Eden Half Barrel Planters are made from recycled materials. They are strong and lightweight and perfect for indoor or outdoor use.
Weather resistant
Easy to move
Realistic wood look
Eden Half Barrel Planters are made from recycled materials. They are strong and lightweight and perfect for indoor or outdoor use.
Weather resistant
Easy to move
Realistic wood look
Sweet, going to grab one on the way home
Why is this a bargain?
5% off
eBay sellers seeking $50 upwards for something similar http://www.ebay.com.au/sch/i.html?_from=R40&_sacat=0&_nkw=Ha…
…or $47.99 for the same model http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Eden-52cm-Half-Barrel-Planter-/29…
Looks like a solid deal to me.
The eBay one for $47.99 includes shipping, which would be about half the cost.
i wonder how they go in the sun?
Bought two today.
These pots are about 1/3 thinner than other similar pots at bunnings.
Also no drainage, easy enough to drill though.
Checked out in store. Its plastic alike build and slight flexibility. Not sure it will last outdoor under the hot sun for long. The outer wood alike is not great either.
Looks alright…