This was posted 8 years 3 months 27 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

Mafia III (Xbox One, PS4) $62, NES Classic Edition $99 @ BIG W


Mafia III's price is not bad for a new game.
The NES Classic Edition will release on the 10th of November.

While the NES is not a bargain initially, it's possible to purchase it for $94.05 after purchasing a 5%-off ($99) giftcard from CashRewards.
The same can be said for Mafia III at $58.90.

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closed Comments

  • +1

    NES is RRP. What's the bargain?

    • +4

      Its a bargain for the (profanity) scalpers putting it up on ebay for $250

      • +2

        Not to mention Mafia 3 is a bargain while NES classic is the honorary mention.

      • why is it so much in ebay? is it Australia exclusive? or limited edition?

        • Because Nintendo cannot produce enough to meet the demand, but alot of the demand is artificial created by resellers

        • +3

          It's neither Australia-exclusive or limited edition. The consoles is geared towards late-20s to late 30s who grew up with a NES and being able to play 30 games from one console with little hassle is a big reason many will want this.

          Pre-orders at EB sold out in a day (no really, it did). I predict many will turn to ebay for a convenient way of obtaining one, since not everyone will have easy access to a Big W or Target on opening time.

        • +1

          @silverrat23: the second round of preorder from EB, sold out in under 2 min.

        • @RichardL: I think you mean in under 20 seconds.
          I was sitting at a computer at work waiting both times they had it available. But unfortunately It'd seem there were people using bots.
          The thing sold out before the website crashed both times and that was about as long as it took for me to click "add to cart" and get to the address section.

        • @Voltzy: haha, I had it in my cart but sold out as I got to checkout.

        • @megatallica:

          Considering the resellers seem to be sold out I don't think it was artificially created.

    • Like above by megatallica & Letrico.
      It's also out-of-stock everywhere (unless you want to wait for 3rd drops etc.).

      • +1

        Like above by megatallica, Letrico and Linkwick.
        It's also out-of-stock everywhere (unless you want to wait for 3rd drops etc.).

        • +1

          Like above by megatallica, Letrico, Linkwick and Putnum.
          It's also out-of-stock everywhere (unless you want to wait for 3rd drops etc.).

  • Maybe it's pre-order sold out at EB.

    • +1

      It did. In a day.

  • -3

    Still cut the NES doesn't have Super Mario Kart :(

    • +9

      Super Mario Kart was never released on the NES. It was released on the SNES (Super Nintendo Entertainment System).

      • +4

        There you go, explained! Thanks

    • +8

      Not knowing the difference between SNES and NES! Sacrilege.

    • +4

      Doesn't have Halo either. What a rort.

  • +3

    For a moment I thought that Mafia III was released on the NES Classic. Would have been interesting.

  • +2

    I bet the nes will be 50 bucks after xmas… heavy discounting after the hype has passed. Was thinkinh of buying one for the kiddies.. but they will probably laugh at it since their ipad games full of ads look better lol .. maybe ill just buy it for myself.

    • Put NES, SNES, GB, GBC, 64, PSX, GBA and DS emulators on their iPad and give them a complete awakening.

      • RetroArch

      • Get a Pi and build a retro console, more fun than fiddling around trying to jailbreak an iPad.

    • There will be demand from collectors and Nintendo often releases limited runs.

  • I tried to see if Target would let me pre-order or reserve the NES but no. Then they gave some odd reasoning that if I rang up on the day, they could put one aside, but couldn't guarantee they could do this if I turned up 8am (prior to going to work) and they weren't yet on the shelves. The girl at the front told me if that happened, I'd need to see a supervisor to try and see if one could be kept back for me.

    I remember they made a song and dance about me going in on the day Dark Souls 3 was released. They hadn't put it on the shelf and weren't helpful in telling me when it might go on the shelf. I ended up going back at lunch time and getting EB to price match.

    Target are limiting the amount a customer can buy (might be one per person), which is good.

    • +3

      It's because we don't really have a pre-order system in place (my store had Playstation VR preorders and nobody knew what to do…) so it's generally based on who you talk to whether on not something gets held.
      If I get a call saying "Can I hold a NES for tomorrow" and then I come in in the morning and they haven't arrived, you'd get angry when you came in (We get most things delivered on release day an hour before stores open). That's why when you call and we can "put one aside", it's all ok. We aren't really meant to do that either but 90% of staff will.

      A little confused about the Dark Souls 3 thing. It sounds like they didn't get their shipment cause I can't imagine why someone wouldn't put them on the shelf, or at least get the box out otherwise. Sometimes we get delayed until midday but it's really, really random sometimes with the delivery trucks.

  • +3

    Mario Kart 7 is scanning as $42 at Big W at the moment if anyone needs it.

  • +3

    I'm sure there will be tons of these on the shelves in the lead up to Christmas. Otherwise Nintendo will be shooting themselves in the foot to make some money before the Shift comes out. My advice if you can't get one on launch, just wait. Don't pay ebay scalpers. If you can't wait play the games on a damn emulator. Or if you want to spend scalpers prices buy an NES and Everdrive. Just my 2c. Cheers

    • You mean the Switch?

  • +3

    NES discussion aside for a second, has anyone here played mafia III and have they patched all the bugs?

    • +1

      Still rampant with bugs. But i find it actually adds to the game. The gameplay comes repetitive within 10hrs and the only thing keeping you going will be the hilarious bugs.

      • +2

        Ok, will give it a shot when Target start selling it for $27

  • +1

    The controllers are available online only. They seriously won't have them in stores to buy alongside the console?

    • do you think click and collect will be available from local stores or will the online consoles/controllers be shipped from a bigw warehouse (so then you would need to pay for shipping as well)?

      • Who knows… It would suck if you needed to pay shipping on a $19 controller. I'd just say go to Target instead!

        • BigW is 5minutes from home…target is 20 lol I wonder how much stock they will actually have? I read from some BigW staff their store only has 20-30…

          I've never had to line up before a store opens to purchase anything…not sure what to anticipate…

        • I sent Big W a message on facebook asking if they'll have controllers in store or not.

          If you're ultra keen on it, I reckon just get there 10-15 minutes prior to open.

        • +1

          That's the plan….just hope there's not 20-30 ppl in front of me!

        • Bring your phone and try to score one through Target (eBay) or Big W online. At least as a back-up plan!

        • +1


          I'm going to be up extra early to order it online…!!! But you don't get that rush when you get ur hands on popular items hahah Thank you :)

    • Tried ordering online a nes classic and extra controller about an hour ago. Kept get stuck in the checkout. keeps going down

      • They're long gone mate…

        • It was working for others on Whirlpool too:

        • @futaris:

          I will be very surprised if those late orders are processed.

          Big W had EXTREMELY limited stock, and their website got absolutely hammered and was plagued with bugs.

          But hey, keep trying if you're desperate for one. I just think you've got little to no hope of getting one until the second release in December.

  • +3

    Thanks OP, never even realised you could order the wish egiftcards with 5% discount….all this time, been paying full price for everything at BigW and Woolies!!! >_<

  • Aaaaand it's gone.

    They had 12 consoles at my store…

    • Did u manage to get one?? Is there some sort of system for ppl lining up outside the door or isit literally doors open n everyone rushes in??

      • Nope. No dice.

        • my store had 9…i was 12th in line. They said something abt taking numbers of 10-12th customer details….but then gave my spot to someone else. hat the actual fk. No point complaining but seriously, was so annoyed they let the COUPLE in front of me count as 10 +11 and gave my spot to some other lady who clearly pushed in. Knew I didn't stand a chance being pregnant and toddler in tow hahaha!

  • We got one from Target . they had a ticket system in place . No controllers though. Big W site has crashed i had a controller in my Cart GRR

    • I Have been trying since 5am this morning lol Guessing they didn't expect that amount of traffic…site is still down for me…sighs

  • +2

    More coming in December apparently:

    • LOL at the dumbasses bidding $400+ on ebay for one.

      This is the first time in 20 years Nintendo has been really relevant at Christmas with the must have toy. They would be busting their asses to get more out to cash in on this demand. I was in no doubt there would be more coming.

      • they should blow hime out of the water like the joke ebay post . 100k should do it
        Another has one on for $500

  • Apparently, people started queuing from 7am at Macquarie centre, NSW this morning. Target had 21, Big W had 18. I missed out.

    • I heard from a staff member at JBHifi that they only had 500 for all stores.

      That seems like nothing.

  • +1

    For all those who missed out on the nES mini

    I ordered this…

  • Went to Liverpool Target this morning at 7:45am and was number 22 in line (They had a ticketing system). Ask the first guy when he arrived, he said at 6:15am. Wasn't that many console at Target, maybe about 30ish and only 9 controllers. Proceed to Big W, and apparently they only had 10 in stock, which has already been ticketed out to people in line.

  • +1

    I actually got a mate to purchase two in the Philipines for me after I waited 2 hours trying to secure one on EB's site on Tuesday. Apparently they were the last two in Manila and had to pay the attendant a little under the table to take them off hold :)

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