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amaysim 25/5Mbps NBN - $60/Mth for First 6 Months for New Customers with No Lock-in Contract


Hi everyone,

Sign up for a new 25 Mbps nbn service with amaysim before midnight tonight and get it for just $60 a month for the first 6 months!

All our nbn plans come with no lock-in contracts, $0 standard activation and unlimited data. We also renew our nbn plans monthly ;)

To see all of our plans visit http://amays.im/nbn

Thanks to sr for posting up the offer on our 12 Mbps Plan: amaysim NBN $40/Mth for First 6 Months for New Customers 12/1 Mbps

Legal stuff: Terms and conditions, Fair Go Policy and Critical Information Summaries apply. Normal price is $70 a month. See http://amays.im/nbn for full terms and conditions.

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$10 credit to both the referrers on Unlimited Plans and referees. Referee needs to provide referrer with their email address.

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closed Comments

  • +5

    Same price but ongoing here https://buzztelco.com.au/nbn/
    Also, $10 less for life of the plan with this deal https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/317040

    • And at 100Mbps speeds as opposed to this 25Mbps.

    • Who do Buzz and Amaysim resell? Optus?

      • Buzz = AAPT. Not sure about Amaysim

        • AAPT. There's a name I haven't heard in a long time. I remember their catchy commercials from the 90s.

          Smart chat!

          Are they reliable/fast?

        • @lostn:

          I have been very happy with Buzztelco. Have run a bunch of speedtests, speeds are always fantastic. Have never seen any drastic drops during peak like I did with Skymesh.

        • Amaysim are also AAPT. I must say I have been pretty happy with their service. Performance is pretty consistent (only one major slowdown for a couple of hours).

          I also contacted customer support and they were happy to switch me over to the $60 for 6 months from the $70 I was paying.

  • +5

    100/40 My Republic - month to month $69

    • that's dirt cheap - how's the service and congestion?

      • Excellent service, no congestion noticed.(fttp)

        • Buzz or Republic?

        • +1

          @Dezeption: Republic was terrible to get connected. Took 3/4 weeks. But once it got going it's been amazing. Speed's of about 60/70 Up 30/40 Down. (That's off a Syndey Server as well, I'm in Far North QLD). But yeah if you don't mind the wait $60 a month is cheap as chips.

        • @iJustinz: What type of connection are you on? fttp, fttn or hfc?

    • +2

      Also worth noting that TPG FTTB is superior and cheaper, check if you live in an apartment with it or not first before getting on the NBN.

    • I notice a mob called Telecube have a similar special running at the moment listed on the Whirlpool website.. Reading their threads seem to indicate a lot of happy campers.

      100/40 Mbps 1000GB $69 per month
      25/5 Mbps 1000GB $59.50 per month

      PEAK hours 7am to midnight
      5000GB OFF PEAK data

  • +4

    +1 for MyRepublic. 100/40 with no congestion. $59/month on 12 month contract. Amazing

    • How long have you been on them? I get unreliable speeds. Sometimes it's 95/36, but sometimes really slow.

      • 6 months i guess. had a rough patch for a few days but then they sorted it out. make a complaint if needed. the squeaky wheel…

  • +2

    Cheap, Unlimited, Congestion Free

    Pick Two

    • or TPG FTTB! Cheap and congestion free and super fast!

    • I pick Cheap and Congestion Free.

      Unlimited is out of the question, so I guess I'll settle for 2TB then.

      • Upgraded my adsl2+ 20/1 unlimited to FTTB 100/40 unlimited and paying the same price :) :)

        • Why is it so cheap to buildings?

        • @lostn: More users, better to profit!

  • +2

    MyRepublic 100/40 FTTN here, so far so good.

    Their only problem is customer service.

    • I think it's a matter of time before they ditch the local call center and replace them with a filipino call center. The service will improve from there on, because it will be cheaper for them so there will be a lot more lines and operators and you won't have to wait 45 mins on hold then get disconnected and have to call back.

      The current service is a joke. All credit to them for getting locals and 24 hour hotline, but they clearly can't handle the load.

      • The last online chat was good for me. As soon as I start the chat somebody replied me immediately.

        • +1

          Oh, online.

          When you have internet problems that might be hard.

        • @lostn:

          I have no Internet problem since day one only problem is the home phone porting and compensation due to slow home phone porting.

        • @superforever:

          I had slow home porting too. How long did you have to wait?

          How much compo did you get? Because when I dealt with them a few times, they always shifted the blame to TPG. TPG shifted the blame to MyR.

          No one offered me compo. TPG insisted I continued paying until the number was ported over 2 months later, even though the internet had already moved over.

        • @lostn:

          I have MyRepublic installed on Feb and I couldn't get my home phone ported across from TPG until end of May. They said for some reason they missed me on the first batch. Normal porting from TPG will need at least 6 weeks but I am more than that.

          They only offered one month but I still couldn't see it under my account yet.

        • @superforever:

          They told me the same. Said TPG takes ages unlike everyone else. But TPG told me everything was ready on their end, it was MyR who was taking a long time.

          Don't know who to believe. But it ended up taking about 8 weeks.

          If it's true that TPG needs 6 weeks, then TPG are dodgy, because they want you to keep paying until it's ported over. You have to keep your service active with them in order for the porting process to continue. And they're dodgy anyway. When you leave, they need 30 days notice and will continue charging you even if you port before the 30 days is up.

  • Another MyRepublic customer here. 100/40 for $59 unlimited data, $1 set-up, 12 month contract. Seeing average 90/30 on HFC in North Sydney.
    My mate in Wollongong is getting 1000/400Mbps for $59/mnth with their gigatown promo.

    • MyRepublic are from Singapore and currently discounting plans very heavily in an attempt to shake up the market. It will be interesting to see how long they are prepared to loose money before providing more realistic plans.

      • +1

        I hope they keep loosening the monies for a long time

        • I hope they disrupt the market before the losses become too high.

        • @mathew42: They sort of have. Small players like Buzz Telco are doing 100/40 for $10 more than MyR.

          But I don't think you're going to see Telstra 100/40 for $59 anytime soon.

        • @lostn: I'm particularly interested in the 1Gbps plans. Wholesale NBNCo price is $145/month, so MyRepublic are loosing money before you need to add CVC at $15/Mbps = $15000 for 1Gbps. This figure can be divided by the appropriate contention ratio, but even at 1:100 it is still $150. Next add MyRepublic's internal costs (backhaul, admin, etc.) and GST.

  • How's the peak hour performance?

  • Myrepublic here 95/37 speeds 24/7 no slow downs during peak
    100% worth the money.

    Connection time takens longer than normal but worth the wait.

    • My republic is congested and it's getting worse. Real evidence from the Aspley POI (hfc 100/40 plan)

      • 8 or 9 months with them and not a single time has there been slowdown or congestion.
        I was among the first group connected from the whirlpool forum.

      • The charts definitely indicate congestion, but provide insufficient information to determine the cause.
        - Can you extend the monitoring to ping an internal server on myrepublic network?
        - Can connect to several servers for testing to eliminate a particular host having the issue?

        It is going to be interesting to see teh ACCC data when it becomes available.

  • -1

    My republic didn't work for me, although their speed was good. Torrents & vpn not supported. Maybe other restrictions apply also.

    • Ahh VPN not supported thats a major downside

      • You pay extra for the static IP or as they call it gaming pro mine is working fine.
        $69 a month.

    • Torrents & vpn not supported?
      I used express VPN and utorrent fine.
      I did ditch their router for my own Asus AC68u

    • I have no problem with $69 plan

    • Not sure what you mean by Torrents and VPN not supported???

      I have used ExpressVPN, TorGuard and NordVPN on my My Repblic service. Also torrent with and without a VPN on my MyRepublic FTTP.

    • No problems with torrents. Daily.

  • Lol discussion turned to MyRepublic it seems 😂

  • People keep mentioning no congestion with different providers. I thought everyone's connection was the same (apart from bandwidth and volume).

    • +1

      The way the NBN sells it's bandwidth to providers, results in some companies being better than anothers in terms of download speeds. I don't believe this was an issue with ADSL.
      Pretty much the cost the NBN sells it's bandwith to the RSP is far more than you pay for it. The only way it can be profitable is to oversubscribe. I think 100/40 of pure connection from the NBN costs an RSP like $170. Obviously you are only paying say $60 a month for that. To be profitable, multiple customers have access to that 100/40 of bandwidth, assuming not everyone is going to be maxing it out at the same time.

      However, at peak time, a lot of people are streaming, therefore congestion arises. a Budget company is more likely to oversubscribe more aggressively than an expensive company.

      Think of bandwidth as cordial. An expensive provider (eg. Telstra) would dilute their cordial less than My Republic (cheap).

      • Thanks. I thought everyone accessed the same one big pool. Obviously some companies pay for only a small portion and then split that up amongst its customers. I guess the trick is to find a balance between price and service.

  • +1

    Buzz telco were super helpful when setting up a connection, quick and easy. $59 for 100/40 per month is great value too.

    • I moved from Skymesh to Buzztelco and Buzztelco speeds have been far better than Skymesh. I toyed with going with MyRepublic, despite bad reviews, but lucky I saw Buzztelco, as I was fearful of locking into a contract with MyRepublic (and I didn't want to pay extra for month to month).

    • I moved to Buzz telco too from Mate and went from 25 to 100 for $59/month. I've done a few speed tests (typically during peak times) and the best i've had has been about 45-50/30. But for $10 less a month i will say it's still a win.

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