Shop 2, 1/27 Murray St Pyrmont NSW 2009.
Please be considerate. I normally pay around ~$20.
Please dont eat as much as you want then give 20 cents.
Pay As You Wish Dining Malaysian @ Nur Muhammad Cafe Sydney

Last edited 30/04/2017 - 20:53 by 2 other users
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you forgot an ellipsis. Would you like to buy one more (…)? Pay whatever you want.
Which Melbourne places do it?
Lentil As Anything is on the verge of shutting down because no one pays, so yeah…………………..
There is a Lentil As Anything in Newtown, Sydney as well.
Definitely have to go back.Lol they did a pay as much as you want in an indian restaraunt.
Might as well just declare bankruptcy tomorrow.
The way you commented, one may have have thought you meant the whole chain was under threat of closure, not individual restaurants. It's a shame, but I think the concept will endure.
they do chicken (real chicken - not those vegetarian chicken) curry, satay, beef.
so they have meat - this is not a vegetarian only hence that's why i think its a ozbargain hehehe…..Great!
Does anyone have copper to break a 5c piece?
Actually, I might pay in Dong to delay their disappointment. 🤔
I have some ringgit lying around. That would be more appropriate.
i'll pay $20 a head
If you didn't want people to pay 20 cents, then you shouldn't have posted it on ozbargain.
Some people have no shame I guess, I'd feel so bad eating and leaving them 20c, it's more of an insult than eating free I reckon.
$10 minimum I say
OP didn't say you couldn't pay 5 cents ;)
I still have some 1c and 2c coins saved for deals like this.
is there such a thing as 1c????
cause he'd want to be a part of a community that isn't comprised of sad scabs
Please be considerate.
You must be confused and logged in to the wrong forum, this is Ozbargain.
even ozbargainers have their own sense of pride to fulfill.
I don't.
i'll probably only eat half as much as i want and pay 20c
I will probably pay them in eneloops.
i was jk guys.
We know. Negs mean it was a terrible joke.
it was the g
I wish I could do this for a 4 bedroom house.
Let me know where you can do this for a one bedroom apartment
Because it's OzBargain, not OzF***wit ?? I dunno. I don't like taking the piss out of people trying to earn a living.
You forget that most people on here are savages who would step over their own mother to save 10c on an eneloop.
My mother pays for my Eneloops.
@Scab: selling my mother for 20 AA eneloops or best offer (sorry Mods, move this to the classifieds if in the wrong place)
Becuase it's OzBargain, not OzF*ckwit
I lol'ed
"Becuase it's OzBargain, not OzF*ckwit ??"
What evidence do you have to back up your claim?
Think the idea is that if it's a supportable model they might do it more often, if people pay 20c …. probably won't be repeated.
the "pay what you want" in melbourne ( I know of 2) have been going for many years, and it's probably due to people paying a reasonable amount so they don't go broke…… they seem to cater in Melbourne for a broad spectrum of people and the idea being if you are poor person on Centrelink payments pay little, if you are rich vegetarian hipster pay more.
Luckily no chance this deal can get Brodened!
Hehehe already on my way with a stash of eneloops
Theres only one broden
and only one candyman
Not going to pay 20 cents.
.I will pay only 5 cents.
Thanks for the post, OP. /$
User name checks out.
he has half my name lmao
"eat as much as you want then give 20 cents."
Lucky I only read the last 10 words of descriptions !!!
Username checks out
no real deal?
Please dont eat as much
Alright OP, time to hand over your Ozbargain membership card.
Can we settle this by saying that regardless of the price of food, you should try to only ever take as much as you will eat? Or are we still creatures of feast and famine here? As far as payment if a homeless person paid 20c I think that would be fine, but otherwise I think a sit down meal in a Cafe anywhere is at least worth $7-10 to most of us even on below average days
If you don't enjoy the meal, what do you pay?
If you had to spend $20 in petrol to get to the restaurant, what would you pay for the meal?What ozbargainer would spend $20 on fuel to get to a restaurant. Do you know how many nuggets that could buy??
What ozbargainer would spend $20 on fuel to get to a restaurant.
None! They'd use their Opal card for the $2.50 Sunday cap.
Cafe has pay what you want and everyone is happy. Supermarket has pay what you want and people go crazy. Double standard OzBargainers.
Well said!
Cafe has eat what you want and everyone is happy. Morgue has eat what you want and people go crazy. Double standard OzBargainers.
Is soylent green on the menu?
No but it is a Disgrace to this site
I cant believe the mods allow this deal
the mods are removing the negs! Honestly unbelievable! (you self entitled bunch should be banned… These mods have the power to rule with an iron fist but they dont, we're lucky to have them)
this is morally corrupt
neg neg neg negnegs are removed when they don't meet the guidelines for negative voting.
Appropriate uses of negative vote:
Cheaper price elsewhere
Defective product - The product has been recalled
Major issue with product in that it doesn't work the way it should.
Major issue with retailer
Didn't receive previous purchase.
Shipping time exceeding expected wait.Not because you don't morally agree with the aspects of a deal.
Appropriate uses of negative vote
What!?!? But I don't like this deal!!
Not because you don't morally agree with the aspects of a deal.
No but this is morally incorrect!
neg neg neg neg@cwongtech: well, that is not a valid use of a negative vote.
A neg vote is not valid just because you don't morally agree with the aspects of a deal.
e.g. catholics can't neg condom deals because of religious belief. or vegetarians neg voting meat deals.
it doesn't work that way.
Is this sarcasm?
yeah, I'm not sure either now
cwongtech is definitely taking the piss.
@cwongtech: The problem is with Trump being elected it is hard to not judge comments on their face value. There really are just soooooo many nutjobs out there.
Is this sarcasm?
That's it!
I quit OzBargain! 😤
Doesn't look like everyone is happy by the comments though. They probably gave up negging as it didn't make a difference last time.
This is a marketing tool for a commercial business, I don't for a moment believe you can't see any difference between that and a charity giving free groceries to those in need and raising additional funds by asking for donations from those who can afford it.
The ramifications from one being abused is a set price menu from now on with some other marketing tool used, the ramifications from the other being abused is no groceries from that charity for those who really need them.
This is one of the dumbest discussions I have ever read.
If a business OFFERS pay what you want it is reasonable to pay 5c.
Noone is holding a gun to their head and forcing them to offer that promotion.
If you are trying to earn a living you don't go crying when someone does exactly what you tell them to do. That's the risk you take running a business offering such as this.
Only do this if you are willing to accept next to nothing from a lot of customers (this is why companies run promotions such as this to increase word of mouth).
Stop trying to attack people and stand on your high horse. Paying as much as you want at a restaurant that asks you to pay as much as you want is not morally corrupt.
It's like if any other business offers pay what you want ozb will pay minimum. But when restaurant offers it as an attempted business model oh boohoo you have no morals.
seriously? just because you have the right to do something (profanity)-ish, doesn't mean you should. unless your goal is to very rapidly make people dislike you I guess.
I can't speak for this restaurant but other pay-what-you-want restaurants in Melbourne (Lentil As Anything, etc) are obviously set up so homeless or otherwise poor people can pay far less or nothing, while if you have a full and steady income you should pay a reasonable amount. if you pay 5c because 'well they said I can pay what I want' then all you're doing is making it harder for them to offer meals to people who can't afford it.
i don't know what other way to say it mate, it just seems obvious that human decency is usually a better priority than putting your wallet first. i hope that even as OzB'ers we can see that.
The lack of human decency of doing something they tell you to do, lol. Okay guys.
They're rich enough to open a store and running a business for profit and not a homeless soup kitchen charity.
Next time restaurants are giving free meals or offering $10 off how about you pay for it? Oh wait this is different because that company is running a promotion that fits their business model and this company is running a promotion that fits their business model.
Stop putting words into my mouth. Not gonna encourage grabbing everything in sight or overdoing it with multiple dining everyday but having a dinner and paying 5c at a place that tells you to pay what you want is not bad morals.
And for the guy talking about people who 'need' this, this is NOT a soup kitchen for homeless run by struggling good samaritans, it's a paid for store that can afford to take marketing risks that is running a business promotion.
It's like if any other business offers pay what you want ozb will pay minimum.
That's a pretty big call to make.
Believe it or not, while the majority of ozbargainers love to make a saving on things, we do have morals too. If I save so much on this site, surely I have a heart to help out places like this where I can.
Put your trust in the majority as opposed to the minority doing the wrong thing.
Unfortunately the ones that need this the most today wont see it
From my uncorroborated experience, everyone's fears about the average OzBargainer devouring everything left, right and centre simply doesn't happen in the real world unless there's "asset value" or minimal time investment. Of course the on-line world is very different.
I'm actually surprised how few of the people at freebie events are OzBargainers based on my very limited sampling. I used to assume 50% or more of the scavengers would be OzBargainers based on my similar confirmation bias but I've been surprised every time. Most of what you see is just talk.
Went on cheapie Promotix for Tom Gleesons show and ended up with good seats up on the balcony with about 10 rows of other people - the rest of upstairs was empty with most people in the stalls below. I did wonder how many more of these people had come in on the same deal?
All the discussion about payment… How is the food there?
If the food is good most people will pay a decent amount.username checks out.
Who let you out of the charger? Lol
reckon i could smuggle in a few plastic containers and do the sneaky fill and have food for the rest of the week?
I'd be happy to up payment to 25….. cents
Hi Broden.
It is the moment when you should be laughing. You gotta appreciate the creativity on making jokes for people to have a laugh especially it is free.
LOL but first you need a pay as you wish airfare to fly to Sydney. Maybe you can fit some people into your luggage and split the airfare with them.
You've seen through my ruse :)
Correct me if I'm wrong but in theory they do this in hope to drive in traffic? They must calculate some sort of gain from doing a promo like this? Even if they lose money for a day?
For some people, it really isn't all about the money. It could be just the satisfaction of having fed all the people they could.
I'd imagine their moral compass is tuned towards greater things than money.
For further reference see lentil as anything and annalakshmi.
I live about 300 metres from this cafe, and had to walk an errand anyway that took me near it, so walked past at 6 pm to check it out, and see if there were any LOLz to be had from people being daft. Mostly it was Malaysian families, looked more busy than usual, everything looked very civilized. Had a quick look at the food, happy to pay $20 for a decent dinner, some of it looked buffet-style, pretty picked over at that stage, which is not unexpected because of this offer, and the staffed looked pretty busy, so I gave it a miss. Then a couple walked in, I would describe them as Ozbargain-guy, and very-much-not-an-ozbargain-girl. He was whining: "I just don't know if the food is any good", and she said "That's what I've been saying!!! Urgh!!". I'm hoping this wasn't their first date! Was tempted to say "dump him!", but I've been that guy…. so just let me offer this unsolicited advice to Ozbargain-guy: If you're going to go cheap, make sure that you're both okay with that, and have a fall-back plan if it doesn't click for both of you.
He negged you, I'm guessing he won't heed your advice.
He negged you,
I did not!
they have something similar in Perth but it was Vegetarian. Even if I went to that place in 2014, I am sure it still exists because of the amazing people who ran it.
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in melbourne we have several places that do the pay what you want everyday as part of their business model ….. and hence vegetarian dominate menu …… guess this malaysian restauarant is only doing one day …… though it might include animal protein…… which is where the big costs are……. the ones in melbourne haven't gone broke as yes….. people do the right thing possibly due to being shamed by their colleagues ……