a reasonable and reputable brand. I've never seen them this cheap before.
3 varieties available:
Royal Special Coffee Caps
Gold Columbia Coffee Caps
Italian Espresso Coffee Caps
a reasonable and reputable brand. I've never seen them this cheap before.
3 varieties available:
Royal Special Coffee Caps
Gold Columbia Coffee Caps
Italian Espresso Coffee Caps
This is cheap. But these taste like garbage unfortunately. I bought them when they did like a $4 special a few months ago and was sorely disappointed. If you are going to buy pods at Coles the best ones are actually the Coles branded ones the intense/strongest branded ones. $3.70 a pack of 10 and they are easily more drinkable than anything else you can buy there.
Yep - tried the Gold Columbia - not pleasant. If I had to go supermarket pods, I'll probably go Cafe Royal. But at $2.50, they are worth a try … and then offer them to any guests your dislike ;)
Gold Columbia has a nutty flavour but that's all it has, it misses any body of coffee unfortunately. Don't think I'd want to try these again unfortunately :(
I found the cafe royal ones not 'strong' enough like a dharkan, kazaar or anything strength 9+ on a nespresso machine tbh :( even when i get the top lungo or espresso strength… wish my taste wasn't so strong, like when i first started drinking coffee (and wine!) because now it demands only the best, and strong, vivid flavours. Which is a pain sometimes!
I agree. Nothing is as strong and bold as the nespresso pods. But, they are my favourite supermarket pods if I run out, especially the Robbie Williams ones ;)
If I had to drink nespresso pods I would have the kazaar or dharkan but I really dislike the after taste that all the nespresso pods have. At least the 3rd party ones don't seem to have it (or as badly).
i've found the moccona ones for caffitaly machines ok for strength. then again i do lungo style quantities per pod, and two pods, with milk, so i do have a pretty big cup (flat white style) so it may be different to someone after a strong espresso shot.
I would hope the mocona or map pods came to nespresso pods, as they seem strong enough. then again the amount of coffee grams in a nespresso pod is notably lower than normal pods or coffee shops (one of the arguments people have that nespresso is a rip, for what you get - as they also use largely robusta beans which is from what i've heard, cheaper.)
I recently became a coffee snob… I can't BELIEVE the crap (most expensive instant & Ristretto pods) I used to drink.
When I first started I was like "this aint much better", but when I ran out and went back to my old stuff, I was like "this crap is flavourless".
Just saying.
Good for you buddy
The only Nespresso pod I enjoy is the Fortissio Lungo. Recently, I tried the Robert Timms instant coffee and it tasted better than any other instant I'd tasted previously. Now, I'm thinking of selling the Nespresso machine and sticking with the RT instants!
Any suggestions on a decent machine to chuck these into?
All the nespresso machines do the same thing, so getting the cheapest machine or the most expensive machine and extracting a short black should taste exactly the same.
Ok deal but I don't use Nespresso pods any more.
The Map system contains 50%+ more coffee. That's why they have those little cups for demos in the Nespresso shops. If you want more volume it goes watery pretty fast.
I don't mind the taste of these but I find they get jammed in my Nespresso machine so I won't use them anymore
I love the Robert Timms instant coffee. I was unaware they did pods! Will head down tomorrow and pick up a pack. Thanks for posting it (+1) =)