I was looking for a Shadow of Mordor pre-owned copy. It was selling at $15+ in ebay. With this deal, it seems to be $12.80 after 4% cash back. Thought it could be helpful to someone.
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They used to be my go-to for pretty much all video games. That was when the AUD was strong against GBP. Unfortunately their business model has kind of died with the weakening of the dollar, in conjunction with retailers selling games at semi-reasonable prices these days.
Ozgameshop have Mortal Kombat XL for $24.99AUD delivered when eb games have it for $89.95
Every game i have been after ozgameshop are cheaper than any retail store?
Not saying they're not worth a look. I have bought the odd thing there too over the past few years. There was a time though when you could buy any new release game <$60 from ozgameshop shipped free, where as the cheapest price a local retailer was selling was $89-99. When you're saving $40, well worth the shipping wait.
Now days a new release from Ozgameshop might be $70, with a 1-2 week wait for shipping, and at the same time (depending on the title) Target/Big W/JB might sell the same game for $70-80.
The savings have shrunk from $40ish to $0-10, and no wait for shipping to buy locally. I am simply stating they are not as appealing as they once were.
Yeah, Ticket to Ride used to be ~$40 on OGS back in 2011/12, that's when I got my copy. Then our dollar crashed, and prices went up but never came back down. Gets outclassed by Gameology and Games Empire with most board games nowadays.
I'm waiting until Dominion Prosperity comes back in stock. It's been like 6 months now.
Cheaper even with shipping via amazon US if you buy it at the right time using price watch via 3xcamel
Thanks for the tip!
Good deal for anyone keen to snap up WipEout: Omega Collection when it releases next month :D
Pre Paid for Crash Bandicoot for PS4 $49.95 good price
shame these guys aren't as super cheap on board games as they were, Smallworld for example has gone up 50% since I bought it, but that was a few years ago now.
good bang for buck with these two titles IMO: