipment , and also its not even ten working days from payment as you paid by Echeque . and once you seen the u700 you wanted to cancel , and sales staff notified you that it was already labelled and had allocated postage . eitherway . they refunded in full . the only thing i can say .is unfortunatly in thos instance procedure was followed .
      and you were granted a full refund and hopefully you can understand that procedure sometimes takes its course .

    • As fully stated :

      The cancellation is noted , delivery time noted .


    • +5

      They took your money, and then gave it back because you didn't read the T&Cs. In my opinion, they would be right to not even issue a refund as you didn't even wait the stated 10 days.

        • +4

          Logitechshop will send you the goods you ordered within 14 business days of receipt of your payment

        • +5

          You should stop rubbishing Logitech. Your complaint is with LogitechShop, not Logitech. LogitechShop are just a reseller, like Harvey Norman etc.

          • +1

            @t3chshopper: i agree , + 1 for this comment , the brand rocks . its got nothing to do with reseller , also to change his mind because he wants the 700 now , camon , if we agreed on taking your item out of the box , and restocking it , and then asking for the difference od 10 dollars which you would pay by echeque and take =s 3 more days , then wait another 10 days for u700 , would that been ok !!!!!!!!!!!! .
            once again he has been refunded 4:55 pm .

        • +1

          10 working days after payment . !!!!!!!

          17 days . now substract the weekends and public holiday if any
          subtract the 4 days for e cheque .

          what do you think
          its an automated system that counts .
          anyhow you have been refunded in full .

        • +1

          Did you read the T&C'S HustleGame?

          Obviously not.

  • Hey guys awsome news for everyone that bought the ue700 . I have just spoken to despatch they will all get shipped this week . wooohoooo

    • +5

      COTD and QQQ are you reading this about the postage times?? Probably not. They been temporarily banned.

  • +3

    Awesome deal. These use to sell at $200+ a pop and they still do at many shops. Some of you obviously have not tried anything better than stock earphones and I can tell you $109 for UE700 is cheap. Listening is believing. There's no turning back once you invest on a proper set of earphones.

    • +1 yes that's true

    • +1

      you should probably warn people that they might get hooked on good sound and keep wanting to upgrade. :)

  • hey bargain crypt.
    do you know when you guys are getting the logitech f540 headphones in?
    i'll definitely be getting some!

    • +1

      ill check for you

  • +1

    Hi bargaincrypt, very good deal. I was wondering if you could post few wireless keyboard & mouse combo deals. I am interested in MK710.

  • +1

    Great deal bargaincrypt!
    I already have some relatively high end earphones (Etymotic ER4S), but this deal was just too good to pass up!

  • guys

    500 more 700 added to deal , thank you all for your support , so now its showing back in stock again , go for it .


  • +1

    I kinda want to buy a pair, but the one I'm using now is the Logitech 220vi.

    It's a whole level down in terms of sound quality, I know, but it also has a multipurpose button and a mic.

    So in a way, I'd be downgrading if I get it.

  • Does anyone know where these sit in the UE heirarchy? Above Super fi 5? Super fi 5 pro?

    • Above super fi 5 (single driver)
      About the same with the super fi 5 pro (dual drivers) depending on your ears and what you like.

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