Disgusting people...

Bought a large pack of chicken wings from Costco today. When I reached home and opened the box, I realised that two chicken wings looked like as if they were half eaten. Called Costco and explained them the situation. They were more than happy to refund me the money.

I took the item back and showed it to the person at the refunds counter. He also agreed that the chicken wings in question did look like as they had been eaten.

I am appalled at the behavior of people. Why would someone in right mind do this kind of thing?

TL;DR - Found two pieces of half eaten chicken wings in my purchase from Costco.


  • was the chicken wings raw or cooked? :)

    (never been to costco before)

    • Chicken wings require 30 mins of cooking as per the instructions.

      The dodgy ones looked cooked and eaten. The returns guy did mention that it is possible that someone from deli might have done it.

      • Did you get the ones that require reheating or are they completely raw? I remember Costco sold some that just required reheating.

        • These are definitely the preheated ones, imagine the sealed pack ones with bite marks practically in the wings as explained!

  • Consider that disgusting person did you a favor. Chicken wings are not good for you :) ….. BUT DAMN THEY TASTED GOOD.

    • +2

      chicken wings are the best part of the chicken,

      im Asian I like the tips of the wings as well to bite on

      • +1

        What about the feet?

        • +1

          feet too….I'm one of those that consider the whole animal when I eat not just prime cuts

        • +1


          Me too!

          The tail is the tastiest! đŸ˜‹

        • @Scrooge McDuck: Mmm bishop's head!!! :)

      • might actually be racist to ask you this just because "you're Asian" but a few of the restaurants I frequent sell salt and pepper quail and I eat the whole thing, bones and all. Am I meant to do that?

        • hahaha…
          why would "an Asian" know any better

          I do not eat the bones… I put them in a bag and take them home for my dog..

          prawns however.. if fried crispy enough i'll eat the thing shell and all.

          you are still alive, cant be that bad

        • @Archi:
          Well, you prefixed comment about chicken wings that you were Asian implying that it was a cultural thing. And salt and pepper quail is a Asian dish. Sorry.

          Also, cooked chicken bones are really bad for dogs, can't see why quail would be different.

        • +1

          @Archi: you shouldn't be feeding cooked bones to dogs…

  • If they had purchased the box of chicken wings they would have eaten them in the car and tossed the whole lot out the window.

    • It's around 3 kgs.

      • +1

        Now I'm confused. Either that's a 3kg box of cooked chicken wings- who the hell eats 3kg of chicken wings in a short time? Or it's a 3kg box of frozen chicken wings that somebody has eaten some from- who the hell eats frozen chicken?

        • They opened a 3kgs box of cooked chicken wing that has been chilled. Have a bite on 2 of them and put the lid back on the box without buying it.

          Think that's how it is.

  • +2

    Damn now i feel like chicken wings

    • +4

      I heard they're free at Costco if you only eat 2 per box, could possibly get away with more…

  • +1

    Lucky the bite marks on the chicken wings is something you can actually see.

    Imagine the things you've eaten that you couldn't have seen - eg, someone dropping it on the floor and picking it up or someone rubbing the chicken wing "somewhere that it's not meant to be rubbed".

    When I was in high school, my school mate worked at a chicken store inside the nearby shopping centre. One of the guys got sacked for humping a raw chicken in the corner next to the cooler. I guess he was trying to defrost it!

    okay - maybe don't imagine it! haha

    • +4

      One of the guys got sacked for humping a raw chicken in the corner next to the cooler.

      That's why I don't buy chicken on Wednesdays…

    • maybe don't imagine it! haha

      Too late, this needs a spoiler alert or something…

  • -1

    Wow big deal.

    Could be some kids fooling around.

    • +1

      Could be some kids fooling around.

      That's why the title is disgusting people. I have kids and they know very well not to indulge in this kind of behavior.

      • they know very well not to indulge in this kind of behavior.

        just because they know it's wrong does not mean they won't do it…

        • +8

          just because they know it's wrong does not mean they won't do it…

          Just like people know trolling is not good, but they still do…

        • @ms:

          trolling is not good, but they still do…

          They're in the penalty box cooling off, so you can breathe easy for a while…

        • +4

          @jv: I thought you can't post from penalty box.

        • +1


          Shots fired!

      • -2

        And ms never did anything mildly disgusting in his/her childhood. I actually don't believe that. I also don't believe that it makes you a disgusting person.

        I just think it's all a bit of an over-reaction.

        • And ms never did anything mildly disgusting in his/her childhood

          Is it so hard for you to believe that some kids don't do this kind of stuff.

        • +1

          Everybody has done something in their childhood that no doubt somebody has found distasteful.

        • @tranter: I do something everyday that some people would find distasteful… But people are a bunch of arseholes and a walking plague, so I don't really give a shit.

          And THAT is a classic example of the kind of behaviour people might find distasteful.

        • @Adz81:

          I do something everyday that some people would find distasteful…

          Everyone does it…

        • @Scrooge McDuck: I do it in a more distasteful manner :D

        • +1


          Well so long as you don't hurt anyone… unconsenting, that's nobody else's business.

      • I'm sure they know not to indulge in this kind of behaviour.

        At least until your back is turned.

        What's the saying, when the Cat's away the mice will play…….

  • I never buy anything that requires climate control from prepacked places.

    Too many times I must have bought meat that has made its way around the supermarket, put in the wrong spot and eventually returned to the fridge. Like opening a mega rancid wet fart bomb in the kitchen.

    Off topic but it's pretty much the same thing as prepacked hot food… or much worse since the pack contents can be resealed.

    • +1

      Like opening a mega rancid wet fart bomb in the kitchen.

      Don't lie mate, you shit ya pants didn't ya!!!

  • +2

    I went to Pancake Parlour in Civic ACT a decade or more ago, it was mid winter, and late night, so I ordered a mug of hot chocolate. It was delicious, but when I reached the bottom of the cup, there to great me was a lump of chewed chewing gum that most likely some previous customer had stuck to the bottom of the cup, and was not removed by the dishwashing machine. It still makes me feel sick thinking about it.

    Separate to this, many Woolworths supermarkets sell loose bread rolls and other assorted baked goods. The idea is to grab a bag and fill it using the provided tongs. One day I saw a group of women walk into the store and proceed to squeeze many of the bread rolls with their bare hands just so they could get a feel for their freshness.

    • there to great me was a lump of chewed chewing gum that most likely some previous customer had stuck to the bottom of the cup

      Omg, I would have barfed everywhere at the sight of that. I don't understand how some people can be this feral in this century and in a first world country like Australia.

  • I have heaps of horror stories but I will protect you from these…

    • Do tell. I'm a big boy.

  • Aren't they sealed down on both sides?

    • No.

  • +1

    Probably tasters to see whether the wings were cooked or not

  • Probably just rats

  • +2

    I'm guessing​ you took the bite of the wings, didn't like the taste and simply wanted a refund.

    • +1

      Good work Sherlock.

  • least it wasn't condoms

    • Why would anyone take bites out of condoms?

      • Assorted colours and flavours.

      • +1

        They're after the protein hit perhaps?

  • +1

    You said "looked like" doesn't mean they were.

  • My Nephew received a quarter pounder with a large bite taken out of it from MacDonald's. This stuff very common, usually I think what happens is a customer returns a product saying it was not what they ordered and the staff just put it back on the heating rack.

    • That really shouldn't happen, especially since they are supposed to make everything to order these days. :(

      Remember when they were premade and stacked up waiting? Those were quicker days.

      • It happened only a few months ago, I ordered a bigmac meal for myself and quarter pounder meal for the little guy, I was taking him to scouts, it is only one of the few kind things I have done for him and I wanted to make an impression. We were in the parking lot when he opened his meal and said "what is this?", I said just some of the bun must have broken off, he said it looked weird, I took a closer look and it was a moon bite all the way through from the top bun, the meat paddy and bottom bun. I said we have to take it back and he refused and said he will eat it, he said he didn't want to be late for scouts and a shit fight ensured in the car with me saying it has to be taken back and he can't eat it. Anyway I took it from him with him protesting. took it to counter and they make a fresh burger for him. I could have taken it further but I felt sorry for the manager on duty who seemed like a nice woman.

  • I received a McChicken burger once with a big ol bite out of it.. I took it back and they acted like I was lying but still gave me a refund.. eugh =_=

  • When I go grocery shopping I will usually grab a handful of almonds and put them in a plastic cup from the picnic aisle.

    • +1

      I feel there should be more to that story. Are you liberating them or enslaving them?

      • +1

        A bit of both. The left over ones get put back in the big container so they don't get wasted

      • +1

        Are you liberating them or enslaving them?

        I think he's masticating with them.

    • did you scoop them out with the utensil provided or did you literally grab a handful

      • +1

        Both. Sometimes the utensil is dirty and I don't want any grubby crap on my almonds

        • I applaud your honesty… and you take them through the self check out and weigh them in as onions

  • I've seen a girl poke her toe into one of those lolly dispensers at a shopping centre.

    • Which one?

    • seen little brat at woolies running about poking his finger through the holes in shrink wrapped trays of donuts.

  • +5

    I am so depressed after reading the comments in this thread. How did we get so far as a species?

    • +3

      I suspect it's been miraculous dumb luck.

      Personally, I think 1% of the population is contributing to make the world a functional place. The other 99% of inhabitants on this planet are drones sucking the life blood out of the 1% who are sane!

      • +1

        Fertility is inversely correlated with intelligence.

        • +1

          Only recently though…

      • +2

        Agreed except from the 'sane' part. There is no sane, just varying degrees of productive insanity

  • So the half eaten wings were hidden underneath so you couldn't see them from the top?

    • I'm kind of thinking maybe it is good luck, a magical Leprechaun ate those two pieces, good luck will sure to ensue. Of all the meals I have ordered and the other guy with the McChicken (what idiot would buy that anyway), I've only once had one item 1/2 eaten by the fast food Leprechaun but two items half eaten in a single order, it's a sign to buy a lottery ticket.

    • +1

      The eaten part was facing down, so it was hard to tell without opening the box whether they had been eaten or not.

      When I took them out to heat in the oven, at that point I saw these haft eaten ones.

      • wow so that was most likely on purpose! geezus.

  • +2

    Two were half eaten; I guess we will never know how many were completely eaten.

  • +1

    We are as one.

    I am also disgusted and appalled at the behaviour of people and would question why someone in their right mind would post something so petty as the loss of a little bit of chicken wing. If that's the biggest thing on someone's mind then life must be rocking pretty damn fine.

    OK, my work is done.
    @Scab, over to you.

    • I have some half eaten food to give away. Please be my guest.

    • +1

      @angrychicken Username checks out

  • +1

    A few years ago, I found myself at a Coles one early Sunday morning. While waiting in queue, me and a few other people in line quickly whiffed a nauseating violent smell that was so bad people were commenting on it, a girl in front of me who was still in her clothes from the night before - extremely short skirt/high heels, turns around and mentions to me that she reckons it's the old lady in the other line. Anyway - when it comes to her turn in the checkout, she drops her purse on the ground and when she bends over to pick it up, her knickers fall down around her ankles and sitting in them is the most disgusting tampon you could imagine. Panicking, she quickly pulled her knickers up as fast as she could, and her tampon flung out and hit the floor like a wet mop. She didn't end up completing her purchase.

    • Well, did she pick up the tampon, clean the floor and apologise to the old lady she said stunk; AND, did horny thoughts cross your mind while this scenario was unraveling?

    • +7

      I'm sorry, but unless it was half eaten it doesn't qualify.

    • Did you do the gangnam style when her panties dropped?

  • +2

    I suppose what one has to ask, really, is what came first; the chicken or the rooster? I have always personally advocated that it was indeed the rooster that came first; all over the chicken's beak, in fact. However, I'm not entirely certain that the sex lives of chickens aids your situation in the slightest and, for that, I unreservedly apologise.

  • used to work in a departmental store in the CBD,

    I've seen enough to swear literally everything on the sales floor is insanely dirty and loaded with bacteria.
    urine residual on the shelves, garment returns that stink of dried sweat masked by perfume etc

    and products placed at the back of the rack is not necessarily the 'newest'.

  • I used to work at Maccas and Bunnings and people would take a dump on the cistern of the toilet right on top of the buttons.
    This would take some effort and positioning, certainly more so than just taking a crap in the bowl like a normal person, so it means people actually were making an effort to be gutter scum.

    • Fortunately in the office toilets at work we have pictures show people how to sit on the toilet, although some still manage to spray it up to the handle.

      I expect it could be difficult to know how to use the toilet if you're from a different country.

      But then we let retardes psychopaths drive trucks on our roads, so that's probably more of an issue.

    • Some of this is probably cultural, as some folk refuse to sit on the dunny (and who can blame them), and instead stand on the dunny so they can squat just like they do back home.

      The upshot is they can shit everywhere, and potentially break the dunny and their arse if they're not careful.

      No need to thank me for sharing.

  • +1

    Humans are just pretty thoughtless, selfish beings for the most part.

    Anyone here been to the toilets at Chadstone shopping center in Melbourne?
    It's supposed to be an upmarket shopping centre (considering some of the stores in there), and the bathrooms were the most disgusting thing I've ever experienced at a shopping centre.

    I also wonder if this is because a large % of the shoppers are Asian tourists who are used to having people attend bathrooms 24/7 so they basically piss/shit wherever they feel the need. Don't flush, don't clean up after yourself, piss on the floor. Someone else will look after it. They just don't know any better I guess. Cultural thing.

    • +1

      not defending the culture… I use to work in the teachers federation building in surry hills, sydney. in the building were architects, and lawyers. Asians probably 3 out of 100… toilets… worst than your macdonalds restaurant on a Saturday night… must be a entitled anglo thing.

  • Omg, you were right to post about this, it's got to be the worst thing going on in the world right now. Absolutely disgraceful.

  • You should be lucky that the offenders didn't stick some poop in the chicken

    Such is the poor state of society nowadays

  • Why go to Costco?

    Just use Uber Eats - then you'll receive this:


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