So Trump wins... Now what?

Looks like Trump is gonna win. Aside from the usual "world is gonna end" "what happened to humanity" type of statements, what are some of the potential real threats? Interest rate hikes? End of globalization? Rise of new wave of racism?

What's your opinion?


    • Hopefully Trump declares Cyber Monday & Black Friday Deals have free shipping to Australia :D

  • +5

    Never has there been a leader so fitting of the people they represent.

    • +1

      Very nicely put.

      Americans don't care about the rights of minorities and women in general. They're going to set social policy from the stone age by appointing those radical, right-wing conservative judges to the supreme court.

      I hope RBG lasts for many more years to come on the supreme court.

      • +2

        Really? As compared to who/what? Australia? If so why is it that same-sex marriage is legal in America yet it isn't in Australia?

      • +1

        Really? niner - this is the reason the lifelong politician lost to the straight talking businessman.
        You just stereotyped a whole country, saying they do not care about women (over half the population) or minorities (i'm guessing over 1/4 of the population).
        How can you expect to change the opinions of people you are insulting.
        That is why Trump won. People are sick of being told of what they are and how to think.
        Your post just proves where the dems went wrong.

        PS: I would say the USA is one of the top 10 countries you would want to live in if you were a women or a minority. To say they don;t have rights is ridiculous.

        I haven't gone through all the posts in this thread but chose to respond to this one as it was on the last page.

  • -2

    Although, the American (and the British) reaction to their problems has been akin to "throwing the baby out with the bathwater" a Hilary presidential win would have, imho, resulted in violence by the "armed uneducated white males of the bible belt". 
    The next 4 years will allow the ordinary Americans to reflect on the fact that no matter who's in the Oval office, it's SSDD, same shit different day. 
    I think he will have to conform and to a great extent toe the party political line

    • +1

      Sure, as there was so much violence from the "rednecks" and "deplorables" when an African American got voted in twice!!!

      • well, no more than usual.

  • +1

    1) The issue at South China Sea will worsen.
    2) US will have less resources on NATO, meaning other countries defense will worsen.
    3) China will take opportunity to be even stronger with less US defense and backing on other countries
    4) Australia will be caught in the middle between defense and trade
    5) Economy will be worsen, house price fall, stock market falls, recession comes

    • +1

      You forgot the zombies…

      • And end of the world too right?

    • LOL

      You should read a little less of The Daily Mail.

      • ROFL some of it might be possible

    • +1

      So, do you not realise that Trump said NATO countries need to increase their spending, as it's currently unfair with the amount the US contributes? Not sure how increased spending will weaken NATO.

      Less US defense, how so? Trump wants to increase military spending.

      China is already taking that opportunity, and they would continue doing so regardless of who won the election.

      Please enlighten me on how the economy will worsen? How so, when Trump is against free trade agreements?

      • Easily answered.

        1) Other countries will need to spend more money. But how many would do so or can afford? Less contribution means less defense. Less US involvement means worsen.

        2) That's only for themselves. Apparently Japan and South Korea will be asked to get nukes to protect themselves.

        3) Not really. He is planning to have less goods made in China, within US. Which means it will hurt trades with China. Further boil the tension in South China Sea. And we are involved in that. China will further push Australia to choose China or US over the matter. China will further take the opportunity much more. Together with not selling Electricity and NBN to them, they are angry.

        4) Worsen because Australia is stuck in the middle and being commodity based economy it relies on China, on the other hand the defense force mostly driven and support US directions. This will affect sharemarkets, then will lead to even more housing investments. Supply over demand. Foreign investments leaving. House price will fall, then economy will go with it.

        PS. This is all speculation. 2017 will be am interesting year. We might be doomed

  • +6

    WW3 is put off for a while so you can enjoy that :D

    Hilary would have aggravated the current US-Russia tension.

    • +1

      Yeah, I guess Trump may be a bit of a rich arguably shonky businessman with little tact, but at least he isn't tied to all the horrific mega corps - big pharma, big munitions, and bankers. On the other hand, the Clintons… I'd be worried if he was like a Rumsfeld with a direct interest in military money and hence war.

  • +1

    One of the key errors Democrats made was placing Clinton in a race that was clearly to be determined by the disenfranchised. Consistently insisting that America was already "great" didn't play into the emotional rhetoric that Trump utilised. Instead, it created a situation where the working class hilariously voted for a man who relies on unpaid labour, untaxed imports, etc under the guise that he would provide jobs in dying industries. All this was done because Hilary simply wasn't a viable candidate and should never have been chosen in this political climate.

    Now, in regards to what happens next:

    Ideal scenario

    1. Ozbargain members should flock to the markets while shares are still down and grab a killing

    Most realistic scenario

    1. Nothing will change apart from the erosion of civil rights for minorities. Government will be business as usual and will show that the "anti establishment" point Trump ran on will be a facade
    • Yeah, I was thinking that if I was into short term money making, I'd have been buying shares last night…

  • +7

    People underestimated the dislike for Hillary and are now overestimating the power Trump will have. The skies will not fall, and like any politician, his election promises will slowly fade from memory.

    • +2

      It's like someone put it last night: better a person you don't like then a person you don't trust…

      Hillary isn't an angel that people think she is at least with Trump most of his dirty laundry is already all out in the open.

  • +4

    Now we wait if he act on his BS promises during the election. I got a feeling most of his promises won't be met and then there will be a huge backlash against him and his administration. If it feels any better he will be a laughing stock in a few years.

  • +2

    We'll be fine. Some people don't like outspoken person like Trump and feel hurt. But you don't know what's inside Hillary's mind too. Could be better or worse. At least with Trump, you already know up front the good and the bad. It's your choice to decide.

  • Anyone picking that Hillary and Bill can now consciously uncouple publicly now the deal has been honoured?

  • Props to Turnbull on the timing the refugee ban perfectly with the US Election. Good call, I must say. He knew the next refugees were probably coming from America.

  • People keep on talking about it. Can we move back to bargain hunting?

    • No because trump will destroy free trade

  • What's the song from Green day called again? 😂

    • Candidates:

      American Idiot
      Blood, sex and booze
      Boulevard of broken dreams
      Before the lobotomy
      F… time
      Jesus of suburbia
      Know your enemy
      Lady cobra
      Like a rat does cheese
      Panic song
      Tight wad hill
      Words I might have ate.

  • +5

    PRESIDENT TRUMP will exceed expectation at the white house

    • +4

      That's hardly going to be difficult for him.

  • +1

    The only very ironic thing with the 'drain the swamp' agenda is that his cabinet will be full of pro-establishment, ultra-conservative insiders from the 80s and 90s. The Trump Administration Cabinet list so far looks extremely bad. All of these members voted for wars in Iraq and will be advising Trump on what to do since he doesn't have much experience. Seriously, just check out their wikipedia pages - their political views are terrible. They'll be feeding him with super right wing views which Trump will easily be swayed by since he really doesn't know all the intricacies in government.

    You've got a president who wants to help the people but will have absolutely disastrous people advising him in his cabinet. I think he's got good intentions. I'm seriously hoping he gets a better cabinet and continues to speak out and not just listen to his 'advisers' otherwise it's going to be 4 years of conservatism on steroids.

    • +3

      Maybe he'll fire one a week until he finds his true apprentice?

  • Now we can get rid of the current LOTUS - Liar of the United States, Obama.
    And see if Trump can trump the half black LOTUS.

    • Now we can get rid of the current LOTUS

      You didn't do anything. After two years he is not allowed to run for the President's office anymore.

      • Yes I know. You mean two terms.

        • Yeah two terms. Sorry about the gaffe. Lot's riding on Trump to deliver the goods.

  • Rise in trump impersonations for certain so uh buy some stock in that.

    Also hand gestures 👌👌👌👉👈👉👈👆☝👇🖕✌🖖🤘🖐👋👏✊👎👍👐👐👐👐👐

  • +3

    Now Hillary goes to jail.

    • +4

      As much as this should happen.
      I'll be suprised if it does happen.

      • -3

        For what again?

        • +10

          Sure.. let me begin.

          1. Accepting bribes from countries that sponsor terrorism and chop heads
          2. Providing arms to those countries
          3. Advocating the murder of Julian Assange via drone assasination
          4. The invasion of Libya, which resulted in the deaths of Libyan civillians and US serviceman
          5. Clinton foundation fraud
          6. Illegal use of classified government information and lying about it


        • +5


          1. Conspiracy
          2. Conspiracy
          3. Nonsense
          4. Intervening in a civil war created by the Iraq mess was a tough call, damned if you do, damned if you don't.
          5. Conspiracy
          6. No legal precedent for prosecuting someone for breaching secrecy laws without CLEAR intent.

          I think Clinton was an awful candidate, but get real ans stop drinking the kool-aid.

        • +5

          To start off with Bengazi, Libya
          BREAKING Wikileaks: Abedin’s Computer Confirms HillaryClinton Was Behind Murder of Ambassador Stevens

          And read The Most Revealing Emails from the #PodestaFiles, Separated By Category if you want some insights into the kind of things the Hillary Clinton and her campaign got up to.

          Do some research yourself…?

        • @Pacify:

          The word Conspiracy comes from the word conspire.
          Conspire: con=together, spire=breathe/act in spirit.

          It just means "to act together in spirit".

          Conspiracy - A term used to discredit those who's seen through the bullshit.

        • -5


          I, and everyone one else, read the Podesta leaks. And guess what, for an internal campaign communication, damn were they mild. There was no smoking gun, just politics as usual. The wikileaks were almost irrelevant

        • -5


          No. It is a conspiracy theory because there is no evidence to back up any of those claims. They are just conspiracy theories.

        • -5


          So your evidence is to link a conspiracy article? lol thanks for that

        • @Pacify:

          Yes, nice pie charts.
          All is well, lets go watch footy.

        • -1


          Sorry, I believe a independent Charity assessor than small excerpts from emails that say nothing much.

          Clinton foundation is rated well by every metric.

        • @Pacify:

          Yes, so the question is can you hold two conflicting thoughts in your head for contemplation without outright immediately rejecting one or the other?

        • -1


          I've been following the us election since the primaries, the evidence to suggest that the Clinton Foundation did anything illegal is non-existent, and falls in the conspiracy category

          even the wikileak says nothing…

          "close friend of wjcs who said that cvc told one of the bush 43 kids that she is conducting an internal investigation of money within the foundation from cgi to the foundation"

          That says nothing at all. Just one guy emailing Podesta about chatter. Hilarious

        • @sintro:

          If you're going to do it, do it right:


          noun [ C or U ] UK ​ /kənˈspɪr.ə.si/ US ​ /kənˈspɪr.ə.si/

          the activity of secretly planning with other people to do something bad or illegal

        • +2


          WikiLeaks impact: Clinton Foundation accepts it received $1mn gift from Qatar

          Julian Assange: Isis and Clinton Foundation are both funded by Saudi Arabia and Qatar

          These info are revealing to provoke further investigation, not to outright reject it imediately as impossible.

          You use the word conspiracy readily, but what does it really mean?

          What is CONSPIRACY?

          In criminal law. A combination or confederacy between two or more persons formed for the purpose of committing, by their joint efforts, some unlawful or criminal act, or some act which is innocent in itself, but becomes unlawful when done by the concerted action of the conspirators, or for the purpose of using criminal or unlawful means to the commission of an act not in itself unlawful.

          You might aswell use words like collusion, scam or corrupt schemes or the like?

          Do it right? It was the etymology, origin of the word Conspire.

        • @Pacify: if you honestly believe she didn't intend to hire a company to set up a private server, you are being willfully ignorant

        • -1


          ME countries give to charities around the world, hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars every year. So?

          You are still just repeating conspiracy theories. There is no evidence for any of that garbage that has been repeated over and over for the last few months.

          I am sure there is a faction in Saudi Arabia that is funding ISIL (same faction that was responsible for Osama), but what does that have to do with Clinton. Nothing.

          You keep equating donations to a well rated Charity as donations to Clinton's back pocket. IF that was actually the case, do you really think the IRS would not notice?

          Stop drinking the kool-aid and think for yourself.

          Conspiracy as in a conspiracy theory, obviously (like i said 5 times lol)

          A conspiracy theory is an explanation of an event or situation that invokes a conspiracy without warrant, generally one involving an illegal or harmful act carried out by government or other powerful actors. Conspiracy theories often produce hypotheses that contradict the prevailing understanding of history or simple facts.

          Hillary was a garbage tier presidential candidate, but it wasn't because of the email server, or the Clinton foundation. its because she was everything thats wrong with the establishment. She insured that no other big name DNC member would run against her, she stacked the books so hard its not funny. She represents everything thats gone wrong with the Democratic parts for the last 30 years. But it wasn't the freaking emails. God.

        • double post

        • +1


          "Conspiracy Theory" is a term made for ignorant fools to conviniently dismiss anything in contrary to their existing belief or ignore information that is difficult to accept even when it is TRUE as conspiracy theories.

          When Hillary Clinton say "It's the Russians" that's her scapegoat of a "Conspiracy Theory". When anyone say anything bad about her even when it's true she'll call it a "Conspiracy Theory".

          Beware of the mind trick.

          Good point but none of us said it was just about how she handled emails. We found out the Truth behind what happened to Bernie Sanders and how the DNC screwed him from the DNC email leaks.

        • -1


          Okay. Enjoy the kool-aid, feel free to believe what ever nonsensical things you want lol

        • +1


          It's not about belief, it's about TRUTH and the journey to TRUTH discovery.

          If you readily throw out pieces of the jigsaw puzzle as junk, you'll have a narrow/limited worldview and never get the bigger picture.

        • +2

          @Pacify: Please research foreign donations to the Clinton foundation and increase in arms sales to said country when she was Secretary of State. Whilst searching, check what percentage of income to the foundation actually goes to charity, Clinton claimed 90% during the debates, actual number? Around 10%. Also look at the congressional report that found the AIDS drugs that the foundation was giving out were watered down junk which may actually have increased the risk of death. Also look into the Clinton foundation and Haiti. The list goes on…

          The Clinton foundation is simply a front for her crime syndicate.

        • +2


          Watch this The Empire Files: Abby Martin Exposes John Podesta

          REAL Journalism by a REAL Journalist.

    • +1

      … or a dungeon.

  • +1

    America goes backwards on social (abortion, gay marriage, religion, guns etc) and environmental issues (particularly climate change).

    Obama care is gone, and maybe some tax cuts for the corporations and rich.

    thats about it.

    Not great, but no end of the word

    • +3

      Backwards on gay marriage? I think you need to learn to think for yourself.

      Obama care gone?

      "We must have universal healthcare…I'm a conservative on most issues but a liberal on this one. We should not hear so many stories of families ruined by healthcare expenses……

      Tax cuts for corporations? Sure, so they can employ Amercians. Are you not aware that he plans on enforcing a 35% tax on all US companies that fire their employees and send their jobs overseas?

      • +1

        You miss understand, and don't seem to understand how the america system works… The president doesn't set gay marriage laws, the Courts do. Trump has publicly committed himself to appointing ultra conservative supreme court justices, and they will set the laws.

        When has Trump said once that he will do anything other than repeal Obamacare? A GOP congress isn't going to accept universal health care, just lol.

        The Tariff's will never happen, was just a sound bite. A GOP congress won't pass it. But they will pass tax cuts for the corporations.

  • +6

    hope the US dollar drops, I want my GTX1070 from Amazon.

  • Moving to Canada! Queue number 38,678,289

    • Two ahead of me. Well done, sir.

  • +4

    This is great news

    No WW3 with Russia
    No TPP
    No more wars
    No more regime change

    I have never been more optimistic about the world.

    • WW3 will be the war again the terrorist.

  • +1

    China begins the new NWO.

  • +1

    This is good for America, the Great Wall of America will save them billions and get the economy going a little too.

    He's 70 years old which does excuse a lot of what he's said.

    Who's been reading WikiLeaks? If there is justice in America, Obama and Clinton will go to prison.

    • +7

      I thought Trump was building the wall to keep the rabbits out just like emperor nasi goreng

    • +1

      But CNN told me that was illegal!

      I trust the msm for all my news. Trump.winning proves most of America is racist and sexist!!!!


    • -4

      Love to see one single Wikileak that actually shows something that Clinton deserves to go to jail for. While it gave a candid view of how politics works in America, there was nothing criminal in the slightest.

      • +2

        Jesus you speak some absolute nonsense.

        Shame my daily downvote limit hit.

        • Most people don't actually bother reading the emails, they just regurgitate some random opinion they read.

          For being 100% unfiltered emails from the heart of clinton's campaign, the emails were surprisingly mild. Which is why there was no smoking gun, no shocking statement that grabbed the headlines. It was just standard political crap.

          Welcome to the world of social media driven news, where facts don't matter, and feelopinions do.

          Try forming your own opinion from the facts, rather than just repeating the same old lines. I personally think Hillary was the worst DNC candidate in living history, but at least i have a reason for that opinion, not hurr durr emails hurr durr hillary for prison

        • @Pacify:

          Trump isn't the disease. He's the symptom. I just hope not a fatal or crippling one. The real disease is lack of education. Without that lack of education he'd never have been elected. The US education system is now so poor that most adults will believe anything they want to regardless of any resemblance to reality those beliefs hold.

          Uneducated people don't think science is important. Which is idiotic. Our society is founded upon it. We can change our laws, but the laws of nature don't bend to our will. Apart from the social injustice that his government will put in place the real damage this fool will do is destroy a superpower's ability to do science and control it's effect on the world's environment. When you have antivaxers, climate and evolution deniers in your midst, you're driving the boat without any idea how the controls work.

          Some of the nonsense coming out of people's mouths about the bad things that would have happened under Hilary are hilarious. For example people are claiming we'd have had WWIII. Completely ignoring that Trump used his time being advised on nuclear arms to repeatedly ask why he couldn't use them if he has them.

        • +3


          Saudi Arabia wants a pipeline through Syria
          Syria is friends with Russia
          Saudi Arabia is friends with Clinton
          Clinton declares no fly zone except for US coalition forces
          Russia can't attack ISIS
          ISIS (funded by Saudi Arabia) takes Syria
          Russia loses an ally & Saudi Arabia build their pipeline

          Think Putin would be happy about this plan?

          No-fly zone would ‘require war with Syria and Russia’ – top US general

        • @AngryAlfred:

          How happy do you think Putin will be once he has his first disagreement with Trump and Trump starts posturing and talking smack about Putin and Russia? Do you think Putin will wait for Trump to grab him by the crotch?

        • +1


          Typical left-winged argument. Ignore the facts about Clinton's policy and that top officials have said it would lead to war, ignore the fact that she repeatedly (and irresponsibly) accused Russia of hacking their emails saying 17 federal agencies have agreed. Debunked, ignore the fact that she said cyber attacks should be treated like any other and the US will be ready with MILITARY responses.

          Ignore FACTS because they are going to disagree and Trump is literally Hitler!!! Both men have already said they want to work together to restore ties between the countries, is that really a bad thing? Go and have a look at interviews with Donald Trump and people who have worked for him in the past and you'll see who the man really is, he's not the egocentric ogre the media make him out to be.

          And just to appease you, even if you were right, Trump talking smack is a hell of a lot better than what that bad egg Clinton had in mind.

        • @AngryAlfred:

          I truely don't give a shit how "typical left-wing" you find me.

          I didn't particularly want Hilary in office, but in contrast I am horrified at the thought of this cowboy that doesn't understand how the world works and has proven that he will use and abuse everyone to sate his ambitions having real power!

          You want to talk about ignoring facts? How about the fact that Trump has ruined lives with his failed businesses? How about the fact that he has stated he believes vaccines cause autism and that global warming is a hoax? How about his VP on record stating that he doesn't believe smoking kills? He's a young earth creationist for fark sake that doesn't "believe" in evolution. How are you going to run a world you don't understand because you refuse to let anything that doesn't fit in with your preconceived superstition sink in?

          And you want to talk war mongering? Repeatedly asking "If we have nuclear weapons, why can't we use them?" is not a good way to spend your briefing as presidential candidate. This is an irratic man who may well throw his hands up in exasperation and the complexity of the middle east and just nuke the crap out of parts as his "best solution ever".

          Hilter also promised peace and prosperity and making Germany great in the 1930s. Read some damned history some time. With Clinton there would have been broken promises. With this guy you have no idea what he'll backflip on and on what whims he'll make his decisions. That's just scary.

          I simply don't understand poor struggling working class people who think a rich ruthless business man with the proven scrupples of an alley cat and the scientific literacy of a labrador retriever is going to do anything to help them. He's going to use them for his own goals and discard the husks of the humanity when he is done.

          You want to go look at the people he has worked with? Okay let's take a look then.

          Or how about this one "Hundreds allege Donald Trump doesn’t pay his bills"

          And you have the gumption to accuse ME of ignoring facts? Are you high? Or just desperate and gullible?

        • +2

          @syousef: OK my friend, let's calm down.

          I didn't call you typical, I said your argument to just flat out ignore things was typical. I have a rebuttal for all of your arguments but it's obvious we will not agree on any of them so there is not much point in continuing. So to you I extend my hand and we part ways peacefully.

        • +1


          Happy to agree to disagree and part peacefully. Too much angst atm.

  • +1

    Trump declared his bankruptcy for many times how can people still trust him to run a country? Amazing.

    • +1

      haha. If you go to google and start typing in "Why do…" the first search suggestion is "why do people like Trump".

    • You just didn't eat enough Trump Steak. How was he supposed to know.


      He was only bankrupt, the country is worse than bankrupt.

    • -1

      So, did he ever get out of bankruptcy?.

    • Several of his companies filed for bankruptcy, but he never declared personal bankruptcy.
      The wonders of limited liability.

  • +2

    I for one welcome our new orange colored overload.

    • +1


  • +4

    stop crying on about it, the president was known way before the votes were casted.
    You think the president has any say in the white house other than get told what to do?
    Obama said he'll close Guantanamo bay within 90 days, 8 years later he was told to shut the fk up.

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