2017 model yamaha receiver which was only recently released, hence not so much sales on this model. Pretty decent price considering other shop prices (e.g. Selby selling at $1049 which is also the rrp)
Yamaha RX-V583 Receiver $599.20 Delivered @ KG Electronic eBay (RRP $1049)

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Its most likely a new model is coming out,i dont know how good it is.
RRP prices are meaningless on many products ,they are just made artificially higher so salesmen can pretend they are giving a great deal to the customers,its a sad practise.
Except for the Apple sheep. In that case RRP is what they normally pay unless they have a 'special' 10% discount. LOL.
Agree re rrp but thought its worth posting as its cheaper than amazon est.$800 after conversion and freight
Is it really "delivered" ???
Good price for the V583. But I'd rather pay $723 for the V781 from Amazon UK.
Curious to the reason? Hdmi inputs?
Very average specs. Good price, but just 4 HDMI inputs ? My 5 year old Yammy has six. Wonder why…
Just to clarify, I don't have this amp. But I don't understand the comments around this amp. This amp supercedes the 581 model. It has similar specs to that model but additional features like dolby vision, upscaling etc. Reviews for both 583 and 581 have been very good. If you compare it to higher level models, of course its not going to stack up. the 5XX series have always been targeted at the budget conscious buyers.
Agree with you. Great price for the specs. Even compared to other brands.
Thirded - my want list was 2 x HDMI inputs, DD+ support and decent sound quality (pretty much everything else in this price range lacks the 3rd). I have great speakers, but only in a 5.1 setup… As I started going up the chain, things added more channels, more HDMI inputs and more supported formats - essentially things that I didn't need, or want, but was paying for. $599 for exactly what I was after (including a local warranty) is a steal in my books!
I've got a sony from the 90's, got it repaired a little while ago. I know it has digital inputs, but mostly just use analogue inputs and everything sounds pretty good. How durable and repairable are these new models compared to the old?
From my experience my last Yamaha receiver rx-v667 lasted about 5 years before I decided to upgrade. I think most receivers (eg: denon, Marantz, Yamaha etc) are of good quality and do last long. Even the Sony DTN receivers are pretty good longevity wise and sound quality wise
at this price i would look at the yamaha 681 if they have any left at todds hifi or eastwood hifi for $699( think i got second to last 1 from eastwood )
yamaha have confirmed a firmware update for dolby vision and HLG on this set and im pretty impressed with itProlly one of the best buys out there right now.
Excellent entry level home theatre AVR.
Not my favourite seller but.Ordered on 20/07/2017. Estimated delivery was on 25/07/2017 but delivered today (31/07/2017). Terribly slow delivery - They blamed Auspost for the slow delivery but I got other things ordered on the same day (also coming from VIC) delivered on 25/07.
One more thing, I understand it is free postage but it would be nicer to put some Fragile or Handle with care stickers on the package. Will test it tonight and hope everything is working ok.
How did u go with the test?
Can any one that has purchased this Yamaha give some feedback?
I'm looking at getting one on the next deal.If u dont have the need for many hdmi inputs its a solid unit. Functions a plenty and great sound quAlity
Thanks Qmar. Yeah I was looking for used 7 channel amp, but this isn't much more and a taste of atmos/dts:x and Dolby Vision.
Very ordinary specs, but still a good price for a yammy unit.