Should Firearm/Weapons Deals Be Disallowed?

Ozbargain tries to be a family friendly community/site. I know there are many deals which sometimes cross the boundary. (e.g. alcohol)
But i think the wider community consensus (not ozbargain but australia) is that firearms should be restricted. I don't think ozbargain should be promoting firearms

I know smoking advertising is restricted so there are no cigarette deals but if ozbargain started having such deals I would probably leave and troll elsewhere. The gun deals do me make consider this?

Just wondering what the community feeling about these gun deals are?

IMO. Gun deals will eventually cause negative public attention for ozbargain. So if I was the site owner I would disallow gun deals.

EDIT: grammar (see comments lol)

Mod (27/5/18): Due to a multitude of comments, reports and attacks, as well as feedback in this poll and in other deals, firearm deals are no longer permitted to be posted. Comment

Poll Options

  • 880
    Gun deals should be banned
  • 714
    Gun deals should be allowed


    • What'd you say about me mate? I'll sick my eneloop powered xiaomi robots on you!

  • OP died for this. Rip in pieces

  • +5

    Maybe you should do something about the user who uploaded the post for the glock in the first place, like ban him for a week for trolling everyone. What a ruckus, sucks the mods have lost so much time on their weekends due to one post.

    And anyone who is mad about firearm deals not being allowed can also blame that person, because I doubt such a ruckus would have been caused if that person didn't act like such a troll. The rifle deal didn't seem to cause as big of an issue.

    • -4

      Maybe you should be banned also so absolutely no reason at all?

      • +7

        Where did I say ban them for NO reason? They posted something that was not only NOT a deal, but something which also caused a ruckus (it can also very well be argued that's what they wanted in the first place), wasted the mods' time and in the end the mods removed firearm deals completely because of it.

        Maybe you should try to understand the issue first.

        • -1

          Lots of things gets posted that isn't a deal but they aren't trolling they are just not very good at finding bargains.

          Maybe you should not assume things based on no evidence but your personal thoughts.
          People posting invalid neg votes and rude comments are what wasted the mod's time, both of the gun deals has the same issues but only one wasn't a bargain.

    • +1

      It was obviously a troll and they got the outcome they wanted. Once again the bad elements in the community are rewarded.

  • +1

    in communist ozbargain, moderator walks backwards over you

  • +5

    The single purpose of a gun is to kill or maim . It is confronting for people who come to this site for a bit of fun or to save a few dollars on a meal or toy to see a post promoting the sale and purchase of guns. Unfortunately , it leaves a sour taste in people’s mouths as it immediately brings to mind mass murders (port Arthur, school shootings etc ).

    • +5

      It might surprise you but a large number of the guns in Australia are designed for sporting purposes.

      • +3

        Can't say that sorry. Your comments don't agree with the do-gooders.

    • +7

      I find posts about alcohol confronting because of how it has impacted my life. We should ban alcohol too given how many lives are lost due to drink driving and alcohol fueled violence…. as stated above this decision can turn into a slippery slope.

      • +2

        I agree with this. Having grown up with an alcohol I don't think having deals for slabs of beer and hard liquor are conducive to OZB family friendly orientation.

        I think they should be banned in this basis because of the huge social costs

        • +2

          Considering you've upvoted alcohol deals in the past, I doubt you actually believe that.

        • Feel free to comment in:

          Ban Alcohol Posts From OzBargain ?

        • @gilbarc:

          I actually quit last March. Most people have done things in the past that were stupid but his they have an sense they grow up. Never felt better after quitting. Its quite hard to pull yourself away from behaviour that has been normalised in the past. I also work in an industry where alcohol is accepted for socialisation and we get unlimited drinks and I am one of the few that doesn't drink and you see how people's behaviour changes dramatically at function.

    • +4

      The single purpose of a gun is to kill or maim.

      It was a hunting gun, not a handgun. You could apply the same argument to rat poison and fly-spray. Would you ban deals for those too?

      The real problem is that sadly, people have an emotional reaction. Don't try to rationalise it.

    • +8

      We should ban cruise deals. Brings titanic to mind. Boring movie

    • +1

      The single purpose of a gun is to kill or maim. Haha you just stated 2 purposes of a firearm, gosh this is hilarious.

      Ultimately if what is legal in Australia (through a firearms license) leaves a sour taste in anyones mouth, that should be their initiative to investigate what they think is currently wrong with our law, and go from there. If everyone could just make stuff disappear on this website because they merely wanted it gone it'd be half the website it is today. For example I'm sure there are many people who don't drink alcohol (under 18, religion, health reasons) but instead of letting emotions dictate what should and shouldn't be displayed as a deal, they just keep scrolling, it really is that simple. (Don't like it? Don't buy it.)

    • Garbage. Go and talk to our successful Olympians who compete and win gold medals about what the purpose of their guns is.

  • Can we at least not ban the websites such as cleaversfirearms? They sell things other than guns.

    • Sure, cleaversfirearms have been unbanned.

      • Thanks for not waiting even hours to post another controversial deal. Can't wait to deal with even more fun comments.

        • +4

          As soon as I saw the Glock post I felt sorry for you.
          I could just imagine, "sorry kids, we now can't go out and do what I said we could because some d@#$head troll just posted a handgun deal and now I have deal with it for the next several hours"

          End of the day they only have themself to blame for getting firearms deals banned.

  • -7

    So the leftard do-gooders win yet again.

    I wish they'd take a long breath from a muffler until I say stop.

    • This is a good example of some of the rude, obnoxious comments. Believe me the comments in that thread were bipartisanly shit.

      • +1

        So, if users were posting deals about eggs for example which inspired "rude, obnoxious" comments from both sides of the fence, and assuming these were repeated occurrences relating to multiple deals, I assume that you'll also be banning egg-oriented deals altogether too?

        • I'm on it

        • Yes, caged eggs posts are definitely up there on the shitshow scale but not on the scale of religious based or firearms deals.

          Societal views change as time progresses and that is reflected in our community. If the community wants a certain feature added, issues with certain comments or certain items to be banned then we will discuss our options and act accordingly. Most of our guidelines were enacted based on community feedback in site feedback.

    • +11

      Never understood how "do-gooders" could possibly be an insult…

      • +4

        When you cling to a position of weakness, even doing good becomes something to sneer at.

      • +1

        The implication is that one person’s idea of good will differ from that of another. Abortion’s an obvious example. The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

      • He insinuated "the leftard do-gooders" commit suicide by breathing in toxic fumes from a muffler.
        I think that was the obnoxious comment Neil referred to, which I agree with.
        Did you just stop reading after the first sentence or just found "do-gooders" the more insulting part?

        • +2

          No, I mean I don't understand people who try to use "do-gooder" as an insult. We definitely both agree that it was an obnoxious comment that was intended as an insult.

  • +5

    Thanks Mods, guns have no place on OzB or in Australia.

    Thanks for not being like Trump / USA.

    • Another inflammatory and insulting comment, just to offset the one above.

  • +2

    Guns have no place in OZ community however that Dominos deal admin removed yesterday was Deal of the Century! Sad to see that go away

  • +6

    Even ignoring the category of goods (firearms), the thing that's most annoying is the circlejerk it brings. E.g. the latest scope post on the front page is obviously to stoke the fire (just look at OP's comment history - clearly a puppet). If the deals were at least genuinely made and the people who upvoted do so because they might actually buy the item and reflecting the vote count… at least that would be sensible.

    If deals were posted genuinely, comments/voting is sensible, and people can filter, this would be so much less dramatic and not need a ban.

  • +2

    I just want to say I wholeheartedly agree with this ban. I may have stopped using OzBargain if they had continued; it's great to see good judgement win out here.

  • +1

    I’m good with the ban but the standard of commentary from the objectors to the category (‘murder toys’?) is pathetic. The pros are generally dicks, sure, but y expect that.

  • +2

    Really disappointing that adults can't be adults and I guess that's why sex toys won't ever be allowed.

    Community expectations vary wildly on this site

  • +3

    Nothing should be banned or censored as long as it is not illegal or immoral .
    Gun ownership is legal and it is not morally corrupt or unconscionable to own or buy or use a gun legally .
    It is very slippery slope to begin down, with censoring deals based on political arguments. The anti-gun political faction have effectively gotten their way, and had deals in this category banned.
    What next,
    I'm kind of against bonds clothing since they stopped making clothes in Australia , can we (should we) ban bonds deals , because some dont like the company now ?
    I dislike telstra network, can we ban all telstra deals for me and others who dislike telstra ?
    censorship based on political dissagreements is a very slippery slop to begin down, on a foreign which claims to be a public forum group .
    Could just make it a category, if necessary, but if this is a public forum, then censorship of legal products should not be happening.
    guns didn't kill ozbargain freedoms on a public forum, bad choices by mods did
    You have let the haters win, and defeated a perfectly legitimate group of law abiding citizen's rights to use this forum freely.
    I am not pro gun or anti-gun. I am against censorship and banning peoples freedoms in a supposed "community" . Moderators of A public community forum should not allow themselves to be dictated to and manipulated by, one group if people, with particular political views, who wish to force their views and choices onto others.

    • +14

      Or maybe consider that this is a very simple bargain site that doesn't need to be complicated by having controversial bargains posted.

      Not to mention the moral questions of deciding what bargains and corresponding comments are appropriate.

      • ⬆ This guy gets it! ⬆

      • doesn't need to be complicated by having controversial bargains posted.

        However many things could be controversial.
        Eg. Vegetarians might want to ban any deal related to or containing meat products.
        Meat eaters may want to ban vegan or vegetarian deals.
        Then the vegans could step in and say they don't want any deals that are not vegan.
        Then there is Halal vs non-Halal , and live animal export meat, caged eggs of course. all these "controversial" matters just in groceries .
        Practically anything can be "controversial" .
        freedom of choice and freedom of expression is important, and 1 group should never be allowed to silence another group simply because they disagree politically, on matters which are 100% legal and in this instance, only immoral, when used illegally

    • You clearly have read none of what I wrote.

      Shit comments were posted by both sides of the gun debate. We are neither PRO or ANTI GUNS.

      We are anti-shit comments.

      That is all.

      Oh and censorship? OK, cool I'll let all the SPAMMers, scammers, people who threaten each other, duplicate deal posters etc. that they can go post whatever they like from now on.

      • You clearly have read none of what I wrote.

        I read some of what you wrote. I will admit, I did not read the entire thread.
        Taking away duplicate deals is not censorship, the deal remains.
        Removing threats makes sense, and threats are illegal and clearly immoral and unethical .
        Scammers, again illegal and unethical .
        Allowing gun deals to be banned (which is what anti-gun campaigners here wanted) is a very slippery slope to begin down in my honest opinion. It is setting a precedent, whereby all that 1 group needs to do to silence and censor the oposing political faction, is to argue and shit talk and of course, the other side is going to shit talk back .
        I did read the part about mods wanted Sundays off. I appreciate and understand that. Maybe you can just pause deals that are creating too much work for you guys. Im not sure what the solution is. However effectively allowing and facilitating 1 political group to ban another's deals, is a very bad path to begin down. Just my honest opinion.
        that is all

        • +1

          ‘Political group’? Jesus shitting christ.

        • So you've never neg voted a comment thus contributing to hiding it?

          Taking away duplicate deals is not censorship, the deal remains.

          The new duplicate is removed and comments on the thread (mostly saying this is a dupe) are removed.

          My point is "censorship" of things like the comments in that thread, or SPAMMers posting their links or comments are not illegal. There is a line between unnecessary censorship like removing a truthful bad review and removing say a referral code. The world isn't black and white, which is why we continue to have debates on these hot button issues and unfortunately many people can't engage in debate but would rather be nasty to each other. Certainly not an OzBargain only issue (2 minutes on Twitter will anger/depress most) but we don't want to be the venue for the anger.

        • @neil:

          unfortunately many people can't engage in debate but would rather be nasty to each other.

          I think this point you made, actually points to the real issue here with your site.
          I don't understand why so much of people being nasty and abusive is tollerated (and it seems condoned). I have tried with reporting such nasty comments from made, and majority of the time nothing is done. This now results in, accept the nastiness, dont bother reporting as nothing will be done… So now you dont get reports from the users who would have reported, because when they did report nastiness and personal attacks nothing was done.
          I agree, everything is not "black and white" . However I do not agree that the answer to people being nasty and abusive on a thread, is to delete the deal (which clearly inadvertently favours 1 side absolutely).
          I honestly think that the answer could be to stop those nasty and abusive members.
          The OP and the bargain post has done nothing wrong, it is certain members that have commented, that have done the wrong thing , is what I gather from your above quoted comment.

        • To me removing gun deals is plain wrong, teaches people that all they have to do is jump up and down and bicker, and they can get certain items removed from ozbargain. I've got a novel idea, give members a warning, then a short ban followed by a longer one. Bickering and nasty comments stop. Those interested in the deals will post and either vote + or neg according to the rules. Those that aren't interested will move on to the next post and the earth will still revolve.

          I realise that both sides have contributes to the bickering. But how did the bickering start?

          all that 1 group needs to do to silence and censor the oposing political faction, is to argue and shit talk and of course, the other side is going to shit talk back

          I'm now waiting for the next 20% off Koorong, or the next Nestle or Sanitarium deal. Listen in everyone, you know how to get stuff banned from ozbargain now.

          Bad call ozbargain.

        • @ozzpete:

          We always respond to reports and remove personal attacks. Sometimes comments aren't personal attacks. Sometimes people are just rude which we'll occasionally say (like my above comment). However, I'm still trying to understand your view on censorship.

  • That's just great, now we miss out on deals because of some idiots that don't like guns.

    Big deal if you don't like something, it's simple.

    Do not click on deal or ignore it.

    • The comments were from both sides of the gun debate. Wait, I can't recall if I've mentioned this before…

    • +7

      You could always find deals on guns yourself. No need to rely on others if you are passionate about guns and bargains

  • +3

    Firearms etc should be an opt-in category. That way, uninterested people won't be receiving gun related promotions on their phones and OzBargain homepage, and the interested minority can still find the deals if they desire.

  • Need to add an option to the poll, for those that dont care either way .
    And another one, just for humour "If I told you, I'd have to shoot you"

  • +1

    Wow, what's happening here. Looks like a coordinated attack of the Trolls. Just stirring up trouble, let's pull out the ban hammer mods.

    • +1

      🔨🔨🔨🔨 Any deals on hammers?

  • +1

    I think a good compromise would be an adults only section, sort of like what catch of the day has. That way firearm & other sensitive items can be posted but kept off the main part of the site

    • +1

      The main problem is that it would seem a lot of posters can't act like an adult. It isn't the initial post that is the problem, it's the ridiculous posts that come after, from both sides.

      • It's actually a good point. There perhaps is a perception that a lot of the troublemakers on the Internet are bored teens. In fact, most of them (on OzBargain) are adults, many are professionals in the corporate world.

        However I will say everyone has been very nice in real life. There are some members here who are complete a-holes on OzBargain but are the nicest, most pleasant people I've met. Something happens to people when assuming an online persona.

    • +1

      As far as I know, there is literally nobody here is afraid that someone under 18 might see it.

      So why do you want it to go into an adults only section?

      The big issue here is promoting firearms on a bargain site along with comments that may further cross the line into promoting firearms.

      Do you also want to see firearms on billboards and in TV advertising?

      Ozbargain is a huge promotional tool, even when reps post terrible deals they get an insane click rate before it gets removed/negged into oblivion.

      Lets be realistic here.

      If you are interested in firearms your options are limited due to import laws. There is not a lot of need to have them on ozbargain.

      There is also nothing stopping you from starting your own website, as has been suggested by scotty.

  • +3

    What should have been done - "We've heard that some people on this site don't want guns so we are going to give you the option to filter the product from your feed". It's a pretty standard thing for a lot of websites than blanket bans for legal items. Instead you are letting those who throw a tantrum hard enough direct the products allowed on the site.

    I expect to see other things start getting banned soon, from caged eggs and chickens to questionable brands, to other items people have personal issues with.

    • Another one who didn't bother reading…

      • Which part of "instead you are letting those who throw a tantrum hard enough direct the products allowed on the site" is actually wrong? That's pretty much the stated reason to disallow these posts.

        Look at this post about caged eggs - - it certainly has just as much controversy as this one.

        • "We've heard that some people on this site don't want guns

          Incorrect. False. Fakenews. Poop.

          It's more we've heard that many people on this site don't want guns and many on this site do want guns. Both sides make shitty comments.

  • Ohhh all this polarisation and crises. I see a crisetunity (opportunity) how bout an ozbargain for adults? A ozadultbargain, a p#$nhub of 18+ bargains. What a place it would be, where shit posts float away on vape cloud. ahh imagine..imagine…

    • Feel free to start one. Certainly not something my team is willing to manage/moderate :)

      • So there would be no objection to mirroring ozbargain to another domain and allowing adult posts? So we get regular and restricted posts?

        • Mirroring the content here — no. What I said was that if you do not like the way we are restricting certain content here, feel free to start your own unrestricted bargain site.

    • +2

      Craigslist. Look it up :)

  • +3

    I just wanted to repeat Geryatric's comment

    Silencers? Magazine Extenders? Ammo Press? Rifle Stand?
    This is an accessory for a firearm. Either allow all firearm related items or ban all firearm related items. I don’t care which THB, just be consistent.

    The latest scope deal shows the shit comments still come even if it's not a firearm but just related.

    I understand that firearm accessories are currently permitted under the rules but I think they should be banned as well.

    • Staff are all on and locked and loaded to deal with shit comments.

      • …locked and loaded…

        Nice touch.

  • +3

    I don't really understand the stink to be honest.

    Firearms and accessories can't be bought by everyone anyway and it isn't like the posts are inciting violence. They're not labelled as school shootings for dummies etc.

    People just need to mind their own business and stop trying to take a moral high ground.

    • +1

      I agree. People like to be gatekeepers… for everyone else. It's my opinion, so you gotta have it too.

      • +3


        Jack O'Neill

        • In line pictures? Is that feature available to everyone?

        • +3


          Only to gatekeepers.

  • +3

    The reason the USA is in such a deep hole with their gun violence and inability to make a change is because of the deep rooted gun culture and polarising views on the topic.

    Yes guns are legal here if you have the proper licenses. Yes enthusiasts should be allowed to enjoy them.

    But imo, promoting them endlessly, using them to entice arguments, seperate communities and start blaming issues on left and right is exactly the way to start the very same gun culture and separatism that we see in the USA.

    Out of all the forums I am a part of, OB appears to have the most "right" minded members who are now blaming the others for losing the right to post gun deals, and now attacking them by staying within the rules and post accessories deals just in spite just for reactions.

    OB used to be one of the better forums to be a part of, a really good community. But since 2016, hostility has opened up everywhere and it shows a lot on here.
    We've allowed gun deals on here for years with no issue, the problem isn't the site, it's the users attitudes towards posting them and ignoring them. The inner troll in everyone is what's causing issues.

    • +4

      My biggest problem with guns has always been that the sort of person who wants a gun is the type of person you least want to have a gun.

      It flows on to the sort of person who supports gun bargains on a bargain site is the type of person you least want on a bargain site, IMO. It's not the "leftie snowflakes" posting up antagonizing bargains (if you can call them bargains when there's no RRP shown) trying to stir up the community here.

      • I do believe there are hoenst, deserving gun owners.

        Bit, Shit stirring is the biggest problem.

      • +1

        There is a good chance many people you know and trust (friends/family/workmates) own and participate in shooting sports.
        A big reason they don't talk to you about it is because of attitudes like that - pick some random people you know and have a think about how they would feel accused of being "undesirable" sorts or described like you have above.

        Ideally, controversial topics/bargains should be opt-in for everyone (then we can simply avoid people's sensibilities being assaulted).

        • +3

          My attitude towards gun owners is EXACTLY because of the people I know who use guns.

          We went camping with one of them. Church goer, Sporting Shooters Association member, and had spent the last 5 or 6 years carrying on about how responsible gun owners were being unfairly targeted by whingers who want guns banned.

          Literally five minutes after we arrive he's busting out his favourite gun and proves how amazing it is by shooting some bird that flew down to a tree nearby. "Good one Dad!" cheers his primary school aged kid. It was (profanity) disgusting. We left immediately.

          Another is all "you need responsible gun owners to help clear feral pests", carrying on like having to lock their guns up is some human rights violation. What's on Facebook? Story after story about the amazingly hilarious way the feral pigs ran around without their hind legs after a shot with something massive took out half their body. Accompanied by a dozen likes from fellow "responsible gun owners" cheering them on, or telling me-too stories about how they chucked the live piglets to their dogs and the like.

        • @theredkrawler:
          Fair enough - sounds like you know a few bad apples which explains your opinion. They exist in all walks of life.
          It's not fair to tarnish everyone else with the same brush, just like you (probably) don't want to be tarnished by the bad apples for your pursuits.

        • +1


          Of course, they weren't REAL responsible gun owners.

        • @theredkrawler:
          That's correct. Responsibility isn't compatible with choosing which laws to follow and which to ignore.

        • Damn. Glad I don't move in those circles. I'd say "get out of Queensland" but it might offend you and others.
          So I won't.

  • +3

    The dumbness of banning guns whilst allowing gun accessories is just well, dumb. For example, ban the sale of illegal substances but allow the sale of all the ingredients that can only be used for illegal substances? ROFL. What a joke.

    • +3

      Yeah, I agree tbh. If gun deals are banned, I don’t see the reason why gun accessory deals shouldn’t be either. As can be seen, it stirs up shit comments just as much.

      • Our goal obviously is to have an equal amount of blind rage on both sides. We're getting close.

        • claps hands

        • You're balancing this very nicely by placating the pro-gun club and allowing accessories. Well played.

  • (profanity) no

  • I don't own guns nor will i ever but i feel that banning them is a mistake. I don't think legally abiding citizens who own guns be ostracized for their choices which banning them is doing.
    I can see your reasoning behind banning due to the comments being a mess but think about it.
    In a gun related comment section it's the non gun people coming in there posting stuff starting fights. It's not pro gun people posting in gun related deals unprovoked going screw anti gun ppl.
    It's the non gun people going in and starting the stuff.
    So if you had an alcohol thread and you got heaps of anti alcohol people going in posting stuff are you going to ban alch ads too?
    Or if you got vegans coming in and posting shit on every deal that involved meat would you ban that as well just because of the shitshow of comments they start?
    If you're anti gun/alch/meat whatever just stay out of the comments and ignore the deal. Not sure why so many people here decide to go into something just to start shit and ruin it for others.

    • In a gun related comment section it's the non gun people coming in there posting stuff starting fights. It's not pro gun people posting in gun related deals unprovoked going screw anti gun ppl.
      It's the non gun people going in and starting the stuff.

      Incorrect. Comments were awful from both supporters and against. You can see some of the same comments in this thread.

      • Yes both sides, however what was the outcome? The con won cause you banned firearms. what happens when 2 children can't play nice with a toy? You take it away. Spending the time to ban the offenders or implimenting an opt in system would have been more productive and prevented the shit posting here and on the scope post.

        • Not sure if the mods get paid, but if they do, they clearly consider this to not be part of their job

        • what happens when 2 children can't play nice with a toy? You take it away.

          Yes, we took the toy away. Don't worry though, plenty of other toys for the kids to play with.

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