Disgusting people...

Bought a large pack of chicken wings from Costco today. When I reached home and opened the box, I realised that two chicken wings looked like as if they were half eaten. Called Costco and explained them the situation. They were more than happy to refund me the money.

I took the item back and showed it to the person at the refunds counter. He also agreed that the chicken wings in question did look like as they had been eaten.

I am appalled at the behavior of people. Why would someone in right mind do this kind of thing?

TL;DR - Found two pieces of half eaten chicken wings in my purchase from Costco.


  • i was wondering who took my box of chicken wings.

  • -3

    I can't believe you're calling out the employees' behaviour of eating it, describing it as "appalling", but not the billion-dollar industry that enslaves and kills these animals in the first place. "why would someone in right mind do this kind of thing" lmao, get your priorities straight, I'm banging my head against the keyboard reading this BS. Bracing for downvotes.

    • +3

      Thanking you for your support.

  • +2

    I was in the toilets at work yesterday and I heard someone come in and start to use the unirinal while talking on their mobile phone.

    They didn't flush and then they walked out without washing their hands.


    The worst I encountered though was at the Victoria gardens shopping centre in Melbourne. I went into the first stall and rejected it because of the condition of the bowl. I went into the second. Stood there for a moment and was struck by the smell. I turned and looked at the partition wall and it was covered in shit.

    I nearly threw up on the floor.

    So nasty.

    • Ahh that reminded me of something that happened at my first place of work. We were all being made redundant, so someone decided they'd write a nice "brown" message on the partition. Fun times.

    • While I'm not suggesting for a second not washing your hands is okay, on the few times I've actually paid attention to other men in the toilets it seemed to me like half of them don't anyway, so it really isn't a surprise.

      • -5

        Here's a tip, wash it in the morning and you good for the day! In all seriousness why wash your hands in a public toilet after going for a pee …… I know where mine has been and even if by an off chance you pee on your hand urine is sterile, I can't say the same for most public toilet tap handles.

        • Actually urine is NOT sterile, that's a myth.

  • Not really about someone eating the food but I was to ajisen ramen in glen waverly and found baby cockroaches just as I was about to finish off my soap. Just floating there.
    Can't believe I didn't spew.
    Manager said I didn't have to pay for that but I had to pay for the gyoza.
    I coulda said no but I didn't want to make it look like I was just in it for the free meal. That's just me being paranoid as I don't think anyone would want cockroaches in their meal even if it meant they could get it for free

    • +2

      Wash your mouth out with soup!

    • +1

      So make a complaint to the local council so the rest of us don't have deal with that crap.

      Here's the link for City of Monash.

      Sir John Monash says "do it for your country!".

  • Seen Chinese people (100% spoke mandarin) at a Woolworths take fruit from the normal stands, place it into the free fruit for kids basket for like a second, then pick it up and give it to their kids like the most normal thing in the world.

    • Lol. That's genius.

      In all seriousness, wonder why people do such petty things. If you can't afford, then just let it go.

    • +1

      I've done thus when the basket was empty or only had sad crappy apples! I put something nice like a lady finger banana!sloppy of them to let it get empty or full of crap fruit

  • +2

    I think it's disgusting. But it was me, the chicken was delicious.

  • +2

    I used to work in the lingerie department at myer and the stuff I've seen there. For example, women who try on underwear directly and leave all sorts of nasty things behind. I once had to throw out underwear with period all over it. Also once found a pair of undies with what looked like someone had jacked off into it. So yer.

  • +2

    some prick at costco wanted to fight because i told his kid to rack off after he tore apart a 12 bottle box of powerade and handed them out to his mates (stole) leaving half an box empty. there are some true deadbeats going into costco, sadly.

    • Lol you should've clocked him with the powerade

  • Costco…chicken wings..??
    Were they raw?? Cos then yeah, holy crap those are some disgusting prople!

    Or costco sells cooked chicken wings in a bag.??? I cant imagine that… Ive never been. is there like a kfc or resturant inside??

  • My mate used to work at one of the big 4 banks (not a branch, one of their main office buildings), someone printed a sign and placed it in the bathroom that said along the lines of "please do not wash feet in the basin".


  • Maybe they missed out on the free Costco taste test. Don't judge people.

    • Taste tests are there every week.

      • …dude i was joking

        • I know… Just replied so people know that tasting takes place every week.

  • -2

    Chinese men hocking spit is pretty gross. No wonder they worry so much about bird flu.

    • +1

      In China, young, old, male, female, they all do it! Sometimes the product comes so close to my feet. Even just hearing the sound their throats make makes me nauseous. Love traveling the country, beautiful and friendly, so much to see, but had to leave after a month due to this disgusting behaviour.

  • +1

    Call the Poultry Police and ask for the Forensic Dentist to do some Beak Impressions.

  • I know with the roast chicken, the packaging is sealed prior to opening so you can at least check that. But if the employee was peckish, then there's no hope AT ALL.

  • pics or it didnt happen.

    • Already replied to this question.

  • +1

    That's not even that bad. I've seen opened and used condoms in a pack before….

  • heck I even saw some of the swimsuits in a mall that already had no plastic cover on the bikini area. it's totally gross

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