7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide - January 2017 to January 2022

7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide - Current

This forum post has too many comment pages and it broke OzBargain. Please continue your discussions in the replacement forum post. This forum post is closed.

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app.

Step 1: Subscribe to this thread to get email updates. You can change your subscription settings in your Ozbargain account to enable more/less email updates.

Step 2: Upon filling up simply fill in the details in this format:

  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

Step 3: Upvote the comment if you found it helpful

Note: OzBargain or the OP are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by the OP or OzBargain.

Cheapest prices:

Other Useful Resources:

Further Info/Tips

There are two "tricks" that can be extremely beneficial as there is a common trend experienced by 7-Eleven App users: 1) If you receive an error processing your credit/debit card, you can purchase a 7-Eleven Gift Card in-store and apply the credits instantly onto the App. 2) You do not need to use the funds on your App to pay for the fuel, you can lock-in the price and pay via Cash or Card at the checkout saving the hassle of constantly topping up, gift cards, etc.

Master131 spends a lot of time creating and maintaining the script at Project Zero Three that we all know and love.

Working Methods (Updated 14th July 2020)



Note: There's currently no APK or Android Simulator (Nox doesn't support Android 9) Available.

Credits to master131

Mod: Please don't ask for vouchers, obtain the lock yourself or use the classifieds for any wanted requests.

Related Stores


closed Comments

                    • +2

                      @KBZ: I disagree.

                      7/11 are watching this thread. Spoon feeding people will only increase the risk something going wrong for all of us.

                      • @COVID-19: We'll just agree to disagree.
                        They already know as seen by the mass ban of using Freighters locker tool.

                        • +1

                          @KBZ: I think the fact that hundreds of people locked in from the same IP address and all with the same phone model around the same time set off alarms.

                          It was never intended to be publicly used, just for personal use..

                          • +6

                            @Freighter: Hi mate,

                            I don't think anyone is having a dig at you. If anything, we are very grateful for everything you have done.

                            My concern is when you get someone who has been a member of OzBargain for 13 or so minutes is wanting to be spoon fed.

              • @inasero: Waaaaahhh I have to actually spend 5 minutes looking for something that a generous ozbargainer made available for free, and will save me a tonne of money and time.

                Teach a man to fish etc etc

    • +4

      Search before asking

    • +7

      Here, have my neg.

      • Thanks for reminding…..I have done my job now..

    • +1

      hahahahahahahaha I think i just pissed myself.

  • My local shot up to 172 for 95. The attendent reckons that's the price this upcoming week. Not sure if that's anything to go off.


    Looks to be the cheapest.

    • +1

      Melbourne should be rising pretty soon as well. For those eligible best to take advantage of any flybuys offer for discount + shell 5c/L off, further stacked with 4c receipt voucher if available. My local Coles express is 123.9c/L today, which will be brought down to 108.9c/L if able to get the full 15c off.

  • +6

    It's about time for Glen Waverley or Waverley Gardens to run out of 91, a cheap fill of 98 would be nice before the next price cycle.

  • What's the best sim to use so I can make a new account (on a different device)? Prepaid?

    • +1

      This will keep you going for a year.

    • Do new accounts ask for a phone number for verification now? If you only need it once then get a Telstra $2 SIM delivered for free. That’s what I’ve done for Kayo trials.

      • Don't they ask for phone numbers to verify the account?
        Anyone know if they track device IDs as well? Otherwise I gotta use an old Android phone too.

        • I created two accounts quite some time ago. I wasn’t asked for phone numbers.

          They track device IDs. That doesn’t affect fuel locks. It affects “My Offer” barcodes. Only one can be generated per device ID per account (I think).

          • @sween64: Yes - It locks out the offer if the offer has already been used on the device regardless of which account is used. Other offers can still be viewed if they have not been used already. But I have not had any issues with locks.

          • +1

            @sween64: Ok. Sounds like they would have flagged my device ID so hopefully if I use an old smartphone (which has never been used for 7/11) + new sim and email I should be OK…

          • @sween64: What offer do you use the most? Or how often do you use your offers?

            • @Freighter: Free regular coffee once a month across two accounts (so a total of two free coffees).

  • +3

    For those with more than 1 7/11 account wishing to use more of the offers including coffees,
    I use ”parallel space” or ”multiple accounts” apps
    to get around this. You can have the second account
    Logged on to this app and it's like it has a separate device ID.

    • These are Android apps I guess, right?

      • @sween64
        Yes, although I do notice that Parallel Space chews through my battery like no tomorrow and my phone turns into a nice heater…

        edit: spelling error

        • +2

          Try appcloner, need to buy premium for $5.49, but worth every cent because random android IDs can be assigned to each clone

    • AppCloner premium + AppCloner as well
      They were so good they got delisted from the Google Play store, so only their premium add-on side app is there now

      • thanks for this. Just downloaded!

        • +1

          Need to grab a Google maps API key for your 7/11 clones to work.
          Just follow the instructions, the API key is free as long as you aren't sharing to the entirety of ozbargain

          • @cwongtech: I was able to lock in using the clone without the API?

            • @ekto:

              I was able to lock in using the clone without the API?

              Oh, well without the API key, I wasn't able to use the store finder function..
              Good to hear you don't need it :)

  • -1

    Sorry if this has been mentioned before, but I've just worked out that if you're using mobile network, the 7-11 seems to get your (rough?) location from that ignoring mock locations. Even the store finder map had my nearest 711 as my actual nearest, but had the blue location dot in my mock location. The fuel lock also ignored the mock location too. Switched to wifi and tada, mock location it is!

    It might help someone.

  • -1

    Anyone else having trouble logging into the app today?

    I guess the neg means no. Looks like I have had my account suspended. Just for info, I have only used the modified APK, no NOX, no web portal.

    • Did you get an error message of any kind?

      I haven't had any issues logging in however every now and then it does come up with foxtrot. Maybe wait a few hours or a day or two and see if it works again.

      • Yeah, error message says: "There's been an error, but we're onto it. Please try again later. [Error Code: Golf]

        • +1

          So you weren't banned. That's why you got negged.

          Try searching this thread for Golf and you'll see a bunch of other people that had the exact same error.

        • +1

          I could be totally wrong….but I think golf has something to do with the actual connection rather than the account.

          Have you tried logging in via wifi or even doing it on a computer?

          • +3

            @lightcn: The code says this:

            <string name="error_code_login_vmob">Golf</string>

            So that (most likely) means that Golf is when the app can't talk to vmob which they send the analytics to, get the offers from, and a few other things.

            <string name="error_code_login_touch">Foxtrot</string>

            Foxtrot is when there is an error logging in, either the response takes too long or something else.

          • +1

            @lightcn: You might be right, worked on wifi once I got home. Thanks for the advice everyone.

  • With mocklation Google maps puts me in the right spot but the app says "location error, could not find current location" has anyone ever had that?

    • What happena if you use wifi, not 3g/4g

    • Same error for me…. any fixes?

    • Had that with FakeGPS this week and switched to mocklation which fixed it.
      Maybe try a different location app?

      • cheers that worked

  • +1

    Is anyone else having issues loading up the offers? The app keeps crashing! I've tried reinstalling it with no luck too.

    • 16 new offers loaded for me okay. Jailbroken iOS.

      • How are you running it on jailbroken device?

        • Liberty Lite Beta

    • Loaded ok for me too; non rooted, stock Samsung Android Pie

    • +1

      All my offers are loading no problem. 17 in total for me.

      • Did you get a free coffee for locking in a fuel price?

        • +1

          Yeah I've got the free coffee there as an option.

          • @CrocDundee: Damn. I don’t get them any more. Not sure why…

    • Yeah nvm checked back in the morning and it loaded fine again! Some weird glitch probably aha

  • Is anybody else having issues with topping up the payment? I've tried both of my accounts on both my phone and Nox, and I'm getting Lima and Juice errors. Any ideas?

    • +1

      if you need to top up urgently, try getting a 7/11 gift card and transfer the funds across.

    • Just topped up this morning on the original app from linked CC without any issues.

      PS: I use "script".

  • Merged from Diesel Fuel Lock 🔒 133.9 Per Litre @ 7 Eleven West Wollongong
    Go to Deal

    Nice ⛽ 💧 if you have a vehicle with Diesel.

    IMO you guys get ignored.

    See 📊 https://projectzerothree.info/trends.php

    Credits Project Zero Three https://projectzerothree.info/

      • Word on the street is, that metro has water leaking into their diesel tank..

    • -1

      so just looking into this, would a fuel lock from one city work in another?

      • Yes with the right tools you can mock location. Plenty on OZb on how to do this. Also can use the voucher anywhere in Oz within 7 days.

    • I wonder if people realise that on average a car emits more CO2 per litre of diesel than a litre of petrol?

      But we get better mileage :) Enjoy!

      • I wonder if people realise that the percentage of CO2 emitted from passenger vehicles.

        About 15% of man made CO2 (so not even accounting for the naturally occuring stuff), comes from all transport. Planes, ships, cars, trucks, locomotives. Which one of these has the smallest impact, but the most emissions regulation? Passenger vehicles. Our power comes from burning coal. Our cheap Chinese goods (also produced with coal power), and transported on cargo ships with 30,000kw 2 stroke diesels burning all the filthy remnants left over when making other fuels.

  • +3

    Nice drop if you have diesel. 133.9


  • -3

    I subscribed for the email alert and got the following. What does it mean?

    Request failed for https://projectzerothree.info/api.php?format=json&amp;t=1562… returned code 502. Truncated server response: 502 Bad Gateway 502 Bad Gateway cloudflare&lt;/cen… (use muteHttpExceptions option to examine full response). (line 14, file &quot;Code&quot;)

    Also, just curious was there a price drop recently for petrol (below 135?)

  • +5

    looks like 7-eleven is now hiring resources for a new android/ios app.


    Mobile Experience stream: Focusing on the development of our new mobile application you will be highly experienced in web and mobile app creation both on Android and iOS platforms. Prior end to end management of complex application creation and integration with a variety of payment platforms, customer loyalty programs and geographic identification.

  • anyone having issue with the App? unable to sign in since this morning.
    no error, just timing out

    • manage to sign in using WIFI, however if I switch back to mobile data; I can't see my offer.
      offer shows up using WIFI

      • I had the same issue last week. Seemed to fix itself next day.
        Edit: Just tried now on 4G and cannot login, getting Foxtrot error and also timeout error when I tried again?

        • fixed itself today

  • +8

    Prices on projectzerothree have not updated since yesterday at 19.38 ?

    • +11

      Cheapest I can see in Sydney using Fuel Check NSW website is Blacktown 2148
      E10 - 117.7
      U - 119.7
      95 - 131.7
      98 - 137.7

      • +1

        thanks for that, perfect.

    • I'm hitting refresh every 30 minutes like a crazy person

    • +27

      Server died, I was on an international flight, hopefully should be back soon.

      • Thanks mate!

      • +1

        …..On the run from 7-11 heavies ? ;)

        • +2

          They sent hitmen after me.

      • Legend

  • Merged from 7/11 Fuel - $1.1997/L U91 @ Kings Park 7/11 NSW
    Go to Deal

    Pretty cheap if you ask me. Thanks to fuelwatch

  • Merged from [NSW] Supreme 98+ Fuel 137.7 Per Litre @ 7-Eleven, Kings Park

    Might want to consider locking in this price. Best Price for 98 so far !!!

    Fuel Price Name Suburb State Postcode
    E10 117.7 11-Seven Kings Park Kings Park NSW 2148
    U91 119.7 11-Seven Kings Park Kings Park NSW 2148
    U95 131.7 11-Seven Kings Park Kings Park NSW 2148
    U98 137.7 11-Seven Kings Park Kings Park NSW 2148

    • +5

      Best Price for 98 so far !!!

      Not really lol.

  • -1

    Anyone gotten error code Helix? Made another 7-11 fuel lock in account after my first one got banned for using one of the script lock in things a while back and while I was back in business for a while, I could top up my account with my card. Tried to remove the card and add it again and now I’m still getting the HELIX error.

    • +1

      could top up my account with my card.

      Same card?

      After getting banned you should be dumping old credentials..

      To cause a disconnect in identity, go into a 7/11 (doesn't have to be fuel station) and grab a 7/11 gift card, then top up your account in that.

      • I thought about that and took the risk anyway. Whoops! That's okay though. 7/11 gift card it is then!

        • +5

          I just used the giftcard they sent me when they cancelled my account :/

  • +1

    anyone else get a notification from the 7/11 app about security? (eg not sharing your account, changing your password)

    • +1

      yes nothing to be worried about

    • yes got a notification when I opened the app soon after locking in..

  • -7

    I tried to mock location with the app on my samsung 10+. I keep getting warnings by the 7-eleven fuel app warning me that mocked location use is detected and logged and continuous use will result in suspension of the account. Any one get that?

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