Know the exact weight of your luggage and reduce expenditure on excess baggage.
This tiny lightweight scale gives accurate readings of weights up to 50kg! Get the Kogan Portable Digital Luggage Scale and relax in the knowledge that you’ve packed well within maximum baggage limit.
It comes with a high-tension nylon strap that will not snap under heavy weights (up to 50 kg) and an LCD display that’s easy to read.
Kogan Portable Digital Luggage Scale $9 Delivered @ Dick Smith

Last edited 21/08/2017 - 14:06 by 1 other user
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True, I have bought one from ALDI and won't last after using over 20KG luggage.
just use a normal body weigh, firstly weigh yourself, then carry the luggae and weign yourself and the luggae, then you calculate the difference!
This sort of scale is used when away from home on a trip and you think might be over the luggage limit after doing a lot of shopping.
Should've stuck to just the one tablet mate. Two's no good for you it seems.
Hand over your OzBargain badge now. This sort of scale only costs a few bucks if ordered from China and could prevent you from paying tens or hundreds in excess baggage charges.
You don't want to go $100 over your luggage limit, that's a bit of a downer way to end a bargain holiday.
Thin skin; shouldn't weigh much.
Ah GP. So that's why people buy these.
But the idea of carrying something extra in luggage when travelling - just to weigh if that luggage is overweight seems crazy.
(I bought a luggage scale as a frequent budget traveller, realised my mistake, & it's never been used.)Most accommodation when travelling have bathroom or other scales - just ask. At airports I check my bags on scales provided or ask at a vacant counter & adjust before checking in. That's what I've been doing on my frequent travels for over a decade. Scales I have used have been accurate enough for travel purposes.
I go a bit further, marking the weight on frequently taken items so I can choose what to carry on or wear (haven't stowed luggage for many years). Shopping added on trip can be weighed in accommodation or post office, & is easy to add to known weight of bag at departure. Never had excess baggage or problems.
Just travel light. No need to buy scales to check luggage. There are scales almost everywhere for travellers.
I'm pretty sure $9 spent on this scale is way more convenient than the option you listed above. It's also more convenient than hugging 20+kg luggage and weight on regular scale as mentioned by JackyQ.
How many times do you need to weigh your luggage on a trip? Why carry an extra item just to use it once or twice? That's what I consider inconvenient. But each to their own. There are other ways to consider the issue.For heavy bags, just placing on scale is pretty easy & accurate.
Scales are very common items around the world. Asking to use one is hardly much inconvenience. Travelling up to 9 months a year overseas, I have found no need to carry a scale even though I already own one.
Yeah, it's really depends on how you travel, whether on your own or with family, whether you are buying stuff or not. Well, it's been super usefull for me in the US, combination of super cheap stuff in the Factory Outlet and super strict luggage allowance in the airport.To be honest, I have one but don't take it on trips, because for me 20/23/30 kg is practically impossible for me to exceed. I have one but I use it at home when flying with check-in luggage only. I don't have a bathroom scale, don't need one, hahaha. ;)
For a few bucks and about 50g extra weight why not take one with you if you are a shopaholic? It will cost you time to borrow one from the hotel; it's not standard bathroom equipment; hotels don't like to remind guests how much fatter they are getting on vacation.
It's always good to know what type of traveller you are. As a sole traveller, I do things that I could never do (easily) as a family traveller.Travelling light with only carry on luggage for a month or more is more my style. I like challenges & finding novel solutions, buy supplies on arrival & give some of my clothes away to homeless at the end of most trips to lighten the load & help others.
So well put. Not against the use of scales, just there are other options. Most travellers I have met never use them, but some did buy them & left them at home.
If I have shopping to bring home, I will usually ship it back, rather than travel with it. Depending on the country (eg China), it can be economical but slow - usually cheaper than bringing it back myself. No need for scales then ;-)
I just don't like carrying extra items on my often long travels.
Wow - such a strange decision to make based on your misunderstanding of what I wrote! If you have a use (there are many uses) for scales buy them. It certainly won't worry me - I have my own scales.I never took the time to condemn the purchase of a scale - at all. Read my comments. I've added these details to help you understand why I wrote what I did.
I bought a basic scale on travels in the UK in 2005 because I thought "that would come in handy" & recently a digital one (much cheaper than these & works well).
I like my scales & sometimes use them preparing for travel - but leave them at home to keep my bag just a little lighter.
It was in the context that there are other options like bathroom scales that I added those comments, not about all use of scales. And then only discussing the issue if packing scales on travel. Not to stop anyone from buying scales - just to think about the use you may infrequently put them to while travelling & maybe consider the other options! Definitely not against all use of scales.
Don't understand why people are so offended by options? It's just an opinion drawn from my experience in over a decade of frequent budget travel up to 9 months a year on so many flights. But each to their own choices.
Some may change their own opinion after travelling with scales as I did. And I think some people buy scales to use while travelling, but forget & leave them at home anyway.
I just think taking them on travels - adding extra weight to your bag to be able to check if your bag contains too many things is a bit counterproductive.
In over a decade of travel, about the least used item in my luggage was the scales. When I got tired of lugging my bags I would ask myself why am I carrying the extra weight of scales? Even though scales are only about 150g, it didn't make sense carrying such an unused item.
And then found accommodation (backpacker hostels, hotels, resorts) near where people are flying out from - worried about baggage weight, generally kept scales for customer use. That's the business they are in - looking after their travelling customers. You just have to ask. So never took scales again on my travels & got to know the staff better.
Also cleared my bags of items that could be bought at the other end (toothpaste, soap, even a few clothes - clothes bought on travel became my favourite souvenir) or disposed of before the next flight (my unwanted old clothes, toothpaste, soap etc).
I learnt the art of travelling light (& cheaper). It was liberating & my back & feet like it better.
It's just an opinion learnt from travelling so much & finding scales weren't necessary. I've never missed my scales, ever. There are scales everywhere. Experienced fellow travellers have often come to the same conclusion.
So buy scales, just consider whether they are worth taking on your holiday. That was my only purpose in posting my experience.
@Infidel: I do agree with you but you know what the prevailing mood is on OzB, buy first and often not use (much) later. Then again, it's not much cost and weight for a shopaholic. I bought mine because I have no other means of weighing luggage at home before setting out and it comes in handy for weighing other things like satchels.
That's why I bought another 2 a few weeks ago, Newfrog stuffed up the order & refunded it ;-)Useful for other purposes.
Even better when free 😀@greenpossum:
I got good bathroom scales for $1.50, & 3kg kitchen scales for a bit more. Both with free delivery in OzBargain deals, plus 2 free 40kg digital luggage scales.
$9 - tell them they're dreaming😁
So I'm all scaled out.Very handy packing for trips 💼
Just I don't bother carrying scales when I can ask to use the often better ones at my hotel etc. Or send excess back & travel light.@Infidel: I have kitchen scales but I eschew bathroom scales because I don't need one so it would be an unnecessary purchase, same argument as yours. I find that doctors' surgeries are pleased to, nay, pester you to take your weight. :)
It is not accurate. Tried it.
Accurate enough - been doing this for discount flights with strict weight requirements many times a year for over a decade. Then checked against check-in scales at airport - almost same weight. Never had an issue.
They are quite accurate these days thanks to strain gauge sensors which are much more accurate than the old mechanical springs.
Yeh that's really helpful isn't it. Is it 1g not accurate or 10kg not accurate?
If you are alone, who's going down there to look at the reading?
At the check-in counter:
C: We'll have to charge you excess weight.
P: But I weighed all the luggage with my portable scale.
C: It's not for the luggage.
Was about to buy one until I read your comment.
Bought this exact one. It is very accurate from my experience, though i have only measured up to 35 kg. Haven't needed to weigh more than that.
Definitely worth it for the price135g plus 23g for the batteries.
I will give it a go since it only 9 bucks. Thanks.
Cheaper from China.
Bought a 40kg luggage scale as a gift recently from NewFrog for us$2.79 delivered. But ended up free due to their mistake ;-)Link please?
Was on sale, price now increased. Search aliexpress etc. There are so many to choose from.
As infidel says, you can get it cheaper from eBay if you're willing to wait. Plenty of styles at various prices. I think I paid about $4.50 for mine. It has a moulded hand grip and a bag hook instead of a strap.
Grab one, thx OP. I had one that I previously bought onboard an airplane, super accurate the only draw back is since it's using button batteries, it doesn't last. This one is using 2xAAA, so it should last a while.
I bought this same one and it works a treat. It also comes with a spirit level (mainly to increase the accuracy of the weight measurement, I think) and a retractable tape measure.
Got one. Many thanks OP.
I have one of these. cheapest is AU$3.40 delivered from aliexpress.
Since I bought it I've been on 8 international trips and 12 domestic trips/flights. and I've forgotten to take it with me every single time.
Haha yeah I forgot to take mine too after I got one. Now I just leave it in my large travel suitcase. But then I'll probably forget that I have it hidden away in one of the pockets
Does it have bluetooth?
Can it post my luggage weight to Facebook?
i bought one of these to measure the weight of my drones which are too large to put on scales
Interesting! These are often promoted to weigh fish - a multitude of uses.
Useful product for weighing all sorts of off stuff as Infidel and Gorge have mentioned,l, even babies and animals. Much easier solution than getting stuck at the airport with excess baggage. $9 is still too much haha, I saw it's relations in aldi just before, Bargain at less than half the price of the Kogan.
which Aldi branch ?
Thank you, bought one. Will be very handy to juggle weight from bags to bags.
Think of all the boxes of headphones you could weigh ☺️
what is the ebay price?
In for one.
Bought one as well. Previous, now discontinued, Kogan portable luggage scale model was recommended by Choice with nothing bad in particular found during the review.
New model hasn't been reviewed by Choice as yet but it can't be that bad.
It will definitely be better that the previous portable luggage scale I purchased from China a few months back.I have been using THESE from eBay & have bought plenty for the family & friends. Long life, does well, accurate too.
If you are going to weigh anything more than a few kg, you wouldn't be holding it like in the picture. You'd be clasping the bar.