Ozbargain tries to be a family friendly community/site. I know there are many deals which sometimes cross the boundary. (e.g. alcohol)
But i think the wider community consensus (not ozbargain but australia) is that firearms should be restricted. I don't think ozbargain should be promoting firearms
I know smoking advertising is restricted so there are no cigarette deals but if ozbargain started having such deals I would probably leave and troll elsewhere. The gun deals do me make consider this?
Just wondering what the community feeling about these gun deals are?
IMO. Gun deals will eventually cause negative public attention for ozbargain. So if I was the site owner I would disallow gun deals.
EDIT: grammar (see comments lol)
Mod (27/5/18): Due to a multitude of comments, reports and attacks, as well as feedback in this poll and in other deals, firearm deals are no longer permitted to be posted. Comment
By pointing out that the majority supports forced censorship on this website?
In case you haven't figured it out. I'm not for that. I'm for any thing that can be legally sold, to be allowed to be posted to this website. There should be an opt in or out system as was already in place, and now overlord Neil took that away because of loud complaining anti-gun people.
It's not up to popularism what products should or not be sold. That distinction is made by actual laws.
OZB says in the first post why they banned firearms listings now. It's because the anti-gun squeeky wheels kept making work for them with reports. Rather than moderate as per their own guidelines, they banned it for everyone, placating the anti gun squeeky wheels.