This was posted 7 years 6 months 16 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

15% off Meater Smart Wireless Meat Thermometer @ ($78.65 USD Delivered)


From the email:

Hello YoJabbaJabba,
Thank you for supporting MEATER!
I wanted to follow up and confirm that you received the special 15% discount code "HUNGRY1" we sent to you three hours ago. If you didn’t receive the email from [email protected], please check your junk folder, and make sure you add [email protected] to your safe sender list.
The "HUNGRY1" 15% discount code is good for all MEATER products on, including pre-orders of the MEATER Block.
This special offer is only good through August 31st, so act quickly!
Thank you again for your support and please have a wonderful weekend!
Best wishes,
Joseph Cruz
Co-founder of Apption Labs

I backed this item on Kickstart back in October 2015 - still waiting on delivery as they are sending out international order this week after 24 months of R&D, QA and QC before rolling it out.
UPDATE: My Meater was deilvered today!

Meater Probe (1x Probe + Charging Block) - $69 USD - 20% = $58.65 + $20USD shipping to Australia = $78.65 USD delivered (to 3xxx)
Meater Block (4x Probes + Wifi-enabled Charging Block) - $199 USD - 20% = $169.15 + $20USD shipping = $189.15 USD delivered (to 3xxx)
Shipping is CAPPED at $20 USD, so perhaps a few OzBargainers could band together to captialise on that.

My guess is that the code is generic as I was able to use it on a private tab and it didn't block the use of the code.

What is it?
a wireless meat thermometer so you can monitor your roast/cooking via BT or Wifi
Original Kickstarter Campaign:…

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closed Comments

  • -2

    Stunning solution to a problem that never existed. How much?
    There are plenty of wireless meat thermometers on ebay. Whats special about this one?

    • +1

      Most wireless meat thermometers have wires that go from the probe inside the oven to some sort of monitor outside the oven, and are only then wireless from there onwards to your phone.

      These guys claim to be the first truly wireless meat thermometer, but if you can point me to some others on eBay then that would be great.

    • +1

      I backed it originally as I like the idea of having a roast where I don't have to look at a manual thermometer (either on a spit or in the oven) to check how my cook is going. I like the idea of having notifications on my phone letting me know that my roast is actually medium-rare on the inside.

      I haven't found an alternative to this wireless thermometer; I've been using one of these for the past 5 years, which are perfectly useable.

  • Backed …October 2015 - still waiting

    Yeah, nah

  • with my luck most of the signal would be blocked by the metal of the oven and i'd need to be in front of the glass in the oven door to get coverage ……… or it runs out of charge …. no signal and i burn the roast…… or can't find the special charger to charge the proble when i do want a roast

  • It still says pre order, so none available yet?

    • i love the idea …… and if it was shippable product and i could get extra probes or charging block readily i'd consider it ….. but 2 years still pre order and they raised. over $1m on kick stater ………… so should be shipping instead of more pre orders….. as obviously they rised more then they needed …… think it was $110k pledge to start…… slower than north korean missile program …..

      i bought a rockwell 6s razor …… it was kickstarter, bought it after kickstarter and its innovative and great ….. but it was a shipping product ……

      with rockwell they shipped …. product wasnt perfect so they shipped new and improved to all kick starters for free…..

      meater …… i'd love to see the mk1….

  • Looking at the kickstarter page, the original estimated delivery for these was Jan 2016. It is now over 18 months after that. It can't be a problem with funding because they have over 1000% of the original target. That suggests technical problems are likely.

    Hope they get this finished soon for all the people that have waited far longer than they could have imagined.

  • +1

    I backed the block…so long ago…
    Reports are that the probes themselves work great for those who have received them in the US. I just wish they would get the block sorted asap.

  • Speak of the devil… my Meater arrived in Melbourne today!

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