We might be a bit late on the Ozbargain 10th Birthday Sale but if you put "ozbargain" in your checkout page, you get free shipping!
Also we have $7 custom phone cases & $40 backpacks @ Vuelo Nomadic Goods
$1 Micro USB Cables Shipped @ Vuelo Nomadic Goods

Last edited 21/11/2016 - 15:13 by 1 other user
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Nope single sided.
It does look like that. What's the length?
one metre,
some dude just bought 30 of each.
so might not have that much stock left >50Well that's a bit greedy…
I know there's no rule, but if that was coupled with the ozbargain code it should absolutely be cancelled imo
Limit it to 5 per person or something. As a business youre trying to build a userbase and reputation, if you have 1 person come along and buy all of your stock….youve built up a reputation with 1 person.
ordered cheers (3 silver and 1 black)
Wait, was just about to press "Pay now button"… So the picture is irrelevant?
No Tinned Copper braid shielding? No High quality PVC Electrical Insulator? No 26 AWG*1P Thick Copper?yes, all of this is there. any issues, full refund.
You realize they are $1 and not $10?
Ordered 3 each. To be fair to others wanting some. Even if i could use 50 of them how often i lose them.
unrelated to the Micro-USB cable, but was browsing your shop can you confirm the USB TypeC cable is to spec and contains the 56k pullup resister (so it doesn't damage the wall chargers which aren't capable of output putting 3A).
Yes it does, our previous range (late 2015) batch had so many issues, henceforth we changed our supplier and all the current range have the resister and have been tested across every single nexus phone
awesome. Will try and grab one when the site isn't so sluggish, stuck on loading the payment options right now.
Glad I put my micro-usb order in early.Thanks rep.
Purchased 5 of the silver. Thanks OP
Sliver* (lol)
Grabbed 5 black. Thanks!
Is this product being shipped from overseas?
Nope. all from Adelaide.
Why are we doing this?
1. build trust
2. you always need to buy cables hence you will hit us when you need a phonecase/charger etc in the future.
3. Longtime member of ozbargain, wanted to give something back/ be on the front page :D againWhile reading your message, stock ran out. :)
Oh well.
i just wanted 1 USB Micro and i couldnt check out :(
EDIT : oops, didnt see the silver one
ozbargained while checking out :(
They've been ozbargained. Site is down.
out of stock
17 left of silver, will be adding more stock tomorrow if we run out today.
Please do
Been waiting…
are these for Apple or Android devices?
we have lighting cables as well, we can sell the for $4.00 Shipped. (MFI) if theres a demand, Ill put 300 up tomorrow.
yes please !!!
Will do tomorrow, Atm we have been ozbaragined.
Hey op i cant view my cart after adding the silver usb cable
What comes up
Error 508. Resource Limit Is Reached
This website is temporarily unable to service your request as it has exceeded it’s resource limit. Please check back shortly.
If you are the owner of the account and are regularly seeing this error, please read more about it in our knowledgebase. If you have any questions, please contact our Technical Support department.same same
These are similarly priced on AliExpress?
but these are in Australia and are sold in retail shops, and have been tried and tested by the ozbargin community.
These are the same exact cords - be real here, lol.
Thanks OP ordered.It was very quick got the silver one
Looks like out of stock now
out of stock
Could you please put a limit next time you have a sale..
Will be updating the site with more stock later on today/Tomorrow, have sold 500 cables in each colour.
Anyone thats missed out, please PM, I will send you a link .
Great to see the OzBargain 10 deals making good connections with the store reps and users
Dang missed out. Gotta be quick. Will pm OP
We need a limit say 3 max? … I missed out …
Here, here.
What length are these cables?
Interested in some 30cm cables to help keep the desk tidy.50cm most likely
@dyl: The OP says they're shipped from Adelaide, so no, they're not dropshipping those.
Also note that to get those prices, you have to order at least 100, and shipping is not included in the price.
Refer second comment
damn could have used some
Hey OP
Not related to this post but was looking through your other products and saw your bags that were on sale. Real interested in some of them, particularly the original serious backpacks. Currently, the only backpack under $100 for your store is The Producer – Snow Vegan which is $40 (stated above original post) and the original flamingo $60.
Was wondering when the other original serious backpacks will come back in stock and if possible (might be asking too much :D), could there be some sort of discount toward them which you could maybe add to your Ozbargain 10th Anniversary sale?
They've been ozbargained at the moment.
But it's one site I would come back to visit and support.
Adelaide-based: might sell some submarine spare parts soon too. :)
Received my cables today. Very happy with them on upon first use. Good quality, compact heads and firm fitment when connected to devices. I hope they last!
thank you, please Instagram/tag @vuelonomadicgoods :D
we will have a another sale once we can post again on the 28th!
actually just for the sake of comparison, say i dont mind waiting for shipping, how much is these on aliexpress? same or higher quality of course. link if anyone has bought previously and happy? my concern is the charging speed.
I got 5, they look and feel nice but the charge speed is terrible. Have tried all 5 and charge time is about half of my other cables.
damn! i bought some as well.. and what i wanted is charging speed….
hi Millzy,
Can you please pm your batch or order number, and i can sort out a RMA.
Looks like a double-sided micro USB cable. Is it?