This was posted 8 years 1 day ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

½ Price Connoisseur Ice Cream Tubs 1L $4.84 @ Woolworths (Starts 22/3)


½ Price Connoisseur Ice Cream Tubs 1L $4.84 @ Woolworths. Starts 22nd March.

Time to stock up for Easter.

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closed Comments

  • +9

    I can never start my diet with all these back to back connoisseur deals 🙄

  • Half price? Never have I seen it sell for 2 x $4.84.

  • +15

    Connoisseur is the only ice cream that tastes as good as a proper ice cream shop. Such a good price, really good quality

    • +3

      Yep. And I'd like to take a moment to specifically disparage Sara Lee ice cream here, most flavours of which literally taste worse than normal cheapo ice cream.

      I've bought it multiple times thinking "it's fancy! It can't be that bad! It must be just that one flavour that sucks". Nope.

      A disgrace to actual premium ice creams.

      • +1

        Blueberry Cheesecake is good.

        But in general, Sara Lee icecream is disgusting, and not even worth it at half the price.

  • +1

    Damn just paid $6 at coles =/

    • +35

      I was shopping at Coles with my daughter yesterday and she asked if we could buy some. I said it will be $4.85 soon and then we will buy it. That was fine with her

      • +41

        The craft of OzBargaining is often handed down from one generation to another.

        • +2

          so it is written…

        • -1


        • @AlienC: what's with this comment 'Bikies'

          What do u mean I see it everywhere especially on forums..

        • +6

          @yourpalcliffy: it's just a stupid response for an answer regarding fixing problems. insinuating that bikies can be hired as muscle to fix "problems". but it's gotten out of hand as bikies have been suggested for - removing spiders, buying cheese, etc.

        • +1

          @yourpalcliffy: pretty much a stupid "in joke" that has gotten crazily out of hand. Pay no attention to it it will go away hopefully soon once we run it into the ground.

        • +2

          @AlienC: Price match at Officeworks?

        • @JohnHowardsEyebrows: Yes phone is fine.

        • @jackary:

          It's just 'phone is fine', jeez learn your memes guy!

        • @cdestratis: So fone is phine?????? This is all very unclear????????????????????????????

      • :') teach em young

  • +6

    the incredible bulk begins

  • -2

    Oh No. I just bought yesterday for full price. Devastated. Can I refund it and get cheaper. I still have the receipt

    • Yeah sure…refunds should be fine. Let me know how it goes, ok?

    • +11

      I'd let go of the $4.50 and keep my dignity. :-P

    • +5

      … finish it and buy another … ;)

    • Depending on who you speak to, they might propose the policy not to accept refrigerated goods for refunds.

  • +9

    My body is ready but my fridge is not

    • +1

      Just defrosted the freezer yesterday but my waist line says I shouldn't.
      I will limit myself to only 2. That will be enough till the next sale

  • +10

    I've still got some from last time Coles had it at half price so I'll have to increase the eating pace.

  • +10

    Love it.

    • +24

      User name checks out

  • They're worse than drug pushers. Oh sorry, ahem… yes, sorry they ARE drug pushers. Doh! Must not buy must not buy, I will not buy… will go exercise instead and eat celery and cabbage tonight.

    • +2

      Yep. I've personally scoffed down 3 to 4 tubs this summer. Not good for the waistline

      • +1

        And you call that scoffing?
        I do 3 or 4 in one sitting

      • +3

        OMG! You ate four litres of ice cream over the course of summer? I'll dial 000 and you get ready for the ambulance, ok? Just stay calm and remember to breathe.

        • It is for me. I usually don't eat ice cream. Now I've become a fatty…..

        • +1

          You don't get fat from eating four litres of ice cream during an entire a season. Is there something you're hiding? :-P

        • @kahn: True but it hasnt helped me keep the weight off either!

        • @Piranha2004: Have to check with the ABS, if they still have anyone flagged as 'Possible Bikie', perhaps their weight is greater now than in the last census:

          Imagine how many tubs they'd be collecting every time they break into someone's house to recover monies or whatever it is they most often do… this stuff must be so commonly available, the addiction rate is far higher than amphetamines.

  • +2

    This is dangerous!!

  • +4

    to those who need this right now , Spud shed in WA are selling $4.99

    • Love the use of "need" here

  • +4

    just prepping that winter body, need to keep warm somehow

  • Good for the wallet. Bad for the waistline :(

  • +5

    Great news, time to stock up the Matcha Green Tea.

  • +13

    rushes off to the freezer to eat the remaining Connoisseur to clear some space

  • It's like the Chorizos at woolies, just make it $5 permanently and people will just buy it. Beats all the other "common" ones, actually has real bits of whatever flavour it comes in.

    Who knows maybe ice-cream does go bad?

    • No no no its a premium price point product.

      Just bring the price down every now and then to addict a few more sugar abusers.

      LOL, the night before it ended I dropped by to get some more of that green tea flavour. The fridge was completely empty and they were restocking everything other than Connoisseur. Asked if they had some out the back and the guy said no. I bet they rolled it a fridge-full of it at midnight.

      The top shelf did have a few weird sounding butter flavored tubs frozen to the back, but I managed to scrounge one tub of vanilla from another fridge where someone had left it beside all the Bulla.

      Then, as I left, at least three more people turned up to look at the weird flavour-ed tubs, texting their friends about the unexpected loss.

      Victims of distribution, all of us. We will die of the consumption.

  • This makes me happy. Four tubs for me!

  • Didn't find honey chocolate nougat last time.. Which other flavors are good.?

    • +3

      Cookies and cream
      Murray river salted caramel with choc coated hazelnut pieces mixed thru hazlenut flavoured vanilla ice cream

      I feel horny

    • +1

      Belgian Chocolate is my fav

    • +1

      All these are great:
      - Murray River Salted Caramel
      - Cafe Grande
      - Honey Macadamia
      - Raspberry and White Choc
      - Belgian Choc

  • +1

    Advertising cheap Connoisseur Ice Cream on OB should be banned…


  • Oh man. Time to stock up some raincheck too

  • -2

    I know everybody loves Connoisseur but I dont think it is good for health with high saturated fat and sugar.
    I am surprised nobody cares.

    • +2

      There's ice cream like Halo Top or Fropro that are healthier, but they're over $20 per litre. A cheapish alternative is Harry's peanut butter ice cream with around 12% sugar that goes for either $8 or $10 per litre. If you've got better suggestions, then please provide them.

    • +2

      Nobody likes a party pooper.

    • +4

      I think the general population understand that ice cream is not a health food

    • I wish they still regularly had the 2L tubs of cadbury ice cream. It wasn't too pricey and had significantly lower fats and sugars percentage than most other ice cream (while also tasting better with smoother texture).

  • +2

    My favs:

    Cookies and cream

    not so nice is the matcha, surprisingly sold out all the time!

    • +1

      I don't like fancy vanilla, vanilla should be smooth and airy, so you can eat it with cakes/pies/hotFudge etc.

      For Connoisseur I recommend:

      Cookies and Cream
      Golden Syrup

      • +1

        HONEY MAC YO

    • +1

      Macha is huge in Asia. So I guess Nestle is trying to capture that market.

    • +2

      Salted caramel is the bomb thorough.. I always gotta get one of that

  • The true cheap skate in me always tried to still justify the 0.11c/litre and 0.25c/litre ice creams when this comes on but man the quality of this 0.48c/litre ice cream is sometimes just too good.

  • HAs anyone in Sydney manage to find green tea flavor?

    • yes:
      Coles World Square - from they day they launced it
      Woolworths Surry Hills - only since recently and not always in stock

      • Cheers. I haven't seen it at Coles broadway and WW haynarket. Good to know it's available at other stores

        • +1

          Just checked this evening, they had it at WW Surry Hills

  • Kind of fallen out of love with Connioissuer and favour Aurora Gelato from IGA. Pistachio and coffee being my fav.

  • Seems like Salted Caramel and cookies and cream is the most popular
    Who's tried the Match one?

    • +1

      For a long time, the Matcha green seemed illusive and hard to find. I finally tracked it down the last time, and tried it. I would say it is a very delicate flavour (in a good way), kind of like vanilla. Whereas some of the others - e.g. Salted Caramel, are bold flavours.

    • Yep, seen a few in Perth, got one at my girlfriend's insistence.

      I'm not a total bogan, I went to an opera once (left halfway though, was boring af), but I'm a simple man. I like my flavours loud and my icecream delicious. Matcha left me unsatisfied. It always does, I don't really like green tea so perhaps I should have seen the writing on the wall, but here we are.

      Perhaps my pallet isn't refined, maybe the flavour is boring, maybe I shouldn't have bought an ice-cream modeled on a flavour I don't like, but I give Matcha flavour a lowly 1.5 stars.

      Girlfriend enjoyed it though.

      • If you want to be an un-bogan, eschew the fancy flavours and buy vanilla Connoisseur.
        Then add your own fruit or home-made apple pie etc etc.

      • No, they screwed it up big time lol imo. I've had matcha ice cream from other brands and they are able to make it nice and tasty. Connoisseur didn't do a good job, the matcha flavour is too discreet. Or maybe they cheaped out on the ingredients and didn't put enough matcha powder in the ice cream.

  • +3

    My word. Paid heed to the outpurings of support for this half-priced product and picked up some New York Bed Stuy flavour (Has pretzels, peanut butter and 'sweet cream') and must say the love is justified. I am typing this with one hand

    • My favourite I think. Got the brownie one this time, not as good.

  • +1

    Bought the last 2 tubs of Matcha Green Tea ice cream on Wednesday afternoon and hope they add more stock this weekend.

  • +5

    The sad truth is that "Connoisseur" is like what we used to call regular ice-cream that came in square 2 litre tubs.

    Then they started taking out the butterfat, adding more sugar, and filling it with air, and using euphemisms like "extra creamy" when they'd taken the cream out.

    I swear, the Peters used to be more like the Connoisseur than the crap they sell now.
    i.e. Connoisseur is just normal proper icecream, and the Peters/Bulla/Streets is watery crap that cannot legally call itself ice-cream. Look at the labels.

    • +1

      Too true. Imagine, the poor sods buying 'light': They're getting stiffed even more as the shareholders' multi-million dollar world class decision makers have learned to supplement even more water in their vats (instead of the miserable amount of skimmed milk they've got it down to now…)

      • Two too true. " filling it with air"….sold by volume not weight. Coles home brand vanilla bean is better, one day I'll do a weight comparison.

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