Previous deal marked as expired, but recently tested and still valid.
Promo codes from PokitPal and valid for existing students. You will need to select 'Concession Fare' under ticket type and enter your concession card number for promo to be effective. Code redeemable online, via phone (1300 473 946) or in person at their service desk.
$30 Canberra to Sydney / Sydney to Canberra - PPGHCS
$60 Canberra to Melbourne / Melbourne to Canberra - PPGHCM
$22 Toowoomba to Brisbane / Brisbane to Toowoomba - PPGHTB
25% Off Nationwide - PPGHNW
I think it is commendable that Greyhound are passing on the message that study makes it easier to get out of Canberra or Toowoomba.