• expired

Woolworths WISH eGift Cards 5.7% off | eBay Double Cashback 2.6% @ Cashrewards


Two of our biggest partners have offered us the best in-market rates for a few days. Combine eBay 2.6% with the current COUNT20 (expires 22 June 11:59pm AEST) & CTAX20 (expires 26 June 11:59pm AEST) sale for further savings.

WISH cards can be used to purchase in-store or online at Woolworths Supermarkets, BIG W, Dan Murphy's, Cellarmasters, BWS, and Caltex Woolworths Petrol. Available in denominations of $5 to $500 in any quantity, have a 12 month expiry, are multiple use, and have no minimum spend. You can stack gift card savings with additional cashback when you purchase from Dan Murphy’s, Cellarmasters, BWS or Woolworths Supermarkets online through Cashrewards.

Woolworths WISH eGift Cards 5.7%
eBay Australia 2.6% Cashback
Refer-a-Mate for $5 each
Download our Cashback Notifier

Credit to cwongtech from a previous post for the table below showing which fuel outlets accept WISH…

Independent Caltex Co-branded Caltex Woolworths Owned Caltex
"Starmart"/Myer One Points Maybe Maybe No
Accepts 4c Fuel Voucher No Yes Yes
Accepts Woolworths WISH (Physical) No Yes Yes
Accepts Woolworths eGift Voucher No No Yes

Referral Links

Referral: random (3750)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

Related Stores

eBay Australia
eBay Australia
Woolworths Gift Cards
Woolworths Gift Cards

closed Comments

  • +5

    First Like… you deserve it my friend

    • +4

      He's my friend too.

  • +1


  • Good one

  • Bought over $1000 in the last 3 days. of course!

  • brought 1500 from last 5.55 off. now 5.7. maybe 6 two weeks later.

    • +7

      Last minute push to boost sales numbers for this financial year. With EOFY in one week maybe we'll see 5.75%? Unlikely to be a deal early next financial year unless someone wants to get their numbers up early.

      • Surely they can't book it as revenue until you redeem the gift card in store, or it expires.

        • They will book as revenue as they have right to do,
          However there will obviously be an equal liability. But looking at dick Smith liability are not a consideration in last minute numbers

          The revenue from gift cards are generally not 1 to 1 anyway.
          A percentage of people don't claim their full balance.
          Gets people in the door to buy other things.
          The advance payments can pay bank debt to reduce interest.
          The new liabilities are on paper so no direct interest applies.

          Personally I feel gift cards are wrong and business should not have access to gift cards funds until it is used.
          to end dick Smith and borders patching up bottom line by doing of gift card holders.

    • Has cashrewards ever given that high of a return before?

      • +1

        Yes. 10% Big W or 8% Wish

        • That's not Cashrewards.

    • Where did you bring them to? ;)

      .. from 5.55 to 5.7 I guess! I can live with that!

  • +2

    Thanks TA ur d best!

  • +4

    I wish there was a Meet Tightarse Day.

    • +9

      It is hard to do that, even I have troubles coming out.

    • Not a wise idea scab, could turn into a meet and beat day for making everyone broke for the year.

      • +1

        Check usernames. I've met him a few times. But it's hard, not often. ;)

        • This is currently on special at Woolworths.

        • @forumninja: sweet!!

        • +1


          Still won't help with Tightarse, he's too tight.

      • +2

        could turn into a meet and beat day

        Beat The Meat Day?

        Count me in, so to speak.

  • Omg! CHAOS!

  • +1

    Any chances of another 15% off tonight?

    • +1

      Haha - TA doesn't run eBay my friend. But how I wish he did!

    • Would love another 15% tonight

  • i just bought $700 thing on ebay last night!!! >.<

    • You would have save bigger using the CHAOS code than today's double Cashrewards, didn't you?

      • i did use CHAOS, but double cash back mean $9.1 cashback extra :D

        • Sure, but CHAOS code ended last night. Double Cashback started today. So no regrets is what I'm saying. You couldn't have saved more with what was available when you bought it.

        • @southeasternculture: maybe there will be another 15% off tonight! :)

  • Missed out on the 5.5% TWICE. This one's just in time. Ta TA.

  • +1

    Bought GC at midnight….

    • sucks :S

  • +2
  • Just bought $2200 yesterday :(

  • +2

    Just bought $100 yesterday :((( not too upset coz it's only 70c but still!!!!!!!!

  • good discount XD

  • +3

    8:26AM Ordered, Cards arrived 9:44AM

    • +5

      5.7% off WISH eGift Cards + triple Amex points on Plat Edge = 2 steps closer to Sydney Property.

      • +1


        • I love you Turd

        • +1

          @smarioc: uhh.. I … Like .. you… too..

        • +1

          Ozbargain - awkwardness at cheap prices :P

  • Glad I waited to buy that laptop until today. An extra $20 in cash ask is better than not getting it.

  • +1

    Can someone please tell me how I can use this to recharge my opal?

    • +1

      You can top up Opal at certain Woolworths stores, pay with egift card.

      • I think all woolies now have opal machine

      • So do they send you the gift card to your home or they send you the code so you can scan it instantly?
        I am sorry, I am new to this.

        • +1

          eGift cards are emailed to you. The eGift card will contain a set of numbers and a PIN that you press into the EFTPOS terminal in-store.

          Here's a sample/mock screenshot of an eGift card.

      • Yep, in sydney, Town hall woolies (kind of half in the station) is the one most people bring out their gift cards for. Constantly see a line of people using pieces of paper to pay and typing in their pins.

  • Can these WW eGift cards be used to purchase in store gift cards for other retailers ?

    • +3

      Yes, 100%.

    • +1

      Yes but try to do it at self service as some staff might not allow you.

      But members here sell most gift cards at better rates than 5-6% off.

  • great way to use my $50 only 1 visa card from coles yesterday

  • +2

    I'm having trouble paying with my credit card (I've tried 3 different ones).
    Has anybody else had this issue?
    It's an order for 1 card x $440.

  • How can I know whether a fuel outlet is of type 2 (Co-branded) or type 3 (Woolworths owned)?

    • If you were in NSW, you can use www.fuelcheck.nsw.gov.au/app , there is a caltex woolworths option

      • Thank you John, but it doesn't help with my concern. In that app, there are only two options: Caltex vs CaltexWoolworths. While in the OP's post, there are 3.

        • +1

          From my own experience, Caltex Woolworths option means woolworths owned, so you can use egiftcard there.

          Hope this helps

        • @John Kelvin:
          Thanks. Let me try next time

  • sweet was going to use the 5% to buy my switch from big W, looks like i get to save another 0.7% on top.

  • I need some help. I am a real beginner with cash rewards and I just need to clarify this deal. So if i go for $100 wish card through cash rewards, I will only be charged $94.30 by Woolies. Do I get cashrewards on top of that?

    And why is the ebay deal listed? Is that just to use the gift cards you purchase from woolies?

    • +1

      Hi mr2ns, and welcome to CR :)

      The Woolworths WISH cards are charged & honoured directly by Woolworths, not Cashrewards (yes, a $100 card will cost you $94.30). It's a totally pass-through purchase and there is no further cashback available on them. eBay was listed purely as a double promotion we have on right now. Consider it totally separate to the WISH deal.

    • no you won't get CR on top of that.

      Because generally cashback from ebay is only 1.3%.

      • yes, he can. seems $1 per transaction per day on woolworths site.

        • Sorry he can what?

        • @tajid: he can get CR on woolworths online and pay by egiftcards

        • @John Kelvin: The question was only asking if he'll get cashback on the gift card purchase..

        • @tajid: oh, if I misunderstood his meaning, my fault.

  • Bring back 10% on Big W!!!

  • Can you top up your opal with this? I just bought the GC, and ill try when i get the email :)

    • +1
      • Cheers

      • One thing I noticed is the min get paid amount increased to $10

        • That's correct. As of June 12, the minimum withdrawal amount increased to $10.01 (up from $5.01) as per section 5.1.2 of our T&Cs here.

  • +1

    Is anyone having trouble using their amex card buying egift cards? It keeps complaining that there's a problem with payment, yet my available credit on my card has gone down the appropriate amount…

    • No problem at all on my amex

    • +1

      same issue

    • Yup same issue. Wasn't able to purchase them the last time when they had 5.5% off either.

    • same issue with my AMEX :(

  • Ordered at 11.30am today, still haven't received the egiftcard. I have checked my account. the status is "in progress". :(

  • Ordered on the website and confirmation email arrived at 11:37 AM, tax invoice arrived at 1:15 PM then gift card arrived at 2:16 PM.

  • You should be able to use this to buy steam gift cards from Big W which are currently 10% off.

  • So how do you get double? Buy 5.7% off from Cashrewards then what? eGift card can be used on eBay?

    • +5

      They're separate deals.

      5.7% discount is for the Woolworths WISH eGift Cards which is offered directly by Woolworths, there is no cashback involved. So if you were buying a $100 eGift card online, you'd only pay $94.30.

      Double cashback is for eBay which is 2.6% cashback, usually it is 1.3% hence the "double cashback". If you were to make a purchase on eBay until Friday through CR, then you'll receive the 2.6% cashback instead of the usual 1.3% rate.

  • Thanks TA

  • Forgive my ignorance, how does this stack with the eBay codes?

  • Adding them to Android Pay which number do I need to enter? the in-store or online number? Does anyone know?

    • +1

      You cant link it to Android Pay…

      • -1

        Option is certainly there. What are you basing your comment on?

        • +3

          What are you basing your comment on?

          I'm guessing they are basing their comments on facts

        • -1

          Why don't you add both numbers as two different cards and see if you can pay for a can of some sense and prove me wrong.

        • +2

          Feisty. I like it. Let me try then ☺️

        • @dynamike:

          Okay, failed in my first attempt. Clearly not possible selecting eGiftCard (get why you were so certain) Will have to experiment with other options like credit card and otherwise write to Woolworth to consider a "scan" option.

  • Perfect timing on this .today is woolworths staff double discount day also, so 10% of prepaid visa gift cards paid for with 5.7% off e gift cards .

    • Does the staff discount work on gift cards? I thought it was excluded.

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