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Sony Boxing Day Sale: 49" X8000D 4K TV $999, 43" X8000D 4K TV $799 Delivered @ Sony Store


Haven't added the X7500D to the title as it's $11 cheaper at TGGs, but you do get free delivery if ordered through the Sony Store. Enjoy :)

This is part of Boxing Day Sales for 2016

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closed Comments

  • Wow! These are cheaper prices for the Sony X8000D TVs. Now I am conflicted between this and the Samsung KS8000 (which is more expensive).

    How does this TV fair with gaming, like XBOX 1 gaming, as well as watching movies?

    • +5

      You have to be very careful if you are purchasing a UHD TV for XB1S gaming, as it requires HDR10 Bit processing & HDMI 2.0a. I cannot see any of these specs on their site. The best TV imo (also rated on forums) for XB1S gaming is the Samsung KS8000 & the LGUH770T. Both TV's will work. The LG supports Dolby Vision but the Samsung doesn't. But the Samsung has a better picture quality. Today there are on special (please check both HN, GG ads) for $1495 for the Samsung 55". For future proofing watch UHD Bluray movies ensure the TV has HDCP 2.2 (as the Sony has this). Cheers

      • Cool. Samsung KS8000 it's then. Thanks, guys. :)

        • The only neg for this TV (KS8000) is that the stand/legs are on either side and not in the middle. So ensure that you can stand it on something that can supports its width, otherwise mount it on the wall :-)

      • what about the Sony 8500D series mate?

      • +5

        X8000D is a 10 bit panel. 43 inch is VA and 49 inch is IPS. I've got the 49 inch and it's great for 4k content, Gears 4/Horizon 3 HDR also looks great but not up to the same standard as the more expensive Samsung. This is a great entry level price to HDR though considering the Samsung costs 50% more.

        Best place to find reviews on TVs these days is RTings.

        • Thanks for your feedback. Please note that the 49" is $999 and obviously is smaller than the KS8000. If there were a 55" equivalent (not sure if there is for the X8000D) I reckon it will be $200 more. Therefore ~ $1199. The Samsung is a no brainer and is future proofed for another equivalent $300. I guess it depends on your budget. Cheers

      • +6

        DISCLAIMER: I am in no way related to LG or other brand, rather work as a Sales Specialist for a US based Co.in Sydney. Hence this is an impartial view, A consumer review. I own Sony 75X85D - LG 65UH770T - Samsung 65KS8000, hence feel can comment as an owner and avid tech lover.

        I would argue that. "KS8000 is better than UH770T".

        I would restrict comparison to LG VS Samsung
        -Both are hdr10.
        -Both are 200hz
        -Both have similar colour reproduction. (minus the in store demo stuff, play UHD Bluray, or watch TV or Bluray or upscaling, or gaming …you will enjoy rather wont be able to tell difference in the two at home)

        Not even retailers realise this (poor marketing…i know first hand as jb-tgg-bing lee all of them were surprised when i told them) 770t supports both HDR & Dolby Vision. Remember Dolby Vision you need hardware, unlike HDR which is software driven. So either your TV supports Dolby Vision or it does not, no software upgrade can give you Dolby Vision ,whereas Hisense and others send you an upgrade firmware to get HDR.

        There is a lot of discussion around 'DSE'(gray uniformity) in LG770t, which in day to day viewing even in sports matches is not visible as much. Only when you look for it minutely, and in dark rooms(rtings- tested in pitch dark rooms), you might find it. Not practical or ideal use for 'most of us'

        WebOS 3 + Magic remote, from LG makes TV interaction just immensely sweet as compared to KS8000 Tizen
        Hence if anything, LG770t matches KS8000 in every way.

        I bought 65UH770T for $2000 from JB (often goes that price) when 65KS8000 lowest was $3200 (a month back). There is no way in the world anyone can justify objectively, spending 60% more to buy Samsung KS8000 TV of same specs.
        'If both are same price' - $2k - I might go with Samsung KS8000 as it produces a lil (marginally) better colours reproduction. But day to day you cant tell the difference. But NOT 60% or 50% or even 25% better colours

        Marketing budget plays a BIG factor in determining the product price.
        LG 770T is perfect for ozbargainers like me, as this model / series suffers from poor marketing as they were overshadowed (and probably budget eaten internally at LG) by LG OLEDs, hence a perfect bargain for ozbargainers like me. Hence the price point of 2k

        PS: Also I cannot name the store or the person, but a big store JB manager, himself told me that the highest number of returned TVs at JB (faulty-failed-issues) after HiSense (yes they are even m7000) are Samsung UHD & SUHD series.
        They are of way poorer quality than the last years model (JU Series). For every 4-6 Samsungs they are receiveing 1 LG return.

        • +1

          Thank you for the feedback. WOW! the LG 65UH770T for $2K is unheard of!!! Especially their ticketed price for the 55" is $1898, and when I popped in, they gave me a paltry discount of $1840 @ JB. Then I went to HN and purchased it there for $1640 (55UH770T) My purpose was to all rounder future proofing and gaming. According to this site, http://www.rtings.com/tv/reviews/by-usage/video-gaming/best the KS8000 is better for gaming and in person, I think it is also has a better picture quality. "At the time, the Samsung was selling for $2495 hence not worth to spend the extra $600" That is my opinion though. I do agree with your post. Cheers

        • @vinni9284: the problem with rtings is that:

          -Their testing and recommended settings are as per dark room tests.
          -They at times dont consider practical usage in their tests.
          -Things like DV vs HDR is important, but not considered at rtings ..?.. as LG didnt market 770t well.
          -At times Rtings are too technical hence often forget to mention the price difference in both the TVs, so the 'Value for Money' factor gets pushed away. As they test it when they are new or near new.

          All these things matter in day to day life. As i said I would pick up KS8000 over 770t if KS8000 was 2k , but its not. Hence my argument in favour of LG , rather was 50-60% more expensive than LG770t.

          LG 65UH770T pricing
          https://www.ozbargain.com.au/node/280742 - Bargained further down to $2024 in store

        • +1

          @Jabberwocky: Totally agree. However that is for the 65". Now the 55" KS9000 is cheaper; $1495 than the LG55UH770T $1695 ($1640 my purchase price). GG's don't sell that LG model hence was out of two bricks and mortar retailers; JB & HN. Anyway, I am very happy with my LG thus far as I play PC games flawlessly @ 4K/60p via my GTX1080. Although the game is not really optimised for 4K. I use it for a PC monitor, typing this message to you. A little overkill of its size, but then I want to enjoy the extra pixels close and in person. No point of buying 4K monitors from the Computer Shops for the same price because they support Nvidia G-Sync or Free-Snyc and they are only 30". Not a real upgrade from my 27" 1440p monitor.No regret for me as the LG is more future proofed (Dolby Vision support) & can play Project Scorpio once released :-) Cheers

        • Sorry but the DSE of the UH770T is simply unacceptable. I also thought it was a very cheaply built TV, but every brand is now. Not even Sony is made in Japan. The picture quality is far superior on the KS8000, without a doubt. The IPS on the UH770T makes everything washed out and dull, and the DSE is very distracting.

      • These Sony TV's will pass the 4K checklist with a Xb1S

      • +1

        WTF are you on about?
        I'm pretty sure these Sony TVs support HDR10 and HDMI2

    • +2

      Samsung KS8000 is obviously better TV(better HDR, 200hz, slightly bigger and etc), but that's for extra $500.

      • +1

        Agree, but the KS8000 was $2495 two days ago :-) Get $1000 off! I hate to purchase this TV at an outlet that doesn't support 30 day price guarantee.

        • If the outlet doesn't support price guarantee then just claim it through your credit card (coles Mastercard / 28degrees card both have price protection but coles one is longer)

      • Ta.

      • What abt hisense

    • +2

      The x8000D is a beauty, have one for a small room and the picture is first class.
      It isn't muddy, or dirty or green like some other brands screens are.

      • So far, the verdict is, if one intends to use a TV for gaming then Samsung KS8000 is the better option. Would rather go for that instead of regretting later. Thanks anyway.

    • I got one of these TVs for this price with a promo deal when the PS4 pro was released. It has Hdr10 and hdmi2.0 and hdcp2.2 Don't listen to that other guy. It's great for gaming has something like 22ms a little bit more than the 19ms of the Sammy. But the Sony has a better colour gamet. Great TV for the pricr

  • Anyone know if any stores will price match, to enable pickup today?

  • What do people think about x8000d for hdr gaming? Thanks in advance.

    • +3

      Please read my comments at the start of the thread. I was also looking for a TV to use as HDR gaming. The Samsung 55" KS9000 would have been my choice but was $2495 at the time therefore I have purchased the LGUH770T 55" for $1640. The Samsung has a better picture quality than the LG however the LG has an IPS panel. I am using it for a PC gaming monitor (sitting up close) and it works flawlessly @ 4096 x 2160 on Game mode with my GTX1080 playing Just Cause 3 on full settings. If I had the Samsung, due to its 1000 nits of brightness, I would had to turn it down. For me, I am happy with the LG as there are mixed reviews for this monitor. I do see a little local dimming light bleeding but I can live with that. Cheers

  • This or Samsung KS8000 hmmm…

    • +1

      IMO the Samsung wins hands down. Cheers

      • +1

        No worries

      • Except samsung not only injects ads into whatever you are watching (esp netflix) but are also selling your usage data.

        • +1

          Is there a bypass to this? Such as buying an external box for streaming and HDMI in to the TV? I mean I think you can get the new Panasonic Bluray player that has all those features. Flogging off your personal data unfortunately now is commonplace … It happens all the time IMO.

        • +1


          So long as you do not connect the tv to the internet then there is no way for it to call home.

          You can then use a chromecast etc for netflix, which still records your usage (as its google) but at least they keep it inhouse rather then sell it. And no ad injecting.

        • Insects ads? Link?

        • +2
        • @MATTDAMON: no idea what samsung tv does that… I watch netflix on mine all the time via app and never got a hint of an ad

    • Ks8000 for sure

  • I'd there a TV I should get over the 43" x8000d?

    • +1

      According to rtings, its the best of its class at that 43" size range, but only because there isn't much competition. at 49" and above, Samsung has most other brands beat for UHD HDR tvs.

  • +1

    Thanks OP. Thanks Sony Store. I was waiting for this deal to return

  • +1

    Ordered the 43" X8000D and got back an email from Sony stating that "Unfortunately we're unable to process your order at this time." No further elaboration.

    No money has been deducted from my account yet on my Sony account it shows the order as being "In Progress".

    Can't contact Sony customer service due to public holidays. Frustrating because I don't know whether the order will go through or not…


      My assumption is that your account won't be charged until they get stock in.

      • +3

        IMO, I wouldn't waste my time to order a TV that will delivered in two months. Many models and will change by then as these are forever upgrading/depreciating. Soon there will be TV's that supports HDR12 bit processing rather than the standard HDR 8 bit with dithering (not native 10 bit like the higher end tvs). When that happens the see these tvs flogging off for another 25% discount on top of their discounted prices. Cheers

        • Totally agree. These ppl will be the ones frantically trying to cancel orders in a couple weeks time when cheaper deals are released.

  • Been banking on Boxing Day to give me some clarity with a 65" set for over a month now and I'm a little disappointed. Was hoping for a decent HDR set for under 2000 but the closest I can find is the 60" KS8000 which I'm looking at now..

    Is the Sony 65X7500D and Samsung UA60KU6000W really that bad? Or is sacrificing 5" and paying 200 more with it for the KS8000?

    Also sorry for the questions, but who would be the preferable retailer to buy from? Does JB or Good Guys offer any advantages over someone like Bing Lee? I wonder if I could hassle haggle at JB and get the KS8000 cheaper or with some 4K Blu-rays.

    • The KU6000 (Series 6) is two models less than the KS8000 (Series 8). IMO the difference is night and day (for KS8000) as it is a better unit and more future proof. You have now the opportunity to get the 65" KS8000 for the price of the 55" that was $2495 two days ago. I would bite the bullet and spend $500 more and get the 65" KS8000 if I were you. But then it depends on your budget. Cheers

  • +1

    Parramatta Westfield have a couple 43" TVs and others in stock if anyone is interested. Lowest price they could do was $780..

  • Picked up the 43" one during click frenzy. Pretty sure its 10bit HDR. Great little tv for the bedroom.

    • I think it's only HDR8 bit. Not sure if it will work with XB1S however an early thread stated it does(for the 49" IPS) The best way to test this is using the HDR check settings on XB1S. But it is still a good price for a good TV. Cheers

      • Reviews for it say its 10bit. Its only issue is that its less than 400nits, while optimal nits for HDR is 1000 i believe. Looks great either way, just not as good as the 900d models.

        • Still that's pretty good! For a TV that is under $800 LOL. I would buy it

    • got one as well during click frenzy, it sure is a nice tv.

  • I believe the high end samsung starting from series 8 also has Bluetooth streaming to headphones ? good if you want to watch movie at night on a nice pair of Bluetooth headphones.

    Haven't found another brand that advertise the Bluetooth functionality.

  • Is there an option to add extended warranty through Sony Online?

    • No. but your statutory rights will cover you beyond 12 months.

      Or put it on a credit card with purchase protection / double warranrty

  • +1

    Does the X8000D can do Chroma 4:4:4?

  • -1

    Bought a x 7500d yesterday from JB para store. Great tv! From experience with all three brands, Sony have never failed me once. The only time that can stop me from using a Sony product is when it is getting dated(not broken). I have so many bad experiences from Samsung and LG. So I just don't trust the two Korean brands anymore…..I am not sure if I am the only one…. please + this comemment if any one else agrees with me.

  • Dang.. I ordered the 55" X7000 for 1099 3 days ago … Hopefully it is not a bad buy

  • +1

    Awesome, just got a DHL tracking email from Sony. Looking forward 4K viewing this weekend.

    • When did you order yours?

      • On 26th, around midday.
        Got delivery around 12 this morning. Haven't got time to open the box yet.

        • I ordered the 49" yesterday and got a an email today saying " "Unfortunately we're unable to process your order at this time." Rang them up and they said they couldn't find my order :(

  • I received this e-mail from Sony I got this e-email "Unfortunately we're unable to process your order at this time."I just rang Paypal to see why the money hasn't come out from my bank account and they told me Sony cancelled my order from their end.. Has anyone else experienced this?

    • Yes - I was hesitant to buy until I got a chance to check out the X8000s at the Sony Centre in Nunawading (they're pretty great btw, although it's true the 43" has poorer viewing angles and the new Bravia remote is horrible).

      I ordered last night, they charged credit card. When I woke up this morning, I had received the 'Unable to process your order at this time' email and the charge had vanished from my CC. Call centre said they'd have to contact Sony Store Australia (seems they don't let you ring those people directly) and get back to me within 24 hours. Only in 24 hours, it'll be the weekend, and I won't be able to chase it up before the sale ends on Sunday. Not impressed.

      Did anyone else successfully get these through the online store? @esx91 and @Jase2801 - did you get your orders sorted in the end?

      EDIT: Plot thickens. Logged in and it says I have 3 orders for same tv in progress! It gave me an error the first two times I clicked "Purchase now" last night, but apparently the system registered those as orders anyway (despite the fact that I only received one confirmation). I think their website needs work.

      • +1

        No my order did not get sorted at the end. When I rang them they said they couldn't find my order on their system and they couldn't explain why that was. They kept saying please ring back in 24hrs. After 3 more phone calls 24hrs apart they finally said they my order has been cancelled. My Credit card wasn't charged. They couldn't give me a reason why. So I left it at that.

        Oh and yes their call center is separate to the online Store and they wouldn't let me speak with them. So I bought the Samsung Series 8 4k TV instead. Very happy with it too :)

        • +2


          I finally got a response using online chat (first call did nothing). They told me that all 3 orders had failed and I should try again! Since I'm really keen on this particular model I did try again, but now the online chat is offline (despite it being well within office hours), so I can't check whether the order really went through. Won't be recommending this online store to others, that's for sure.

  • I just bought the 498000D from the Sony store and received an email saying: "We're currently reviewing and processing your order so keep an eye out for an email or SMS from us updating your order status."

    The website said it was on back order until the 16th of January, which I was fine with. Will see what happens.

    • I got that email yesterday, then another at 2.39am saying "We can't process your order at this time." Hope your order works out better!

      • +1

        They have taken the cash from my credit card but no further emails.

        It is also now back to RRP of over $2k but still on back order to 16/1.

        I tried to call the phone number on the email but it has been disconnected.

  • Did anybody get their TV?

    I've been fluffing around with the call centre for a month and multiple calls and emails and they can't find out the status of my order

    I'm going to push for a refund because the service is so ridiculously bad and I will probably never receive my TV

    • Yes just arrived today. Now have a 49" 4K monitor on my desktop PC

    • There was no tracking number but apparently delivery was attempted

      Unfortunately trying to contact Sony several times proved fruitless

      They received the return package that couldn't be delivered so hope the refund will come through soon

      Shocking service

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