Not too bad for a ready to ride, minimalist, alloy frame & carbon fork single/fixed pushie. I'm tempted but already have a few similar home-made creations. Hmmm.
$150 off YESBikes Single Speed/Fixed Alloy Frame with Carbon Fork $599.00 inc. Shipping

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Yes, I thought you might like that JV ;)
I so want to buy an electric cos i'm a lazy POS, but would love to know what people say about the quality of this!
Bad for commuting given no front brake and only one fixed gear… This is a fantastic bike if you want to pickup hipsters while sipping latte's.
Also bad for mountain biking or riding in the snow as the tyres are too thin.
Each to their own. Even if this was the case, I've commuted for the last couple of years on a similar bike without a front brake and have never had an issue.
Note: Bike is supplied with front and rear brakes (as shown in image gallery).
LOL. So they removed the brakes from the banner image to try to appeal to more hipsters?
@goingDHfast: OK, it's obvious you don't understand the product. If you flip the rear wheel and use it as a proper fixie you don't need brakes because you just use your legs to slow down in which case you can just remove the calipers altogether as they're pointless (but be aware of your state laws before doing so!) Flip it back over so it's a single-speed and you'd need at least one caliper in order to stop. These bikes are designed to be customised however the rider desires.
"Includes both front and rear dual pivot caliper brakes."
Edit: Whoops got beaten to it
A couple of years ago I built a Bafang mid-mount electric for my daily commute. 3 months later I built a minimalist 2-speed and haven't ridden the electric since! Obviously all depends on required distance and individual ability but it didn't take me long to realise I didn't need a motor. Could've saved myself about $1500 if I just went straight for a non-motorised bike in the first place.
Regarding quality of these YES bikes… there isn't much to them so there isn't much that can go wrong. I don't own one myself but have built up a few similar minimalist single & twin speed bikes based on cheap crappy Chinese steel frames & components and have never had a problem. Also just about to finish my single speed full carbon bike also built from cheap Chinese components (which added up to quite a lot mind you!) and suspect it will also be fine.
Where did you get the frame and components for your 2 speed if you don't mind me asking?
Frame was from a near-new Reid Harrier I bought off Gumtree for $150 then sold all the components for $100. Cheap, nasty, heavy steel with average welds but strong as and had the 120mm rear width I desired. I then bought a 700 wheelset from the US laced with a Sturmey Archer S2C hub then purposely finished the rest of the bike off with inexpensive black components from here there & everywhere. The result has been a brilliantly fun daily minimalist commuter that just so happens to look kinda nice :)
@SteveAndBelle: yeah i've had my eye on a harrier for a bit (already have a dedicated road and mtb but need a commuter)
$150 is a steal, nice work!
Pedals look sexy too…