7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide - January 2017 to January 2022

7-Eleven Fuel App Watch - Nationwide - Current

This forum post has too many comment pages and it broke OzBargain. Please continue your discussions in the replacement forum post. This forum post is closed.

This thread serves to let everyone know how much you have saved on your 7/11 fuel app.

Step 1: Subscribe to this thread to get email updates. You can change your subscription settings in your Ozbargain account to enable more/less email updates.

Step 2: Upon filling up simply fill in the details in this format:

  • NAME OF 7/11 STORE


  • Richlands QLD
  • ULP
  • 111.9/litre

Step 3: Upvote the comment if you found it helpful

Note: OzBargain or the OP are not responsible for your use of the 7/11 app and you should abide by all terms stipulated by the app. This thread's content is not endorsed by the OP or OzBargain.

Cheapest prices:

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Further Info/Tips

There are two "tricks" that can be extremely beneficial as there is a common trend experienced by 7-Eleven App users: 1) If you receive an error processing your credit/debit card, you can purchase a 7-Eleven Gift Card in-store and apply the credits instantly onto the App. 2) You do not need to use the funds on your App to pay for the fuel, you can lock-in the price and pay via Cash or Card at the checkout saving the hassle of constantly topping up, gift cards, etc.

Master131 spends a lot of time creating and maintaining the script at Project Zero Three that we all know and love.

Working Methods (Updated 14th July 2020)



Note: There's currently no APK or Android Simulator (Nox doesn't support Android 9) Available.

Credits to master131

Mod: Please don't ask for vouchers, obtain the lock yourself or use the classifieds for any wanted requests.

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closed Comments

      • Plot twist, it was set up by 7-11 as a means to catch people.

  • +1

    Never logged in to 3rd party websites and have not received a termination email. Love my jailbreak.

  • -1

    party's over folks

    • +1

      Only for some

      • +1

        The afterparty has just begun!

    • +1

      Not really.

  • Is there a way to transfer account funds? I can still log in.

    • If they send a physical gift card..
      You can essentially phoenix and load up a new 7/11 account..?

      But then if you ask for a physical gift card.. then it's admission of guilt

      • :( I don't want to give them my address

      • LOL - you're a lawyer are you? I'll keep this in mind.

        • No but I wouldn't trust them not to send me a nasty legal letter.

          • @Levathian: Fair enough… they are a bunch of knobs though with their own legal concerns stemming from employment practices

      • Just blame our nerdy teenage kids for messing around with our phones.

    • +1

      Go to 7/11 and spend it whilst you can.

  • +6

    I think we pushed it too far with the website. I'm sure 711 could tell something was amiss if all the requests were coming from the same IP.

    • +2

      Just doomed it faster imo, was destined to happen one way or another.

      • @Schema will you release the API again? I'd love to spin up my own, private instance then tie it to the same VPN that I use to log in with the App. That is if they used IP's to help figure out whose who

  • so what's the plan boys???

    • Go back to the OG method

      • OG? create a new account and use the location spoofer method?

    • Use the modified APK.

      • -4

        Where can I find this APK?

    • +1

      Lock the FULL amount now and fuel up to the full amount.
      Pay with the digital GC and spend the full balance.

      Don't use the website again or at least run up ur own instance.

  • +1

    My app seems to still be working despite getting the nasty email. Anyone else in the same boat?

    • Yeah, can still log in

    • have you tried locking in?

      • Just filled up about 3 hours ago, so no

      • +1

        I've been able to lock in.

  • Ok, so I have also got the email at 3:16 PM today. Most of us using the same website have been doomed. I think the only way forward is to use the APK / NOX Method. Unsure how I proceed with this email as I have about $50 in the account. What are you guys replying to the email?

    • +1

      I think we should proceed with caution. We should continue using the app until they freezes our acct entirely. So has anyone who received the termination email, used the app and successfully locked and paid?

  • or is this a scare tactic which they sent out to all 711 fuel app registered users? and those who replies admits guilt like what was said above.

    • Not to all users. I only received one email, and I only ever used the fuel lock once.

      My concern is that they'll now track all the IPs connected to any account which used a locker, and block all those other accounts too.

      • How did you lock your fuel that one time?

        • Sorry I meant I only locked in once with the website for that account.

      • +1

        they'll now track all the IPs connected to any account which used a locker, and block all those other accounts too.

        Nah, because most companies only have a few public IPs, so if say you work for NAB, that might affect 1000's. And mobiles have dynamic ip's. So it'd be pointless blocking those.

        I'd say if ur a/c is blocked, get a cheap sim & sign up again

    • +1

      I never got this email.

      Mind you I never used that 3rd party website.

  • +4

    I originally used NOX for a long time and then recently set up my own private version of Freighter's Fuel lock script on my Synology NAS. Haven't received an email yet.

    • Hey L45er. Any chance you can share the script as I'd love to do the same

      • +4

        See my earlier comments here https://www.ozbargain.com.au/comment/7066258/redir

        You need SSH access to your Synology and Docker package installed. Need to enter own API details into Freighter's script and then compile your own version via docker commandline.

        Someone smarter than me may be able to create and share a docker image in which one can enter their API details by way of a -e parameter or similar when running a container for the first time.

        • +1

          Thanks so much mate. I'm no coding wiz but I'll sure as heck give it a go to continue my savings :)

          And yeah if someone creates an image that would be sweet!

        • I have my symbology, can you help me setting this up??

  • +1

    Or we could pick up a physical gift card from 711 and quickly transfer the funds onto the card while the app is still up and running. Then we don't have to email them and ask them to send us a physical gift card.
    I have only used the website to lockin the price twice and haven't locked any prices in last 2 weeks and no email so far.

    • How do you do that? You can only transfer from physical card to digital iirc.

      • Oh! I thought it worked both ways. So it won't let you transfer funds from app to physical card?

        • +6

          Why is everyone so worried. They won't steal your money.
          Maybe they haven't activated the block on your account yet.
          Once it's blocked you call/email them they'll send you a GC with balance
          and you just make a new Account and use other methods.

  • +2

    Hmm I might make an Australia post account and have them send the physical gift card to a parcel locker.

    • +4

      You can have it sent to me.

      • +2

        Well I've already got a parcel locker if you guys want to save the hassle and send it to me :)

    • Letters aren't accepted so you'll probably have to collect over the counter.

      • Hmph just looked it up. You're correct.

    • Why did you delete your story about 7-Eleven removing your credit and terminating your account?

  • +2

    Tried to use app to buy giftcard in store - did not work. Just says declined - not valid.

  • For those affected, try:

    Lock the FULL amount now and fuel up to the full amount.
    Pay with the digital GC and spend the full balance.

    Don't use the website again or at least run up ur own instance.

    • +1

      I've removed the website for now to prevent anyone having issues

      Going to see how this pans out over the next week

      • +1

        grabs popcorn

        A lot of people pitchforks wanting the fuel locks served on a silver platter.

        • 🤷🏻‍♂️

          • @Schema: 7/11 must have felt the dark power of OzBargain

            • +2

              @cwongtech: Now we know why azure closed the account…

  • +9

    You know something is going on when you see 100+ new comments in this thread in a matter of hours. :(

  • Nice, i cant even sign in to my account.

    • What error message do you see? My app appears like it is still working… Just waiting for something bad to happen. Have used a certain website a few times :/

    • +1

      Are you actually associated?

    • I'm signed in but the credit is greyed out.

      • +1

        I just work at a store, but yea it won't let me login. Says contact support

  • -2

    App still works, but credit has been removed from it now, so no more locking with this account I suppose 🤷‍♂️

  • Account disabled and credit removed from one of my accounts.

  • no email so far for both of my accounts. I always use website for lockin. got $100 credit on both accounts

    • +1

      I think it's better to use them off before you get an email, just to be on the safe side.

      • yup thanks mate.

  • -1

    Why can’t you just keep making new accounts, buy credit and lock at the same time you fill up and use the digital credit..

    • It expires

      • What if you do it at the fuel station?

      • It doesn't.

        • Good chat

          • @Kustard King: What are you on about?

            • +3

              @ronnknee: Just taking a walk down conversation street.

              • +1

                @Kustard King: I haven't been locked out, but my 2yr credit hasn't expired. What you talkin about Willis?

  • Surely the best option now is just to run a local instance of Freighter's script, with all the requests coming from the same IP before with the website locker it was bound to be found out.

    • Friend of mine who regularly asks for a voucher screenshot was refused today. Staff have been advised that only in app vouchers will be accepted. So you're basically fkd if they are down

      • +1

        From 7-11 FAQs

        "It doesn’t happen often. If 7-Eleven couldn’t accept your Fuel Price Lock voucher at the point of purchase, then send an email to 7-Eleven Customer Service at [email protected] with the following pieces of information. If we’re able to verify the info we’ll credit your 7-Eleven Card with the discount you were entitled to.
        1/ Proof of purchase of fuel at full price (i.e. Tax invoice)
        2/ Name and email
        3/ Screen shot of your Fuel Price Lock voucher, and
        4/ Your 7-Eleven Card unique 13 digit number"

      • +1

        My wife was refused to redeem a screenshot voucher and gift card yesterday. They ended up only accepting the voucher only and said it's nolonger acceptable if you don't have the app no redemption.

        • Wow they must really be cracking down now. Can't she just download the app and login under whichever acct the voucher in?

        • +3

          Why not download the app on your wifes phone and sign in on the same account so the voucher shows up? No need for screenshots.

          • @brandogs: That's literally what I just said.

            • @Levathian: She has iPhone I haven't bothered checking out how it would work. But that is under consideration. I have a sumsang

              • +3

                @Ginger1: Doesn't matter if it is samsung or iphone. You can log into whatever app from whatever phone with the same login details to gain access to the voucher.

      • Running the script locally still locks the price in within the app, so no issues there.

        • How does that work? Can you please link me to the relevant post/comment?

        • @dinglejerry

          me too

  • +1

    Just had a reply from the said email.
    Thank you for contacting 7-Eleven Customer Service.

    I would like to inform you that we will be sending you the remaining balance to your requested address.

    I’ll wait in anticipation

    • im waiting on mine as well…

  • NOX user here. Did not get a mail. Also I was able to show a screenshot in phone and fill up an hour ago.

    • Good to hear. Hopefully it's not the exception

    • +1

      Wasn't the issue with people using a website to login and lock?

      NOX is jist an Android emulator, so they won't know (or care) if you're using nox. Its no difference to using an Android phone to lock in.

      The public website is easy to detect lots of different accounts locking in from the same location/ip address.

      • -3

        Hi @supabrudda, can you link/show how to use NOX?

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