Google Home, $152.15 AUD delivered from eBay.
This will be my second one, love the device, so handy to use.
Google Home, $152.15 AUD delivered from eBay.
This will be my second one, love the device, so handy to use.
Hmm, you could also argue that the Amazon Echo ripped off the design and concept of the HAL 9000, from the strobe light talking effect to the soft calm conversational voice.
Let's hope Amazon didn't rip off some other features of the HAL 9000… :P
So what they rip off each other. As an user,why should we care
Amazon were the first to crack the code on making in the home hands free interactive voice practical. Its one thing to say the idea existed (hal) another to make it function practically. Googles playing catch-up with its earlier idea on this being quite impractical but is doing a great job now with Amazon as an example to build from. Who will win.. who cares.. more choice for us and looks like both platforms are much closer in capability.
Looks great, you say you find it handy to use, do you use it quite often? I worry I want something and then never use it :p.
Also do you know if its officially supported in Aus? I've googled a few things online which tell me its "coming" to aus but I was thinking of buying one of these for a friend possibly but worried it needs like a vpn to create an account or all information infers to US or something (I think the amazon echo was like that before?)
Thanks mate!
Not officially supported (yet) in AU. Mine is about 2 days out, so if no-one answers by then I'll confirm.
Some of the reviews mentioned shifting the language to 'US English' to customise but then could be switched back..
There's some good comments from people who have imported them already in previous deals eg and
I hope you bought it.
I going one & thought it was me. but no.
Asking it to set an alarm is probably its most used function in our house (cooking mostly)
Then music
We ask it questions (although it mostly doesnt know how to answer it), but again handy cooking to convert to metric.
Adding stuff to your calendar.
My oldest asks it how to spell words. (Then hey google can you say it again slowly?
We've got a Xiaomi light so we turn if off/on dim and change colour via IFTTT
Also you can set up custom question/answers via IFTTT so whwn in a heated discussion, Hey Google, who's right?….
Daddy is always right and correct
The downside
If it's in a noisy area it can be a bit hard to get her to understand tou (i.e kids squabbling with tablets cranked up).
Asking it questions it oftens comes back with I don't know how to do that
The US voice is annoying? So I live with the limited UK version.
Its a bit hard to get it to play local radio, I can't say play ABC news radio, I have to say Play 1026 abc on tunein
hows it with bad language and controlling music with explicit lyrics? e.g. can it detect kids and go into nice mode.
the UK version doesn't detect different people yet.
umm I think that's controled via the google a/c you link to it (ie.. if you have it set to restrict youtube/etc)
Yeah, as others have said - very handy device. A perfect example was on the weekend I was measuring up some holes for LED light strips, I needed a centimetre measurement converted to inches - I was able to voice this question to Google Home. I was also playing some music, didn't like the current track so I asked Google to skip it.
Other things I use it for: Turning on/off my lights (I have Belkin WeMo light switches), bedroom alarm in the morning, asking facts to prove others wrong.
Google home +wireless speaker. Probably works out same cost as apple home pod
Out of stock.
Thanks, thought i had missed out again.
Is the Australian version going to be voiced by Pauline Hanson?
Dave Hughes..
George Calombaris.
Julia Gillard
What's is that ? A Bluetooth speaker from Google?
Does it like to record all your conversations and send them back to Google so they can serve you up ad's better the next time you google something?
Of course it does
If I lived alone it would be cool. How does one of these handle a whole family?
Is it worth importing one of these now?
They're supposed to be released in Australia mid-2017. So I'm wondering if they'll have country specific hardware or something.
They're estimated to be $200 whenever they launch, so that's quite a bit more than this deal.
But I'd hate to regret it when it eventually gets released here.
I think so, yes. Especially at this price.
I was going to wait for it to be officially released in Australia before I got my second device, but I couldn't pass up on this price. The hardware would be exactly the same, I can't see a reason why they would change it.
Once it is released here, I will finally be able to use local news sources and set the language to English (Australia), but that's about the only advantage I can foresee.
Is it a Google air purifier or rice cooker?
Oh I see. Now my miss doesn't talk to me anymore.