This was posted 7 years 11 months 28 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Men's or Ladies Mountain Bike 21 Speed $79.99, Bike Lock $10, Helmet with Built-in Light $20, Cree Light Set $30 @ ALDI


Men's or Ladies Mountain Bike $79.99

  • 21 Speed
  • Shimano Detailed and Shifters
  • Front and Rest Rear V Brakes
  • Quick Release Seat and Wheel.………

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closed Comments

  • how big are these? will they be suitable for kids?

  • +10

    …not to be mistaken for the half decent 29er that was on offer last year around the $350 mark. this seems like your typical 'supermarket bike'

    • +1

      Can you recommend a alternative for 80 bucks?

      • +7

        i recommend keep saving… :P

      • +8

        2nd hand! You can get some decent bargains via Gumtree if you trawl for a few days/weeks but of course you'll need to know basic maintenance and have the basic tools to ensure they're safe enough to ride. In saying that, you'll need the same tools & know-how to make sure one of these ALDI bikes is safe enough anyway as they require assembly out of the box.

      • +1

        Local Bike Action group is a good bet. They take old bikes and fix them up and sell for a good price.

        The one in my city does road bikes as well.

      • Okay, thanks for the input. I'll source gumtree over the weekend.

    • +4

      That bike was an amazing deal. They must have sold quite a few because I see them around quite a bit. Really good bike for the money, but I wouldn't touch this $80 one.

      • +2

        bang on the money…youd be hard pressed to get 2x decent tyres & tubes for $80 let alone the rest of the bike :D

      • Nevermind found a longer description below.

    • I've seen a 69er on offer for around the $350 mark in the local paper …

      • Tell him he's dreaming…

    • This actually looks exactly the same as their previous hybrid commuter bike, but with mountain bike tyres on it. I've had my hybrid commuter for a couple of years, and all I can say is that it's fine as a general cheapo runabout, but I would recommend to never ever take this thing off road. The pedals are cheap and nasty (mine snapped after the first week, but ALDI sent me replacements for free), the suspension tubes are super-thin and fragile and in general the whole thing doesn't really exude confidence or rigidity.

      In summary: fine for general duties and commuting but I wouldn't trust it off road at all

  • +1

    What kind of safety/reliability can that bike provide for $80…

    • +12

      Probably be good for holding your boat in position while fishing. Heavy enough to be an anchor

      • +2

        Haha, how cool would it look to be seen dumping a bike from your boat with a piece of rope attached to it

    • 0-2%…at most

        • -8

          So mandatory safety requirements mean this $80 bike is as safe (or lack of) as the thousands of dollars mid-life crisis road bikes zooming around. Good to know.

        • +2


          Thats not what having a standard means.

        • @samfisher5986:

          Ok, so what safety features do these expensive road bike have?

          ABS? Seat Belts? Crumple zones? Indicators?

        • +1

          cheer up PainToad. Life isn't so bad

        • @PainToad: Decent brakes.

        • +6

          @jobler: his wife/gf/significant other wont let him go out riding… :P

        • +2

          @PainToad: I have indicators and a brake light on my bike.

        • Nothing to see here, move along…

    • +1

      just don't take it anywhere near a mountain

      • Almost guaranteed it has a "NOT FOR STUNT JUMPING OR OFF-ROAD USE" or similar disclaimer somewhere on it. It'll be fine for dirt trails but nothing steep.

    • As someone above mentioned, you'd need to know what you're doing as far as bike mechanics go which pretty much rules out most looking at buying this bike.

  • What's a good bike lock around this price?

  • +2

    Shimano Detailed and Shifters
    Front and Rest V Brakes

    Autocorrect getting a little carried away there…

  • +1

    I hope they bring back those half-decent road bikes.

  • any other decent bike clothes or accessories in the catalogue?

  • -1

    ● 21 Speed
    ● Shimano Detailed and Shifters
    ● Front and Rest Rear V Brakes
    ● Quick Release Seat and Wheel.

    ● Pedals !!!

    • Yep, 2 Padels

    • +2

      To be fair, most premium mountain bikes don't come with pedals so you buy those as well (so you can choose flat or clipless). This is nowhere near that market segment though.

      • +3

        Like everything else.. The more you pay, the less you get.

        • … and the longer it lasts…

    • +1

      My pedals cost more than this bike (and they're not even top end) :)

  • Photos of the bike lock?

  • Is the cree light set for $30 any good? or can you buy better for the same price from ebay. Recommendations would be good please, I'd like a flashing red light at the back too

    • Not sure what light would be on sale this time, but I have a set of bigger rechargeable lights from Aldi and they work really well. I have been using them for about a year and they're still going strong. Also quite bright. Build quality is good.

      They also had smaller lights with coin sized batteries. I had a look inside a package and they seemed solid.

    • I got a bikemate light set from aldi previously, looks the front one is the same as last time and it's been pretty good.
      In terms of battery life/brightness I don't notice any difference between it and my lumina 550.
      The mount isn't the best, tends to work it's way up so the light is pointing higher than intended, but it's never fallen out on me.
      Plus it doubles as a torch.

      The rear light looks like a similiar design to one I have:

      Which I really like and have been meaning to buy a second one, this aldi one looks like it mounts the same.
      I'll be grabbing one of these kits from aldi this week provided the back light charges over USB.

      IMO you'll struggle to find something this good for this price on ebay, but I've only had the one light from ebay a few years ago. Build quality/battery life was poor and charging was inconvenient.

  • bicycle noob here. can anyone recommend a good (and cheap) folding bike. will be used just to ride along with my kids on bike paths

    • why does it need to be a folding bike if you are just doing some short rides?

      • my car is not big enough to fit all the bikes

        • +4
        • +7

          I ended up getting a full sized bike and a folding car

        • +1


          a folding car

          The Hiriko?

        • That's funny. I didn't realise I was being filmed when testing out in Spain

        • @jv:
          any recommendations for a good bike rack ?

        • +2


          any recommendations for a good bike rack ?

          Just ask the girl at the checkout at Aldi if she can help you grab a nice rack.

        • @jv:

          So, tell us more about your relationship with women generally…

        • +2


          What does that have to do with bikes and bike accessories?

          Please stay on topic or take it to the forums…

        • @jv:

          What does that have to do with bikes and bike accessories?
          Please stay on topic or take it to the forums…

          jv account is hack

        • @TightBottom:

          Did it come with pedals?

    • +2

      Folding bikes are not a mass market item in Australia. Good or cheap, take your pick, you are not likely to find one that's both.

      Edit: I see you want to fit it in your car. A normal bike with the front wheel detached might fit in a larger vehicle.

  • Great! I need a new angle grinder

  • +1

    Why is this bike so crap?
    yes I understand its only $80.
    What's the differences between this and a $300 bike at my local bike shop?

    • +3

      Agreed! Or a $10,000 mountain bike as well.

      Bike experts, please enliten us!

      • +4

        I wouldn't ride a MTB cheaper than about $600, and imho about $1500 is where they start being good… the suspension works a lot better, the shifts are crisp and easy, the brakes smooth, the geometry keeps the wheels on the ground going up hills yet allows nimbleness to avoid/hop stuff… and yeah, it breaks less!

        That said, I'd buy my kids this no worries, they're just gonna trash it or get it stolen anyway ;)

        • $600!? I know slim to none about mountain biking but wanted to get into it with a friend later this year. I was hoping to get a used bike off Gumtree for ~$200 but noticed this one and thought I couldn't go wrong.. but maybe I can?

          Never maintained a bike before but it doesn't seem too hard.

          Ahy suggestions? TIA

        • +6

          @ExpressCoffee: Among other things, this bike will be heavy (I.e. require more effort/be slower/less manouverable), the tyres won't grip as well/be more susceptible to punctures and the gear and chain mechanisms will be clunky/noisy. The bike also won't handle jumps or cycling/shifting under load (I.e. up steep hills) well without wearing out quickly.

          If you want to "get into mountain biking" this is not anywhere near good enough (it wouldn't surprise me if there's a sticker on it saying not suitable for off road use!). However, I always disagree with the experts on places like this that say they're completely useless. I've always used similar for short commutes and simple off road use (gravel paths, fields, smooth slopes) and its perfectly adequate. Not that I've seen this bike of course, so I'm just speaking about typical supermarket bikes.

        • +1

          @ExpressCoffee: The other guy covered it :)

          Any bike is better than none! You'll have fun. But yeah, you get what you pay for.

          Aldi does give some pretty good value bikes (like the part-carbon roadie a few months ago), but imho it's worth spending more :)

          (Note, I am an unashamed bike-snob! I haven't actually used a bike like this in decades, and make sure all my family/friends get higher-end rides even if I have to pay the extra, so I may be being too harsh :)

        • +2


          My new bestie nuchalis!

        • @callum9999:
          thank you for your excellent info man!

        • @nuchalis:

          Cheers! I will keep an eye out I guess. If I wanted a semi decent second hand mountain bike off Gumtree etc how much would i be looking at?

          I am keen to do some trails with jumps, rocky terrain etc as soon as I find some free time!

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