This was posted 8 years 4 months 10 days ago, and might be an out-dated deal.

  • expired

EVGA GTX 1070 SC ACX 3.0 Black Edition US $404.85 (~AU $530) Delivered @ Amazon

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Great price considering EVGA's international warranty.

Edit: Might be possible to get Gears of War 4 free, see discusion below

Redeem Gears of War 4

Base Clock: 1594 MHz/Boost Clock: 1784 MHz; Memory Detail: 8192MB GDDR5
Run Longer, Play Longer with EVGA "ACX 3.0" Cooling
Ultimate 4K GAMING (up to 120Hz + GSYNC)
DX12 OSD Support with EVGA Precision XOC
3 Year Warranty & EVGA's 24/7 Technical Support

Price History at C CamelCamelCamel.

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Amazon US

closed Comments

  • +4

    Do you definitely get Gears of War 4, being an import from US to Aus?
    A bunch of people in the reviews saying they didn't get a code with the card, even those in the US apparently.

    Great deal otherwise lyl!

    • Thanks, googled it, and found two articles:……

      Apparently there was a 'glitch' where Amazon sent the codes upon purchase, so many exploited by ordering it to receive the code and then cancelling their order, resulting in Amazon being now removed from the promotion.

      • +1

        It only seems to indicate that Amazon no longer sends out the code automatically, but there shouldn't be anything stopping you from directly registering your card with EVGA and claiming a code that way (or by manually contacting them and showing proof of purchase)?

        • Bit of a gamble but worth a try if ordering one anyway!

        • +2

          Hmmm have kept the link up, hopefully there's still a way to get it.

          EDIT: Just found that in a previous ozbargain deal that they didn't receive a code, and some were able to get a $61 USD refund after persistently contacting amazon support

        • +1

          @lyl: I fall into that category. Bought it during the last deal and after heaps of discussion with Amazon they agreed to refund me after I placed an order for Gears of War.

        • @lyl: Amazon have a customer service policy in which if one representative tells you you'll be able to get something all subsequent representatives you contact must honour that initial promise, which can become incredibly beneficial in this sort of situation

        • EVGA will not give you a code, they told me to chase Amazon for the code. Nice company.

      • +2

        This is why we can't have nice things!

    • +6

      You do NOT get GOW4. I recently got a GTX 1070 from Amazon, and when I tried to register it with EVGA it was knocked back

    • +1

      You will not get the game. I have asked Amazon and here is the reply:

      I do apologize, but we currently aren't offering this promotion through If you'd like, you can contact the manufacturer directly to inquire if orders count, or what you'll have to do in order to qualify for their promotion. They can be reached at 1 (800) 797-6530. I'm sorry we don't have further information on the promotion NVIDIA is offering.

      I hope this helps. We look forward to seeing you again soon.

      We'd appreciate your feedback. Please use the links below to tell us about your experience today.

  • +1

    I know it's EVGA and they have great customer service, but be aware of the recent cooling issues where the cooler of these cards aren't making contact with the GPU. Would link the guru3d post but I'm on mobile.

    • +4

      Rocket Chainsaw have it covered and there's a link to get the free thermal pads sent out.

      I've already got some heading my way for my 1080 FTW. free shipping to Australia.

      • Thanks for linking that. Great price regardless of Gears not being included.

      • It says there's a problem with their custom cards, does the SC/ACX count? It's reference PCB with a custom cooler. If it does, then it should be noted that the Black edition doesn't have a backplate and thus the thermal pad solution as described is useless.

        • If you register your 1070 or 1080 with EVGA on their website then you can check if your card is eligible for the free thermal pads. You can only order them if you have a registered card that it applies for

      • Considered doing that but will the installation void the warranty? If so it might be best to wait until it dies naturally.

        • +1

          does not void warranty. EVGA warranty is quite relaxed

      • +2

        EVGA GTX 1070/1080 Overheating Issues - Company Says Thermal Pads A Solution.

        Was looking at getting this card. Would have expected better from EVGA than to just offer a band aid solution and expect the end user to fix it themself. Still rather not have to deal with this issue and just buy another brand that was designed correctly in the first place

        • That only applies to ftw cards and mostly or only 1080 I believe. EVGA is known for their customer service, but not so much with their gpu design. If you want great cooling, msi is usually a safe option.

          But apparently there is a problem with vrm voltage on 1070 cards with micron memory, so it might be a good idea to read it up once or if you get a 1070 because it can be fixed with a bios update from the respective vendor

        • @Hunga:

          That as well. Two problems, doesn't look good for 1070 cards

        • @g12345567: Again, it's only the FTW cards since it has a custom pcb and EVGA messed up the vrm design. All the other 1070's including this one (which has a reference pcb) is fine.

      • My 1070 SC (non black edition) is eligible for the pads on their support website so must affect these cards as well?

  • +3

    Bought this on release 0 regret stable 2000mhz clock reasonable temps in my 760t,
    Will be another when bit cheaper

  • Got this two months ago, it's awesome!

  • Have this, over clock the shit out of it. Fan never gets used dosent overheat. Do recommend

    • +1

      Same. Never seen fan go above 44RPM lel.

  • Its about the same price on newegg and you DO get the game on there. But if you want to go through the hassle of contacting amazon support then amazon is the way to go for the pure refund.

    • +1

      Added this to cart and getting US$427.92 delivered, newegg charges a much higher delivery fee.

      • +1

        Yeah, I changed it to australian currency and it came to around $554 AUD. Even with the small cashrewards thats about $20 extra

  • I remember almost like couple years ago that I bought the MSI GTX 970 from 20$ off ebay , with the bonus of Witcher 3 Game Code GOG From NVIDIA + Got 10% off from TRS, and that time there's a VPN pre-order bargain Witcher III expansion (Touissant + Hearthstone) for around $US 15. Ahh What a time to be alive

    • +1

      A GTX 970 for $20….?

      • +1

        %. sorry the % and $ placed closely together.
        Also $20 off for 970 doesnt make that much difference

        • I also did that, good times, though gigabyte didnt want to honour my purchase because I was one day early, had to return it and buy a "new" one to get the free game. PCCG had a great 7 day no reason return policy on ebay.

  • I have this, great card and international warranty.

    It wont come with a GOW4 key so I suggest checking the other sellers like B&H, newegg, etc who still give out keys if you want the game.

    I managed to get a key from EVGA directly but it took some hassling via their support.

  • Is there any particular reason why Australian retailers aren't stocking a lot of the EVGA graphics cards specifically the EVGA GTX 1060 SSC version? I've been looking around for this card, but it seems like the SC is the only one available.

    • 'Cause EVGA offers international warranty so not many ppl choose to pay more for the same thing they can get online for a lot less.

    • Probably because EVGA has no less than 11 variants of GTX 1070s available… if PCCG stocked all 11 of them, EVGA designs would account for nearly half of the available cards that the stock

      EVGA's SKUs are actually getting a bit out of hand these days

  • Lol 4k…

  • I saw the Black Edition for $389 a couple weeks ago.

  • +1

    It's showing the card for $460.09. Guess it went up in price :(

    • +1

      Still showing as $404USD del for me in cart.

      Maybe check you have the 1070 SC Black selected?

      • +1

        Yeah it came back for a short moment and I just got my order in. Showing as $461.09 now. When I ordered it, it said it will be in stock on the 30th… hopefully I will still be able to claim Gears Of War 4 since it will still be in the promotion window.

        • Amazon is not part of the Gears of War promotion. I have contacted Amazon support a number times, they won't budge.

  • +1

    In stock again for $404.

    • +1

      Error, amount not found.

  • +3

    The Black Edition - for those that do not know - is actually just the EVGA GTX 1070 SC ACX 3.0 without a backplate. Yes that's right, black edition just means no backplate.

    • Is it nicer with or without the backplate?

      • +1

        Card bends a little bit if it has no backplate. Doesn't hurt the card but it doesn't look good aesthetically.

    • thanks, I was wondering what the difference is. Is there any advantage for not having a backplate?

      • Backplate looks better.

  • +1

    Ok took the plunge. Sold my 290 awhile back for 300 and was waiting for the 490 to be released but considering the stupid prices on the 480 currently I won't regret going for a Nvidia. Shame I really do want to support AMD but the pricing is just stupid at the moment. Considering this is 100 bucks less than what any decent aussie shop sells for and with EVGA's great warranty I was sold.

  • Price seems to have updated. It's available right now for US$390

    • It's the same as what it was yesterday.

      Order Summary
      Item(s) Subtotal: $389.99
      Shipping & Handling: $14.86
      Amazon App Referral: -$5.00
      Total before tax: $399.85
      Estimated tax to be collected: $0.00
      Grand Total: $399.85

      It has now changed to say this though.

      In stock but may require an extra 1-2 days to process.

      Hope that doesn't affect the ones ordered yesterday, mine still hasn't changed status.

  • Just be careful with EVGA (great branch I know). The lastest 1070 and 1080 are not perfect. Seems they did not put anything to cool the memory. Some information is here:…………

    The memory are not samsung, are Micron.

    • This is a problem on AIB cards.

      The 1070/1080 SC uses reference PCB design - it is basically a founders card with an ACX 3.0 cooler.

  • Anyone had their ship yet?

    • +1

      Mine shipped at 6pm tonight :) though it went cheap postage so won't get it til the 11th. Worked out to $534 delivered to Adelaide

      • Mine just got shipped, looking at the carrier info I now know what you mean by cheap postage haha.

        • Mine was just delivered.. 9 days earlier than estimated. Glad I didn't worry about paying for more expensive shipping :)

        • @cdkit3:
          Wow that would've been a nice surprise. Happy gaming bud!

          Mine says arriving 10th but no scans on the Auspost site yet.

  • With this offer

    my Gigabyte GTX1070 OC mini was $553 with Gears of War

    For local stock…
    No point playing the EVGA GTX1070 lottery

  • FYI for those asking about the GOW code - I purchased an EVGA 1080 FE from Newegg and was emailed a code.

    I know it's not Amazon but this does mean that US sellers still provide the GOW code.

  • now unavailable

    • available again

  • Was going to grab this, but at $436 at the moment.

    • Keep checking, every second day or so I see this back down to the $389.99 price.
      Mine finally arrived on Tuesday woohoo.

      • Ok thanks for the tip, will do.

  • Heads up I got a 20% refund from Amazon since it didn't include GoW4. So ended up only costing $445!

    • Hi Mikeyb, would that need to go through customer service?

      • Yep just said I noticed GOW4 wasn't included and they straight away offered 20℅ refund or send back for full refund.

  • How long for this to ship to Perth?

  • Anyone knows if it is still possible to ask for a refund for the lack of the code for Gears of War 4? Thanks!

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