• expired

New ANZ Access Advantage Accounts Get $100 Gift Card (Coles/Wish/Caltex/JB/Kmart/ Myer/Iconic/Flight Centre) after 3 Purchases


Looks like this deal is back again!

Previous deal:

Open an new ANZ Access Advantage Account between 8 March 2017 and 30 April 2017 via the link http://campaign.anz.com/bank-accounts/access-advantage/offer…, and shop 3 times with Visa Debit card to get $100 gift card (Select from Coles, Caltex, The Iconic, JB HI-FI, Kmart, Myer, Woolworths and Flight Centre.
**Exclude customers who have held an ANZ Access Advantage Account between 14 Nov 2016 and 7 March 2017.

Also you need to deposit $2000 a month to avoid $5 monthly account service fee. Excemptions may apply. Please refer to previous deal or T&Cs. Other fees: https://www.anz.com.au/content/dam/anzcomau/documents/pdf/pe…

Campaign T&Cs:

A. Offer eligibility criteria:

  • This offer is only available to new or existing ANZ customers who:

i. Have not held an ANZ Access Advantage account at any stage between 14 November 2016 and 7 March 2017; and

ii. Open an ANZ Access Advantage account via the promotional link between 08 March 2017 and 30 April 2017; and

iii. Make three Visa Debit purchases (in stores, online or over the phone, excludes reversals and ATM withdrawals) on the account using the Visa Debit card linked to this ANZ Access Advantage account before 04 June 2017; the ANZ Access Advantage account must be open at the time your unique Reward Code is sent.

B. Offer terms:

The offer is limited to one unique Reward Code per customer that can be redeemed for a Digital Reward valued at $100. Joint accounts count as one customer and are only eligible for a single unique Reward Code; and

Subject to meeting the eligibility criteria, an unique Reward Code will be emailed to an email address registered to the new ANZ Access Advantage account by 04 July 2017.

ANZ can withdraw this offer at any time between 08 March 2017 and 30 April 2017.

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closed Comments

  • +10

    Hopefully people that sign up this time know to ask (repeatedly) for a debit card. Last time, a lot of us applied for an account, including choosing a card colour etc, only to be told that the card application hadn't been processed and had to be ordered separately. Personally, I wanted to give them an innovation for the world's first debit card account that doesn't have an attached debit card. However, after hours of chasing, they eventually issued the card (following my fourth application) and then came good with the voucher.
    Lesson: if you apply for the account and don't receive a card within a week, make sure that you chase it up and prepare to be persistent.

    • I know a couple of those friends. They never got their cards, could they apply again for this promotion?

      I myself had no problem last time.

    • me too, finally i visit the brands and order the card, but the voucher, when we will receive it? i have waited for few months already

    • +2

      When I opened the account, the email said you'd need to order a debit card if you want one. When I went in to show ID I got them to set up internet banking and order the card. The person I spoke to said a card would already be sent out, I mentioned what the email said. She looked and no card had been ordered automatically. Do yourself a favour and order the card when you show ID. Tell them the email said you'd need to order it, even if it doesn't, at least they'll check. Worst case you get 2 cards I guess.

      It all went pretty smoothly for me. Transferred $2000 in and out each month to avoid the fee. Did my transactions, got my voucher, cancelled my account over the phone. There's no parking available near my ANZ, unlike every single other bank in this town. The hardest part was the going into the branch part, probably took around 20-30 mins, so allow plenty of time, but otherwise hopefully it should all be pretty easy.

      • How long did it take for the voucher?

        • +2

          Account opened 16/11/16, voucher received 27/01/17. They sent the vouchers in 2 lots mostly I think based on comments from last deal, 19/12 and 27/01. I hadn't done my transactions until after 19/12. There were also a few that trickled through later, I think ones that maybe had issues.

        • @Miss B:


  • Have fun with this. ANZ will likely assign you a non-debit card, rather than the Visa Debit required to meet the criteria. Make sure when you go into the branch for the ID check (Yes, everyone needs to do one, even if you already have an account with them. Even if a month earlier they gave you a $10000 credit limit without needing to see ID).

    Edit: I'm also fairly sure that last time people who made use of the exemptions on the $5 account fee were technically signed up to a different account. Something like Access Student or Access Senior rather than Access Advantage, which ANZ said then made them ineligible for the deal.

    • Had fee waived & got correct account & $100 card. Worked smoothly, just applied online & went into branch for id & was set up. Spent 3 times & selected from ecards offered.

      Remembered have still got some $$ in account as set up for Android Pay.

      • +3

        I got it in the end, but no experience with ANZ has ever been smooth for me.

    • +4

      Yes, I had my account renamed "Pensioner Advantage" and in addition to avoiding account keeping fees, I also managed to make myself ineligible for the promotion

  • +2

    Have not held an ANZ Access Advantage account at any stage between 14 November 2016 and 7 March 2017

    The previous deal was posted on the 15th of Nov, so if you signed up to that then you're not eligible for this one.

    • +1

      Damn. It was a good free $100. Hopefully next year I can get it again.

  • +6

    Yeah think that happened with me. Signed up to this deal and couldn't figure out how come i didn't get a debit card. Left it for the time being and found out I got charged a $5 account fee. Definitely not signing up for this deal again. Anz is horrible as a bank

    • it's just a good business model from their perspective and that's how the fund this $100 deal :p

  • I signed up for a new account the last time this offer was posted and I tried multiple times to go into a store and activate it but was unsuccessful.

  • Worked well for me last time😯
    Free $100 card & fees waived - simple.

    People who successfully got the deal can't apply again, so would be less likely to post comments than those who had problems last time.

    • how did you waive your fee?

      • Read the options for waiving fee with this account on ANZ site. Apply online for normal account. Proof of eligibility is required when providing ID in branch.

  • +32

    BEWARE Don't Sign Up Today ! It Starts Tmr !

    • This should be made more obvious (specifically stated in the post IMO) for those not paying close attention to today's date.

    • oops too late, I signed up yesterday

  • +1

    Worked for me last time, just took a very long time for the gift voucher to be emailed out.

    Cut up the card and cancelled the account the day after redeeming (requires a call to ANZ) with no questions asked.

  • I signed up last time but have yet to receive my gift card..!!!

  • +13

    Worst bank ever. Their ability to understand even a basics of customer service is deplorable.

  • Note the promo starts tomorrow (8th March)….dont sign up today!

  • +6

    From my experience, This is good.

    I got the card then got the gift card (picked WISH) and then canceled the card afterwards.


    Free money!! Next step closer to sydney property!!

    • +4

      Next step closer to sydney property!!

      Why? Sydney is a hole.

      Source: Inner sydney dweller.

    • +1

      Someone told me you have a couple of Sydney properties already.

      • No

      • -1

        nightelves, you're confusing Sydney properties with Amex cards :)

        • +1

          No I'm not. All those cashbacks he's gotten over the years definitely went towards accumulating Sydney properties.

      • +1

        he says no, because 'a couple' only means 2 :)

    • How long did you wait for the gift?

  • +2

    It took absolutely forever to get this card and account running. As in months. But once it was going, I made the three purchases and received my e-card on the last day of the promotion. Surprisingly, it was super simple to actually close the account - just called and said I'd like to close it and it took literally 30 seconds. But even for the $100 I don't know if I'd go through the multiple visits to ANZ to try and have the account opened again if I had my time over.

    • +3

      I was told I had to go in branch to close it. They calculated the account fee pro-rata for that month, so I owed something like $3.05, which they could only take cash for. I didn't have cash on me, so I had to go fetch some.

  • Do I need to go to the bank to verify the ID if I previously held ANZ account?

    • Yes

    • +2

      I verified my ID online, didn't need to go into branch.

  • Would this work if you use Apple Pay??

    • +1


      • does this work with Android Pay?

        • Yes

        • +2

          @Turd: are you a Turd?

        • +2

          @kma: Yes

        • @Turd:
          Hi James

  • So say if I go to Woolworths or Coles, buy 3 milk bottles and pay separately using Visa Card for each bottles, would it be counted as 3 purchases?

    • +3


      • Nice n easy then :) thank you

        • +3



        • +7

          Best thing to do is pay $0.01 each using split pay and pay the rest using Amex Platinum Edge. Triple points and free voucher.

      • +2

        What if you go to Woolworths or Coles, buy 1 milk bottle, and do three partial/split payments using the self-service machines, would it be counted as 3 purchases?

    • +3

      You could play it safe and do it over 3 separate days

      • That is true as well :)

  • +2

    lol at the deal icon…how many cans of whey powder are in there?!

  • 3% overseas transaction fee 🙁

  • +6

    For those ozbargainers who missed previously, I did 3, 1 cent transactions and it worked fine.

    Last thing I want ANZ is getting any money out of me except 3 cents.

    • +1

      What can I buy for 1c please.

      • +2

        1cent of a $1 item, split payment is easy nowadays with self checkout

      • +2

        Scan ebay for 1 cent pickup items ….never pick them up.

  • I wonder how many people signed up, got the gift card, cancelled and are going to do it again? :-p

    • +1

      Cant. I think coz of the "Have not held an ANZ Access Advantage account at any stage between 14 November 2016 and 7 March 2017; and"

  • +1

    It used to be $100 cash in your account and it was credited the month following your eligible purchases so you only needed to keep it open for 2 months. Now it's a gift card, you need to keep the account open until you receive your gift card code some time after June 4 so meanwhile, you need to transfer $2000 a month in (and out) to avoid the account keeping fee….all becoming a bit of a PITA.

    Still, $100 is $100, I'll do it again for me and the wife ….. Is there and age limit? I could do one for my daughter too!

    • I held my account for less than 1 month

      • New to this whole deal and this is the part I'm confused about, the account fees and how long you have to have the account, are you saying you spent just $5 once for a monthly fee, got your giftcard and were able to cancel without fees after that?
        So essentially you came out 95$ richer?

        • Less than a month.

          No fee was charged.

          $100 richer minus some interest for putting 2k in but realised didn't need to later.

        • @Turd:

          Did you apply at the beginning, middle or end of the promotion?

  • WARNING: Beware of dodgy branch staff, my wife opened the account online last time this deal was on and went to branch to verify ID and staff said because she didn't put her middle name in the application, they had to delete the pending account and give her new account number. No wonder she didn't get any giftcard, took countless of calls and complaints before ANZ gave her the $100. Apparently branch get some sort of incentive when they open the account so some staff goes extra miles at customer's expense.

    • +1

      Yeah, their bonuses are based off the number of accounts they open

    • i have 2 saving bank acc opened(at different periods) after I moved my home loan to ANZ.

      And also got few credit card issued without my permission and i asked them to cancel it.

      I did complain to ANZ before, it always happen after i visited their branches, and they said as my mortage thru my broker so maybe it from my broker. However my broker is my friend so I definitely sure he won't.

      • well, that's dodgy as, i'm quite annoyed with CBA branch staff nagging me about homeloan and credit card offers everytime I went to the branch but that was nothing compared to yours

      • That probably the home loan package including the credit card

        • home loan package saving bank + 1 credit card.

          After i visited bank and activated for above, very soon, i received another debit card for another new anz saving acc. i visited them and they helped me cancelled. and then very soon i received the anz black credit card, i cancelled it, and very soon, i received another credit card. I don;t activated it and cancel it again, ANZ said maybe it all request by my broker…….

          P.S. the actual case much more complicate than this. anyway, been to anz many times.

        • +1


          Maybe you should look at a different bank.

    • Branches do not know what promos are run by online/headoffice.
      It's only natural that they try and get your wife a good deal and help get an account made.

      They get referal.

      • that's not an excuse for tricking a naive customer, other bank can change whatever name on the account without touching the account number so why can't ANZ?

        • They arent tricking, they do not know of promos etc.. thus they think they are helping you out etc…

        • -2

          @Turd: very incompetent help indeed.

  • +2

    It feels weird to say that it's not worth your time to get a free $100 but with ANZ I would actually say yeah, it wasn't worth it.

    1. Apply.
    2. Go into branch and wait for the ID check.
    3. Wait for card.

    Pretty sure steps 1-3 took about 2 weeks when I did it.

    1. Transfer money onto account.
    2. Wait for transfer to clear.
    3. Visit ATM to change PIN.
    4. Make purchases.
    5. Wait for promo to be recognised.
    6. Go into branch and close account. Have to pay pro rata account fee unless you have enough left in the account.

    Edit: application was made on 2016-11-15. Dunno when I got the card but I did not get the promo until 2016-12-19.

    • +5

      Drive to and waiting in branch for ID check | 40 minutes
      Transfer money into account | 5 minutes
      Visit ATM to change pin and make 3 purchases while you're there | 15 minutes

      Total time | 60 minutes

      Calculates out to be $100/hour. Unless you're getting paid more than $100/hour, then it's definitely worth your time.

    • You can email ANZ via the internet banking inbox and ask to close your account. Worked for both my ANZ Access account and credit card.

      • I did and they asked me to visit brand to close my account.

        • I did too, and they asked me to ring up the fone to cancel.

          So the info on cancellation is YMMV

        • +1


          ANZ is too lazy, I just message ING to close my account and they just immediately closed it within a couples of hours.

  • What would be the correct way to approach this if I plan on cancelling my account after getting the gc so that I can apply for future promotions. Is it as simple as?:

    -Open account
    -Meet criteria
    -Get gc
    -Cancel account
    -Wait for next promo and hope you don't fall in the exclusion list

    • Yep and make sure you keep depositing $2000 per month until you close the account to avoid $5 fee.
      The Account can be closed by sending them a message through internet banking.

  • -5

    Gugs,If I already have this account, will it work if I create a new one using the same identity?

    • Exclude customers who have held an ANZ Access Advantage Account between 14 Nov 2016 and 7 March 2017.

  • Will this affect my credit file? I know that it is a debit card, but is cautious if it will have any impacts on my credit file if I do apply and get a debit card?

  • +3

    Sounds like a lot of hassle for $100 gift card.

  • +1

    So last time they paid out on the last day of promotion regardless of application date? Would it be better to apply in April to avoid having to shift $2000 around as often?

    Man, I don't really want to go back to that dark place and relive the trauma. But $100.

    • Not quite, they did let you get your GC before the promotion ended. Mine took just over 1 month.

  • too much effort for $100

    • My effort was roughly 15 minutes. That's an hourly rate of $400. Not even top notch lawyers/doctors make that much net/hour.
      Already had a credit card with them, though.

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