This was posted 8 years 1 month 30 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Free Streaming on Cricket Australia Live App


You need a subscription to view live matches in Cricket Australia Live App or you could watch live for 3 mins (Preview).
If you pause the live stream before 3 minutes is up and resume after 3 mins has elapsed then it continues to stream indefinitely.
This works in IOS. I have not tried in other platforms.

Mods: Delete if inappropriate or if violating any T&C.

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closed Comments

  • I'd give you a 100 up votes if i could

    Great tip

  • I always love to hear of a good legal hack and there's been a few great ones on OzB. Like this +1 OP!

      • -2

        You are allowed to watch 3 minute segments. You are claiming that we don't have permission to watch multiple 3 minute segments. Where does it say this? At best it's a violation of the T&Cs but there's no evidence of this either. I don't see any illegality here whatsoever.

        For your email example to be relevant, it would have to be the case where the owner of the email has expressly given you permission to access their email in three minute segments. If I logged off and then logged in every three minutes, no crime would be committed there either.

        • -4

          You're not too bright if you can't see the correlation between the two without directly tying them by the one "3 minute segment" shit to reinforce your poor argument of right of access. Doesn't surprise me tho, even a 8 year old knows that access without permission is illegal even if you have the details.

          Get a grip kid.

        • @SilentBob:

          Your example was irrelevant. In this case, you do have permission to watch three minute segments. If I watch a 3 minute segment today and another tomorrow, is that illegal? If I watch a 3 minute segment now and then another in an hour's time, is that illegal?

          I'm sure you have a very specific answer - with reference to the T&Cs - because you've made a very definite claim of illegality.

    • +1

      Warner getting 100 in the first session yesterday… not important in the grand scheme of life the universe and everything, but very entertaining!

      • +2

        That's the thing though, his century will probably be the highlight of the series. Bring back the days of Warnie and Gilchrist tearing through the poms.

        • +3

          Stop livin' in the past, man

  • +1


    • +2


  • Cool!!!

  • Question. How would you know when the 3 minutes has lapse?

    • +4

      count to 180…
      or 240 just to be safe!

      • +1

        Nope just tested it. doesn't work

        • +1

          Yeah, didn't work for me on the Android App.
          Possibly an iOS bug, possibly a hoax post!
          Or possibly the OP is on Optus and doesn't realise he/she has a free Live Pass from them!

  • +12

    Niceee Garrryyy!!!

  • -5

    Didn't work for me

    • +1

      Why the downvote?

      • +2

        Yeah kinda harsh you got down voted.

      • +1

        Because no one on ozbargain likes to hear bad news.

  • +1

    Didn't work for a colleague's iPhone.

  • +1

    nope, didn't work for me. i paused 15 seconds before 3 minutes, and waited half a minute before unpausing it.

  • Didn't work for me, came up with 'Preview Finished' and asks me to pay

  • +1

    I watched the entire first session from when this post went up to lunch. Then I had to use my phone. Now it isn't working! Bugger.

    Was a ride while it lasted.

  • +1

    This doesn't work - I have tried it on 3 ios devices and tried various pause/unpause combinations and basically 3 minutes of physical streamed video it'll crap out..

    Has anyone else got this working? If so please confirm your carrier is not optus.

    • it worked for me and i am with telstra. Doesn't work for me anymore

    • It works for me on my IPad Air 2.
      Internet is on Optus wireless broadband.
      I did not sign in the app.
      I was able to watch BBL for the last 3 days.

  • +1

    It worked for me on Vodaphone. Able to see the two wickets fall just before Tea

  • Nice Gary

  • +4

    Niiice, can watch cricket on the phone and Cardoons on the OLED.

  • +1

    Just tested on latest iOS and Telstra, with definitely no Live Pass, and it works fine.

    Started the stream, paused it at 2:30, and then waited for 4 minutes (possibly overly long, but whatever) and resumed.

  • -1

    no luck on android unfortunately. a couple of years ago i purchased a year subscription and it one of the streams kept freezing so i complained and they refunded me. Funny thing is the subscription kept going for the whole 12 months.

  • +1

    are bbl games streamed on this?

  • +1

    Blast from the past.

  • +2

    Damn I hate these "long running" deals that pop up, it's only after I've read a handful of comments do I notice the dates from 6 years ago, and then the "LONG RUNNING" tag. I think more should be done to make it more obvious that most of the comments are from forever ago and may not be relevant anymore.

    • +3

      I was so confused reading Warner getting a century yesterday. Went to multiple sites to confirm and then finally noticed the comment was from 2017!

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