• expired

Bulk Nutrients 10% off. Min $50


Got this coupon code in my email and appears to be able to be used multiple times. Email says expires in 2 weeks.

EDIT: Appears to be $50 min spend

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Referral: random (129)

Referee gets 5% off. Referrer gets 1% in store credit.

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Bulk Nutrients
Bulk Nutrients

closed Comments

  • +13

    Annoying…. i spend a lot of $$ at BN and no reward like this….

    What is the context of this email you received?

    • i haven't spent anything for about 8 months or so and i never got an email :(

    • I haven't bought anything from them for a while and got the email. I didn't share because I thought the code was unique.

      • I haven't purchased since May 2016 (Oct 2015 prior to that) and never get these discount code emails, even when I was buying more regularly I never got them either, so I am lost as to how they decide who gets these, unless it's randomly generated!!

    • just made an order yesterday :(

      • ditto, big order just on friday :(
        cheers anyway op

        • Same here. FML ! I am going to call them and see if they can do anything.

    • i havent ordered in a while (6 months?)

  • Expired

    • Working for me.

  • That email is a few weeks old, last day was 26/12/16.

    Edit: Looks like it's working as per above comment, i received several emails about this code including one on the 26/12 saying it's the last day.

  • Looks like a minimum of $50 spend

  • +1

    'The coupon that you entered has been applied to your cart.' Worked for me.
    Minimum spend $50.
    +1 to BN. Great product, best value.

    • +2


      Seems like they are getting a bit of competition price wise these days too which is good!

      • From who? I don't mind checking out others :)

        • Myprotein. They ship from the UK. Great value, much cheaper than BN and they get great results on Labdoor on their protein content.

        • +3

          @Mellows: Great value, but their Labdoor results have been challenged by various other testing results which see them have pretty low protein:serving. For instance, here is test done in Bulgaria (http://i.imgur.com/uexq62s.png). Mind you, the same could possibly be said about Bulk Nutrients, but their tests also seem quite reliable and consistently good.

          At the end of the day you'll be spending a couple dollars more to help an Australian business. I don't care how much of a bargain hunter a person may be, but a couple extra dollars when spending >$100 isn't that much to ask in order to support Australian businesses.

        • +3


          Yeah I'd rather keep my business in Australia for that sort of price differential.

        • Yep, and many other lab tets confirm they are pretty good. Hardly a few dollars difference though. Myprotein WPI for 7kg with 2 shakers cost me $163 delivered from Myprotein. 5kg from Bulk nutrients with delivery is $154 so for another $9 I got an extra 2 kgs and 2 shakers. Big difference especially when those 2 extra kgs would cost me $69 at BN.

          Granted with the 10% off at BN though it would be a less of a difference.

        • @Mellows: I didn't notice the MyProtein deal. Great deal that can't really be compared to this one in terms of value, MP has BN beat. However, it is pretty apparent how much people appreciate this brand though. Look at all the prior MyProtein discount posts and they rack up 20 upvotes. This one already has 60.

        • +1

          @Mellows: Do you have a link to this deal?

        • @beatsntoons: I have no interest in protein supplements at all but for what it's worth I've dealt with these guys in person in another life and they are a great bunch of people and a fantastic success story coming out of a state that doesn't have a lot of successful start ups.

        • @Xastros:


          They have a code on the home page for 20% off. I think the last code I had got me 30% off. They often have 30% off.

        • +1


          Don't get me wrong, I used to use BN all the time. Great flavours and lab test results. I was even in email contact with Ben from BN when the crap hit the fan with NoBull supplements were found to be vastly undervaluing their protein content. (I got 3 of NoBull's samples tested - Stated value of 93%, tested value of 43%). Unfortunately for the same price of BN and Myprotein, 2kgs of extra WPI is no contest for me, so I'll try Myprotein for a while.

        • @Mellows: That's crazy. 93% claimed and 43% actual. That's why I try and stick to products that have had numerous lab tests (ON, MP, BN etc.).

          Mate, 2kgs is a lot and I 100% understand where you're coming from.

  • Damn just put an order through, will have to think about buying moar!

  • Worked for me!

    Cheers ma Khmer brother. Gainz for dayz

  • What do you guys recommend for a guy who just started going to gym. Aim is to lose weight and gain muscles. Thanks.

    • +2


      Have that after your workout, take a multi-vitamin and fish oil.

      • +3

        Why the multi-vitamin and fish oil out of interest? I've been doing some reading and both seem to be regarded as pretty pointless, especially if you eat a balanced diet.

        • +1

          dont really need a multivitamin. maybe calcium + vit D as a lot of people dont get enough these days.

        • @Kambo_Rambo: I wouldn't worry about a multi. They just fill gaps that may appear if you aren't eating enough wholefoods. Fish oil has numerous health benefits to assist in recovery and inflamation amongst many things.

      • Thanks mate. I will try it out :)

    • +1 for WPI for muscle gain. Doesn't really matter what time of the day you take it. Supposedly after your workout is the best time, but it's still beneficial whenever. Don't worry about multivits and fishoil. Weight loss also depends on your diet. There's no magic supplement that will help you lose weight and gain muscle without changing your lifestyle. The best advice anyone can give is to be dedicated to excercising (5 times a week minimum), and lowering your intake of calories. It'll be hard in the beginning, but you'll get into a routine after a few weeks. Good luck :)

      • Thanks crs for the wise advice. I have already starting checking my calories intake and limiting myself to around 1800 a day. Been doing this for a few weeks now so I decided to start exercising as well and therefore I started going to gym. I am starting easy but hopefully I can make it 5 days a week one day.


        • +1

          Slow and steady buddy. Your main concern would be calories, followed by exercise and a long way down the line would be protein timing etc. If you want to undergo a body recomposition (lose fat, gain lean muscle), I'd suggest a lower fat, higher protein diet. Make sure fats are at least 20% of overall caloric intake.

          Those who say gaining muscle on a caloric deficit is impossible are wrong if the starting person is both a beginner or has a high body fat percentage.

        • @Unseatingcargo1: Thanks! So you would suggest I don't get the protein supplement yet and just focus on a higher protein diet? When do you suggest I should start looking into supplement intake then?

          To be honest, I find it hard to have a high protein diet and that's why I was looking to have the protein supplement but maybe I am doing it too soon…

        • +4


          I like your enthusiasm and I personally shared the same level of desire a couple years ago when I was 101kgs. Now I'm 81kgs, lean bulking and have never felt better.

          I would look at Eric Helm's Muscle & Strength Nutrition Pyramid in order to priorities nutrition for muscle growth. Essentially in order of importance it is:

          1. Energy Balance (Caloric Intake)
          2. Macronutrients (How your caloric intake is divided into Protein/Carbs/Fats
          3. Micronutrients (Vitamin A, C, D intake etc.)
          4. Nutrient timing (When you consume your calories/protein)
          5. Supplements (BCAA's, Pre-Workouts etc.)

          As you can see, Supplements are at the bottom of the priority list. As for consuming protein, I'd just suggest finding sources you like (eggs, yoghurt, tuna) and just making sure you integrate them more often into your diet.

          If you are really struggling and do feel satiated, then i'd start looking at protein powder. I always try to consume my protein as it keeps me feeling fuller for longer then drinking a supplement. This is especially the case when cutting and you have a limited amount of food you can eat per day.

        • @Unseatingcargo1: Thanks for the great insight. I will definitely look into this Pyramid and cater my diet/exercise accordingly.

          I am kind of at where you were at a few years ago and my aim is to go down to around the 80kgs mark so your input just now will help me along the way.

        • +1

          @MJ101: My advice is to go slow and steady. The worst thing you can do, and what I ended up doing, is drop calories too much. I was 101kgs, 6'2" and eating 1800 calories per day including 5km running everyday. By the end of a couple months I felt like utter garbage. What I would do if I were you would be to track what you currently or had previously been eating. For instance, 2600 calories may be your maintenance. From that number I would start eating 2200 calories a day. After you start plateauing (which will occur), I'd lower cals from there on.

          No matter how hard you try, weight loss is best achieved if you give yourself time.

        • +1

          @Unseatingcargo1: Thanks again mate.

          I am eating around 1800 calories per day but I started that before I started exercising. Now I am exercising I will definitely lift that to around the 2200 mark or so depending on how much I exercise that day.

          I will definitely try to take my time with this as I don't want to start to push myself too hard then give up because I cannot handle it.

          The best thing I learnt from watching my calories is knowing what I put into my body which makes me think twice of what I eat.

        • +1

          @MJ101: Oath. Caloric restriction makes you prioritize higher volume, higher fibre and lower calorie foods. Of which generally are fruits and veggies. I never used to eat veggies, wholegrains or fruits. Now I love them.

        • @Unseatingcargo1: Spot on. I think my major issue was bad carbs but now I eat good carbs which makes me feel fuller for longer. Also, I used to hardly eat veggies but now I have the all the time. I am still not very good at eating fruits but I will try harder.

          As silly as this sounds I found it very hard at the beginning to eat all of the 1800 calories a day but now that I exercise I get hungry more often.

        • @MJ101: I follow Interminent Fasting when it comes down to my diet. Essentially it is a 16 hour fast with an 8 hour eating window. There is little to no muscle growth benefits, but it enables me to consume more. Some people call it a 21st century excuse to skip breakfast, but at the end of the day it works for me.

        • @Unseatingcargo1: Interesting concept. I don't think I can do that as I go to the gym in the morning and would be so hungry afterward. I am trying to eat less food more often but I'm really sticking to three meals. Usually breakfast and lunch will have more carbs than dinner.

          As you said, as long as it works for you then keep going :)

    • I think one of the most important things that you can have is L-Glutamine and BCAAs. Protein is all well and good but if you are eating after the gym, you don't really need it.

    • +1

      focus on getting a good diet first. figure out how many calories you need to stay the same weight, and your macronutrient split. then decrease your calories slowly. check out bodybuilding.com forums for info on diet and training. supplements, dont bother on anything else but the basics. fish oil, multivitamin, protein powder (i like isolate. no real need to buy powder, its honestly just for convenience)

      • Thanks mate. I am looking at the site now and it seems to have lots of info.

    • Hey mate - just thought I would add my two cents on a few things.

      I'd go with Whey Protein Isolate - it's more expensive than Concentrate but I personally find it much easier to digest.

      On a different note - a friend of mine who studied sport and exercise science at a good uni and then became a personal trainer (so a trustworthy source) wrote me up a gym plan when I first started out. In it he explained that although it's theoretically possible to gain muscle and lose weight at the same time, it's not really possible in practice.

      So basically, if you want to lose the weight - eat less calories and focus on cardio. When you want to gain muscle - eat more calories and focus on lifting. You can still lose weight when you're lifting on a low calorie diet but not as much. But the absolute main thing for losing weight is diet. Eat well and that's more than half the battle.

      Best of luck with it all!

      • +5

        Don't care what the science says. I have personally seen people gain muscle and lose fat at the same time. That science is not accurate. Personal trainer certs are obtained over a couple of weeks and are not a substitute for real world experience.

        Many personal trainers still advocate eating meals every 2-3 hours to keep your metabolism high when this has been proven to be incorrect.

        I also disagree with focusing on cardio for weight loss. Both is better but IMO if you only want to do one, lifting is superior in the long term for losing weight. The act of building and repairing muscle consumes a lot of calories. Also the gained muscle burns more calories at rest.

        Regardless of what 'science' says, everyone's body is different. Try something and measure your results before discounting it.

        • As I explained, he is not just a personal trainer. I went to one of the best unis in Australia with him, where he studied a Bachelor of Exercise and Sports Science, graduating with a very good GPA. As for practical experience, he is the most ripped person I know and he now works for a gym that caters mainly to professional athletes.

          Too clarify what I said above:

          low calories + lifting = some weightloss, little to no muscle gain
          high calories + lifting = no weightloss, most muscle gain
          low calories + cardio = most weightloss, no muscle gain

        • Cardio is better to drop weight quickly though. And I'm not talking about going for a jog, I mean hardcore cardio like the various Insanity programs (not P90-whatever, only Insanity).
          That will melt fat off you like candle wax to a flame.
          Once that's done, do strength training for the long haul and if you bulk up too much, a quick HIIT cardio session for a month or two will knock it off again (with appropriate diet)

      • +1

        Thanks mate for sharing your friend's experience. My main goal ultimately is to be fit and healthy and I believe to achieve this I would need to lose weight and gain muscles.

      • OP should be using his diet for fat loss and weight training for gains, even if you don't believe he can gain and lose fat simultaneously this will minimise LBM lost during his diet.

        At the OP's stage cardio is an inefficient tool for furthering his deficit and is probably even counter productive as it is time better spent for recovering if he is doing a decent beginner's barbell program.

    • +2

      Genuine question why is everyone recommending WPI over WPC for a beginner?

      • My opinion is WPC is perfectly fine, especially if you're not trying to optimise every element of your training program. Ultimately, it's there to supplement your protein intake and if it adds to your protein count for the day, it's done its job. I've reached an intermediate strength level supplementing with WPC.

        Applying the law of diminishing returns, WPC offers the best bang-for-buck, especially for a beginner.

        • +1

          This is my opinion as well. WPI is not worth the money especially for a beginner.

          Maybe 10% more protein content but cost 50% more. Faster absorption isn't really that big a deal from personal experience, especially for a beginner. Been lifting and on protein supplements for about 15 years. Tried both extensively. Don't see any material difference in results.

          Best results definitely on whole foods rather than supplements but I am past the stage I am willing to prepare and eat 20+ chicken breasts a week.

      • Having tried both, I found no discernible difference in results (it's pretty much impossible to point to your type of protein as the direct reason for any difference anyway). BUT I personally found WPI easier to digest, as it is a more refined protein.

        I'd recommend trying both and if you are fine with WPC then that's what I'd go with.

      • The only reason to go WPI is if you are having lactose problems. If I take WPC, I fart ridiculous amount of times after and my stomach gets very upset.

        Don't get me wrong, I am not 100% lactose intolerance. I have no problems downing a glass of milkshake made with full cream milk and not getting much reaction/discomfort.

        Take WPC, I am a goner.

    • One thing I noticed wasn't mentioned was Calcium Caseinate (aka Casein). It's another form of protein like WPC/WPI. It's not quite as high quality as the WP proteins but has two awesome advantages:
      1. It expands in your stomach which makes you feel full as.
      2. It is slowly digested and therefore releases proteins slowly.
      These are crucial for dieting. You need to have high protein levels while dieting to maintain muscle. An often quoted research report suggests you lose about 1/3 of mass in muscle when losing weight. Keeping your protein levels at 1g/lbs body weight could halve that. You also want to take that protein fairly continuously, otherwise your body will break it down and store it as energy before it's used (hence use casein). Working out while you diet is also very important to hold on to or even grow muscle mass.

      The BN Casein is unflavoured and tastes pretty bland. Mix it with a bit of WPC and you'er golden. I replace my brekky with it.

      MyFitnessPal is crucial if you don't have it already.

      Consider a Keto influenced diet if you struggle holding on to your 1800/day calories. I find even if I have complex carbs, I begin to realise how f'ing hungry I am!

  • Not ordering anything but I highly recommend bulk nutrients. Stuff tastes pretty good, they're based in tassie, and they offer free samples/tests (I think).

  • Thanks for this. Needed some items and this couldn't have come at a better time. Cheers.

  • Just tried it, no longer working. Ozbargained.

  • +1

    anyone tried Venom Protein? They're pretty much the same prices and offer free shipping?

    • I've tried. I mainly use BN but switch to Venom from time to time for a change and especially for smaller shops (free delivery). Lab test results are good.

    • Only issue with Venom is their lack of lab testing. Also, I've heard their flavours are mediocre. BN flavours are pretty damn good in comparison.

      • Flavours are not as good but it's nice to have a change. Barely notice the taste anymore anyway haha.

        • The more protein you buy the closer you get to wanting to buy unflavoured. Higher protein content and you can add your own sweetener and flavour. Mind you, I haven't bought unflavoured whey before as I like flavoured protein.

        • +1


          Same, I only buy raw/unflavoured now. I jazz it up with real fruit, and a scoop of peanut butter (tip: banana, mango + peanut butter = WINNING).

        • @beatsntoons: do you normally add milk or water to it?

        • @eltito:

          Depends on my calorie goals for the day. If I'm a fair bit under, I'll use milk (normal, or sometimes unsweetened oat), and sometimes even a scoop of greek yoghurt to make it creamy, with the added benefit of probiotics.

          If I've had a lot that day, then water. You can make it creamier by adding avocado too, funnily enough you barely taste avocado which is always something I find strange considering it's got a strong flavour. It just makes it very silky creamy.

          And if my carbs are low, I'll add in a few scoops of porridge oats. You can taste that, but it's not strong.

          Everything just goes in the Nutri Ninja.

          Man, getting peckish talking about this!!

      • are the WPC flavours from BN nice? Im el cheapo and bought 5kg of WPC in various flavours. I heard WPI flavours taste superior which is understandable…

        • Wouldn't WPC taste better considering their higher carb and fat content?

        • @Unseatingcargo1:

          Yeah you make a valid point - I just read reviews online that the WPI flavours tasted 'better'. I guess its all personal preference too so. Protein is protein at the end of the day for me so meh lol

        • been buying bn wpi and wpc for years, and in my opinion the flavour wpi has is soooo amazingggggg!

          in saying that the flavor of the wpc is also amazing, just not as amazing as wpi as u can tell from my extra g's above lol

          you'll be fine with wpc it's still tasty, mix it with milk and u golden

    • +1

      I remember when Venom had a 20% off code, which I reused for about 2 years buying 10kg of WPC for like $160 :') ahh good times
      edit: maybe it was even cheaper

  • It has just worked for me. Thanks.

    I applied to my cart before proceeding to check out.

    Also, I did spend more than $50.

    • Yep, just worked for me also. Order was at $50 without shipping…got a free random sample also.

    • Ordered at 9.35, shipped at 9.53.


  • Thanks! Was down to my last 1kg bag. Good quality stuff from BN

  • -1

    those deciding on the flavour can I suggest the Salted Caramel, it's the best

    • +1

      I love that they divide the total weight into individual pouches. For a guy like me who like different flavours for different situations, then their system allows me to try everything.

  • Best value protein out there and good flavours too
    Fast shipping
    Hands down the best around

  • +1

    code not working for me, seems i just missed it??

    was gonna load up on some protein, creatine, bcaas and l-carnitine

    • Yeah getting code expired too. Been OzBargained!

    • not sure, getting mixed responses about it being expired. there must be certain conditions.

  • Thanks!

  • Whenever I try to pay it just redirects me back to the order confirmation page

  • What do you guys recommend for a skinny guy trying to gain weight and muscle? Muscle 101, WPC or WPI? Going to start going to the gym (beginner). Thanks.

    • don't worry about protein at the moment. Just eat a lot of food and make sure you actually go to the gym at least 3 times a week

    • Even small things at home such as pushups, pullups, dips go a long way. It takes months to buff up and build strength.

    • If you're not getting much protein through normal diet then just get some WPC to buff it, food, sleep, a good program and consistency is all you need, the rest is all BS.

    • Muscle 101 is the best of those products to gain weight/mass. I used it and put on 10kg in 4 months and looked great and gained lots of strength.

      As recommended by others a good program that hits all of your major muscle groups is important, along with sleep and eating enough.

  • +3

    For the WPC vs WPI debate.
    There is no difference for most people. It's about the amount of protein consumed, any debate on the quality of it has been reading into too much marketing hype. WPI has slightly more protein per serve but you could have a fractionally bigger WPC serve to compensate whilst costing much less.

    WPI is useful for those who are lactose intolerant as it has a far lower level of lactose. So if you find WPC hard to digest, try out WPI and it might make you feel a lot better. Otherwise WPI is mostly a waste of money.

  • Thanks op just ordered 3kg wpc.. discount covered the shipping

  • +3

    Supplements I would recommend:
    WPC - cheap and portable protein. Cheaper than almost any other source and essentially almost not calories from carbs or fats. Great for those on a diet or those who need to increase their protein intake due to exercise or recovery. Protein is the most filling macronutrient.

    Creatine - No other supplement in the world has as much science backing it. Very cheap, 1kg at $20 can last you a year. Great for vegans as it fills the deficiency they have, as creatine is almost exclusively available from meat. After supplementation vegans/vegetarians have significant improvement in cognitive function. It's also thought to reduce anxiety and depression for vegans. Now to it's main use, it's great for short bursts of exercise, say weightlifting. It allows you to recover faster and work harder. Noticeable increase in muscle size.

    5HTP - Many know it as a recovery from E but it can be used in a diet, taken with food. It will increase how full you feel from a meal.

    Joint Complex - Glucosamine sulphate and Chondroitin both have proven effects on joint health. Glucosamine hydrochloride does not have proven benefits and is the cheaper option you see in most joint supplements.

    Maca powder - Increase in libido, safe and works for both men and women. You need to take it for weeks to notice the difference, this isn't viagra.

    Phenibut - Great for reduction in anxiety, can take high doses to have similar effects to alcohol. Develops a tolerance quickly, would take only once per week. Useful if you want to go out as a designated driver, obviously take small doses and never drive the first time you take this. Beware: It increases the effects of alcohol by 2-3x. Had a friend who thought "yeah sure" and drank 8 drinks and she was not in a good state.

    A good source of supplement information is examine.com

    Happy to answer any questions.

    • +1

      i'd add on that creatine can make u feel more bloated and look bigger in the mirror. Now the reason i say that is because if u aim to lose weight and look in the mirror and u look bigger, don't panic, it's a side effect of creatine. You'll feel like a monster in the gym though.

      some people don't get that bloating though, some do, either way no need to stress

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