For those still buying discs rather than streaming, this is a decent saving. 'Girls' is a contemporary coming-of-age comedy focusing on a group of 20-something women in New York and their adventures in post-collegiate floundering. Price compare at JB HiFi $64.98
Girls TV Series S1-4 DVD $19.00 (Plus Postage) at Mighty Ape Daily Deals

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You'd to have pay me watch that ugly Lena Dunham for 4 seasons.
Good DVD's for some Clockwork Orange style torture on your enemies.
It's fine, you're not her 6 year old sister so you're not her type anyway.
Allison Williams makes up for it with her ass eating scenes :P
I just googled it. Pretty cool. There's more than one scene?
I don't know. I've only watched that one scene, and its the only thing I know about this show xD
how many times do they get naked in this? if it's less than 4 then no deal
almost tempted.. hard to find this series online otherwise
A lot would be buying discs, ripping AND THEN streaming ;-)