I found cheapest price for new MacBookPro 2016. Previously I got MacBook Pro 15" 256GB with Touch Bar Space Grey with OW price match with iFrog for
$2947.36. Order on Sunday 18/12 picked up OW store 20/12.
Merry Christmas every one.
I found cheapest price for new MacBookPro 2016. Previously I got MacBook Pro 15" 256GB with Touch Bar Space Grey with OW price match with iFrog for
$2947.36. Order on Sunday 18/12 picked up OW store 20/12.
Merry Christmas every one.
Yes they will. I did it with my 256ssd
Please do not price match with officeworks. Today morning, I price beat with officeworks online sales person (against goodguys). Thay agreed 5% discount. So I placed the order with my credit card. And the amount Was deducted. Since I did not get the email confirmation. I called back with the order number, to hear them say them "due to security issue my order was rejected". After my credit card was charged. Now can not buy. Cause my Credit card was maxed out
So order in store then? Seems isolated.
MacBook Pro 2016 is not available in store
Did u find out more info re: security issue? Seems odd.
$3507 for a fancy piece of junk.
However +1 to you because its still a bargain compared to rrp
I helped with a +1 It's a never-ending battle against fanbois :(
As someone who works in I.T. and built every computer I've owned (recently built a nice rig) I just laugh when I see the price tags.
$3500 for something even some pretty big apple fans on youtube has said isn't worth even near the prices…
Not for me.
I'm nice about it and still get negged lol.
I also grew up on macs.
School got imacs when they were first introduced, used a lot of the older ones that still had floppy disk slots too..
They used to be good imo. But their price to performance now is horrible.
You just don't get the level of design covering all aspects of the computer in a Windows machine.
And besides, the only way to have Mac OS on non-Apple hardware is hackintosh, which is not for everyone.
@swapsey: or virtualbox/vmware.
Im not going to pay 2-3 times what somethings worth just because it looks pretty…
Especially not something that I plan on actually using.
Although thats how I am with everything.
So am I, with a mac I get what I pay for. Unparalleled design in a computer that I am used to using. Much like you I value my money, and yet I still buy macs. The value is still there for me, although it is shortening each year because of post-Jobs (Steve that is) design decisions.
The way I see it there are five things that drive whether you are blue or red on this issue:
@swapsey: You just don't get the level of design covering all aspects of the computer in a Windows machine.
I wonder if you get a $300 physiotherapy voucher from Microsoft for their Surface Book. You know, holding a 13" tablet for 10 minutes, constantly leaning forward in your chair to touch the screen, etc, etc
And that's after paying more for it than the MacBook Pro….LOL
@yoyomablue: I don't know, I personally enjoy my windows laptop that can play games at 4k and still cost me less than the macbook pro.
@Voltzy: until it comes to sell.
That's what I love about Macs, iPhones & iPads - buy them under the business, which is less 10% GST & 30% company tax, then sell them a year later privately for a profit.
And all the while the product doesn't freeze, crash or need an OS reinstall.
Can't agree more with your points. Especially number 3. If you have a sit down with a client and you're using a clunky Thinkpad, I highly doubt you'll get a follow up meeting.
@pharcyde: OOH (profanity) yeah lets compare a $700 windows laptop to a $4500 mac laptop!!!!
Great logic!
@yoyomablue: >macs don't crash and freeze lollll.
Two employees where I work and one of their kids come to me with their macbook pros (obviously not the 2016 ones) on a regular basis with issues. One even had ransomware.
Sorry but I've never really encountered issues with and computers/laptops running windows.
I bet your next goto point is claiming they get no viruses (which is not true either.)
@Voltzy: ahh, good ol' "anecdata"
Here's the view of Windows v MacOS from one of the world's largest I.T companies:
"Jonny is a freelance writer who has been writing (mainly about Apple and technology) since 1999."
Tmw when you link an article written by a freelancer who is also an apple fanboy.
@pharcyde: You apple fanboys sure are clinging onto "looks better"
If you're so shitty at your job that you need to rely on your laptops "looks" you probably should find a new career path.
@Voltzy: It was one of many sites that reported what IBM stated. So they are quoting IBM's own internal research. If you don't believe me, you are free to use the search engine Google to check….
Yeah you obviously know more than someone who works in i.t. and has been playing with computers (including all mac laptops and computers up until 2013) because you chose a few biased articles.
@Voltzy: nah, I rely on an impartial multi billion dollar company than some nameless tinkerman with his stories of yesteryear. I've heard your baseless, bleeding crap from so many on here ad nauseaum.
I'm not an apple fanboy. Hell, I even have a PC as my main rig. You're clearly a Windows fanboy, considering you've made like 20 different replies to people in this thread.
Your second statement doesn't even make sense. Do you have any concept of 'image'? What would happen if you wore a baggy and dirty suit to a job intereview, you think it wouldn't make a difference? Get a grip, mate.
@pharcyde: yep, it borders on pathological. Almost every Apple bargain is invaded by people who think they know better. I ditched Windows for personal use 6 years ago, after being frustrated with it for so long.
How about we just donate $2,000 to charity and buy the equivalent windows 10 laptop with the balance instead? Am I the only one shocked that people can justify this?
I guess I posted a minute too early… You get +4 I get -3 lol
You won't understand even if I told you ;-0
OzBargain can be a cruel mistress at times!
Good thing neg comments dont hurt. Otherwise I'd be screaming right now.
Don't worry we've all been there…… Said something seemingly innocuous, and then we're neg'ed to oblivion!. Some people (JV) thrive on Neg's!
You legend! Great discount.
That's cheap! -_- I'll buy 4!
FYI , don't price match online, just go to the store and ask for assistance. They will price match and email copy receipt + order number.
I have to agree , officeworks online is hopeless. I have been calling around to the reason for security check failure. Nobody seems to know. But at around 10am today morning officeworks had only 2 machines of silver colour of the above spec
They kindly replied saying they can put another order if I have the money in my credit card. I am not that rich to have 7k in CC account😩. Going to loose lot of bargains over Boxing Day sales, as my CC have been charged 3600 (blocked)
Maybe you should consider whether it's in your best interests to be buying a) a very overpriced & expensive laptop and b) the various bargains you allude to, when you can't afford a credit limit of more than $7000…just saying.
@Sir Casm: I am a IT guy as such, laptop is my main tool of trade. Therefor when tax deductions and everything taken into account (gst), it works out to be a good price out of pocket. The main reason for a MacBook Pro is to hold its value. So therefore i can sell it down one or two years later and will be profitable. If I buy something like a dell xps 15. It will not have a good resale value as opposed to MacBook Pro and would b out of pocket for my new laptop. Yes my main OS is windows (mac running on boot camp). Also I do iOS development as well. So for me MacBook Pro is a no brainer.
if only the 4GB graphics card option was a stocked item and not a BTO..
Hi OP!
Thanks for sharing our price #respect
For those of you price matching at OW make sure they don't try to tell you they can't because they are online only or any of that rubbish. We have 2 x Retail stores and if the OW Rep still won't do it tell them to call us (07) 4306 7019 and we will verify we actually exist and are "fully legit".
For anyone wondering why we would endorse you price matching elsewhere, we run low margins and work hard to keep our customers happy so if that means making OW lose $150 to honour a price match against us and the customer ends up happy we are all for helping you out.
Have a great XMAS all!!!
Do you a rough ETA for stock of the 256GB model?
Maybe you guys should have Price Match the Price Match! Better to earn some margin then none at all :-)
$3,663.04 – 5% = $183.15
Good find OP!!!
JBHIFI deal is still better though if you get the GCs for 10% off like i did and can be bothered.
JBHIFI have it for: $4,247 - 10% off Apple MACS = $3,822.30
Pay $3,822.30 with gift cards you got at 10% off = $3,440.07
Total Savings: $806.93 (19%) or $808.93 (19.038% from Apple's RRP)
Which gift cards?
Also JB aren't stocking this model
JB gift cards, Ultimate Kids Gift Cards.
You need to go in store and JB will order it in.
Sorry can you explain how I can purchase the gift cards at 10% off? This would help me a lot. Thanks.
Apple MacBooks cost less than Windows Laptops
That doesn't even take into account that, pound for pound, MacOS uses much less power than Windows and hence last longer per battery Wh
So much for people with IT 'experience'…..LOL
Surface Book more expensive for a smaller screen & crappier design
Not to mention, Windows 10 with all its bugs, crashes & freezes.
!Apple fanboy alert!
Mindless numpty alert!
why not just buy through ifrog and reward a little guy trying to give you a better deal
If i hadn't already purchased it already from JB, I would of purchased from iFrog for sure…
Just got a call from (03) 8672 7198….Very specific questions about "Genuine Stock", "Is that price available for everyone" etc etc
Googled number while on the call to them, Apparently it is Officeworks!!!
Can't blame them for trying to get out of price matching :P
We are up to 4 calls from Officeworks now….Just waiting for my Apple Rep to call saying that someone high up at Officeworks has complained that we are too cheap ;-)
I would rather travel to Japan and to buy it.
¥278,800 (税別)jpy without tax, around 3257.13 aud
I would rather travel to Japan and to buy it.
Japanese keyboard?
Including airfares?
And Japanease warranty ??
This is a $4249 computer according to apple.com.au. The OW price match would mean a saving of $740. That's a 17% saving. Nice work, if OW will price match ifrog??