Just checked my AMEX account and found these two offers. It's also available on amexconnect so you can add the offer to both AMEX-issued and bank-issued AMEX.
AmEx Statement Credit: Net-A-Porter Spend $500 or More, Get $50 Back; MR Porter Spend £300, Get $50 Back

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closed Comments
£300 is a bit over $500 so $50 back is less than 10%
Also 3% currency conversion fee
If you have the ANZ Rewards Travel Adventures, there is no fee.
but you have to pay with amex to get the cashback..
@googoogaga: For those that have the AMEX cards from the ANZ Rewards Travel Adventures I guess thats what divious was referring to.
Of course, I have the ANZ Rewards Travel Adventures AMEX card which has no foreign transaction fee.
Are there any AmEx cards with no foreign transaction fee?
@sween64: There is the ANZ Rewards Travel Adventures but they have announced that they will stop AMEX so if you don't have it already then you are out of luck as the AMEX cards are no longer being issued (current ones work until 5th August so valid for those still have it currently). https://www.ausbt.com.au/anz-stops-issuing-american-express-…
In case anyone else was wondering, they're both fashion outlets.
Gees and here I was thinking it's something sexual.
Like the Dan Murphy's offers, these AMEX offers have been dreadful recently.
Yep. Combine that with change from flights to travel credits, signup bonuses no longer for existing cardholders, amex partner cards disappearing from the big banks… amex membership numbers are going to drop over the course of this year
I recently closed off my ANZ black ff card. What Amex card is the best for offers like these, obviously one without fees. Thanks
Westpac might still have a sign up bonus for their Qantas FF card that comes with an AmEx.
OR check out any AmEx deal (like this one) and there's a variety of AmEx issued options in the referral section. I've got the Qantas Discovery AmEx which has no annual fee and still collects points.
Manual Links:
NET-A-PORTER: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…
MR PORTER: https://offerenroll.americanexpress.com/enroll/EnrollmentSit…