So.. I am planning to move in to my own home soon.
I was planning on what internet service provider to get and other nitty gritty things.
I found a lot of fake reviews posted by PR agencies on product review. These days there are a lot of small resellers that have entered the market. Barefoot, boom telecom, mynet, mint, mate, tangerine, lizzy just to name a few.
I'd like to know are you with one of these providers or the old stalwarts like telstra, optus, iinet, tpg etc.
How much do you pay and how would you rate it?
I have a similar excellent experience.
They're the new Adam Internet..
Cheap rates, yet excellent network speeds as well as knowledgeable and Australian support.
The free month is a nice bonus, but they honestly don't need it to score recommendations.
They don't offer Unlimited, but the vast majority of people don't need unlimited anyway. My advice is to check your actual monthly data usage before lowering yourself to the congestion that "unlimited" providers inevitably have to offer.