• expired

eBay Cashback with Cashrewards Increased to 1.5%


A bit more % off with Cashrewards in combination with CARS and CYBER on ebay 20% off for Some IT and Auto Items. 21.5% off altogether.
Sorry, first time poster. Apologies if not posted correctly or duplicated

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Referral: random (3757)

$10 for referee and $10 for referrer, after referee makes $20 purchase within 14 days.

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closed Comments

  • +61

    Why is this a bargain ?

    • -1

      Better than 0% discount..

      • +33

        It's not 0% though, if you are using cashrewards, it's normally 1.25%. This is only 0.25% more, hardly a bargain…

        • +2

          LOL.. people still voting NES machines as bargain for RRP.. why not?

        • +1

          No. It's 20% more! It's 0.25% points more.

        • +2


          No. It's 20% more!

          For a $100 purchase, you get an extra 25 cents back…

        • +7

          @jv: Woo! Enough to send an SMS.

        • +2


          You pay for SMSs ???

        • @jv: Only 12c ;)

        • @bchliu:

          Because they don't know any better :)

    • @jv You do not represent all Ozbargain users

      • where did I claim that I did ?

        • +7

          where did I claim I did?

          Fixed that for you.

      • -1

        But if she ran for OzBargain presidency, she would have my vote! jv, BUILD THAT WALL!

    • -1

      Ozbargain is not just for bargains, hence when you submit a "bargain" you find it's described as a "deal".
      An % increase, in the form of cash for a purchase is a bloody good deal, even if its only 20% more on a very low amount.

      Some people think its annoying because it seems more about awareness of the change than an actual deal, and I do agree with that, but we have forums for forum topics and changes like increasing cashback is a deal.

      To cater for all why not ask the mods to unexpire the last deal where the same percentage increase occurred, we all know there has been a few.

      • Ozbargain is not just for bargains

        Hand back your OzBargain membership card…

        • I only signed up for the free account, never got the membership card option!

        • @ozy:

          never got the membership card option!

          You get it after you 20,000th comment.

        • @jv: :) 😂

        • +2

          @jv: Oh, do you think I could borrow your second card in that case?

  • -2

    On its own maybe not, but as a whole deal 21.5% off is better than 20% off… Me thinks

    • +23

      21.5% off is better than 20% off…

      Nope, it would normally be 21.25% with cashrewards if you use it.

      This post is just telling you that you'll get an additional 0.25% off, it's not actually a bargain, it's more of an announcement

      • +5

        Don't bother jv, I've tried and they just don't get it.

        • +6

          Don't bother jv

          I'm not ready for retirement yet…

        • +4


          Hey, look, I can make words bold too!

        • -3


          It's what you do them that counts…

    • +15

      This is not a post for 21.5% off, it's for 0.25% off. $0.25 per $100. 25c per 10000c.

      Given the L plate I'd like to clarify that this my vote is not directed at you.

      I was surprised when the deals for 0.75% weren't unpublished as marketing / spam / joke post but the fact that 0.25% already has 89 people calling it a deal leaves me lost for words.

  • +21

    No deal. Not guaranteed. Once again tracking is always flakey with CR and eBay. Good luck getting your expensive purchases paid back in 6 months time. Better chances of getting money by spending a night at the casino.

    • menulog boom within half hr ea time, ebay NEVER tracks. I don't even bother anymore

      • +3

        since i started using the cashrewards add on for Chrome, its been fine for me

    • Use a browser that doesn't have ad-blockers. CR is the only time I use Edge.

      • +1

        Use a browser that doesn't have ad-blockers.


      • Use a browser that doesn't have ad-blockers. CR is the only time I use Edge.

        Yeah.. no. You can take my uBlock origin out of my cold, dead, hands.

    • +5
      • Have you tried using the guarantee form? It's annoying and not really a worthwhile use of time for such a small cash back.

        • Never had to as my purchases track. Sure the effort might not be worth it if the cashback is small and you're willing to forget about it, but afaik no other cashback website offers a guarantee like this.

        • @Clear: I never had a problem until recently. Had a few transactions go AWOL and thought I'd try their guarantee form. Such a terrible process and really not worthwhile in the long run.
          Went back to other tracking site that has never missed a transaction so far.

        • @d1s34s3d: Depends on the store as they all use different affiliate networks. I usually have to wait up to a week for sites using shareasale and 1-2 days for sites using CommissionFactory.

        • @Clear: For cash rewards I'm generally waiting up to a month before I get the notification it was tracked. Other site is usually a few days. The only down side with other site is the amount required before being able to cash out.

        • @d1s34s3d: Same online shop?

        • +1

          @Clear: same shops. Yep. Always been slow on cash rewards but the minimum cash out made it more worthwhile. Since the site had a makeover a few months back there's been more issues I've found. Missing transactions. Slower in general for transactions to be tracked.
          Also dislike receiving emails whenever I go to the cash rewards page and don't go on to make a purchase. Feels rather invasive.

        • @d1s34s3d: Interesting. The tracking itself is carried out by affiliate networks and not Cashrewards so it shouldn't make a difference.

        • @Clear: That is odd then. Same shops on same browser from same phone and different turn around times between the different cash back sites.

    • +1

      Agreed. I don't even use it anymore after a bunch of deals didn't track.

      Turns out you basically have to use IE for this to work, and that's if you can be bothered waiting months.

  • +33

    What a fantastic bargain! I only need to spend $400 to get an extra $1 back in 3 months time!

    • +2
    • +3

      That's if you get it, just had the hassle of lodging a claim they supposedly missed ($700)

      what a headache, answer all these stupid questions, upload receipt, they really make you work for the 1.25%.

      Why don't the miss the small transactions where you get a couple cents back?

  • +18

    This is more like advertising for cash rewards. It belongs in the forums at best, not the front page.

  • +7

    Here we go again… cue comments as to why this should and shouldn't be posted as a bargain / not a bargain.

    Thanks for letting us know OP, however I won't be + voting.

    • -4

      Spot on. I thought that for all bargain hunters out there every bit matters. I just don't get people that can't let things go. You don't like it, don't have to use it. Despite me apologising for maybe not so perfect first ever post some people are just… Oh well, it's their life and that's who they are :-)

      • +15

        I thought that for all bargain hunters out there every bit matters.

        But this isn't actually a bargain. It's just an announcement that you'll get an extra 0.25% off…

        This is no different to posting a separate post for every deal posted on OzBargain that is eligible for cashrewards…

  • +4

    Oh no, not again……

  • +2

    here for the comments lol

  • +1

    technically they are increasing it over 8% aren't they ..

  • +7

    Great…An extra 25cents for each hundred spent…. time to pull the trigger on the Mavic. Not.

    • +2

      aw, we both still havent got one yet :(?

      • No :(

        As a matter of principle I won't be paying more than $1359.20 ….. And I think we all know 0.025% isn't going to get us there.


        • I've budgeted $1359.19 for a mavic deal, We will have to write a 'sucked in comment' to the people who paid $1359 for it, when if that day comes. Too bad cashrewards couldnt give us another 0.0001%, I might bite otherwise.

        • @dylanando:
          What about the flymore combo?

        • My budget doesn't extend to the fly-more combo. It's either fly-some or fly-none for me.

        • @dylanando:

          You're a thinker.

  • +7

    I guess I'm not the only one tired of these Cash reward ads.

    • +2

      Believe me you're not. Just as soon as one poster stops submitting these deals, another one comes along.

      That being said, I don't blame the submitter entirely. It's the sheep on this forum who decide to + vote the 'deal'. If these CR spam recieved the appropriate number of + votes (eg. 0) then they would never reach the front page and the majority of people would be happy.

      I mean what sort of person is happy with a 0.25% discount? Should you really be spending time online if this makes the difference between being able to afford a purchse? Get a job that earns real money.

      • Maybe if we could just filter these spammy deals under our profile setttings would be great.

  • +3

    no deal

  • Kinda new to cash rewards, but how long does it take to get the money back? It seems that different purchases have different lead times before it becomes 'approved'? I have some larger purchases in my history that have an approval date 3 months post purchase? And some others 1 month post purchase?


    • +3

      Stores generally approve it after their return period so people won't buy and return to milk the system for free money.

      • Ahh, makes sense. Thanks Clear!

  • -1

    I don't suppose anyone knows of any 3 or 4TB 2.5" USB drives on there do they? Ideally PMR, not SMR
    Bonus if the 3TB is 12mm (pretty sure 4TB is always 15mm at the moment)

    • +34

      Member Since

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      Yeah thanks for your contribution to the site.

      • +4

        hahaa owned jelko!

    • +1

      Play the deal, not the man

    • jelko, this is an unnecessarily rude comment and is not welcoming to new users. If you have an issue with the deal, then that's fine but let's not direct it at the OP. See my recent post on acting respectfully.

  • For most purchases ($10~$500) the extra saving is very marginal. It's nice to be notified though.

  • +1

    That's just on time, about to buy a $10 stuff. Feeling much wealthier now!

    • What are you going to do with your extra 2.5 cent saving?

  • +1

    CR is becoming like DSE. Always the same discounts… just keep announcing the same extra 25 cents back for spending $100

  • +12

    LOL mindless people voting + for this "bargain". What has this place come to?

  • +6

    Thanks for posting op, cashrewards deals now hidden.

  • It will actually be 21.2% total discount on listed price and not 21.5%.

  • +1

    Anyone know why I can't use my amex card on paypal for after applying the Cyber code?

    I've linked both my Visa and Amex on paypal, but when I check out and pay, only my Visa card was visible.

    I tried ticking "pay by credit card" then a new window came up saying something like "this payment option is not available with this voucher applied, please choose another payment option"


  • +3

    so much upvotes for so little …

    • +1

      Maybe the site should start having the link to list who upvoted and downvoted deals ;)

  • Someone's been reading http://imgur.com/a/Kz8VH

  • +30

    Cash reward had been so bad ever since they hired a certain someone. Their rebate use to be 2%, now it has gone down to 1.5% and people consider it a good deal.

    Their ebay tracking are so dodgy, it almost feel like they refuse to track some of the higher price purchases.

    You can see for yourself: https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/60750/47295/cash_rewar…

    3 purchases made in the same transaction during the same session, they had no problem tracking the 2 under $100 purchases, and coincidentally could not track the highest one.

    I contacted them to make a claim and so far only receive a automated email saying the are working to have that purchase in pending within the next 21 days ( and hopefully i can get pay by the beginning of next year?)

    • +5

      To be fair I don't think this is just because they hired that certain someone.

      But agree, if this wasn't CR out wouldn't be on ozbargain in the first place leave alone front page

      • +5

        I used to love cashreward but the process if becoming unnecessary long and difficult and the rate is not even as good.

        If i wanted this much hassle to get some cash back, i might as well use shopandmint.

        BTW shopandmint offer a base rate of 2% on ebay but i kid you not, if a shopandmint post was to be on ozbargain, it would get neg to oblivion.

        • Absolutely. I use shop and mint too for pretty much all my transactions. Has worked for all transactions even the larger ones that cash rewards conveniently misses.

          I don't think a shop and mint increase of 0.25% be allowed to begin with 😂

        • +3

          @tightarse: I use adblock when making all 3 purchase in the same session. I dont see how ad-block is relevant when you can track the two lower order but does not track the higher one. Yes, i had high value purchase track in the past, but that was in 2015 when you still had the best rate and the best service around.

          https://files.ozbargain.com.au/upload/60750/47299/cash_rewar…, here is screen shot of my $559 and $658.

          I am pretty sure i was using adblock back in 2015 as well so please dont use that excuse.

        • +9

          @highdealer: Hi again. You first enabled AdBlock in Jan 2016. You have 2 clicks to eBay on Feb 28 with AdBlock on (just before midnight), then one on Mar 1 (just after midnight) with AdBlock off, so it's very relevant here. I'm just trying to genuinely help. If your sale doesn't track, not only do you not get paid, we don't either. I'm not trying to be the Grinch that stole Christmas. AdBlock does us (CR) and our members no favours. It's the number one cause of non-tracking. Also, please be aware that we now proudly have a cashback guarantee. No other cashback site in the world offers this service. Thanks.

        • +1
        • +2


          I've always used adblock, funny how all transactions show except 1 recent large transaction

        • @lyl: yes never had a problem. my balance didnt reach $150 as the OP of that thread had

        • +1

          Shopandmint is absolute a scam.Never bother to use it.

          I agree with you Cashrewards sometimes reserves the cashback for high value purchase.It happened to me with Lenovo purchase.I use the same browser to purchase from time to time and Velocity eStore always captures the rebate while Cashrewards is not always.Even though I got the cashback via lodging a claim,I am still not happy about it.IMO,Cashrewards is running 90%-95% honest business with 5%-10% dishonest with high value transactions.

          BTW,for eBay purchase,the best is to go through Velocity eStore for 2 pts per $1.If you like points rebate,Qantas online mall and Velocity eStore are much more trustworthy than their competitors in this area without saying.

        • CR is slowly going down hill in terms of actually paying out. Quite a few rebates are listed as '90 days after booking'. This is common for hotel, tour, and flight bookings. On numerous occasions I have had to email Support two or even three months after the rebate was supposed to be processed to remind them of it.

          To be fair to CR, after my email the rebates are processed within a day and available for withdrawal, but what would happen if I never emailed Support about every missing rebate? Probably never get paid.

        • Cashrewards works fine with Netscape Navigator

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