A few TGG Deals.
Samsung Galaxy S5 Shimmery White - Unlocked Mobile Phone $399.2
Fitbit Charge 2 $180.8
yes .. wait for what item are you asking? .. I'll just say yes.
Price for the mouse? It's OK.
I have it and I think it's awesome.
Very good deal for the mouse.
I'm in the US at the moment and it's on special on amazon for about $83Aud
I'll have a bit of a look around but I might just order that and send it to a relo till I get home .
Time to upgrade my performance mx I reckon now I have the new MacBook Pro and need a dongle to plug in the receiver.
Hmmm looking to upgrade to the MX Master from my M950, but the varied reports of hardware faults have me a bit concerned. Anyone dealt with either The Good Guys or Logitech's warranty support before?
Varied reports of hardware faults? Never had any trouble with mine.
I've read of issues with the bluetooth connectivity and the scroll wheel, from Amazon reviews and even comments on previous deals here.
bluetooth connectivity problems are typically for mac users (from what i've read so I havent bought it)
I've got one and had the scroll wheel issue. Appears to have been fixed with later software updates as I no longer have any problems, but the scroll wheel would regularly stop. Oddly if you picked up the mouse, flipped it upside down then turned it right way up again and put it back down the scroll wheel would start working again (yes, seriously). When you flip it upside down it appears to reconnect (the light indicating which of the 3 devices it's connected to flashes then goes solid giving me the impression that it reconnects when you do that)
I had horrible lag using it with bluetooth so I just used the supplied dongle.
I was using it on 2 Macs (MBP 2013 and iMac5k 2014) so lux's comment below might be correct. I do have Windows PCs and laptops but haven't tested it on any of them. I've since gone back to using my G500 because the input lag in gaming was too severe for me (never had an issue with it during web / office type use though) and Apple fixed the corded Logitech performance issues in Yosemite.
Had a mac and returned the mx master after a week after using Bluetooth. Too many problems with it.
The pairing issue solved itself when I used the USB receiver but it left me one port down on my MacBook Air with only 2 ports!
I got one on release and never had any issues but there are others who have had problems. I imagine by now everything should be sorted.
This, mine's been reliable as clockwork for the 2 years I've been using it.
Serious question do TGG still do "pay less for cash" (what made them popular) or is that a last-decade thing? edit: just checked it's a last decade thing. apparently next to no one pays in cash anymore.
And you get like $5 off
It was mainly just a marketing gimmick anyway. You could still negotiate a discount even if not paying by cash. Now instead of "pay less, pay cash", it is "pay less, pay less" (which sounds a bit dumb, but not much else they could change it to).
My MX master scroll wheel lock switch is no longer working after 1 month of light usage. And I rarely use the switch so I confirm the issue reported by many other MX master user.
Although the fix is easy, you need to remove the layer under the mouse to access the screw, which I'm not confident it will be as smooth as before after peeled. Not bothered to do it
If it's a month old, take it back and get a new one for free… why the heck wouldn't you?
The same issue will happen again since it's a design fault so I just live with it
I have the same mouse, no such issue. I would try to swap.
That's just silly. It is a $70 mouse.
We have fantastic consumer laws in Australia. You can just request a replacement or a refund and buy a different brand.
Been using mine for the past 10 months. This is the older iteration with the old logitech logos etc. No issue with the free scroll/scroll lock.
Ive had my MX master for more than a year, have had no issue like yours. You should take it back and get it replaced.
Great price for the MX Master.
very good mouse.
I've got two of the mx master. I never thought I'd happily pay so much for a mouse until I got the mx master.
I'm sure the MS Intellimouse Explorer was around this price when I first got mine 15+ years ago.
$400 for the early 2014 Galaxy S5 is overpriced now. I could be decent if Samsung didn't abandon software updates for it.
People have been paying $545 for that eBay listing…
When did they stop updates.. mine updated to 6.01.
S5 started on Kit Kat, and got two major updates to Lollipop and Marshmallow.
6.01 will likely be the last official update for the S5, a shame for capable hardware.
On Vodafone. Only got to 4.4
Be fair, Snapdragon 800/801 wouldn't have gotten Nougat even if it weren't for Samsung's "We only do two major updates, and we don't care if you want newer UI on your device" approach.
@Oversimplified: Is there an oversimplified tl;dr of that? Or just Snapdragon 800/801 isn't compatible?
@Fobsessive: Google basically made it so that devices with Nougat needs to support Vulkan graphics API or GLES 3.1 and 800/801 don't. Custom ROMs won't be affected by it, but manufacturers probably wouldn't do it (Going against Google's guideline means they cannot ship the phone with Google Play Services bundle).
No more in store pickups in SA.
Yep. Out of stock in SA. Must of got in on time and have just collected mine from Marion.
I have an MX anywhere 2 - do you think it is worth upgrading?
How's this mouse for gaming?
I found lag killed it for me, even with the dongle (which was a lot better than BlueTooth), but I've always had that issue with wireless mice.
Bought Logitech mouse. Very good deal.
Is this a good price?