Limited number of coupons
No english version of the website though.
Limited number of coupons
No english version of the website though.
Comment only valid if Grays goes through with it which is unlikely.
You don't think they'll honor their ebay stores sales?
That's going to be one hell of a shitstorm, and will probably get them banned from ebay in future.
Grays have never gone back on an ebay sale for me in the past?
Ebay owns Gray's ….. I think it will just be refunds all round - can only hope though that they honour it …
Anyone who wants to kick up a fuss over Grays not honouring a pricing error is being unreasonable.
Have Grays ever honoured an ebay pricing error (of this degree) in the past?
@pw2002au: Wow you learn something new every day.
I can't find reference to it though.
I thought they were part of Grays Ecommerce group?
Or do Grays own Ebay?
Link please? Im curious to learn more about the acquisition, because grays USED to be Aussie owned.
@aoeueoa: I don't think it's an error. They listed it at slightly different, but similar prices in 4 locations.
I mean hell, when I was working government, we bought a $35'000 microfilm scanner for $800 once from them.
It's a debt recovery auction company first and foremost, if that's what the comapny with the debt owing OK'd, it'll sell.
Just got my order confirmation for my ssd from grays this morning.
yep got my confirmation too and tax invoice
Samsung SSD are much faster and reliable than Sandisk…
As for the Extreme Pro they are closer but sold out…
I've not had any of my production Sandisk SSD's fail yet, been 3 years, no faults yet (got about 10 in operation).
And on SATA3, not NVME, you'renot going to notice the speed difference.
You're correct, but the relevance to end users is overstated
When in doubt check Amazon:
Sandisk 2562 review 9% 1 star…
Samsung 14253 reviews 3% 1 star…
And people are more likely to rate when they have an issue.
@exa: Only works if you know total number of devices output by the company.
Sandisk is cheaper, so will logically sell more.
And as you said, since it's a skewed sample where negative are likely to be voted where positive isn't, sheer numbers DO skew the results.
1% and 100% "1 star reviews" could be exactly the same thing if, as you say, people with negative experiences are more likely to vote.
Anyway, you don't need to convince me, go buy them, I'm not, it's that simple.
But they sell less ;)
Best Sellers in Internal Solid State Drives:…
I'm not trying to convince you, you do whatever you want but I just couldn't let you say that Sandisk are better while it isn't true.
@exa: Add the SKU's together from the Sandisk firmware change that Amazon handled poorly, and get back to me.
The numbers are wrong.
But, that's fine.
Buy these already then!
You wont convince me, but you don't need to, to enjoy the deal.
My ZFS RaidZ2 SSD array of Sandisk runs fine, I'm sure these will too.
I've never seen such commitment to trying to "get me excited". lol
I already said, yep it's a deal, simply, personally I'm not pumped for it.
and BAM this happens.
It was a limited number of coupons, I've checked it seems to be so I've expired the deal
It's good, but it pales on yesterdays Grays deal, so it's hard to be excited…..