Should Firearm/Weapons Deals Be Disallowed?

Ozbargain tries to be a family friendly community/site. I know there are many deals which sometimes cross the boundary. (e.g. alcohol)
But i think the wider community consensus (not ozbargain but australia) is that firearms should be restricted. I don't think ozbargain should be promoting firearms

I know smoking advertising is restricted so there are no cigarette deals but if ozbargain started having such deals I would probably leave and troll elsewhere. The gun deals do me make consider this?

Just wondering what the community feeling about these gun deals are?

IMO. Gun deals will eventually cause negative public attention for ozbargain. So if I was the site owner I would disallow gun deals.

EDIT: grammar (see comments lol)

Mod (27/5/18): Due to a multitude of comments, reports and attacks, as well as feedback in this poll and in other deals, firearm deals are no longer permitted to be posted. Comment

Poll Options

  • 880
    Gun deals should be banned
  • 714
    Gun deals should be allowed


  • It's such a sensitive topic, I believe there's a fork in the road that ozbargain faces.

    Seems the user base has changed significantly in recent times, am wondering whether it needs a rebuild and revisit their rules.

    Personally I see a shift in behaviour of users employing the typical reddit 'funny' responses and shitposting has become more frequent. Would be really interested to see the data on users and bahaviour on the site.

    I've also noticed an increasing number of users keeping bargains to themselves or featuring them exclusively in the forums. Going to be an interesting next few years

  • +4

    Australia has more than a dozen cybercrimes that can only be committed by computer. There is a 100% rate of those crimes being computer based. Anyone not liking gun deals needs to drop their hypocrisy and throw away the tools of cybercrime that they have in a computer amnesty. There is a stronger statistical link between computers and cybercrime than guns and violent crime.

    Peanut butter and also milk have been identified as substances of assault investigations, therefore Coles and Woolworths catalogs would have to be restricted. Phones were used for threats against schools. Verboten. Australia Post services. 100% link with postal threats. Digital cameras used in security threats against Holsworthy barracks. 100% link between digital cameras and laws prohibiting photographing defence installations. Every case involved a camera.

  • +1

    Children over 12 years old can compete in a shooting sports as junior shooters. A lot of them are safer and better shooters and beat their parents in competitions. People in Australia can legally own firearms for a lot of reasons. It is legal and children over 12 years old can do it… Should Oz Bargain ban something because someone is afraid of firearms??? I personally am frightened of dogs, especially anything higher than my knees. They killed children before and we all heard stories on news… Ban all pet posts?

  • +4

    Shooting is a great fun sport, I love it, my family and I love going to the range and shooting holes in paper. I just can't understand why people have a problem with me doing this. None of my family or friends are criminals and I bet criminals aren't here on ozbargain because they are buying their guns from other criminals. Most of my friends and family have single shot firearms anyway, so I don't think any criminals would even bother breaking into my house, diffusing the alarm, then breaking into my safe and stealing my single shot rifles and shotguns and using them to do crime.
    People seem to think that all gun owners in Australia have high powered machine guns…'s untrue….Gun Owners in Australia have to jump through so many hoops to own guns….give us a break.

  • +10

    I have a firearms license. Anyone else that has a firearms license knows what you have to go through to obtain one. You first have to register interest to your local police station, once they get enough people interested they'll send you a letter informing you that they will be holding a firearms course on a particular date - took me about 2 months before I got to sit my course.

    Once you sit the course, you have to complete and pass 2 tests relating to gun/shooting/hunting safety and other general information. If you pass, you are given a certificate which will then allow you to submit a firearms license application and you will need a legitimate reason to acquire one. Once submitted a background check is performed (anyone with a criminal record will not pass the check), and you will receive your license after at least 28 days.

    Once you have received your license, and you want to purchase a firearm, you must submit a Permit to Acquire. You specify on this form which firearm you would like to purchase, and where you will be storing it. It takes a MINIMUM of 28 days for it to be approved (for the first purchase at least). Then, you may take it to your firearm dealer to purchase your firearm.

    Firearm storage has a very specific set of rules as well. It needs to be locked away in a suitable safe, that is either bolted to the floor/wall or over a specified weight to make it next to impossible to steal the safe. Ammunition must be stored in a separate lockable compartment to the firearm. At any time, a police officer may come to your house and ask to inspect your firearm and how it is stored - and you better make sure it's stored away properly. Consequences for messing up with a firearm license aren't small.

    TL;DR: It's a very lengthy process, taking MONTHS to acquire. No ones going to go out and get a license and purchase a firearm just cause they saw a decent deal on OzBargain. Legitimate and registered firearm owners are responsible - we are not criminals, so stop treating us as such.

  • +6

    As a gun licensed gun owner, I find these gun deals great finds just like any other deals posted. If guns don't appeal to you, then don't click on deal? It's not like the gun shop will sell firearms to an unlicensed person.

  • +1

    I'm pretty sure our government has us under enough surveillance and regulation to last 1984 years already. There is this cool thing called parenting, where you supervise your child and install net nanny software if you don't trust them to follow your rules, not regulate the whole damn nation.

  • +3

    Quickly, ban the Knife deals!!! We can't be encouraging people to buy Knifes, this is a family website. shock horror

    Seriously, educate yourself about how purchasing a firearm works. It's not like you order it online and it's shipped directly to your door like a pack of eneloops.

    This site should not be policed by some Greens voters that are upset and dont like the fact that people own firearms for professional and recreational use. Legal Gun ownership is at an all time high in Australia.

    Please dont form your opinion based on the mainstream media or the Greens party that all gun owners are the next Martin Bryant.

    • +2

      I am a greens voter, and i am not against guns, I am against an unsustainable environment and limited freedom. Like a healthy planet with healthy beasts to hunt and eat, and the right to do so.

      • Not sure why you're a Greens voter then. Their policies seem to be extremely anti firearm and anti hunting.

        • Because there are fewer things i disagree with with. Im not pro everyone having a gun either. Its possible to be green but not extreme.

  • If someone sold their personal firearm on OzBargain I suppose it might violate the Firearm's Act of his/her state? You don't hear much about firearm rules in the news these days.

    • +1

      thats because private individuals cannot buy and sell guns directly, they need to do all transactions through a licensed gun shop. yes the pre-arranged details can happen privately, but not the actual sale.

      once again, guns are a legal passtime and for some a job requirement. it doesnt make sense to ban them on ozbargain just because some people dont like them. in that sense, all knife deals (eg: myer sale) should be banned too since they can be lethal weapons. if you want to take it further, all ads for cars should be banned too, since (unless you live under a rock) recently vehicles have been used as weapons to hurt and kill multiple people in a short amount of time.

  • Another one bites the dust.

  • +6

    Should discussions on what type of Deals should be disallowed Be Disallowed?

  • +9

    Who cares. You can't buy one if you don't have a licence, so scroll on snowflake.

    • The term snowflake really annoys the shit out of me, maybe because it reminds me of Trump

      • +2

        Should have put a trigger warning on it.

      • Great to know.

    • I take offense to the fact snowflake is an insult these days. It alludes to being unique, and I think that's a good thing. Calling someone a snowflake is the equivalent of saying, "we don't like you because you are not like us". Is that what you meant? I'm not disagreeing with you, just I find snowflake to be a very juvenile, mob mentality insult, and I think we should retire its common use. Call me a snowflake because of this and I will just take it as a compliment.

      • +2

        Given that the context it's usually used in seems to be when trying to say that somebody is being overly sensitive, I didn't think it had anything to do with being unique. Did you seriously think people were insulting you for being unique lol? Cmon

      • Who cares how you take it.

      • +1

        Snowflake is like petal and Tinkerbell…it relates to ephemerality and fragility, not uniqueness. The 'special', unique angle only started after Fight Club, much later.

  • Post them if you want, they probably won't get many + votes because there aren't a great deal of people who find it relevant.

    Obviously try avoid spamming "mediocre" deals as we're completely unable to validate them.

    • +2

      59, 86, 231 I'm looking forward to many more.

  • +2

    Nothing thats illegal should be allowed obviously, everything else should be fine. We are all adults or should be anyway.

    • What does that even mean??!!!!

      • +3

        I said everything that isnt illegal should be ok. How is that hard to understand?

        and you're questioning the IQ of gun owners?

        • hmm, i should ask the local brothel if they can do an ozbargain special, we are adults after all!!

          haha just kidding!!
          i know you meant within reason, or didn't you….

        • @Hirolol:

          +1 - group discount!

  • +1

    I say we should be focusing on more important deals like, Adult store R+ deals, What people do in the outback to backpackers or wild animals is not my business.


    • Why not? Put your Xbox controller down and book some range time.

    • It surprised me as well :/

    • +1

      It's clearly a polarising issue. Personally, I was surprised so many people wanted to ban firearm deals. For people who didn't grow up around firearms, I think it's got to do with how easily influenced one is by the mainstream media and others. To me, firearms in this country are for sports and recreation uses, and that's enforced by law too, ie no firearms for self defence, this isn't the US. Given that, why should anyone be opposed to law abiding people owning firearms? You can only shoot down at the range, on a farm or when hunting in designated areas. It's like being opposed to fishing.

      • -2

        Who's gonna police that. What if some nutjob buy weapons for hunting and then goes and kills people with that

        • +1

          Lol, what do you mean who's going to police that? The police, maybe? You've got to be trolling..

  • +2

    Awaiting gimli's reincarnation

      • +1


    • +2

      wow, why did he leave.
      he was an ozbargain veteran and will sadly be missed.

      • +2

        We all need a break, but it seems a bit extreme to disable ones account, I just pop some more Zoloft and hit F5.

  • +2

    Mind your own business, if the deal isn't for your ignore it. They are legal to licensed individuals, Australian law should be respected.

  • God forbid people should want to participate in Olympic sports!

  • I want to buy a bazooka for each family member.

    If you have any nukes I'll grab a few of those too.

    The one I'm still waiting for a good deal on is Aircraft carriers. You can never have enough of those.

    • Nah im waiting for some outlet battleship, now that is a bargain. If you have some b52 om quick sale too please do post it

    • I think 'each' family member would be a bit much, I would probably only bazooka my in-laws.

  • -6

    I think a compromise would be that gun deals are not visible unless turned on, with new accounts having a default of off

    • +3

      I'd call that more inclusivity pandering than a compromise. How about grown adults not click on the deal. Problem solved.

      • -4

        How about kids that are under 18 don't have ads thrown at them for guns all day?

        • +4

          Why? Kids under 18 are legally allowed to shoot. And there isn't a situation where kids are in a position where they have ads for guns thrown at them every day.

          Either way, gun ads are pretty benign and hardly a trigger to go on a rampage… you're probably the same parent that lets your kids play CoD and Battlefield on their Xbox/PS and not think anything of it…

        • I think if you are truthful, Ozbargain is not a 'G' rating. If it was, it would have breached it with dragon sex, possibly even laws. Be realistic, Ozbargain is PG or MA oriented. PG movies have guns, violence and shooting. There is statistically more gun violence in PG-13 movies than R rated movies. 12 to 17 year olds in Victoria can get a restricted junior gun licence.

        • Turn on the TV and you'll subject your kids to an excessive amount of alcohol and gambling ads, both of which are illegal for under 18s to purchase/partake in. Shooting in this country is about sports and recreation: Competitive shooting sports down at the range, hunting in designated areas or pest control on farms.

        • +1

          @pegaxs: If there was a highly upvoted post on here, tens of thousands of kids would be seeing it. If there was 1 or 2 every day (and some days there's 2 definitely), then it definitely would be getting some kids interested in guns/shooting.

          Thanks for assuming that I'm a parent, and then my parenting behaviours, and that I let them play violent games, I'll try not to make too many assumptions back. Having said that you raise a good point, that many children who play violent games would think it was pretty cool to be able to fire a gun in real life if they had access to be able to. As long as it's not an option then they probably don't think about it much.

        • @Frugal Rock: It may not be, but it should be. It's not hard to do, and it could be really easy to opt into if you are into guns/sex toys/whatever. Not sure what dragon sex is?

        • +1

          @zaidoun: To be honest I don't think it's good for a sport to be advertising gambling as part of the coverage, gambling is a huge problem in this country and while I think it's fine for people who want to do it I don't think it's something that people must be subjected to just because they want to watch a sporting match.

          I also get the feeling people feel like having an opt in is censorship, I don't think it is at all. Censorship suggests that you can't get the information if you wanted it, in this case it's just to make sure that a particular post doesn't contribute to the recruitment of more users. If people still wants to see it, they would be free to, but for everyone else they wouldn't have to see it, and it wouldn't be normalised. It might seem normal for you if you are involved in that sport, but 95% of the population isn't associated with that sport and regardless of the safety of the sport it definitely (like any sport) would normalise/desensitise people to the use of firearms.

        • @Jackson:
          Alongside the sexy screwdriver costume that ebay recommended to me, it's equal #1 proof that the internet has reached saturation everything point:

          (Thanks for nothing ebay.…)

        • @Frugal Rock: Ah, yes I did see that, how could I forget. I guess there's a lot more chance though that a kid could shoot someone than said kid actually finding a dragon…

        • +2

          @Jackson: If you think that tens of thousands of kids visit this site and spend most of the day on it, you have a really poor understanding of what kids are looking for when they get on the internet. I can assure you, it's not bargains. And there is hardly any posts for firearms, let alone 1 or 2 a day.

          And so what if if it gets kids interested in shooting? What is the big evil in regards to shooting? It would be an opportunity to teach kids about gun safety and doing the right thing and teaching them a skill. Seeing a gun advertised on a bargains website isn't going to trigger little Johnny or Sue into committing murders. Kids under 18 cannot buy guns, and I can't see any of the "tens of thousands" of kids on here every day asking their parents for a lever action shot gun so they can go shoot up their school.

          The truth is, a post about a deal on a firearm on a bargains website is not a trigger for kids to commit crimes. At worst, it may probe a child's curiosity about firearms, but again, there are way more other stimuli for curiosity about firearms.

          And no problem on the sweeping generalisation. It was more a general swipe at all the anti-gun nuts here. They buy their kids cap guns, nerf guns, water guns, let them play violent video games, listen to (c)rap music and watch the news. Those last few have way more influence on a kids state of mind and these are the things that bombard kids every day. Guns are not advertised in newspapers or on TV and an ad for a firearm doesn't usually invoke the feeling to want to go out shoot a load of people.

          And as for you last point, I reiterate mine. What is the issue with teaching someone to shoot? What is wrong with someone saying, hey, I want to learn how to shoot? Where is the problem with teaching them gun safety and respect for firearms at a young age? A firearm is a tool, not a mental issue. You're relating a heinous crime of killing people to seeing an ad on a bargain website as the trigger for young kids, when, in fact, there are far more other stimulus out there that raise kids curiosity in guns and what would make them want to use it on another person.

        • @Jackson: you're scared of more people becoming interested in shooting sports? Why exactly? If you're going to claim that getting involved in shooting sports leads to violent gun crimes, then I'd like to see evidence for that. Because I hope you realise it's pretty insulting to the thousands of people who compete in shooting sports, hunting, farmers, etc, to suggest that they're somehow significantly more likely to be a violent armed criminal because they happen to legally own a firearm.
          Otherwise I think you're just like the rest of those people who have some irrational fear of firearms and firearm owners. The fear is misplaced, IMO. You should be worried about the actual criminals (you know, bikies, et al?) who were criminals before they happened to get there hands on a firearm (most likely illegally), not your neighbour who shoots targets down at the range or goes hunting every now and again.

        • -1

          @zaidoun: I'll stop short of saying 'shooting sports' but I will say 'gun ownership', and if you want evidence look no further than the US of A where there is a direct causal correlation. No guns = no shootings.

          And yes of course, everyone wants lower crime, so bikies etc are of course a concern. However we do have our own examples of rogue shooters e.g. Bryant, access to a firearm is still one step closer to all things equal and no access. Either way, there's a few points here and I don't mean to point the finger at good folk who happen to love shooting, I'm sure there are plenty, however it's not really a hassle for them to opt into a deal.

  • Whilst tobacco, alcohol and firearms are all legal products (subject to conditions), only tobacco and alcohol has verified adverse health effects.

    Unless you stand in front of the firearm.

    IMHO responsible firearms postings are fine but there's no such equivalent for tobacco products.

  • +3

    An opt-in/opt-out area for "Adult" deals seems like a really good compromise. I'm surprised that firearm deals are currently allowed but adult toys aren't? I'd have thought it would be all or neither. Doesn't really bother me either way but seems like having an "Adult" area is good compromise. Maybe opt-in for new members and opt-out for existing?

    • Shooting sports are not "Adult Only". Anyone over 12 years old can do it.

      • Cool…? Doesn't mean it has to be age restricted, but classifying that stuff as "adult" seems to be the most convenient. No reason why 12 year olds couldn't opt-in to see those deals also.

  • +4

    If its legal to buy and sell it should be OK to put on OzBargain.

    Lets keep the SJW to the Green Left Weekly and others.

  • +1

    I would like to see more variety in the posted firearms deals. Discounts from different dealers on a wider range of guns.

    • +1

      Agree. A lot of shotgun deals from the one dealer. Would like to see dealers from VIC advertise too. I'd like to see more rifle and scope package deals.

  • +1

    Im now wondering if I woke up in the USA today :-/

    • +1

      You're being disingenuous. They wouldn't get your snide passive aggression there.

  • Update
    Ozbargain has spoken. Results are clear

    Poll Options
    Gun deals should be banned
    Gun deals should be allowed

    Doesn't look clear cut to me.

    I was going to comment but then I saw the username: DisabledUser87799

    Before people call banning Firearm deals sjw (thought can we also ban amazon ebook deals)[]=banned

    Sex toys are banned on OzBargain but I honestly don't know if that's due to laws or nudity.

    • -1

      Didn't like the result so calling it not clear cut? Lol

      • Looks like a majority have said they should be allowed by the look of those figures… now, if it was 381 to 384, I would say it could swing either way…

  • +3

    You can kill someone using a fork.

    • +2

      Thanks, it's always good to have permission.

    • +1


      Ban all posts about forks!!

      • +1

        hey fork yourself lol

  • +6

    "Whilst tobacco, alcohol and firearms are all legal products (subject to conditions), only tobacco and alcohol has verified adverse health effects."

    To be honest I don't like this analogy at all.

    I manage a rural property, my guns and ammo aren't just for fun, typically they're a business expense just like any other hardware I buy because the ATO acknowledges that I need them to do my job.

    Treating guns as just another anti-social indulgence like alcohol or tobacco is just typical urbanite ignorance.

    • +2

      Exactly right. It is no coincidence that those who are typically left leaning also have the most comfortable and sheltered lifestyle/environment. They don't understand that, firearms for example, are absolutely essential in many cases (i.e in your case). They also don't understand that regulation, background checks and the lot prevent Australia from being over the top like the U.S. I certainly don't think everyone should be able to own a firearm, just as I dont think everyone should be permitted to drive. There must be prerequisites met to insure you are not an idiot and don't kill anyone (i.e drivers licence test).

  • +3

    Go and take your PC SJW crap elsewhere.

    Stop shoving your "opinions" down everyone else's throat. If you don't want to buy them - don't buy them. Stop trying to trample on the rights of others.

    • I'm ok with guns being posted here. That being said, Gimli just put a poll up, I didn't see them being overly aggressive about it.

  • -4

    Disappointing that the moderators have not deleted the original posts. There is no place or need for it at all. And to the trolls who also think it's fine you really need to have a good hard look at yourself.

    • +2

      If you don't like the posts block them, its not all about you.

    • +3

      Disappointment arises from flawed expectations.

    • +2

      "The trolls who think it's fine"? You realise a majority of people think firearms deals should be allowed, yeah? Have you seen the result of the vote? Don't think you can revive this by exploiting the recent tragedy which happened in another country with modified weapons that aren't even allowed in this country (ie comparing apples and oranges). I hope you're not attempting to exploit that tragedy by posting about this now in the hope it will trigger a knee jerk reaction. If so, maybe you "really need to have a good hard look at yourself".
      The firearms available in this country are obviously for hunting and sporting purposes: bolt action rifles and shotguns (in short). Other forms of firearms are not easily obtainable by the average civilian.

      • -4

        You've went to a lot of effort to construct some ill informed comment. Come back to me when you have a clue.

        • +2

          I hate it when he 'have wents' like that. How would you rate your own clue factor of past participles?

  • -4

    It is obvious that the gun lobby is stacking this vote, can you please check the logs and votes to make sure the vote on the discussion is a true reflection of the community and not just because he encouraged q bunch of people from. Gun crazy mailing lists to up vote the vote

    • +2

      You have exactly the same 'q' typo in another one of your identical posts. You are accusing others of impropriety while you are cut and paste spamming comments to look better represented.

      • Apologies for the double posting, it was supposed to be only on this thread.

        I will get the other thread deleted, posting from mobile

    • Firstly I'll just mention that we have a number of methods in place already to stop such behaviour, secondly moderators had no real concern that anything untoward was going on due to the voting patterns and consistency we and everyone had seen as it went on.

      However I asked Scotty to run a report and I've spent the last 30 minutes analysing it. I won't go into too much detail, however I will specifically mention 1 important thing: Only 2 of the 934 votes were made by users who signed up after the vote started on the 8/8/2017, which eliminates any theory that users from either side simply signed up to skew the vote.

      I looked through a lot of other data, looking for any matches, clusters etc. in addition to the automated checks/flags we already have in place and there was no evidence, or even anything highly suspicious on a small scale.


      • -3

        Thank you for the clarification, it does confirm my worst suspicions.

        We are undoubtedly on the way to a apocalyptic climax with the GUN CRAZIES killing everything in this sight. :-)

        Vote stacking would have been a simpler explanation, sadly not true. THanks for the update hamza, Appreciate you looking through the details of the vote.


        • +3

          That wasn't a clarification. Your tinfoil conspiracy theory had no merit. Your new worst suspicion isn't that bad, in the context of your previous 'obvious' one being baseless. If history is a guide, it's probably just as wrong.

        • @Frugal Rock:

          it's probably just as wrong.

          I wish you are right my friend.

        • -1

          @Frugal Rock:

          If history is a guide,

          You are talking about my post history, I am talking about gun control history which has been marked with the blood of innocent civilians all over the place.

        • +3

          4400 diabetes related amputations every year in Australia. Source: diabetes Australia. 200 gun related homicides a year, and many of those were not licenced, like the deals are. Australia has bigger problems than further gun control. Victorian road toll is on par with Australia's gun homocide toll. People endanger themselves more, walking whilst looking at their phone. You can panic due to media sensationalism, but your actual dangers are far less Hollywood. 1770 deaths from skin cancer in Australia.

        • @Frugal Rock:
          Unlike other things it's a little bit difficult to legislate away skin cancer. If people choose to sunbathe on the beach and then have skin cancer that's their personal choice.

          As an innocent bystander I won't get skin cancer because somebody else chooses to tan it on the beach

          Unlike in the cases of guns, where it just takes one idiot to kill a bunch of Innocent civilians and bystanders.

          Don't come back to me with you can do the same thing with cars, two different things

        • +3

          Is that because you were unable to answer it first time around? I'll come back to you stating that your perception of risk and the actual risks are two clearly different things. You are just trying to peddle your own political beliefs using a tragedy involving guns not available here in a jurisdiction with completely different gun laws.

          Your original comment has been shown as hyperbolic untruths. Why should people believe or outsource their morals to you, given your demonstrated record of cut and paste spammed lying? You also bring up legislation. This site does not determine gun law legislation, parliament does. You can't demonstrate any tangible effect of your fears, so you scaremonger others. If you choose to whip yourself into a frenzy of panic, that's your choice, but it's grossly presumptuous trying to impose your irrational fears on others.

  • No new gun deals? Bit slow on the draw guys.

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