• expired

Woolworths Rewards - $10 off Your Next Shop + 500 Points to Start Saving - New Customers Only


For new members only!

Offer is available for new members only. Offer available from 10/04/2017 until 07/05/2017. 2500 Bonus Points will be added within 10 business days of campaign end date. See https://www.woolworthsrewards.com.au/terms.html for terms, conditions and exclusions.

Referral Links

Everyday Extra: random (956)

Referee and referrer get 1500 points after referee's first paid month of subscription.

Related Stores

Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards
Everyday Rewards

closed Comments

  • +28

    $10 off Your Next Shop

    Our local Fruit shop is selling for about $650K. I guess every little bit counts… thanks…

    • +1

      buys you half a mediocre house in Sydney

    • About on par with those pesky .25% eBay cashback deals….

      Actually, those max out at $7.5 @ $3,000 spend (max for the 20% off sales)… So this is better…

    • Maybe use the money you saved for some good jokes.

  • +8

    Wow free money, brb making 50million accounts.

    Next step closer to Sydney House prices!

    This is life 101

    • HAHA Turd, I KNEW you'd come through with the goods :D

      • +2

        Just doing what I can to make life better one step at a time

        • Good on you mate :)

    • +3

      Only 50million? Turd, your dreams of wealth are half what they were a month ago. RUOK?

      Last $10 Woolies deal you posted Wow imagine if you signed up 100000000 of these, that's $1,000,000,000 Free dollars!.

      That deal was Valid for first 4500 signups.
      No one knows how long this deal will last, but not 50million signups😉

      As was explained last time, signing up more than the population of Australia might be noticed by Woolies😯

    • Have u made 50million accounts & received $500million WW dollars? If so, how will u cash out $500million WW dollars?

  • +8

    They check IPs…….

  • +1

    Here we go again…

  • didnt work last time for me for some reason

    anyone had the same experience

  • So does this have to be spent at Woolworths or can it be any of there other stores

    • Their there.

      • Has to be spent at woolies.

      • -1

        thare, thair

  • Is this on-going?

    • +1

      Seems so but highly unlikely as Woolworth will go broke if it goes on forever.

  • This pays for my monthly mints budget

  • +1


    The URL is a targeted link that the OP came across no doubt while browsing. They are measuring the traffic from certain websites for marketing purposes so 5000 sign ups will standout pretty clear against the one targeted link.

    • Hmm, good point.

    • Similar to the link last time.Many received the $10 rewards.

      It does look like a Groupon referral link,though.

    • -4


      Easy. Copy address, open new page, paste address and go!

  • +2

    new customers? really? is there anyone out there that HASNT heard/shopped at colesworth?

    • +1

      New tourists

  • I believe I speak for at least a few existing customers when I say Wool-not-worths can shove their $10 dollars…

  • +2

    I don't even know what happens these days when I scan my Woolies card with their whole "loyalty" program.

    • I stopped scanning it other than for "promotional items" because I was getting no value at all and they were getting information that enables them to take more of my money with 100% no awareness on my part.

      • +1

        Please elaborate on this?

        • They probably can use the information for marketing specific products

    • It seems mostly worthless these days. Might get $10 off per year if I'm lucky.

      • -1

        I thought Woolworths dollars after their Qantas agreement ended was bad enough, but at least that was clear enough what the heck was going on. That makes it look good compared to … what ever it is now.

      • +1

        The points are pretty useless, but the promotion points or instant cash off offers are good. Used instant $15 off $50 on Sunday & $10 off $30 Tuesday. Worthwhile having a few accounts & rarely using each card to get offers. Also $10 off $30 online for your birthday.

  • Is there a minimum spend limit to get the $10?

    • $10.01

    • +3

      minimum is exactly $10.

  • +1

    This is technically abusable, though I wouldn't recommend it - you're relying on wordplay.

    According to T&C:

    1.5 There is a limit of one Card per person.

    18.4 Card means a Registered Woolworths Rewards membership card.

    This is the only mention of only one redemption per person, though the below defines the card as membership card, referring to the card its self rather than membership. As you may dispose of and/or cancel past cards, in theory you may take advantage of this offer multiple times by signing up for a new membership, though only having one card at a time.

    Member means a person who has Registered his or her Woolworths Rewards card and Membership has a corresponding meaning.

    According to this a new member is someone who has (is) registered(ing) a new rewards card. Elsewhere it'd stated your membership is cancelled upon deactivating your card, therefore your registration is cancelled and you were not considered a person who has registered his or her rewards card. This further backs that you may be considered a new member.

    tl;dr: you may only hold one card at a time.
    You may deactivate your card.
    Signing up for a card is considered a new membership. Membership is defined the same as member according to T&C - you are therefore a new member.

    • +1

      All that for a measly $10?

      When is WW going to be selling their Gift Cards at a discount via Groupon again? That was a great deal; I bought several thousand dollars worth!

      • Agreed, though thought I'd provide the info because I'm sure someone thought of doing it. :P

  • +4

    USE VPN, make up address or use someone's address once u get digital card, use $10 credit priceless.

  • +1

    Sorry we have experienced a technical error. Click here to complete the registration again…

    Useless waste of time..

  • Just need to register ? How to get 10$ discount . I didnt get anything in my email .

    • +2

      LOL ^^ No Sydney house for you

    • 10 days later according to the instructions

  • Do you have to use that reference link? It had issues for me so I just went to woolworthsrewards site and signed up but worried that I won't get the $10

    • I suspect you'll get $10

      • I didn't :\
        It had to register through the link

  • "Sorry, we have experienced a technical error. Click here to complete the registration again."

    Oh really? Ozbagained?

    • It happens randomly, possibly servers were overloaded. You can still get your member number from the confirmation email.

  • +1

    Looks like the deal is over. Pretty sure when I looked at the link a few days ago it mentioned $10 spending.

  • +1

    Anyone received $10 yet?

    • No !

    • nooo =(

    • Received new card today but no $10 credit

      • -3

        Will Woolworths going to dishonor their promise?

        • At least you got 'their' right… I'll give you that much

    • Nope grr

    • -2

      No $10 off for me. What a waste of time.

      • +1

        just checked my account and there's 2,000 points for me!!! thanks woolies :)

  • No $10 off yet

  • +2

    Just to report:Got 2000 pts today!Check your new accounts!

    • +1

      yes, even I can confirm that received 2000 points on my 2 new accounts.
      OzB friends can now search for properties in Sydney to Buy.

    • It's throwing errors for me..

      • +1

        Check again mine did the same last checked at 12pm Perth time but checked this morning at it was all
        Good $10 credit

  • No credits here. Hope they do it otherwise just another waste of plastic

    • +2

      Should check again mine went on over night

    • +1

      Stupid thing to say on a public comment.

  • Can we use this Woolworths Rewards $10 on Big W or Woolworths Petrol Station?

    • No.

      Big W don't participate in the scheme anymore. When you buy petrol you get a note on the receipt if you have $10 credit but you can't use it as a discount off your petrol.

  • -4

    Can we use this Woolworths Rewards $10 to buy cigarette from Woolworths Supermarket and/or Woolworths Petrol Station?

  • -2

    Someone's probably going to get fired over this one

  • Oh I see, they have updated it cheers.

  • -1

    Seems like they're not giving the points anymore. Anyone else received them recently?

    • +1

      How long have you been waiting for them?

      • -1

        5-7 days maybe
        I know it says "10 days from end date" but some people said they got it already, so I just wanted to check if I did something wrong or its no longer valid

  • +2

    Looks like they no longer give you points. The page has been updated.

  • right its over??

  • Is there anyone received the 2500 points?

  • nope i havent so hasnt my friend im wondering are we going to see it at all

    • I would think you will. Woolies is huge and they will follow through - I expect

      • but its already more than 10 business days of campaign end date

        • Well the campaign ended on the May 7th, so plus ten business days would be Friday the 19th by my count.
          You can ask them here: https://web.facebook.com/WoolworthsRewards/?_rdc=1&_rdr

        • not ended on 2 May?

        • @keepinme:
          'Offer available from 10/04/2017 until 07/05/2017' although they stopped it earlier

        • Yes I know, so I just wonder is it because too much signups, they stopped it earlier and not giving any points lol

  • still nothing what a shame, i wanted to buy my gaytime ice cream today :-(
    it always tastes nicer when its free

    • Woolworths offered everyone 2500 for their sign up details - that was the offer.
      They would look incredibly bad if they took everyone's information and did not follow through. I would expect that they come through as promised.
      If they do not, I would contact them on Facebook or call them if you signed up and did not get your points.

  • +1

    ive contacted them through facebook also asking if everyone will be receiving there points soon, will update if they give me any further information as a few of my friends had signed up also

    • I dont think anyone has received the 2500 points from Woolworths yet. I haven't seen a single report of "points received" so far. It would be extremely strange of them not to follow through on a huge promotion like this

  • +1

    true, hopefully will receive points by Monday, waiting on more info from them, thanks for info King Tightarse :-)

  • +1

    latest update from woolworths directly

  • +2

    "Unfortunately, this promotion experienced a technical issue which resulted in the
    promised reward of 2500 points not being added to your Woolworths Dollars balance.
    We are working to resolve this and we expect that 2500 points will be loaded in your account by next week.
    We apologise for any inconvenience caused."

  • +2

    another update

    "Thanks for your response. Rest assured,
    our members will not need to contact us to redeem their points.
    They will be automatically loaded into their accounts by next week. Thank you"

    • +1

      Thanks for posting, that probably saved them about 25000 Facebook and phone inquiries lol.

  • so its wednesday now… anyone gotten their points yet?

  • still nothing here either

    I'm assuming by Friday, if not, back on to Facebook to make some noise!!!!

  • +1

    this is my post on facebook still no reply please add comments and add your own posts also this isnt fare

    anyone had there credit today?


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