The Parrot Minidrone Hydrofoil deal is back. It's going for $49.
Parrot Minidrone Hydrofoil $49 (Previously $149) @ JB Hi-Fi

Last edited 10/06/2017 - 20:15 by 1 other user
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My wife got one for our son for Christmas, I thought it would be just a toy but I was really surprised how well it works. You can fly it outside just fine.
Excellent first time post op :D
Just bought one for my wife's son.
Nabbed one for my daughter's mother's only child.
Just bought one for my neighbors mistresses son
Cheers, bought this for my wifes husband
Wouldn't that be your son?
Biologically, legally, common law, or morally?
Sounds like it's complicated.
Got one for my daughters brother
Wow everyone is buying one for a loved one. Might pick one up for my twin brother's twin brother.
Bought one for my wife's stepdaughter's husband, who is actually my dad. I'm my own grandpa.
Is that you Philip J Fry?
Picked one up last time it was this price, not too bad for kids, flies for about 8 minutes or so.
Yeah was just looking at a review that said 7 minutes and 9 minutes without the boat part.
What's the camera quality like? Can it take videos or only photos?
Low res and straight down. No real estate advert photos with this thing.
the quality is pretty average, a bit grainy and the colour for mine is skewed to blue. Also, we tried to get a photo taken with us under the drone, but it was a windy day and the thing was blown around a bit. Only really good for a nice gentle weathered day.
I actually can't recall if I tried video, I think because the photo quality was average we didn't bother trying the video. The fun part is just flying it around, it does go pretty fast, and you gotta be careful it doesn't go out of range. It's quite sturdy, I smashed it into some branches once, and fortunately it didn't get damaged.
iirc, video is better than camera quality. Its fun when you can stream live video to your phone.
Last time i got one, the staff were so shocked at the price. They were prev $229 iirc. Mines been sitting on my shelf for months though
Would these be good to use as a learning (air) drone? Can't seem to find any videos of people flying it. :)
Really? Thre's quite a few. &
Yes it is definitely, if not the best (at this price) learning drone.
Thanks guys! :)
Wouldnt fly it outside in heavy wind. These are controlled using your phone, so its limited in range.
Oh cool a flying boat!
Don't have $$ for this :( Spent too much already.
Lucky I put away some extra funds for EOFY since this wasn't exactly on my list of things I want.. have 2 DJI Phantoms yet brought this, I guess for the… frontflips? I'll find a way to reason with myself soon enough.
It's crazy to think that a toy RC hydroplane half this speed would have cost $500~ or more only a decade ago.If anyones wondering, Perth stores still have quite abit of stock.
These aren't worth $50 and you would be out of your mind to pay $150. Bought two last time were on sale, one completely doesn't work cause of there bad handling of firmware updates it's extremely buggy. Save your money and buy an aliexpress drone
3 years on OZB and this is your third comment, you must have some serious hate on these to pull the trigger on that submit button!
Except hes right. These are fragile, the firmware is buggy and the camera is about as good as a gameboy colour camera. $50 should be the normal price now.
So you would say these reviews (this and the others linked above) are pretty much wrong? (Serious question!) - Also, I didn't even assume it had a camera after I saw it advertised as a hydroplane drone so not something I'm too worried about.
Instead of negging, probably easier just to let me know where they got it wrong on durability.
I agree but only because I think that any drone that uses a smartphone as the controller is a mistake. The build quality is excellent but I only played with it a couple of times before getting pissed off. Don't buy it is my recommendation.
Can you link to an Aliexpress drone that is better and similar price?…
Something like this is way better, versatile and will take you from beginner to full control awareness.
I own about 10 different drones. This one is a great learning tool and will take a beating.
Bollocks - this thing is fine, especially for first time users. It's a bit of fun for $50!
Just bought one, thanks op
Make that 2
At the start of the comments I was thinking this was the drone for my son, who has saved around $50 and wants to buy one. We've been putting off taking him to the shops simply because I know these can be hard to fly and I can just see him crashing and burning his hard earned savings.
Based on the last few comments above, seems like there are better options?
Yeah apparently drones from AliExpress according to someone, who conveniently didn't provide an example.
bah yeh. Will take the kid to target and see if there's one for $25 with things that protect the propellors at least…
I'm in my late twenties and had a blast with the one I bought last time the deal came around - I don't fly it now cos I accidentally bent one of the rotors. The camera quality is very poor, but the drone itself is a heap of fun. Definitely recommended for a first time user. The boat part is a gimmick and wasn't fun to use, though, I'll be honest. In a large body of water it could be entertaining, maybe.
Hello Guys.
Can i hook this on to a mavic pro?
The Parrot auto hovers when out of range and at a height of 10m.
The Parrot AR Done 2.0 Power Edition is $188 from HN.Currently $299 at JB's.…
Just a word of warning, buy one of these only if you are very very patient.
It needed updates, it didn't work using the software I was led to believe it would.
It was fidly, unresponsive, needed a PC to update in the end (it FORCES you to update once you connect to the app even worse than apple)It was fun for about 20 minutes when i FINALLY got it working….. until it bumped - yes bumped into a tree about as hard as a mild finger flick and it shat itself.
Just sat there spinning one rotor. No amount of resetting or removal of battery or anything would fix it.I lowered it into the camp fire, with a scene reminiscent of the original Terminator movie, except I was happy and no longer frustrated with this damn thing.
A few hours of my life I will never get back. (EDIT: To clarify it was a drum fire and it was lowered on a stick)I'm an IT specialist, years of electronics and PC experience in many fields, so no dummy at this stuff.
I wondered why it was $25 bucks or whatever I paid. Now I know. Now you know.Good Luck! Post back here how you go, maybe I just got a real dud.
4 boxes at least at carindale, QLD.
I'm not sure what to think now.
Half the thread seems to say the drone is okay while the other half says it's crap.
Would I be better off buying any of these from Aliexpress?
Partner and I went to buy one a few hours ago, charged it up and it worked straight away. Awesome little machine for the price. Might even be worth buying a second one just for the battery though lol.
Got one for my future daughter-in-law's father-in-law's son's dad…
Lol…is that an early wedding gift for the father of the groom?
Thanks OP. Got one
Not as good as the previous deal ( That was 80% off. This is only 67% off.
Thanks OP, got one!
At least 5 boxes in Garden City, one…very solid drone…just a bit lag cz connect via bluetooth…!! Nice Stuff!
It says:
"Take snapshots with the built-in camera
• Connectivity: Bluetooth V4.0 BLE (Bluetooth Low Energy)
• Range: Up to 20 meters"20 meters !! Has anyone used it outside? Review please.
Got one. Disappointed overall. Don't buy one. Added to what plagues all the Bluetooth app drones such as bad range and laggy non-tactile controls.
Connection is very flaky, app just refuses to connect and drops even when pairing (Android, haven't tried my iPhone) app itself is pretty underwhelming, tiny control areas, bad layout, camera points straight down so no good for getting a quick VGA snap, quality is bad even as tiny VGA cameras go, drone drifts around, can't keep height and when it gets confused, it beelines towards the nearest obstacle, added is the fact it has no spare props, even the $15 come with spares.The construction quality is good so I'll be gutting it and swapping the internals for a cheap 720 Bang good drone "ESC". Boat is well made but driving it with the drone concept seems to be dumb. I might stuff around with that with some surplus RC stuff if I get bored.
I had the opposite experience.
Drone was easy to set up, and from my limited testing inside it's only gone and (profanity) up once in a small hallway that I expected it to crash in anyway.
Running a Nexus 5X on Android 7.1.2 - set up the drone using the app and didn't pair with it so it didn't break the BLE connection.The controls are nice - layout is nice. The VGA cam is absolutely useless however, I'll be honest. Charges pretty fast as well.
Which Android app are you using?
FreeFlight Mini. Quite nice, quick connection.
Back to original price now.
Thanks just picked one up for my son..