For those who missed out - Sale starts Wed 25 Jan 2017 at 9am AEDT (with other deals) and are going live throughout the afternoon.
This is a bargain! (its rrp price is $99.95). It is very hard to buy one. So Good Luck. Limited units. Please note club catch required - free delivery on orders over $50
Also don't forget cashrewards
Nintendo Classic Mini NES $99 at COTD (Club Catch Required - Free Delivery on Orders over $50), Only 180 Units Available
Last edited 24/01/2017 - 20:16
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So all those dogs buying them up must have caused that worldwide shortage! I knew it!
every man and his dog will have one
You don't seem to understand how Nintendo operates. It never makes enough of any product because this way almost no one can buy it and they can claim that there's a huge production shortage because they er … can't keep up with demand.
Then the media will do it's usual stupidity of repeating what a press release says and they'll repeat Nintendo's claim of a worldwide shortage leading to massive publicity.
And the fans, who make assdroids look like reasonable people, all rush out and pay idiotic prices for their "in demand" item that Nintendo didn't make enough of.
Yeah you might think Nintendo are just hopeless at inventory management but it happens with every single product regardless of how well it "sells".
@SilentBob: I know. My point was that the market isn't flooded, and likely won't be, simply because it is on COTD.
@SilentBob: Nintendo sold over 200K of these in America alone back in December, not sure if this is under-supply, this has sold way beyond their expectations.
@Diji1: How do you know this? I sometimes think this is the case, but why would a company make millions of 1 product if they can't predict how well it will sell?
This has already sold over 200K units since December in America alone.
It has outsold the Wii U in a month, than what the Wii U did in 6 months, as you know there's heaps of Wii U's around.
This sold beyond their expectations.
If you think COTD only sells junk, you miss out. It is my go to place for Wegner luggage, although it has been a while, I buy one every time they have it and nearly have a full set. They invest in hot sell items like any other reseller, and would have had the buying power to negotiate a deal your everyday ebay seller could not.
I got 1 from eb game and it is awesome. I think cotd is hoping to get some club catch fees.
Nice deal, but you'd have to be lucky to get one of the 180.
Be aware, people will have scripts to automate their checkouts so be prepared to miss out even though you're quick.
What is this automated checkout script witchcraftjujubees that you're referring to? Seems like I've been doing the Interwebs wrong all of these times?
CURL based I'm guessing. Wouldn't be hard if you knew the product ID.
RRP is $99.95, hurry and update before JV spots it.…
Got it…updated ;)
It can't be bought at RRP elsewhere so this is a bargain.
Still dont get the hype. Its been dissasembled and confirmed it is running software emulation inside. An official Nintendo device. Guess they thought its far easier and cheaper
of course it is an emulator - 1. it is $100 what did you expect, 2. How else do you think they would put all their classics onto a modern machine?
You can still source brand new MOS 6502 processors. Stick another 64KBytes to it and put the official NES firmware back on. Will be under 100 bucks to manufacture.
Which makes the raspberry pi3 using retropi a better option
lol, almost worth buying to put a Raspberry into it. It's a cool case haha
yeah it is a cool looking case ,i have only seen 3d printed nes cases that have been rough looking…you can buy a nes cartridge for pi that looks real cool
It's a collectable plus those not familiar with getting software emulation up like parents maybe not tech savvy will eat this up.
And thats why i bought 10 of them and reselling them on ebay at a pumped up price,,,,,i love collectors
Good thing is ppl been trying to add their own roms onto it
Trying? It's happening, baby!…
(There's also a lot of advancements that have happened since this article.)
AFAIK there was a limit of only 60 ROMs anyway, which is odd, but yeah, that still a thing, guy beneath this post?
1% off is not a bargain.
Know anywhere else with stock? That's cheaper?
Yes it does, RRP means nothing, every single game ever released is a bargain at BigW if you want to be that pedantic. Can you buy this item cheaper?
It's been repeated time and time again by mods that they have no issues with deals that are bargains due to limited stock. The community also shows they have no issues with it because these things are always highly voted with a far smaller negative count.
So the only people who actually give a shit are people like you who are bargain warriors, constantly trying to uphold some rule that doesn't exist, isn't enforced and that you invented.
Get over it.
@bchliu: Will it be back in stock? Are you a wizard of the future?
We judge a bargain based on the market it is in, your example is reaching. No we don't consider an iPhone a bargain when the launch shipment is exhausted because we know it will reship forever at regular intervals because that's the history it has.
The games market is not the same, there is little to zero examples of special editions ever being reprinted or redistributed by any publisher or developer. Nintendo is especially known for leaving hot in demand items out of stock.
No we shouldn't just open it free for all, again you're just using extremes to try and validate your point, which you are not doing. No one is suggesting it become a free for all. These posts are so infrequent you're making a mountain out of a mole hill.
People understand what makes a bargain and in the hobby they are in, they understand the bargain is relative to the current conditions in that hobby. it is naive and pointless to ignore eBay and other after market sites, that is the reality of your purchasing options. People know the history of these items in gaming, that is why these posts are popular, that is why people consider it a bargain to be able to snag them at RRP after they are out of stock.
There is no one classification for a bargain, they come in different shapes and sizes. The reason these posts are allowed is because they are topical and they make sense for now, if the situation got out of hand, then yes, a stricter rule maybe necessary. Right now it is not, that's all there is to it. There never was and never has been a rule against this, go look it up and reference it for me.
It is made up by people like you, who some how feel you're entitled to dictate the usefulness of this site to others. How about instead of worrying about such a thing, you simply gloss over the entry that isn't relevant to you and move on? I gloss over about 95% of deals, like shitty iOS games for free or 99c, I don't consider those bargains, I consider them spam. But what I don't do is go on those listing and give people grief for it. I just move on down the list and accept that some people maybe interested in it.
@yellowc: Couldn't have said it better myself yellowc, seems like @bchliu is just annoyed that people do not agree with him.
@Sex: Nope. Just my opinion on whether or not there should be some levels of standards as far as the definition of "Bargain" is concerned. Whilst it is true that value is subjective, but there are a number of other people in this very post that do not think RRP constitutes a Bargain, regardless of whether or not the supply is available.
@yellowc: @yellowc - why wouldnt it be back in stock? What makes you think a newly released product that is selling like hotcakes wont go back into stock? Your assumptions around this product being a "limited manufacturing release" is no better than any other assumption that money drives sales and drives incentives for companies to continue manufacture and squeeze every single last cent out of a product when it sells. That is basic law of markets and consumerism that is to be applied here. Are YOU a wizard of the Future?
As for the definition of a Bargain - we can both agree this is subjective and why there should be some guidelines as to whether or not RRP "sales" are Bargains or not.
This conversation is circular, rules say it gets voted as a deal, it is a deal, no one is forcing you to upvote or buy, but this form of trolling is now outdated and poor form. Deal with the fact your opinion may not be held by others, this site is a democracy and you are not the Trump and don't need to gain favour. There are no lobbyists here willing to bribe you to change your mind.
@yellowc: Preach it, the last Zelda 3DS sold out in 24hrs, I secured one, went back later that day to preorder another and it was sold out. The following months it sold for up to $1000. If people advertise $2 crappy chinese stuff we all can buy 1000 of for $50 to turn a quid, what the hell is wrong with letting OzB know that a hot flip item is available?
@bchliu: No I'm a wizard of history and assumption based on a solid foundation of experience. The reason it may not go back in stock is because there's a real chance it isn't selling as hot cakey as it seems, it may have hit market saturation, many people find it to be an unnecessary product. Nintendo understands this, it's the reason they limit many of their collectors item, what they get out of it is their products and names constantly in the news and constantly being sought. It is harder to acquire that than it is to just pump and dump a shitload of stock to the point no one cares any more. This practice with Nintendo is well known, it in fact frustrates the shit out of many many people and is often talked about across gaming sites and personalities. Nintendo is also known as a company of tradition and ignoring money on the table to what seems an obvious move to the rest of the world.
So no, it isn't the future I base my statements on, it is the past. You however, pull shit out your ass and pretend you know something about the "laws of the market". Anyway, this is done now, best of luck in your future endeavours.
@yellowc:…Enuf said. I suggest you stop talking shit as if you are a PhD in Economics here. Nintendo is after money. They make more consoles and sell for more money. Laws of Supply and Demand are well and alive today.
@bchliu: Oh how smart and clever you are to claim "victory" in hindsight, must of been terribly difficult to do nothing and get lucky your assertions panned out. Refute the rest of my comment on every other collectible ever released and I might give a shit. The situation could have gone either way, I acknowledged that, you pretended to know the future because you're a genius. I was wrong in they restocked it, doesn't change my statements, I'll hold them for future collectibles just the same.
@yellowc: Victory was not in hindsight. The proof of my claim came in with time since you argued something that required time to prove (ie. "Nintendo will never release this ever again") whereas I argued that stock will come back in as per standard Market theory of making profits where it is still profitable.
You are right in one thing though - it is a hollow victory since I'm putting myself down to your stupendously low levels of logic to even argue against you on such a trivial matter.Oh wow.. JB has it in stock again today? Maybe HN or K-Mart or Myers will restock tomorrow.
1% off and free shipping
Interestingly enough the HW inside is capable of up to N64 emulation
maybe this xmas SNES, year after N64 (same internals)
Wow, we should be so lucky! Those days were great but they are long gone.
Unlikely. That would cannibalise their eShop.
I haven't been competing for the Mini NES deals, but if a Mini SNES was released…
Really? Wow. Link?
Only 180 units? Quick neg the deal! Insufficient quantity! ;-)
I wonder if this means other places will start to get stock as well? Given how few seemed to make it to retail, having 180 is like a goldmine.
I think it will. EB had it on sale for a few hours a week or two ago before selling out.
Edit your referral link into the grey box provided for referrals.
For all those people who cant install an emulator on their phone.
Wtf? This is advertising. $99 is the normal price.
The fact that it's not easily obtainable is why people possibly consider it a deal.
But Nintendo are shit, I mean stupid, I mean assholes, I mean Nintendo, and they under stock like crazy. So this is one of those times where it's hard enough to find the thing that it just about warrants being put up here for those who really want one.
Nintendo being Nintendo is the main reason I paid off my Switch well in advance. I don't wanna pay 470 for it, but I also don't wanna wait a few months for stock to be in, or a year or so for any real games only to pay the same price for the machine because Nintendo is Nintendo and Nintendo don't know what price drop means outside of the 3DS line.
Agreed. Feels like another public service announcement.
If I haven't managed to score one of these by the time the Switch is out, I'm giving up. If they really are limiting production to create false rarity, all they're doing is pissing off their fans, whilst allowing the scalpers on ebay to line their pockets.
Yes they are doing it on purpose,just get a raspberry pi3 and run retropi on it ,unless you're a collector of Nintendo and want one left boxed up
Nintendo loves doing this. They also love avoiding popular feedback from their customers. I pre-ordered a switch, and then saw battery life, game release titles at launch and cost for extra controllers and thought 'this just isn't good enough for a 470$ odd console', and cancelled my pre-order.
I'd prefer a 99 emulator with the classic retro feel any day, but no, they've slowed production or release of units, most likely to focus on Switch production efforts, but why not be smart Nintendo? Why not make this offer "For every Switch pre-ordered, grab a NES mini for 50$" combine and seal the deal, increase your user base, put some much needed strength to your console proliferation.
And as for Ebay scalpers… there's a special place in hell for them, in Mammon's chamber…something something i own a pipboy mofo :P
Can you add more games to it or not?
Yes, you can. Google it.
Very easy now.
fo shizzle, 1. git gud 2. Flash your firmware 3. Sell as lakefront property 4. Profit!
Link directs me to website where it says starts 10 am tomorrow.
Is the NES on sale at 9 am?????
Last night it stated 9am…it must have been updated.
can you sign up for club catch 30 day trial, buy the nes then cancel the membership ?
Yes. U can cancel membership after u buy.
sweet thanks
I paid $69 for club catch last year, i used $160 worth of postage plus grabbed club catch deals that never made it to regular COTD, I found it good value in the end. When a Club Catch item goes to the main page, it usually goes up by 10% or more. So you can cancel in a month no worries, but I found continuing the membership a bargain by itself. Also most Groceryrun items can be purchased through the COTD site.
Expect these to be on eBay for upwards of $300 in the next few days, either way you are getting ripped off.
Unless you're one of the ones who buys it for $99 and sells it for $300.
Touché :)
sweet as thanks
the selling price for these on ebay have dropped. auctions are only selling at $200 - $250 for most listings
It sucks that it doesn't come with 2 controllers :( I wanna play it with a friend.. where can I find a 2nd one?
Big W
Big W Australia? I can't find any on their website. Do they have controllers stocked locally?
I was in their store a few days ago and saw them on the shelves. (South Yarra, Melbourne)
I know a friend that has 80 games on their NES mini
At 180 units thats going to last 30-60 mins till sold out
I hope its 1 unit per person/per account
I hope so too, if not…It's likely will be sold out within seconds by people wanting to solely resell it at $250-$350 a pop
Nintendo is not going to stop making these babies; they are way too profitable. These aren't a limited or special edition either. Nintendo can control the supply and continue selling these at a cool $100 and people will continue to buy it for another year at least.
I'm in no rush, I grew up with the NES, but I'm more interested in a mini snes and mini N64. Problem is if I'm buying the other 2, then I want the first one! OCD would tell me I have an incomplete collection otherwise :(
It is overrated. I bought it off EB and sold it less than a week later. You forget how hard and frustrating games were in the 80's. It was a nice bit of nosalatia for a few days though.
I'm another one who doesn't get the hype. Yes it's hype because like many things "retro" it's an inflated price for "old" technology and as mentioned it's not even that, being an emulator machine.
Luckily I own a Famicom :D
I don't get the fuss with this either.
With retro gaming you either want to collect the original consoles and cartridges (way more satisfying IMO) or you want to go down the emulation path with something like retropie on a raspberry pi with a stack load of roms at your disposal.
This sort of sits in the middle.