Hi Wollongongeeons,
The speed which envy others including me as I can't get it in Sydney.
The top tier NBN for FTTP in wollongong for $129.99 for unlimited NBN including home phone.
Run your own server farm if you want.
Ultra Fast NBN for FTTP from MyRepublic 1000mbps/400mbps for Wollongong NSW @ $129.99/Month Unlimited

Last edited 04/08/2017 - 09:59 by 1 other user
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For a 1gb connection?
You get 1000/400???
Of course Exetel do FTTP
my bad.
mate, make sure your read download speed as 1000mbps it means 1gbps NOT 100mbps & download as 400mbps.
I haven't seen this speed available from anyone for residential even for higher price!dosada voted liberal.
dosada voted liberal.
I didn't vote at the last election and they ripped out my lines.
I've checked TPG website… None of the 100Mbps plans are even close to $60. Even the 5-25Mbps start at $70.
I'm paying $59.99 for TPG FTTB (100/40) as well. It's an older plan.
Thanks for pointing out the separate pricing.
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Top Kek
exetel gives me one onethousanths of that speed.
To be fair, i dont trust MyRepublic to deliver on their advertised speeds either
I don't think you could even be saved at the hospital burns unit with the replies to your post
I think everyone is being a little to harsh on dosada, it's obviously a simple mistake he/she misread or isn't very tech savvy.
Wasn't there even a survey done recently that most people just don't understand the NBN, speed and stuff and a lot of confusion from all the marketing.
Time to move to Wollongong?
It's still not worth it.
My bro lives there. It sucks. Commute is like 2hrs.
I know right. It's worth taking a pay cut and trimming 1.5 hours off the commute.
That extra personal time and less stress are worth more than gold. No shit.I just came back yesterday. There are no jobs in Wollongong either. Houses are really old and land releases are small. Far away and expensive. I told them. Look rather than trying to convince me to move there how about you come to adelaide where you can get 2 houses for half the price and still earn decent money and the comute is 20minutes.
Some people just have rocks in their brains.
@T1OOO: Yeah, working from home (I have my own business). Just wondering what it's like to live in Wollongong, generally. FTTP is a plus for sure.
Except Adelaide has no jobs either.
Adelaide housing doesn't inspire people either.
Beaches and weather better in Wollongong.
Also the hospital is probably better staffed after the upgrade too.
I think you need to deep a little deaper to understand things… if the unemployment rate was say 15% yeah i would agree with you, but the simple fact is that there are jobs in my field and professions compared to Wollongong. From what I know, the gong grew with the steel works and bhp, which are now shrunk in size. Adelaide is a 1.2million plus city, even slightly higher unemployment means that there are still 5x more jobs than the gong. Next, is the demographic, with the shutdown of Mitsubishi and holdens and related industry means that you get alot of low skilled labour, if thats what your after, i dont think anywhere in aust is good right now. We also have a massive youth unemployment (by choice) i mean 4 blokes decide to get to gether not work and live in the north paying $150 a rent a week, smoking pot, and drinking it up courtesy of the tax payer. Simply fact is if you want a job you can get it. I also ear decent money for SA $95 a hour is a pretty good rate. But like i said if your a drop kick, dont bother comping here stay there where its all given to you and anyone can get a job as long as they are human and breathing. Sa had hundreds of IT jobs in the last month, gong only 30, i checked, and non were for devs more networking.
Regarding your housing, the gong for a 2 bedroom unit is $600k same as SA for a really nice one in the city. The land is expensive in the gong, for the same amount $600k you can get 1000sqm of land 10 min from the city, you cant even find 1000sqm in the gong and new releases are size restricted to keep the prices up or your going so far its not worth it and still paying more. LIke i said, i showed them a great house for $750k in sa that was one double the size of land twice as big and didnt cost $1.5 million like it would there!
Beaches, gong prob has them alot closer coz they are alot smaller town and spread coastal wise, sa still does ok.
The hospital in the gong is good i must admit, BUT nowhere near as good as the new RAH, and even on par with the QEH, see there are more hospitals in sa not just one main one, unless your counting shell harbour, which is a 30 min drive.
all in all, i stand by what i have said, because i have experienced and seen it for my self. news articles are great, but they dont explain the situation adequately and if you want to take it over my 30+ years of living in Adelaide, go right ahead.
i think the murry had burst its banks for the last few years? and the desal plant hasnt ever been turned on?
i enjoyed my brief stay, it hardly EVER rains, it had lots of sunshine every day, and the climate is really nice, i never got sick once or had a head ache, i constantly get them in sa. (though my bedroom window is broken so not a good thing, i need to fix that). There are plenty of shops, i didnt venture in to the CBD, but its got alot of european demographic too, i found it pretty decent in general, and its not as hilly and sydney but still not as flat as sa. The NBN was a plus, i cant speak about night life, but generally there wasnt much to do or to have "fun" from what i could tell. There is the uni, hospital, and thats about it. its much more relaxed i think. So working form home would be ok, you would have to drive into sydney (1hour) or catch the train (2hours) to really do anything worth while i guess. But end of the day, most cities are like that and if you wona settle down its not a bad option, not as good as sa i dont think. Sa has NBN coming but we also have wirless internet, i get my 30mbits of that, and some providers provide 50mbits via wifi.
You sound like you have never left Adelaide. Which is fine but if you have limited experience living anywhere else then you really don't have a great sense what is better and what isn't from any personal experience.
I don't live in Wollongong but did for about 6 months and visited regularly when I lived in Sydney (which I don't anymore). I've also lived all over the country and can tell you that Adelaide is isn't as great as the locals say it is. I know they are biased, but o be honest if their family and friends weren't living there, I doubt they would for lifestyle reasons (unless they are your pot smoking mates that live in the north!)
it just sounds that way, because ive always come back to SA and prefer it for the reasons i have mentioned. I have visited every major city for extended periods, but end of the day they are super fun, esp sydney, but when you have to work and commute and that takes most of your time and money and you cant be stuffed doing anything on the weekends because of it, there really isnt any point. Right now, i am enjoying what i have, if others prefer somewhere else, then that is great too,.. but on paper and practise, for the reasons ive stated i prefer to stay here. Its hard to know why you prefer other places, which you didn't mention, but when i considered and weight up the pros and cons, and ive mentioned the main ones, its a pretty easy choice. but like i said, its harder to get your foot in the door so if your below the line, stay where you are.
Hmm I think if you are below the line you are most likely to move to Adelaide because it is cheap and the high levels of unemployment means you'll be ok to continue to get centrelink payments but each to their own I guess!
Everyone does have their preference. But if you have never lived in another city, it's hard to say with any credibility that living somewhere else is worse than x, y, z.
Will the finances change and the comute change if I live there or not ?
See the main prime factors are constant regardless. You can have a different opinion on if they are as important but you simply can't live everywhere so you really need to evaluate the KPIs of living in one place or another.
But hey yes you can completely disregard what I've said and offer not actual rebuttals to the reasons and compariSions I've made as to their importance and if that constitutes "good" or not.
Either way it kinda dosnt Matter to me I've picked which I prefer and have offered the reasons sonits hard to have a discussion when others haven't at all.
House prices there are still pretty high for a 50k worker
is it though, show me speed tests in peak times…
http://testmy.net/city/wollongong_au/max Says 624Mbps download and 102Mbps upload were the max speed in last 30days
Whats it like in peak.
dial up
that test could be from any isp and it is from jan this year
Wait what? Wollongong is the first Gigatown? And here I am struggling to pay my mortgage in Metro. I knew I was doing something wrong.
AFAIK the first gigatown was Elwood VIC…
But I dont think it's NBN, so the first NBN gigatown could be Wollongong NSW.Originally provided by DGtek, but now they only deal with resellers:
100/100 Mbps - $84.95/m
300/300 Mbps - $104.95/m
1000/1000 Mbps - $134.95/mOpalnet
50/50 Mbps - $79.90/m
100/100 Mbps - $109.90/m
300/300 Mbps - $134.90/m
1000/1000 Mbps - $339.90/mDamnit Elwood!
I signed up to this in October 2015, and never heard a word until I tracked DGTek down on facebook, to be told they had run into to much red tape to really offer it properly. If they are actually connecting people, it's at a fossilized rate.
Nah, Launceston already has gigabit NBN available since May this year. Sorry to rain on the MyRepublic party here…
plenty of ISP's offered gigabit connections prior to that when you shell out thousands a month, the gigabit in Launceston costs $1000 a month and is available to a select few businesses only. that hardly makes the whole town gigabit capable over FTTP.
The key point is that Launceston has 100% FTTP NBN coverage, so it is available for the whole city.
Who can afford gigabit in Launceston? They can't afford houses and they are $250,000. That is not politics.
You can still blame the Greens though.
Launceston gets enough rain, don't worry about it.
Elwood only has gig along shopping strips ….not NBN …..private supplier …..rest are getting coax or copper …….I'm marked as Telstra coax ……
The mortgage in Wollongong is not anywhere near cheap as well.
I find your sentence is hard to understand.
it's no longer cheap to buy a house there, it was pretty straight forward
Actually entire Tas has had gigabit plans available for months.
yes how many residential customers are going to pay $1000 a month for a business plan? I'd say close to zero percent… and it's a far cry from "all of Tas" it's Launceston, look on a map to get an idea of how large Tasmania is that isn't Launceston
Never said it was a better deal. Infact it's far worse because of price and Launtel being pretty crappy.
Saying Wollongong is the first is misleading as they're not.
@Clear: first residential
gigabit has been available for years, IF you are prepared to stump up the massive costs for installation and monthly.. (i.e ONLY businesses!)
MR has given a residential giga plan
Voting guidelines:
Cheaper Elsewhere?No other provider offers it? A monopoly then?
And in the case of some Nintendo products "Available elsewhere?"
They need pre-order, this needs activation.
You prefer OzInflatedRRPReducedByPermanentlyRotatingCoupons/Sales?
Is there a code?
Voting guidelines:
Defective product?Should be in forums. This is no bargain.
But I guess the gong house prices are better maybe?
:) I understand what your saying but if you think it belongs in forums then use the report button.
I personally think this an awesome deal for those who want/need it
@Bramey: Im sure advertising for it is rampent in the gong, and for those in the IT or want the need for speed. Mums and Dads might not. OzBargainers might not. I mean faster speed for multiple accounts and connections? YAY!
But I can't get TPG FTTB at my nbn FTTP house.. why you keep posting about it if I can't get it!?
@XeKToReX: Move to Sydney Apartments :)
But yeah nah NBN is just like ADSL2+ dependent on your copper.
NBN pretty much sucks all over, except in the gong
'Want it' is exclusive. Nobody in Australia needs something they've never experienced before.
@XeKToReX: True, but Ive read that NBN MDU's vs TPG MDU's, NBN's look like hell in a box. :)
True ideal world everyone has FTTP, but did you hear people on FTTP are getting FTTN? LOOOOOOOL https://forums.whirlpool.net.au/forum-replies.cfm?t=2655231 Due to it not having Layer 2.
Or how about http://www.smh.com.au/business/consumer-affairs/residents-fi…
gg NBN
@ATangk: Once you go black you never go back? Once you go higher speeds will you go back to slower speeds? What about capped at 256k after 500MB download? no way san jose!
Haha, man you seem so passionate about hating nbn for someone not affected by it!
Enjoy the copper :D
@XeKToReX: I have HFC in building as well! :) Just not using it. Level 1 can get HFC NBN but Im level 5, cant get it. LOL so weird. I was pissed, then TPG with it's FTTB came long and I got it. Yes limited to 100/540 I hope HFC will be ok when it gets activated whevenever it is.
- please note your mileage may vary
Theoretical speed != real world speed
Especially supplied by a bottom tier resellercontention ratio 1 : a-sh!t-load
{{Citation needed}}
Levine, J. (2015). The Internet For Dummies, 14th edition. 14th ed. Wiley, pp.284-287.
Olejniczak, S. (2006). Telecom For Dummies, Wiley, pp.107-115.
Common Sense (2017), any IT person worth their salt.
TCP/IP Overheads
Combined wisdom et al. (2001). OzBargain, 304836th ed, pp.LOL-lulwut
ahhaah.. good luck with MyRepublic.
jv be like "whats the normal price"
Thousands a month if you ask NBN Co. MyRepublic is hedging their bets and making a loss
hopefully it goes well. i want a piece of the sweet 100+mbps
TPG FTTB $60 a month 100/40, using it now. Great speeds! ^___^
myrepublic is the worst company to deal with. believe me, do not sign contract.