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Crash Bandicoot 9" PVC Painted Statue - JB Hi-Fi $89


Crash Bandicoot figure released 31/8/17

From listing:
"First 4 Figures is proud to present the highly anticipated Crash Bandicoot™ 9" PVC Painted Crash statue.

Crash Bandicoot™ was genetically enhanced by Doctor Neo Cortex. He escaped from Cortex's castle and acts as the opposition against Cortex. The most distinctive technique Crash uses is one in which he spins like a tornado at high speeds and knocks away almost anything that he strikes."

EB Games has a deal for $88 but that shipment will come in late September.
Link here: https://ebgames.com.au/loot-232313-Crash-Bandicoot---Crash-B…

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JB Hi-Fi
JB Hi-Fi

closed Comments

  • +2

    1 Corinthians 10

  • Seems like ebgames has a deal for $88 but that shipment will come in late September.
    Link here: https://ebgames.com.au/loot-232313-Crash-Bandicoot---Crash-B…

  • +5

    Is this not just the standard price on an upcoming item?

    • Friend, standard price is $89.99. So its barely cheaper but still so.

  • It's 79.99 free shipping from ozgameshop

    • -1

      And wait 2-3 weeks only to find your collectible box all mangled in the mail. If you value your $9.01…

  • -2

    Be honest with yourself fellas

    Nobody's getting laid in a room with that in it
    Unless you've got a silicone girlfriend on backorder

    • It doesn't have to go in your bedroom.

      • +1

        Sorry ,I assumed you all still lived with the olds so it would go in your room

    • +3

      Did this comment time travel here from 1997?

      • +2

        Yes. And in 20 years he still hasn't been laid :)

        Actually i thought his comment was a good lol

    • +3

      I mean, the missus had the game ordered well before release, and picked up two overpriced themed shirts on the day of release. I think if I came home with this I'd probably actually be more likely to get laid than if I came home without it.

  • +6

    An reason why this is a bargain and not just standard pricing?

    • Works for Nintendo products on here. :P

    • Yeah basically rrp and cheaper elsewhere in any event.

  • +3

    This is a great deal! Stick a drill into the bottom end and make crash spin!!!

  • $20 might be a bargain

  • Who would spend this on a toy that does nothing.

    • +1

      Yeh, my missus paid this much for her toy and it's got lots of functions.

      • +1

        Must be a fancy kettle.

  • +2

    $99 for 9" PVC?

    Should be polystone :p

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