I am looking for a credit card. I am aware that there are lots about that people use these given the benefits/rewards that are associated with a particular card, and thought what better place to ask than the OzBargain community.
It is important to note that I have never had a credit card. Also significant, I am typically quite smart with my money (in other words, I won't be racking up thousands of dollars of debt that I don't have the capacity to repay). I will be able to pay it off regularly without attracting any extra fees (interest etc). I will probably clear the debt every fortnight.
At the moment, I have been looking at the Virgin credit card/s. These are appealing to me, given I will be spending money on normal retail items whilst earning velocity points. The annual fee is around 130, which I am happy with, given I appear to be eligible for a $129 virgin gift voucher (which I would spend anyway) as well as the extra flying points. Anyone have any experience with these?
What do you use and why?
Would appreciate any ideas, suggestions or alternatives from the OzBarg community. :-)
No fees.
We pay it of in full every month.