This was posted 7 years 6 months 11 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Sutton Forest Meats: 40% off Sirloin Steaks + Delivery (Excl. WA/NT & TAS)



Kiss the long cold winter goodbye to an absolute belter of a springtime sirloin special. Until midnight Thursday only we are offering up a whopping 40% OFF the retail price of all our sirloin lines. So dust off your BBQs and get cooking !

Enter discount code SIRLOIN at the end of the checkout process to receive your 40% off.

Sirloin special 40% OFF choices are:
• 2 x 300g
• 2 x 200g
• 6 x 300g (packed 2 per packet)
• 2kg sirloin roast (ideal for baking or slicing yourself)
• 3kg sirloin roast (ideal for baking or slicing yourself)

No minimum order

Your sirloin steaks are cryovaced with 21 days used by date on them for the fridge or 6 months in the freezer



Delivery Costs:
NSW - $12
ACT - $15
QLD/SA/VIC - $22
WA/NT & TAS - Not available for now

Black Natural Angus beef is predominantly grown in regions renowned for abundant rainfall, cool temperate climates, clean air and a pristine environment. Young cattle thrive on green pastures in a relaxed environment to ensure their meat is beautifully soft and tender without the need of added hormones.

It is all about saying 'no' to shortcuts to achieve a true paddock to plate eating experience. No added growth hormones, no use of antibiotics and no last minute finishing all contribute to a different way that delivers an outstanding eating experience every time. Australia is home to many premium breeds of beef, but the real king is Australian Black Angus Beef, trusted in fine dining restaurants across the world.

Related Stores

Sutton Forest Meat and Wine
Sutton Forest Meat and Wine

closed Comments

  • -1

    $10 to cross the QLD border half hour doesn't seem reasonable :(

  • +9

    $22 for delivery! Brings the total to above store prices, even with discount code. No thanks.

    • Is the roast the same quality as pre-sliced? The 3kg is ~$27/kg including shipping which is not bad for good quality sirloin.

  • +1

    Loved the quality of your steaks from a previous deal. This was an auto buy for me. Great value - amazing cuts

  • +1

    Trying to get a really nice piece of marbled meat is hard to get nowadays. They say that there meat is marbled. I am willing to pay a bit extra for better quality meat, it seems worth it when it comes to taste and tenderness.

  • I tend to shop my meat by sight.
    The meat looks good on the photo though

    • +2

      Trust me, the meat you get looks nothing like that picture.

  • +2

    I live half an hour from sutton forest - can I come down and pick an order up?

    • I'd like that option as well

  • +2

    Save us all a click and tell us the prices.

  • ordered … thanks. looking forward to some quality cuts

  • +1

    First time ordering - see what happens. $25.66/Kg including discount code and delivery to Illawarra. Pricing based on 2 X 6 Steak Packs

  • +1

    The last meat I ordered from these guys was some of the best i've ever bought.

    The rendering of the fat through the meat was outstanding.

  • PRICE in title as per posting guidelines!!!…
    POST a clear title including price and location.

    Write a descriptive title & description

    ◾ Please check Title Guidelines on how to write a descriptive title for your deal.

    ◾ Please check Tagging Guidelines on how to correctly tag a deal.

    Please explain clearly what the deal is about:

    1. State the merchant and product model, and provide a brief description if you wish.

    2. State the price.

    • +3

      Sales, Catalogues and Stores

      Deal posts that reference a sale, catalogue or store but don't provide enough information to find at least one bargain, may be unpublished. Deal posts that contains ambiguous or non descriptive titles such as 'up to 50% off sale', 'big clearance' or 'sale' may be unpublished unless specific items are mentioned within the deal description OR a dedicated offer/discount such as '50% off sale' is present (preferably in the title).

      40% of Sirloin Steaks is pretty clear in the title. Rep has even included national delivery charges in the description to save everyone the trouble of finding them on their site.

      • +1

        Yes they may of technically fulfilled the posting requirements but there is a lot of ambiguity here. It doesn't state if the discount applies to ALL sirloin steaks. Nor does it even give a single example of the price.

        I think it's particluarly relevant given the items don't really have a set price in the first place. Steak prices fluctuate regularly between different stores, as well as week to week and dependent on the quality of the cut the retailer has obtained on that occasion.

        To me the intended purpose of the posting rule is to avoid ambiguity and there is still plenty of that here.

        • Yes they may of technically fulfilled the posting requirements but there is a lot of ambiguity here.

          It appears you have a somewhat ambiguous understanding of the meaning of ambiguity :)

          40% off Sirloin Steaks + Delivery

          Followed by


          …and in case anyone still wasn't sure

          Until midnight Thursday only we are offering up a whopping 40% OFF the retail price of all our sirloin lines.

          Can't see how this could be open to interpretation

          It doesn't state if the discount applies to ALL sirloin steaks.

          You've lost me now. Are we talking about the same post?

        • +1


          The "all" is not in the title where it should be so that the reader doesn't have to click on it and load more data to obtain that info.

          But more importantly there is absolutely no way to know if it is a bargain without going to their website as there is zero indication of actual price. If I am trying to sell my iPhone 6 for $4000 and then offer 40% off for 2 days that doesn't make it a bargain!

          It's really not hard to include one example of a bargain price preferably in the title but at very least in the description.

  • i want to try but $22 for delivery is kinda off putting. Its about the same price for 2x sirloin.

  • +1

    Man, there's a lot of people whinging about delivery above??

    The meat doesn't come wrapped in a bit of old newspaper via Australia Post, it's hand delivered via courier in a foam box with ice bricks in it to your front door.

    Yeah you could go pick up I guess, but the delivery charges for a massive box of meat is very reasonable.

    • So delivery come in a foam box. Can I get it deliver to my work and not worry about it till end of the day to take home with me?

      • definitely.

        looks like its designed to sit at front door while people are at work.

        i reckon provided not sitting directly in hot sun it would be fine all day.

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