• expired

2 Boost Juice for $10 on 23/03/17


Grab your bestie, your work mate, your goldfish or just pretend like you have friends, we don’t judge nor do we care…
Because tomorrow you can get TWO Boosts for $10!

Show or mention offer in store to redeem. Offer valid 23/03/17. Excludes Protein Supreme, Mango Mirage, Pure Eden & Red Royale. Additional ingredients charged extra. Not valid with app orders or any other offer including Vibe.

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Boost Juice
Boost Juice

closed Comments

  • what size?
    probably the small one.

    • +1

      I think it's any. Not much of a deal on a small.

    • facebook reply says original

  • +3

    Daym with all these deals, its same to asume boost is in financial trouble.

    • -5

      And it's safe to say whatever translator you used to write the article shouldn't be used again.

      • +3

        What article?

      • +1

        Do you think I'm actually 0p?
        LOL haha…

    • well… we are in the colder seasons which usually puts a decline on their sales……… but your conclusion is to assume they are in trouble? : O

      • +2

        Well with prices that high, I don't doubt it…

        Gotta give us a better deal than that Janine.

        • +2

          Also of all my years on OzBargain i don't recall boost having these may offers in winter.
          I mean once every week!
          Maybe something changed like new management or something?

      • -2

        Ö Heres a better :O
        Or even 😮
        Seriously who uses ascii emojis anymore?
        -0p :)

    • +6

      I certainly hope so. Boost is junk, the sooner they go belly up the better.

    • +7

      Shark tank "I like the brand and your commitment, but I don't see how a reasonable person would pay $9 for a drink…for that reason I'm out"

      • +1

        Haha I'm starting to think the only reason boost is still alive is because of shark tank and deals like this…

        • +2

          Exactly, only the 2 blokes are reasonable (steve and Andrew) seem geniuene and only commit to deals they know they can aid in…the other 2 ladies are up themselves!

        • +3

          Even the vet guy is quite geniuene but does't seem to understand some of the deals he is making.
          Janine and red balloon lady seriously are ß)тспеs

    • I asked one of the staff and she said that it's due to the bad weather that they are doing the deals. They are apparently running deals for 2 weeks so get ready for more boost offers.

  • +8

    Thanks OP, now I can rot both my remaining teeth!!

  • +1

    Yay! Fruit drink!

  • +1

    Excludes Protein Supreme, wtf😈

    • +14

      Username checks out lol

    • Bummer! That is my favourite.

  • +2

    anyone willing to split the offer? Melbourne Central Boost

  • not bad, but monday was 1/2 off and i got 2 for $8.00

  • +1

    & you didnt post the deal !?!?!?

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