• expired

AmEx Statement Credit: Hey You (Spend $3 Get $3)


Hey You
Spend $3 or more, get $3 back

Valid until 18/08/2017

Save the offer to your eligible Card and spend $3 or more, in one or more transactions, with the Hey You App or online at www.heyyou.com.au by 18/08/2017 to receive one $3 credit. Limited to the first 30,000 Cards to save the offer. Exclusions apply.

Lowest statement credit ever?

Referral Links

Business Explorer Card: random (2)

Referrer: 40,000 Reward Points

Centurion Personal Charge Card: random (10)

Referee gets 200,000 MR points. Referrer gets 150,000 MR points.

Related Stores

AmEx Statement Offers
AmEx Statement Offers
American Express
American Express
Hey You
Hey You

closed Comments

  • Woo! Free coffee today

  • https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/244144

    3 coffees if you are a new customer..

    • How do you get 3?

      • Maybe combining with the $2 promo this week?

    • That deal has expired, have I missed anything?

      • 1- Westpac still got the offer
        2- referral and referee still gets a free coffee if you sign up using code
        3- Amex offer

        3 coffees.

        • Westpac' offer ends on 30/06/2017 ( still on their website, although has not been extended)

        • @victorheaven: I just did it and got free $5 in my heyyou account.

        • @Turd:

          Very interesting! Will get on to it. :P

      • Looks like the offer is still going.
        I've got the westpac app and it still advertises $5 towards first order (even though it states offer ends 31/12/16)

        • On the Westpac iPhone app, I can't see the offer anywhere? Am I missing something?

        • +1


          Hmm sorry not sure. I'm using the android app, on the home screen I swipe left before logging in and it has all these options (eg check balance, pay wave etc). Right at the bottom it talks about ordering coffee. Clicking thru mentions the 5$

          I assume interface diff on iphone

  • Thanks op

  • First sign up to Hey you with a referral link to get a free coffee:

    • +2

      When I signed up with a referral code it said invalid promo code…

      • I keep getting invalid code too. Tried about 10 codes off here.

        • We played around with it and found all the codes were correct, but signing up via the given link on the desktop site gave an error for an unknown reason. However joining via the mobile app and entering the referral code at signup appeared to work, so it looks like that is the way to do it and bypass the error. We've changed the referral system from a link to a code only and given instructions to sign up via the mobile app (and enter the referral code on the signup form when you join).

          Note that only the referrer receives a free coffee, the referred user (referee) doesn't receive anything - so if you already signed up and it didn't work you are no worse off.

        • @hamza23:

          Thanks for clarifying, especially this bit…

          Note that only the referrer receives a free coffee, the referred user (referee) doesn't receive anything - so if you already signed up and it didn't work you are no worse off.

        • @bricabrac89:

          No problems. Yeah I'm not sure if that's always been the case that the free coffee is only for the referrer or if that has changed recently, I noticed some previous deal comments spoke about a free coffee for both - not sure if that was accidental misinformation or deliberate so users would use the referral code; or quite possibly it has just changed recently and those past deal comments were accurate at the time. Our referral system did already say that only the referrer receives a free coffee but I'm not sure how long it's been like that.

  • +26

    Free covfefe

  • Awesome! Thanks.

  • Watch out transaction fee

    • $0.07 for a $3.50 coffee. Works out to be 70 cents per 10 coffees, so yes watch out.

      EDIT: Still much better than the flat fees (e.g. $1 /$2per transaction under $10)

  • No Android App…

    Even if I tried to order via the web, there're no store around…

  • +3

    service fee $0.04
    Use the code HEYSYD coffees for $2.00
    total $2.04 payment using amex

    • Only for new accounts ?

      • sign up using a new email address.

    • Just about update re above
      For you to get the credit back on your amex do not use the heysyd code as you will be charged for the $2 coffee plus transaction fee. Pay for your coffee using your amex but don't apply the coupon and you'll get the credit back to your account.

      • +1

        The offer is spend $3 in one or more transactions

    • Unlimited?

      • Looks like if you apply the coupon code it is valid for more than one purchase ($2/coffee + transaction fee)

        • oh cool

    • TOWNHALL is also another code you can use (saw it this morning when I was buying my coffee from The Daily Eatery)

      • Price?

        So 2% surcharge is on all items? Sucks without the deals it is sorta expensive.

        So far I got $5 free and then $3 x amount of AMEX"S ;)

        • $2 coffee for new time users

        • @kerfuffle: $2.04 ? or $2.00

        • @Turd: It said $2 on the sign; it looks better than $2.04 …

  • +2

    Good luck to everyone trying to find a coffee shop near them! There aren't any on this app near me at all! :-(

  • +2

    Does anybody know how/if you can view your account balance? I received a free coffee from referrals but have no idea how many I've got?

    Ordered a coffee today to use this deal, and it turns out I already have a freebie from referral. Put another one in cart and it looks like the next one will be free too…

    Not complaining, but would like to know.

    • Not sure why you get negged, would be interesting to know too.

      • +1

        Peeps be jealous, LOL.

        Meanwhile, I got a notification from Hey You saying that I received yet another referral, so it looks like I've got at least another 2 free coffees coming before I can even start on this.

        Let the negging begin!

        • +1

          Add a coffee to cart, update your order to 10, if you are billed then there are less than 10 free coffees.

          I have lived around 5-6 months on these free referral coffees.

        • just counted my coffee history.. it's around 180+ coffees from July 16 to Dec 16.. after that my referrals are exhausted.

        • @danger163: LOL turns out I just have the two. Thanks for the suggestion.

  • +2

    Paid a total of $3.12 for 3 coffees today, thanks OP! :)

    The coffees are all $2 regardless of size, milk, etc. (+ 2% service fee) with the HEYSYD code.

  • No coffee shops on this app anywhere near me, but there's at least 5 in the complex I work in. Looks like they are still trying to get businesses on board.

  • Is there manual link?

  • Yeah! I saw this offer this morning. Saved it already.

  • Wheres the login page for amexconnect gone??

    • No longer needed

      • yeah it is. before i didnt have to enter my bloody card number, now i have to pull out my wallet every single time

        • +2

          Agreed, such a hassle, I prefer the old system

  • What's this about Hey You and coffee. I'm confused by this deal a little

    • Hey You app is mainly for coffee, like Uber for Coffee and food.

      Amex is giving you $3 if you use HeyYou to buy coffeee.

      • small correction:

        If you use Hey You to buy anything.

        Off late, they have daily deals at selected merchants

        • ahh cool yeah thus this is great!

      • Thanks, don't drink coffee and doubt any stores in tassie, but good to know :D

        • What's the choice of drug in Tassie?

        • +2

          @JetBombat: Clean air and healthy living

        • +1

          Looks like there's one café in Hobart on HeyYou… Cultura espresso bar.
          You can also order milkshakes and cakes…

        • @tassieeagle: and family lovin

  • -1

    Sniffing Glue

  • +1

    Jeez, one of the only places nearby on Hey You is charging $4.40 for a medium Long Black! Even though I'll only pay $1.40, I feel like I don't want to go on principle…
    I'll stick to my handground manna beans in a plunger I guess.

  • saved on my 8 cards. redeemed 5 already not on coffee but other snacks. Fantastic deal!

    • 8 cards? jeezus your credit score i can only imagine..

      • ya it is alright. These 8 cards are shared between me and my partner. so actually 2 cards/person.

  • I signed up with a new email add and tried HEYSYD this morning with no luck, it kept saying code successful but total order is still full price.

    TOWNHALL was deemed invalid

  • HEYSYD doesnt work.

  • 7 cent for 1 coffe. Not bad!

  • How does this work with Hey You app; if im using my Amex as manual payment and top up my account with say $20 then I should get $3 back on my statement?

    • Why not just use pay as you go?

      • -1

        I like the manual top-up option; I'll throw like $100 on their for the month or so.

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