Good news for all Nescafe fans!
Not sure what the initial price was, or if this is a nation/ state-wide offer.
Good news for all Nescafe fans!
Not sure what the initial price was, or if this is a nation/ state-wide offer.
Oops, potato post then! Booo myself :(
These were the leftovers of that promo. I bought two to get the free mugs, but we don't really like Nescafe coffee. I drink pods. If I knew you'd be able to buy them separately for $1 I would have waited.
They are 250 ml mugs btw, which is smaller than the usual mug.
Not sure what the initial price was,
They've been free the last couple of weeks
Oops, honestly did not know that!! :D
It's ok. They were free but not unconditionally. You had to buy a $12 jar of coffee to get it.
How jv? srs question
Have a few free ones st home.
That was my first thought too! Remember clearing out the house and having about 2 dozen Nestle cups waiting to be used. And I never buy cups because there is always someone giving them for free as promotion.
A successful company is one that can encourage you to purchase its own advertising.
shut up and take my money!
I dont even buy their coffee!
Maybe buy a dollar mug with free coffee would get me to try
They're tiny, can't even make a cup of tea with them.
I think they're a good size personally, probably ~250mL capacity if anyone's wondering
And I thought cups were somewhat standard sized.
I think they're a bit less than 250ml.. good for portion control :)
You're probably right, probably around ~200mL now that I think about it. Agree with you about the portioning though, it's a good sized mug for that.
^ how did you all get it free?
It wasn't free. It was given away with purchase of Nescafee 250g instant coffee or 200g gold coffee.
Not a Nescafé fan but happy to purchase a couple at $1 per mug. Ceramic, dishwasher and microwave safe, bargain
I remember picking up about 2 dozen of these from an op shop last time this promotion was on for about $3.
Love this mug. Use it daily for my Nescafé coffee sachet addiction
I love my mug too, it is a little small but I use mine for tea, not coffee anyway, so it's about the right size. id love a few more to add to my camping set as I reckon these mugs are warm and friendly for winter mornings in a camp chair and cuppa.
usually free if you buy a nescafe "coffee" product