Received an email from EB Games and these are both at a great price again.
Steam Link will be $9 cheaper than the last EB Games offer, whereas the controller is the same as last time.
Sale ends 6th July!
Received an email from EB Games and these are both at a great price again.
Steam Link will be $9 cheaper than the last EB Games offer, whereas the controller is the same as last time.
Sale ends 6th July!
Haha indeed it is! Was adding the deal while trying to cook. I've updated the post. :)
It will be $9 cheaper but it will also be $6 cheaper as well.
Would it run like a dog on AC1750 speeds?
How fast does your dog run in mb/s though?
Milk bones per second?
My dog runs pretty fast.
That's max theoretical, and even 5m away in line of sight that will drop to maybe 1200Mbps. Add in a few walls and distance and you're looking at more like 600Mbps vs 1000Mbps for a cable.
So in real world terms horrendously choppy? Does it come with wifi?
It comes with ac wireless, 2x2 MIMO. So it's built for good bandwidth. And all I mentioned previously is bandwidth.
Due to the volatile nature of airwaves, wireless is GUARANTEED to have greater lag due to things such as: greater chance of packet failure; electric signal is faster than airwaves, etc.
With Steam Link you want absolutely minimal lag, since you're looking at something then responding and sending back controller input, repeat.
tl;dr if you're within 5-10m line of sight of a good wireless ac router it might be OK; anything less and you'll get more input lag; wired is #1.
For anyone still on the fence about these things, so long as you have everything (pc and steam link) connected by cables (not wifi) and you're willing to mess with the settings a bit, the steam link is a very functional piece of hardware. I have two in my house and use them damn near every day. I have xbox one s controllers, mini keyboards and bluetooth headphones hooked up to them and I experience zero lag. The steam link in the lounge room uses Ethernet over power connected to a power board with other shit on it so that really is no problem. I have not had much success using it over wifi as I only have a nighthawk 7000 or something and it's really nowhere near good enough. Also I think the steam controller is trash.
Interesting…I would have thought AC wifi would be far superior to EoP.
Maybe it is, this just works for me and works really well so that's what I recommend.
I would not recommend EoP unless there was no other option, having used several EoP's in the past, it's fine in a pinch, but not as a long term solution.
I actually misquoted @pry0maniac here referring to it as EoP, what we're actually talking about here is actually Powerline Ethernet. I presume you have a basic grasp of networking? latency vs bandwidth? We're talking about gaming here, so the later is alot less important than the former in terms of performance and whilst we are still talking about a 'technically' wired connection here, Powerline Ethernet is not by any measure a complete replacement for traditional Ethernet for many reasons, the simple fact that you are translating the signal at both ends by the powerline adapter drastically impacts the latency and propensity for packet loss.
@sk3iron: Cheers, I don't game online so explains why I haven't noticed latency issues. Downloading files, streaming media and browsing websites is my main use for EoP.
New house I'm building has multiple data points, so that should be good.
@sk3iron: Here in Cairns baseline is 65ms latency so we can't beat people at the "reaction" game anyway. Adding another 10-15ms on top doesn't change much in my experience and I've gamed using EoP/Powerline Ethernet and it's not impacted me but my expectations started are low.
Can you use Xbox/PS controllers with this? Or just buy a couple of their controllers?
And what games do you play on it?
yes the xbox /ps controllers are pretty much plug and play. good for multi-player couch gaming.
Anything that has Bluetooth, so Xbox one s or ps4 controllers or even Wii controllers I think. I prefer Xbox controllers. I'll play anything really, initially I tried doom to see if it would give me any real issues and it was fine. Right now I'm playing ff14 and tekken 7 with no problems.
does it support 4k or 1440p
Google could help you there, I know it'll only run at the resolution your pc runs at
Agree on both Steam controller is trash, and using this on wifi is trash.
can steam link pair with the x360 controllers directly or does it need the USB dongle?
You'll need the dongle to use the Xbox 360 wireless controllers. One dongle can pair up to 4 controllers. I bought one "Xbox 360 Controller for Windows" that comes with a dongle, and bought 3 other X360 controllers (without dongles) off gumtree. All 4 controllers works perfectly!
Pro-tip: that dongle works for absolutely any device that works with 360 natively. Guitars, speed wheels, DJ decks, etc.
I didn't get the Steam controller last time. (Haven't set up the Link as well.)
Wondering if I should get the controller or just use a Dual Shock 4 or something.
The lack of a right analog stick kills the steam controller for me.
Steam controller is fine. I dont know what everyones fascination about the right stick is. Haptic provides so much more control that its not funny. I will admit tat the controller has a very steep learninig curve (Ive played thousands of hours on my DS2 style controllers) but its not something I would call trash. The build quality is top notch too.
Yep. If you're willing to try something new, the Steam controller's depth of customisation, and the work the community does on game profiles, is mind boggling. Definitely one for people who like fiddling and tweaking though.
Controller is not worth it at all. I was super excited to get it, but now I don't use it.
If you are fine setting up custom controls for games, then this controller is for you. If you like to just plug a controller in and play, this is not for you at all. I like to just plug and play so I really dislike this controller.
Same, I am considering getting the Controller as I have read it is customisable. I have been using a Wii U Pro controller but I wonder if I am better off with the Steam controller.
And i just had to buy 3 last time :(
Just in time for the steam sale starting 3am tomorrow.
Bought one of these for full price a bit over two weeks ago, sigh.
Anyone know the likelihood of returning it and buying it for sale price at a different store?
CC price protection?
Paid cash :(
DW. I don't own a CC either. Can you put everything back into the box and say it's unused?
Plan on doing essentially that tomorrow, hopefully the staff are in a good mood. Their regular returns policy is pretty harsh I believe
Depending on where you bought it from they might offer an exchange or store credit only, which is still good.
I just exchanged a game from EB games almost 2 months later but still with receipt and unopened (I already owned the title).
@Vandorann: Can confirm, EB games acts like.. and basically is.. a monopoly for a 'specialist shop' in our already poor gaming market.
Store credit would be the best you can hope for IMO - Shouldn't be too bad if you've got everything it came with like you said.
Never pay full price! Just go without for months and months until a deal appears.
This is exactly what I do! I have enough stuff lying around I still can use while I wait on a deal for something I've been eyeing!
Their website says they allow refunds for change of mind for 7 days from the date of purchase, and at their discretion may provide an exchange to the current value of the merchandise if 7 days has passed.
Use mine over wifi. It's not too bad, can be a bit flakey with sound sometimes cutting out and joystick locking. I also love my steam controller. Great for mouse games on the lounge.
I'm keen to get one, but i'd have to run it over WiFi. Won't bother if it's laggy though. What setup are you running?
Want to know about the setup too.
I run over wifi too - both pc and link. The secret to decent performance (for me, anyway) was setting the bandwidth in the link low-ish. If I didn't do that, it would get flakey and disconnect a lot.
Its stable for me now, but I don't really recommend it overall - its still a bit clunky. Better off spending more and get an xbox, nvidia shield or something else.
I got one yesterday and played around with it a bit. With an 802.11n router, and setting the streaming quality to 720p it ran very smooth with no lag. At 1080p it ran mostly smooth however there would be lag spikes. If your not too picky about 720p it runs awesome, well worth the $27
Cheers guys. I actually pulled the trigger too, because for $27… Why not?
It's actually running perfectly for me in 1080, but I only replaced my WiFi setup last year when I got NBN, so I'm running 1900 AC wireless.
Connected on 5ghz channel at 866.7Mbps.
If anyone wants any stats or anything let me know and I'll happily post em up.
Steam Link is a no brainer at this price. Partner with a POE kit if you don't have a wired connection already.
I'm confused - why does the controller cost more than the console?
Steam Link physically is a cheap bit of kit, it's main job is interpreting network signals into an image and sound to display, the grunt work is done on another PC. The components in the Steam Link are generic, produced in large numbers for numerous other pieces of hardware… Except the case of course.
Controller setup is unique, with the dual trackpads with haptic feedback, batteries and other components, some that is only found on that controller. Unique components cost more if not produced in large numbers.
Thanks for the explanation. I actually know very little about this product but am now intrigued (as a fellow gamer) :)
Yea the controller is so unique, most steam game don't even support it natively…
That is unique!
You get a HDMI and ethernet cable with the steam link as well.
Pretty good value
The controller is slightly cheaper ($60.46) at Amazon at the moment if you don't mind waiting for it to arrive from the US.
when does it go live?
Live now - got one!
Yep deal live and bought 2, can now play in the bedroom while my boyfriend plays his final fantasy in the living room lol.
Its live I just ordered a steam link for $27 :) Thanks OP!
Just ordered for instore pickup for $27! Thanks for the share :)
Ordered also for pickup
Silly question, but can you use the Steamlink to stream Netflix and Youtube?
I'm thinking of buying one for this purpose and using an aftermarket controller.
Yes i believe so. It's basically replicates your screen
Thanks. I bought 2 for store pickup. It seems a bargain at this price.
They make nice gifts or can resell if I don't use.
Bought one from last deal.
I've been using the Steam link to play movie from my PC on the TV in my living room.
Pretty good except the image quality which is not very good as expected.
But still much easier than using other methods to mirror the pc screen to the TV.
BTW the wireless connection works well for me:)
Do you need a fast computer? I only use an atom laptop which doesn't have a GPU card
Its more about the network connection than the grunt of your PC. If you have wired then you will not have any issues
For gaming or movies?
All the games which can run smoothly on your laptop will be playable as well via the link.
How much did you pay last time?
Steam controller is great, it just takes some getting used to.
Great price for the Link!
Is there any need for this if one already has the Nvidia Shield?
I bought a Steamlink, connected via wireless and run the Jackbox Party Box with it. Works great :D
Finally bit the bullet and bought the Steam Link. For $27 if it's not what I'm expecting then I won't be too upset.
Bought one last time it went on sale and took a while to finally get working with some emulators (namely PS1 emulator). In the end, finally figured out how to remap keys to buttons, and it's been worth it!
Also works great to stream video or your desktop to TV.
Just went to Swanston St (VIC) EB and purchased in store - only got charged $23.
Edit: Boxes on shelf at the back of the store had the $27 sticker on them.
Just went to EB games to pick one of each up - they had them labelled the wrong way round ($63 for the link and $27 for the controller). I asked the girl if they were mixed up, and she confirmed 'the controller is the cheaper of the two'. So when they scanned up the other way round I asked - how much did the controller scan up as? She said, $63 - and I brought up the fact she said it was $27.. so she overwrote it to match the box price. So steam link and controller for $54 - pretty happy about that. Thanks for the heads up OP!
Can you upload a copy of the receipt? So maybe I can price match. Thanks~
Holy shit some of them are dumb, nice score!
They really need to build a 4k version of this..
Can 2 PC's connect to one Steam Link? Not at the same time, is it easy to change over?
Picked up Steam Link this arvo, Surprised how heavy it is
Confirmed $23 in store.
So that is the same as US$15 price plus GST.
Damn. Paid $27 and bought 2. Do you think I can return them instore?
dude, its 2x$4. How many times have you spent that on a steam game you never played?
Lol, do you realise this is ozbargain?
I just hate it when there is a price differential between instore and online.
It should be the same price.
I would return these and repurchase them again solely based on principle.
The staff would be annoyed enough to probably just refund the difference anyway.
@87andcry: EB refund policy for games is 7 days no questions asked. shouldn't be an issue with unopened hardware
@87andcry: I picked up mine in store and they refunded $4 on the spot without me asking, you should be fine :)
"Steam Link will be $6 cheaper than the last EB Games off, whereas the controller is the same as last time."
Your math sucks