$5.95 purchase fee applies on the VISA, so this offer in effect gives you $4.05 free. Enjoy :)
Edit 20/6: Thanks to durd0008 - May exclude WA as it's not listed in the WA catalogue.
$5.95 purchase fee applies on the VISA, so this offer in effect gives you $4.05 free. Enjoy :)
Edit 20/6: Thanks to durd0008 - May exclude WA as it's not listed in the WA catalogue.
coles egift cann't buy other giftcard
giftcard purchase need to be verified by staff
Depends on staff, I couldn't use my E-gift card to pay for the Visa Gift Cards. Must come directly from your Eftpos or Debit Card (not credit).
@repair-pro: that's why I said using self checkout and when it's full of people so the attendant won't have spare time to check what you're paying with
20 percent cash advanced fee of $100 is $20.00 so $5.95 is nothing. Maybe interest charged on it?
@repair-pro: Yea was unsuccessful today even at self checkout. Had to pay with CC.
Maybe they recently upgraded.
e gift card was accepted at self check out.
In my experience a gift card or egift card can be used to buy another gift card at self checkout as long as you're not trying to split payment
@Underlord: OK, it might be different for ONLY1, as it's not really treated like a gift card (you get normal Flybuys points for example), but they no longer allow you to pay for Coles Myer cards with Coles e-gift cards.
You are not supposed to be able to purchase gift cards with gift cards as it's against AML rules. But technically it can be done in some places because it is a staff enforced thing if they haven't setup restrictions on their POS systems.
"Or", so I can buy either gift card to get a one time 2000 points?
my time is worth more money than that :|
$4 per 5mins is good money mate!
4 x 12 = $48/h… barely enough to pay for parking in Sydney : P
Every single thread…
You just wasted 10 seconds of your precious time posting this !
Buy one and uses it to buy another one and so on
once only per flybuys card
it doesn't seem to say that this time?
edit: i see it now, my bad
Shame its valid for 1 card only :) But good deal still.
More closer to Sydney Property!!!!111111
Common meme on this website…
Common for turd - said at every opportunity.
one dud commenting the same thing on every referral deal/thread doesn't make it common
The theory is the more money you save the closer to being able to afford a house in Sydney.
House in Sydney?
I can only afford an avocado right now..
Saving up for a hammer..
Not really!
If the growth rate of your savings is lower than the growth rate of Sydney property, the more you save, the further away you are from your target. At a rate of Spending 10 minutes to save 4 dollars can only push you further down the hill.
I think T-man was referring to the "1111"s at the end
LoL, I just realised…
YAY Turd!
Can't see in my flybuys account I assume it will appear in time?
Previously these didnt need to be in account. It's just a general catalogue thing
How many Flybuys accounts can I open?
Serious question: why would people spend $5.95 on a prepaid visa card when there's no promotion?
plat edge
Terrible value…it'd need to be $200 to break evenish… :/
I remember putting $50 cash in an envelope for a cousins birthday, was damn awkward when they're all cheering over pressies etc then go all mute when they see the cash… It's for situations as these :(
Haha, good point! Although other dollar for dollar gift cards are probably cheaper than this visa one - it's almost a 12% premium on cash.
Maybe you should have spent $5.95 on the envelope.
These are good for free trials, eg. Stan, Netflix. I've previously purchased the $100 card with 5% off Wish gift cards (in effect making it 65¢), although you've gotta go through the process of a new account every month.
However, I guess you could say I'm still purchasing it when there is a promotion!
No, it throws an error
can you pay with flybuy dollars?
Good question!
same question. Last time I could not buy coles prepaid MasterCard..
Only for non gift cards
Coles system do not allow flybuy dollars payment when purchasing prepaid M/C. I did try this at self checkout last time and normal checkout counter,
Yes it looks like Coles is rolling out a new checkout system. The new shops have had the system from start (6 months old shops).
The existing shops had the old system that allowed it but they are now being updated.
My local Coles allowed it last week, but today it did not work any more.
And they do not allow purchases of giftcards with coles egiftcards either. Even if you buy the gift cards with other groceries. It just does not accept the egiftcard payment.
Yes,that's only for Coles,not other stores like Target,Kmart,Liquorland,Firt Choice Liquor and Coles Express.All these stores sell Coles Myer Giftcards and I bought with FB dollars successfully.Then use Coles Myers GCs to buy Prepaid MC in Coles.
So why neg? He clearly writes on the VISA, and omits the PSN.
Wrong button?
Oh no, wrong buttin lol
is there a way to get discounted coles gift cards
Not CashReward, ShopperUnion
agl rewards
Any cc fee?
how do you find using the egiftcards, i noticed they have new checkout systems and im unable to enter the codes in and always need human help
Yea their new system requires human intervention which is quite annoying. some even straight out refuse to do egiftcard to buy egiftcards.
@nightelves: u mean to buy physical coles gift cards?
does it work though if they dun refuse?
can u use the egiftcard at self check out with human help?
I always use discounted egiftcards from AGL rewards on self checkouts. Just choose pay via card and then it will ask you to tap card or SCAN egiftcard. Scan it on the barcode scanner behind the eftpos terminal. Position your phone 4-6 inches below the scanner and wait for the beep. Then just type in the PIN on the EFTPOS keypad. If your remaining balance is below your purchase amount, click partial payment and then it will ask you how much so you have to know how much is remaining on your gift card so you can make the most out of it.
Or you can go the lady at the check out counter and they will do it for you. After a few seconds of fiddling around, they will then call a senior staff while the queue behind you builds up. Then they still struggle with it so you just take out your credit card and be done with it. LOL.
@nine6eight: You are so right ,happened to me today for the second time did a big shop went thru normal checkout & i couldn't get the barcode to scan & neither could operator meanwhile i am holding up other customers worked eventually but for big shop i am going to get dicounted physical giftcards i think much easier .Plus i have found a lot of staff don't know how to use the egiftcards & i end up directing them how to use them.
how many percet off
is the visa reloadable?
Isn't VISA a PITA, when you have to keep track of the exact balance, unless you spend it in one go?
Use until balance is finished.
Check balance on website
Still a hassle when you're about to pay and don't remember the balance.
I write the balance on gift cards with a permanent marker.
The PS Store gift card should be stackable with the $48.95 PS Plus 12 month subscription?
This offer is available from 21 June. The PS Plus subscription is $48.95 until the end of 21 June, BST.
Essentially you'll get 12 months of PS Plus for $38.95 then.
if my maths is right. e.g. buy $55.95 egift card from CR = $53.15 then use that to get $55.95 only1card. get $10 credit. so $43.15 for $50 only1card.
43.15/50 = 0.863 then 1-0.863 = 0.137 x 100 = about 13.7 % off on the card. still ok value
CashReward doesn't sell Coles eGift card
Where can you buy discounted coles egift cards without paying for a rewards program that offers it?
ShopperUnion, you can create an account for free, jus choose any Union in the list
Do they sell egift cards though? Last time I check it was only physical cards and they charged like a $6 delivery fee.
Do you have a link? This is all i can find on their site https://www.unionshopper.com.au/us-offer/coles-gift-cards/ for a physical card. Note the 'Price does not include postage costs'
my apologies, I bought the gift card from another union website where my sister works. You are right, unionshopper doesn't sell egift card. sorry for the wrong information.
if you buy a $100 visa card does it still qualify? can you use a coles group gift card to buy one of these?
yes, ymmv - deal updated:
2,000 Bonus Flybuys (Worth $10) on Any Only 1 VISA Gift Card or Sony PlayStation Store Gift Card @ Coles
Yes 100% - $100 is way better value as it's the same $5.95 load fee and with the 5% off for gift card almost gets wiped out
Have you seen any $100 Visa cards in your area?
I went to 3 different Coles today and they all had $100 Visa Cards. I purchased 2 for each flybuys.
@kendo: Is Macquarie Centre one of those locations? I've only been to the two in Chatswood but they don't stock it.
Why did you purchase 2 cards for each flybuys account? You can only collect the bonus points once per flybuys account. You've lost $2 on the transaction. The idea is to make $4 by buying 1 card and factoring in the purchase cost.
Ummm….drums chin! 8%……dammit I'll do it!! And I will try to pay for it with a gift card! hehe
Note Visa Gift cards usually have a 2 year expiry.